Be honest. Are you really going to not play it?
Pokemon /SS/
I'll wait for the third version.
Yes, because there are lots of BWC sluts in that game
haha racism is based and redpilled
please upvote me my fellow redditors
I'll emulate it.
Race realism will never stop being real no matter how much you hate it or are told to hate it. Stereotypes exist for a reason.
Pokemon Sub-Saharan
Reminder that this controversy is completely about insecure niggresses that are desperate for representation and who’ll go as far as harassing fanartists on twitter, writing walls of text about how she doesn't count as an Indian/Arab/etc character because "only niggers can have dark skin!...other brown races don’t exist! blacks have features like straight hair, blue eyes and non-ape skull shape...How blacks are allowed to exist in Nip media" and other meaningless denial-driven shit like that
Deep down, they know niggers can only look attractive if they are 2D and have no nigger features, that’s why they latch onto Nessa design so much
blacks live DON'T matter
You can throw your little tantrum how many times you want but that will not change
this could literally be reseteras new mascot
also, on a scale from 1 to 10 how finished is the person who draw this?
has the NSFW version been release yet?
Imagine being this mad about a cartoon drawing.
how does this make any sense? who are you to decide what lives do and do not matter? rofl??
If you think it's not going to be just as bad you're an idiot
I'd be down for a cute monkey waifu
>Because of Gen 8, people on Yea Forums are pretty much admitting pokémon was never good and the only thing that kept them in was waifushit and porn.
God I'm loving this so much
She's actually hotter now.
dumb homura poster
He's right though. The mainline pokémon games were okay at best
>summerfag Yea Forums edgelords try to make ape edit of hot black character
>ends up making her even hotter
>actual apes are hotter than niggers
Damn, the one thing they had.
Yiff in hell, furfags
You guys know humans are apes, right?
kys retard
What reason is there to? I stuck with it because it let me hoard neat things without taking up space, and let me take them across years worth of games.
"Home" holding them for 5+ years while I wait for some of them to be usable again is just an insult. The games aren't good enough JRPGs to warrant removing anything. In terms of quality the Pokemon games have almost nothing superior gameplay wise apart from the huge possible party member array and the continued progress of collection aspect. These games can suck my nuts.
I know, I just wanted to call him dumb for posting worst girl. Pokemon is unironically trash and more people are waking up to this.
>I'd rather fuck a monkey
>Than a nigger
goddamn, from fighting over skin color, to blatant making a chimpanzee and now she is a hot monkey girl. my dick cannot handle a lot of variations. im gonna need a second heart to pump all that blood down my boner
Step on me
Reddot is for anti racism retard
4channell is a pro racism website
>cherry picking
A race realist. But anyway, who are niggers to say their life matter, then?
>No megas
>No Mantine
>N64 graphics
Why would I?
Pokemon series hasn't seen any meaningful improvements since red version. Every E3 I wait to see that dream pokemon game, and every E3 its just another re-hash of the exact same crap with a new coat of paint
>race realist
is this what racist incels are calling themselves these days? all lives matter until you make a choice that would get you something such as the death penalty
>who are you to decide what lives do and do not matter?
a non-nigger
>Gen 8 is a half-baked, lazy fucking game made by incompetent company
>Pokémon fans start moving to other battle monster franchises
>They start getting extremely popular
>they all decrease drastically in quality just like pokémon
>Battle Monster genre is completely extinct because of pokémon
>30 years later the only decent ones are all indies
Agreed, which is why we need to address the issues with certain communities. Understand why they are the way they are and what we can do to bring them into the civilized world. I truly dont want to believe they are simply born violent criminals and there is no fixing them
Yeah, you should check out Russia. It's about 90% white and there is NO CRIME.
Absolutely based look at all those seething leftcucks in the comments
Ill buy it because I'm a drone and want to experience the new mons for the first time. Eldegoss is sick as hell. I probably wont get Ultra Sword/Shield though. Fuck gamefreak for being lazy niggers thougu
Slavs aren't white and don't consider themselves white.
>Some blacks commit crimes, therefore all blacks are criminals
Your logic is retarded.
Yes they are and yes they do. I can tell you're not European and have never been to Europe.
>Inb4 "I-I'm from Russia!"
Im glad pokemon threads are ruined forever because of incels and /pol/ but can you guys please keep it in /vp/ where your autism is supposed to be contained? Thanks a lot :)
I did not even play the first sjw ridden trash heap why this one
I never said all blacks are criminals, but golly they sure have a much larger margin of criminals in their ranks per capita than some other ethnic groups. I think its important to understand why that is and make sure we find a way to protect law abiding citizens from them while we treat the issue.
Why are people on twitter and reddit are such fag,they just keep crying
absolute madman
I have no idea, maybe they think it earns them some bonus social points in case their friends of color see it, pretty cringe tbqh.
So what you're saying is that you're a communist? Personal freedom is more important then "society" you fucking pinko. Go suck Stalin's cock some more.
For a ((reason))
The culling is long overdue.
That's the entire point of twitter. It's designed to make users think anyone cares about their opinions.
Do you really care about racism or are you just another victim of socialism threatening your ability to feed yourself if you don't play along?
It's okay user, you don't have to speak just blink once for yes and twice for no.
"the illustration world isn't that big. i guarantee this will have professional repercussions. and honestly, good, you deserve it."
Scary shit
Are you retarded? The word "Caucasian" is derived from the Caucasus region, which is literally in Russia. "Slavic" and "Caucasian" are practically synonyms.
I don't think you know what communism is sir, you seem to be confusing it with anarchism where we just let the criminals run free to do as they please. Law is very important part of capitalist societies. Unless of course you are saying having an acting police force is incompatible with having a black community because the majority of them are violent criminals. But that would make you a dirty racist.
Dilate, commie scum.
Literally seething
"Slaves arent white" is a jew subversion masqerading as a meme in order to further segregate white communities.
polfags please leave
A lot of Slavs are Jews, though.
Jews aren't human so that statement makes no sense
Caucasian is not the same thing as white though. People from middle-east are caucasians but they aren't white
Okay, this is epic
How will the blacks recover!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, but she's probably right. No way he'll get away with it
>Lets ban art we don't like
1 step thinkers, they don't understand what they want.
beyond that, it's clearly satirical art. Some of those retarded niggers are even calling it a monkey. It has no tail.
Besides, Nessa isn't black.
It's not cherry picking, it's true. Pure negroids do not have Caucasian features. If they do, it's because they're mixed somewhere in the bloodline.
Cope some more faggot
There's no proof this is racism, it's literally bait to trigger the tumblr cucks community.
I'll wait and see what they did in terms of balancing first. If they actually redid a bunch of base stats, level up moves, and the power of attacks- I'll consider it.
>how do you decide which lives don't matter
Simply by statistics which shows that blacks are always a net negative no matter where you put them or what type of benefits you give them
>/pol/summerfag thread
Whites commit crime because of shitty culture and because they are poor
Blacks commit crime because it's in their gene to be violent apes
woops, I meant cotton picking
definitely not. I'll probably check out the new pokemon designs, but I have no desire to play this game.
It's shaping up to be Sun and Moon HD and Sun&Moon were terrible games.
>Pokemon is the new Overwatch
pic related BTFO
polfags please leave
*lights cigar* heaven never was my kind of place anyway, kid...
He's offering genetic material. You do realise how low the European birth rate is, don't you?
they are slaves for whites
he's like the high quality shadman. i rally wish people weren't such crybabies over pictures that will never affect them in their daily life
They are white though.
All my bros made it in. Besides, I love white pokegirls so much.
Why? It's not like i am addicted to video games. If I don't like the look of it I wont buy it. Haven't touched a pokemon game since XY. Besides, the genre isn't as barren of pokemon-likes anyway.
>offering genetic material
He's offering rotten filthy seeds. Nobody needs this trash
Wow, racist much?
Based and shadowpilled
That's why you're a disappointment to your parents.
Why does it upset you?
>because it's in their gene to be violent apes
But that’s literally humanity
Has Yea Forums always been this shit? It's like you can't talk about any game without /pol/ vs basedboi rhetoric
All I see is a gorilla in a Nessa cosplay. Why are they mad?
it's just a fetish, dummy
poorfags are cowards.
because it has girls in it and no other game has that
If you wouldn't fuck a girl that looked like some of the Nessa fanart you're fucking gay end of story.
i know queen of spades means mudshark
whats queen of hearts
shes gonna get dragged into this isn’t she?
from being filled with casual faggots, furfags and faggots in general to having art police and sjw.
pokemon has really gone to shit to the point of no return, glad i jumped that ship around gen 6
only likes white cock
Last time I heard that was when AIDS was invented
whats the correlation
(S)he’s a roastie
poops are the same as niggers
hmm, none, just like queen of spades
>I want to let lefties shit post, but get mad when /pol/ weighs in
Literally the reply chain was caused by a cuck crying racism
>no art of Tiny Kong Nessa
Muh dick demands it.
no because it looks like shit
>we have literally the most profitable and recognizable IP in human history and are a flagship franchise for one of the most beloved companies on the planet, but making games is still really hard, please understand.
>shits out the most low effort thing they can yet again just to see if their rapid retard install base eats it up again.
and they will.
Games should not have black people. Why? It's very simple.
1) Video games are at the very least aspiring to be art. Art should be beautiful. No one is fawning over paintings of piles of shit, but rather over paintings of beautiful women, or of fantastical surreal settings, etc. Including black people in your art is contrary to the goal of making it beautiful. Black people are scientifically known to be significantly less attractive than all other races (see image.)
2) Western games are played almost entirely by whites. Attempts at "diversifying" have not changed the racial demographic of video game players. It's still whites. To represent the audience proportionally would mean 95% of characters would be white.
3) Black people are known to science to be less intelligent and more violent than other races, making them unsuitable for protagonist roles (which, even if the character is flawed, should include some level of virtue.)
Forcing black characters into games is just another argument against games becoming art. It is done for political or corporate reasons - often both. Including more black characters is virtually never done to enhance the artistic appeal of the game.
I’m not going to pay for it, that much I’m certain about.
why is it ok to draw everyone as monkeys except when someone happens to be dark skinned? are there black furfags that have a monkeysona?
>some jap artist draws a drawing of nessa with bright lighting
>a single (1) person calls it whitewashing
>later apologizes about it
>proceeds to retaliate by drawing dozens of art of actual whitewashing and her as a literal ape to "show them"
>racemixing is destroying the west Bros fucking Jews are making mutts everywhere
>w-w-wait no one’s actually fucking niggers bros I got charts proving it and everything
alt-right is so fucking pathetic.
>hah! you triggered by this racism, snowflake?
Yes. That's just blatant racism. You're not being clever or funny, just being a piece of shit.
Race mixing of all kinds are destroying the west, you fucking retard. Not only nigger+white
>This incident exists in a bubble and the left in no, way shape or form has been shitting up the industry for years now at every chance given
>ay man das blackwashing
racial realism is just another word for retardation
Lmao I knew one of you faggots was gonna blow up about this. Fuck smashbros twitter dude all they due is find shit to wine about and I just wanna see events and clips of combos goddamn.
Sometimes offensive humor is funny user.
This is taking a forced social situation and making it worse which by all means is ok by me.
>All this twitter drama raceshit is gonna shit up pokemon threads even worse than they already can be forever
I hope he actually posts the NSFW version wtf is wrong with me
>just being a piece of shit.
I love being called that.
More please
According to who? White people don't see Jews as white and the jews themselves even say they aren't white.
Don’t have it both ways faggot, either it’s happening or it’s not
black women on average are far more attractive than ugly street-shitters, cope more pajeet
I'll wait for Switch emulation
>Are you really going to not play it?
I'm really not going to play it.
>racial realism is just another word for retardation
LOL, keep defending niggers, while they rape and kill your whole family, you retarded cuck
>ay man das blackwashingggg
>these people are taken seriously
oh man
Is this her Smash Bros render?
Go away Poojeet.
>while they rape and kill your whole family
But that’s corporations and big government
>victorian soldier can't be black
>Can swim
I mean that's enough evidence for me.
>ay cmon man
Nessa is black east african
>ay ay ay hol up wait a second
wakanda forever
wtf does this have to do with victorian soldiers?
Why do you /pol/cels act so dishonest when you know they used to get called monkey all the time? That's why they are mad.
>online dating
Wh*toids LARP online while everyone else is getting white girls irl KEK
muh dik
But blacks aren't doing that. Jew producers are.
That’s fake though
what are your favorite white man black woman couples in gaming
That sounds more like a canned reply than anything else.
>tries to blow the whistle on the artist directly over social media
>just gets linked to a support article
today i shall remind them
>ignoring the association of blacks to apes for generations
What are you talking about?
White women are the demographic least likely to racemix.
Hell, white men are more likely to do so.
Meanwhile white cave demons shoot up churches hoping to spark a racial war
Nigga fuck u mean it's fake?
Jesus, the amount of cope by shitskins is hilarious
Gonna die a virgin, aren't you, nigger?
>online dating
>White women are the demographic least likely to racemix.
/pol/ unequivocally BTFO
Did a white girl reject you or something?
>this survey was taken before blacked dominated all porn and 90% of white girls began dreaming of black babies
Look at Eva green. What is she? She's white. Use your eyes moron.
HYPOCRITE, there were niggers trying to start a race war by killing others
please bring back genius sonority
no i mean they are taken seriously at any point in their lives
this isn't racist, in fact I don't think anyone even knows what racism is anymore.
Why are you being racist I don't get it she's cute
That's what /pol/ wants.
Who are you quoting, American?
Gonna play some fan games instead.
>blacked dominated all porn and 90%
the dreams of a cuck. Ignore this bait people
colosseum was released in 2003
White women have become fucking disgusting to the point that white men dont want them
>Gonna die a virgin, aren't you, nigger?
this is literal projection. it doesn't even make sense since you also say black people rape everyone
Has a single image ever caused this much Twitter butthurt?
Yes, online dating with millions of samples. Cope harder
>different filenames
do you not understand how Yea Forums works?
Because /pol/ keeps screeching about race mixing and Jews when it’s not actually happening
>whites and Asians
I skipped X/Y because it was trash. I can easily do the same here.
Why does Yea Forums, the most autistic website on the planet, people who are not part of society, pretend to understand society and feel like they can make statements out of it?
You are not part of this world, you do not know anything about it, please, get some self awareness, and stick to your knowledge of your basement.
Aren't the "outraged" people actually the ones being racist here, since it's they who are comparing this drawing of a chimpanzee to a black person?
>black people rape everyone
they try to, but sometimes they can't. Just like Julio Gomez, the performer from blacked. Can only get pussy by raping or by appearing on porn
>mad whiteboi cope
lol keep slowly dying like your race while your girls get black bred
>talking about virginity
>anime pic
>different people save the same video
>different filenames
Yeah, you're mentally ill and obsessed.
See Run along to your asian waifu please.
In this case, no.
What's even more pathetic are white people getting offended on behalf of niggers
This is the same thing pol says ruined marriage and dating
Think about it
>Triggered roastie mad as hell that her lies and manipulation have made men revile her
Listen, Hole. All you have to do to fix your horrid ways is just stop lying. Be honest, thats it. Stop trying to manipulate and play people. Just be. honest.
Is Etika gonna do the thing and draw Twitter's attention of Nessa anytime soon?
No, what /pol/ complains about is the propaganda, which is real.
Other thing is that actual, genuine cuckolds are pretending it is.
Of course, as we know it, all these cuckolds are American scum, which, combined with all their actions, means /pol/ should always support the utter destruction of the United States of America, the biggest cesspool of the world.
It's just some old Yea Forumstard banter, why is everyone so butthurt over it?
this. white women are gross desu
ha ha ha shock value lmao. Comedy!!
>GF putting less resources into mainline games because Madsuda has a mobile hard-on
Even if mainline makes less dosh than GO I'm pretty sure GO would die without the enthusiast crowd. The thing is that normies like to orbit around stuff with rabid fanbases because they like to feel like they're a part of something special. If you take away that super-fan core they'll go elsewhere.
fuck you, like ass and tits like the rest of us and not be a weirdo
How so?
If they're not doing that, then what are they mad about?
/pol/ complains about racemixing destroying the west all the time
ORAS cured me. At best maybe a few years later on ebay for ten bucks. But for that I would need a switch in the first place anyway.
lol whiteboi broke knowing his race is dead
But according to stats, the people who are racemixing are, themselves, a minority.
Also, what people will do, is what normal people demand, not what Yea Forums demands.
Yea Forums is in no place to ask anything because you are the bottom of the barrel of humanity, you do not deserve to have a happy and succesful life.
You deserve pain, misery and suffering.
Thankfully, you claim that all women are trash, which means we do not need to convince you to stay alone.
So please, die alone.
>TFW American slowly realizing his nation is a puppet to the jews and all the history we've been taught was edited.
>people are upset about an edgy joke made by a PORN ARTIST
This is the most ridiculous shit I've seen all week.
>dude posting wmbf will trigger this n*ggers!!!
Do people actually think this?
Like if I post bmwf would you be deeply upset about it?
Do you think your race owns you that much?
The artist as pertaining to this drawing started it.
>post on-topic without checking the rest of the thread
>turns out it went non-vidya ages ago
On average they're not. Only special cases of black women do they ever look attractive. Seeth harder, nigger.
what the fuck they are going to do? beg him for his real name so they can harass and blacklist him?
the guy draws futa gangbang, of course he doesn't goes around giving his real name to retards
So, you are a shitskin saying that white men don't want white women, and then you are telling me, a white man, that white women are disgusting?
What's wrong, my non-white friend?
I appreciated your effort user.
You’re acting like it’s not the same for you either
No they fucking aren't.
There's a reason why black people are the least desirable race in the world.
I wonder how they feel looking at their poop before flushing the toilet
I agree, and i've only ever fucked nonwhite women but people are getting bent out of shape over this for nothing. Getting offended over something like this is normalfag tier. It's just a reaction (maybe an overreaction) to twitter sjw's policing peoples art.
how fucking embarrassing.
More specifically, what did the artist say that was offensive?
>Hey Shadman, someone's catching up with you.
im not trying to trigger you
i just like black girls desu
though you do sound kinda angry
Expecting a thread with the given op to be on topic in current year
Dude, I'm not even white, I'm just shitposting
hey roastflaps. guess where you are. reminder that your beat up stank hole is worthless here. and if anyone who uses Yea Forums is bad, then so are you. now go sit under a guys desk and suck his dick while he browses Yea Forums
>All you have to do to fix your horrid ways is just stop lying
So that they stop fucking chads and they get the honorable chance to get laid with a fat neckbeard?
We don't want white women, we just don't want twitter art nazis even more.
Why are they so incapable of taking a joke?
this argument falls into pieces when you remember that stylized humanoids in most cartoonish media don't really have physical features that any race of people have.
Who the fuck has a perfectly triangular chin with no discernible jaw bones and a nose so diminutive it appears as just a line.
completely retarded argument
Puttingn gorrila in nessa's clothes ans tagging it as her. Do I really have to explain this? Or are you shitposting/pretending to be retarded?
It's a brown cartoon character. Quit being a butthurt faggot about this.
You get a chance at a family and a fulfilling life rather than being the third girl to some club hobber's STD filled cock
>hey roastflaps
I'm not a woman, it's just you are in denial over the fact that all normal people laugh at you.
That's the fascinating thing about you millennials, your suicidal smugness.
You are driving yourselves, the entire generation, into hell, and yet you are acting smug towards others because you think you have some power over the world.
>now go sit under a guys desk and suck his dick while he browses Yea Forums
Why would anyone do that?
Those people tend to be too fat to even reach their dicks.
What's the matter with that? People draw animal versions of characters all the time, that's nothing new.
I don't buy less content for more money. Only nincels can defend practices like that.
Stick to interpals or something, online dating autist kek
Yes, stay away from whites and go to your asians. And we get free white punani. Win-win for us and you incels.
>online dating
You? Yea Forums, the biggest concentration of virgins on the planet telling others to have families?
Who do you think you are, millennial?
What makes you think anyone will ever follow the advices of failed people?
Come on now.
>we post with these retarded normalfags on a daily basis
I wish Yea Forums had never become popular. Gate Keeping is unironically a good thing.
calling it realism don't make it less factually accurate
Flat worlders aren't "world realists" you're all just self-important fags
>tfw I just read about this controversy
Twitter was a fucking mistake.
He's a porn artist that draws gaping futa cumpies, somehow I doubt his clientele gives a shit.
>stay away from whites and go to your asians
No, thanks, racemixing is an abomination, and asians in general are ugly as fuck, plus they eat cats.
>And we get free white punani
Pffff, sure you will champ.
Anyone who feels passionate about race is a certified retard.
>insecure niggresses
There's a few of those but it mostly seems like woke white "people" that are stirring the most shit as usual.
user, you're getting upset at a reaction of a reaction. On the internet. I don't know if you remember pre-2004 internet but take a step back, take a deep breath and be cool.
That's right user. Now enjoy your place in this comparatively better hellhole instead.
A fullfilling life is different for people.
For example, I have a far more fullfilling life in the military than I ever had back when I was at home with my girlfriend.
I broke up, joined the reserve, and i'm far happier now.
Mantine is literally already confirmed
Weird tangent but whatever.
I'm a happily married man with two kids and a mid range job. The 900lb neckbeard perma version Yea Forums/pol boogey man you've created in your head doesn't actually exist and dehumanizing any opposition you face will only weaken you.
>tfw when whitey doesn’t have an argument so he resorts to spamming stats pics that don’t even apply to me
Get dabbed on white bois
well keep this "suicidal smugness" up if it means destabilizing society and dragging all you pathetic braindead vermin with us. and its working because economies suck, no ones getting married or having kids so the government needs to bring third world trash in, and everyones depressed and addicted to meds, drugs, or social media
But Jews do say they're white.
But I'm not getting upset over it. But I know now that I said it you mad yada yada. And you should know the internet post 2012 by now.
Its twitter combined with tumblr banning porn. Shitloads of users that were contained in tumblr spilled into twitter where their retardation gets huge amounts of attention and is magnified by the echo chamber twitter creates.
So the verdict is that /pol/ is BTFO and lying about racemixing destroying the west right
Stop larping as a black person. You and your resetera buttbuddies will never be black.
And of course, you spend your Friday nights in Yea Forums trying to convince other anons to stop whoring themselves around because you think they are women? That's what a father of two does?
Who do you think you are fooling?
>dehumanizing any opposition you face will only weaken you.
My opposition are Americans and they have proved themselves to be wild animals a long time ago.
why are weebs so racist?
An unironic boomer posting on Yea Forums. Fucking yikes
Millennial have a lower divorce rate.
>if it means destabilizing society and dragging all you pathetic braindead vermin with us
What the fuck are you talking, millennial?
All you do is shitpost in Yea Forums.
>crying racism
>or wanting to see the basedbois seethe
I know, I know. I just thought people here of all places would be more chill about "offensive" internet stuff. This whole thing started because an sjw on twitter got mad at an artist for drawing a brown girl a slightly lighter shade of brown so he drew her white to piss her off and even said he loves women of all colors and drawing characters with different skin tones is okay.
Yeah some racists jumped on it but still, the original intent was anti art police.
Blame society.
millions of samples, shitskin. nobody wants your poop looking ass. Now, go cry on twitter
Im "working" user, killing time on a phone on a lazy friday night. Just out of curiosity champ, you hate americans so much. Whats your naitonality, and be honest, we're both anons here. Im gonna guess some flavor of south american or sand nigger
It's a chimpanzee, retard. A gorilla would be WAY thicker
No, i'm 20.
Don't you understand that everyone mocks millennials nowadays?
That everyone has seen what a generation of autistic, purple haired manchildren they all are?
You can't divorce if you don't marry in the first place.
That's the thing about millennials, in their 30s and instead of having a job and a family, they are playing videogames and watching superhero movies.
You are pathetic.
> corporations and big government
Who do you think is funding all the willfully ignorant rap and ghetto-culture trash so young black men become indoctrinated?
>don't get so triggered sweet-
>oh no no no TWITTER HELP
>I deliberately entered a tweet thread with art that I do not like and now I am mad.
>Why is there more art that is designed to make me mad?
That image is racist and you know it
So can /pol/ finally stop crying about racemixing?
Shut up nigger
Makes sense. Less people doing it after seeing so many fall apart so the ones that do go for it seem more likely to stick together.
>That's the thing about millennials, in their 30s and instead of having a job and a family, they are playing videogames and watching superhero movies.
Ouch, not that user but that hit way too close to home actually.
They are hoping someone doxxes him so they can make his life a living hell.
That's really what it is, impotent seething until they get a name and address to summon the lynch mobs on. In which case Twitter will 'mysteriously' not take it down, 'accidentally' promote it to tons of people, and his house will 'accidentally' get the door kicked in by antifa just like they did a year ago to that talk show host.
Oh I'll be playing it.
I just won't be paying for it.
I'm from Norway.
South Americans hate you because they are stupid and think that we are still in the Cold War where the USA was operating in their countries.
No, I hate you because you are the modern day Nazi Germany and Soviet Union, but adapted to the 21st century, so instead of waging war against the rest of the west, you just sabotage it, stab it in the back, and help it's enemies.
Not to mention your spread of left-wing propaganda and things like racemixing and diversity.
You are the biggest menace the west, and white people in general are facing.
this website is our manifest destiny. when things are good it reflects on Yea Forums. when clown world activates, so do we. we cant lose because we are a neutral force that sways wherever society does. youre either a boomer jew cocksucker or cringe zoomer who worships niggers with rainbow dreadlocks and does fortnite dances. which is it boomboom? zoomzoom?
But thats twitter. Pokemon threads have been shittier than usuals since the nessa reveal with everyone posting 3DPD. The worst part is there is actual in game shit to be worried about/discuss.
>when things are good it reflects on Yea Forums
No it doesn't, the point of Yea Forums is always being contrarian.
Things will never be good according to Yea Forums.
>we cant lose because
You can't lose because you didn't participate in the race in the first place.
You react to the world, nothing more.
iirc indian, not african
>Not to mention your spread of left-wing propaganda and things like racemixing and diversity.
>You are the biggest menace the west, and white people in general are facing.
Nigger, Scandinavian countries are the ones doing this. Don't pin your problems on us you fucking idiot. Remember to smile when Abdul fucks your wife
I would give false information from someone on another fucking country lmao
I honestly don't get it though, what makes Nessa so special in the first place?
She's LITERALLY just some two-bit gym leader you'll fight once, then most likely never interact with her again, and she has the exact same face as all the other Pokegirls but with dark skin instead.
Why did none of this blow up so much during Gen 7 with multiple dark skinned girls?
>le clown world boomzoomdoomyoompoomwoomqoomxoomloomkoom
Garbage memes
Well, people are way too into it atm because it's upsetting people. You know how it's like. I used to post both pro and anti abortion opinions in threads on Yea Forums when I was a teenager to piss people off and I don't even care. It gets a reaction.
>Don't pin your problems on us you fucking idiot.
We shouldn't?
Good on him for not yielding to the type of people that would want all art to be in a little inoffensive box
Will the regibros make it?0
trying to look good in front of their white art hoe friends
Ok Yea Forums let's settle this.
Left or right?
The worst part is the guy who kicked this off said he loves brown girls, he just got attacked for not drawing Nessa brown enough. I think it was just his coloring style but she was still brown, just not coal black.
He doesn't even seem like a bad guy and yet he's gonna get shit because of all this.
Is Pokemon of all fucking things going to be what instagates the Race war
I already accepted by second favorite pokemon Regigas is not getting in. My other 2 favorites are in though so I guess I am ok with that. Being a legendary really reduces your chances of getting in.
Well that's one less con, but it's still outweighted by the n64 graphics and cut pokedex. Where's Misdreavus? Where's Skarmory? Where's Bisharp?
>white art hoe friends
Why not get a normal person?
Why go for a subculture of girls who go out of their way to look like John Lennon?
And to further add onto this, how come the dark skinned option for protags didn't get this much shit?
You realize zoomers are nobody and nothing yet right? At 20 you're so fucking clueless you shouldn't even get to vote. I think if only the people who want to get married get married that's much better than the alternative.
Yeah ironic that people bitch about millennial, maybe they just fucked up their parenting.
Twitter is now a big deal. It's a big deal to call out on someone and claiming to have the moral highground and basically validate yourself. Lefties are now calling out EVERYONE, including jap artists when they it slightly lighter skin. Westerners nowadays are a fucking joke.
Am I the only here who isn't hardline one or the other?
lmao you know a white dude drew this
it has insecure written all over it
nope. some of us are normal people just like you zoom zoom. things can be good and have been good but that was all in the past. its not coming back and most people seemingly want to bring about the end. were all on this ride together. so you climb your social or career ladder, go to a big city la or new york, and enjoy the vibrant diverse youth and walking next to tons of homeless. tell them about how good things are getting
left before the shitfest, right after it
I'm not braindead, so right.
Imagine being a wh*toid
Social media was a mistake. I blame smartphones. Before the rise of smartphones normalfags didn't use the internet as much but now anyone can post retarded shit all day long and get attention for it.
>You realize zoomers are nobody and nothing yet right?
Brave words from the generation that still behaves like teenagers.
>At 20 you're so fucking clueless you shouldn't even get to vote
Nobody should, voting is something that should only be done by people who understand how nations are ruled, and that discards 99.9% of the population.
>I think if only the people who want to get married get married that's much better than the alternative.
You don't want to get married because marrying is something adults do, and mentally, millennials are 10.
BOTH !!!!!!!!!!!
DUUUUURR, I'm a cuck and I enjoy this. Stop being an annoying nigger
>some of us are normal people just like you
No you aren't, it's a bit too late to convince others that Yea Forums is normal, even less the current Yea Forums with zero self awareness that tries to convince itself that it's the pinnacle of masculinity.
>go to a big city la or new york
Why would I go to America?
You are a third world nation with the most vile population on the planet.
I will celebrate when the US collapses.
>cherrypicks by showing only pictures of models
>Twitter is now a big deal.
I hate this, I really do
Why does Twitter have so much influence nowaways? Why can someone say something retarded and it snowballs into a disproportionate flamewar?
This shit is actually giving me a headache
I want them to kiss
White is right
Jesus. You're the epitome of the teen who knows nothing and thinks they know everything. You're going to be so embarrassed by yourself in 10 years.
Well obviously. Probably suffering from anxiety & depression too.
Did GF even say that Nessa was black or it just was twitter faggots pushing their headcannons?
Lol if you think getting girls is difficult
>You're going to be so embarrassed by yourself in 10 years.
That would imply I progressed as a person.
The opposite of millennials who have regressed into their edgy rebellious face.
> white
> needing to mention you're a cuck,
Right, anyone who chooses left or both has been brainwashed.
>all those retards calling him edgy or racisat
We should revoke internet access of many retards who can't take silly joke
Oh no! Some neet retard on a chinese waifu board says millions aren't attracted to me. It's a good thing the world consist of BILLIONS of women or else I would be sad.
Not him btw but who gives a flying fuck what a bunch of people on a fucking dating site care about? All that matters is you can find at least one or two people who aren't insufferable assholes for half a century before you're buried six feet under.
yes we are, but keep projecting. americas garbage but if it sinks, its going to wreck the whole world economy again. what third world junkhole are you from? somewhere in europe?
>it has insecure written all over it
Quite literally
We all do user, we all do...
Considering I haven't played one since Platinum ye pr sure m8
More black waifu, please. My folders only about 200.
>its going to wreck the whole world economy again
We recovered before, we'll recover again.
But when the US collapses it'll be because most US citizens are spics and have turned America into a gigantic favela, no recovering from that.
>somewhere in europe?
Yes, Norway.
No because got burned by the lack of national dex, Since i was one of those fags who kept the entire pokedex in collection since gen3, This is as good as a time to stop caring about Pokemon i guess.
You are very dumb, I'm not white, you fucking retarded, learn to read
Well you're 20 and act 16. So I don't have a ton of hope for you. I hope you're employed or in school at least.
do you guys think hes really gonna get erased from twitter and patreon? it'd be a shame if he did since it'd show how sensitive people have gotten. then again twitter is full of sissies anyway
Africans are the special kind of snowflakes where everything brown = black to them.
Africans don't rock the SJW hairstyle like Twitterfags
And by golly do whites have a habit of invading countries, mass murdering, raping, enslaving and destroying other's cultures. But they do often bring cool technology with them. Good thing us race realists recognize how much more important technological advancement is than strong culture and tradition.
>Unless of course you are saying having an acting police force is incompatible with having a black community
You recommended treating innocent blacks like automatic criminals. Next time you feel like typing out a response to someone, do try and follow the conversation (especially if it was you who made the initial claim).
are you blind.
t. Incel coping on online sites
Stick to anime girls boy
I wouldn't because that's happened before and people got shot over it. No kidding.
norway? youve got a decade or two left before you have to quit using english and learn pakistani as your second language. at least youll be able to stone fags and whores though, while american ones get a whole month dedicated to them
Real talk, why do black people assume everyone with dark skin is from Africa?
ohhh, baby got triggered. I feel so sad for your shitskin ass
Then I guess it's the fucking white faggots who keep trying to be woke
It's worse than that, look at the other comments on tweets that isn't that nessa image thread, it's worse than the comments in the nessa monkey thread. He's basically a non-person if you know *who* finds out.
>can swim
Hmmm... Could this kind of defamation from secure and well-adjusted white people be in any way linked to this trend?
Black people, while they are quick to point out "close-mindedness" in daily life, are actually the most close-minded race of all.
I doubt anyone who unironically says BWC draws anything at all. The money is one BLACKED shit and most porn artist draw whites or Asians by default. People who do the BWC shit have to edit the pictures cause no one will do that shit for them. They're cucked by their own bullshit insecurities. At least the BLACKED cucks wanna see some black guy get it on with a white girl because they get turned on by the raceplay or the feelings of jealousy, and most porn artist draw white guys as default because who cares, but people who do BWC shit are LITERALLY insecure as fuck.
>doing anything of value
Nintendo is Yea Forums you idiot
>meanwhile somewhere, an user is insisting all anime characters are secretly white
>Watching artists cannibalize each other on twitter over this shit
Shit's fucking hilarious.
Every single time. The SJW menace is overblown and most of the outrage comes from /pol/.
Honestly, when do you ever see leftists pushing agendas here? When are there ever threads that promote socialism or denounce racism? Never. It's also some fucking /pol/ user bringing up trannies and crying MUH CENSORSHIP
I don’t like Pokemon and haven’t played any in over 10 years.
I do hate niggers though.
coper, WHITE AND BWC is better
the tumblr exodus was a mistake
You do realize that no human of any race can be compared to the designs of anime-styled characters, right
There are no real life races in Pokemon
why do you phonepost
Shitposting while not home of course
>feelings of jealousy
so insecurity?
it's the same thing, you're just into cuck shit and not BWC shit, so you don't like it
> its /pol/
> go to /pol/ and its not being discussed at all
I just want to know when /pol/ has these "outrages" and lets be real all most the idiots crying about the whitewashing are white
phoneposters are gay
>why yes I am white
Uhhh I'm white but I can't see the titties???
>someone took the time to make this shitty edit to try and prove a "point"
stop it. get some help.
Gigachad just looks off with anything that isn't greyscale
you have some black or native admixture on you then.
>Ayo... where da Pokemanz at...
wtf blackwashing!!!
That cuck who runs patreon support. Can't wait till the government shuts them down for money laundering
Ok sport. Run along now go play with your friends.
It is always /pol/. /pol/ is the only board that feels the need to push it's ideology in your face and prides itself on turning every other board into far-right cesspits.
And yes, whitewashing in a non-issue and very few idiots actually care about it. Yet you fucks post the same few twitter screenshots and claim it's all the left talks about. The left is concerned with universal healthcare and improving the quality of life for all. What's your side advocating? Wanting Twitter to unban actual racists and mandating all female video game characters have big tits?
Unironically Uglier
I have some Persian blood in me but aren't they honorary whites?
>millennials in charge of arguing
>not defeating a ghetto Pokémon trainer and getting sloppy head as a reward for winning
this is your mind not using it's full imagination
yes this thread is definitely is about nintendo, especially because you were the first one to mention nintendo at all itt
>on smash twitter
>see this constantly
soft boys love taking bait
>you don’t like subhumans? Ugh you must be /pol/
I get it, you are not white and that makes you insecure and angry.
>The left is concerned with universal healthcare and improving the quality of life for al
No, the left is concerned with how many blacks there are in the latest superhero movie and ensuring you can make trannies in Cyberpunk 2077.
I don't have any friends T-T
>meant without /pol/ vs s.o.y boi rhetoric
Didn't realise basedboy got
I sided with neither.I could care less about either but shitposts shit up an otherwise okay game discussion.