Cloud has huge hands in the original

>Cloud has huge hands in the original
>Remake he has small hands
wtf, censorship much?

Attached: 1553624473694.png (138x258, 22K)

I saw that tweet too.

nobody seems to complain about him having AC hair instead of the original hair

sick twitter maymay xd

It is time to admit Cloud was based on Donald Trump.
What are clouds most defining features? crazy blond hair and VERY large hands.

This. Dissidia Cloud looks more like himself than in FF7R.

Attached: image.jpg (1920x1080, 296K)

By that logic he should have enormous shoulders and thighs too

First time I've seen this. Is that actually how the game looked? How did boomers take this seriously?

That wasn't changed in response to a need to make men and their sexuality evil so that they can justify turning them into second class citizens, and you know it.

One of the big defining traits of a villain is perpetual dishonesty. Think on that. Do you have an honest bone in your body?

don't matter i didn't ask for a remake i asked for a true remaster like 8 got.

They didn't change his hands for ethics reasons, SE fucked up your snoy defense force memes

FFVII was never meant to be taken seriously zoomer

Why does anybody want a FF7 remake, the original game is fine.

>want FFVII with updated graphics but intact game mechanics
>get FFVIII instead


Attached: 1555329529854.png (128x128, 29K)

>tfw ethics committee removed his paint brush hands
it hurts

>He posted it again

This model is just supposed to be a 3D version of what FF characters previously looked like in pixel art.
The characters were more detailed during fights and cutscenes

Attached: ff6.jpg (480x320, 53K)

>tifa was changed to make men evil
you're fucking retarded

>believes mistranslated news

Attached: 1551168373054.jpg (1200x1104, 296K)

>They didn't change his hands for ethics reasons, SE fucked up your snoy defense force memes

>Anything refused by Ethics department is unethical
>Anyone not hired by HR was refused because they were unHRal
>Anyone fired by Chief Executive Officer gets shot to death.

Will this make a return?

Attached: 4cd94c3c4ca811c5fe7baf2bbbc4be47.jpg (222x300, 9K)

Yeah this remake is shrinking a lot of things.

No, it's ableist and unethical

What's the argument behind sexual objectification?

>Gibblergummers hate ethics now


he'll be playable

You can always tell an American said something fucking stupid about FF7 because it's either

-A misunderstanding of what Chibi artstyle is
-Not knowing what Chibi even means
-Not understanding why a console made in the 90's would use simplified paper doll models when it has to render dozens of characters at once.

And finally

-Posts their screed of retardation on Retardville, USA (also known as 'Twitter') before copying that same tweet and bringing it over to Yea Forums to show the rest of the world how dumb and ignorant you are.

Yes, burger. Everyone saw that you're fucking stupid. Your motorized cart is extremely proud that you were able to draw two completely differing conclusions at once because you're an idiot. I'm sure twitter, that place you should go and stay at, gave you lots of likes from other retarded Americans for it.

Attached: why_these_threads_happen.jpg (572x682, 176K)

I really don't see any evidence that the rest of the western world is any less of a cesspit of stupidity. Is America the country that's arresting political dissenters and making it illegal to run ads that offend feminists? Also, who has the president that got elected largely as a reaction against far left wing politics?

rent free


Attached: cloudsummon.gif (374x355, 1.17M)

i strongly feel this image communicates a great deal about the human condition

i'm complaining internally, he looks really dumb with small hair

I know right? They changed fucking everything! Like it's a remake or something!

Attached: Classic Edit.jpg (584x1200, 86K)

>The translations are all wrong! Mine is right!
That guy is still paraphrasing the Japanese. It clearly says:
激しいアクションでも(during violent action) 不自然(unnatural) にならないように (to not be) 胸部(chest) を絞める(to constrict) 必要(needed)
So the widespread translation that the ethics department constricted her chest is 100% accurate. There's no mention of a "loose top" or anything.

Cry more,fatass. Tell us again about how removing Chibi art is just like censoring Tifa's tits before the six mexicans employed to give you a bath have to come restart your heart again.

>Having a mouth
Remove it, it was a PC change you know

>no mention of them shrinking her chest
congrats, stupid fuck, you just proved my point

I wonder if I can fit that sword up my ass.

Are you unable to read or just pretending to be illiterate retard? If you just want (you)s, say so.

rent free

do you not know what the fuck people are crying about or do you live under a rock?

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