What are some atmospheric game, something you can really get immersed in?

What are some atmospheric game, something you can really get immersed in?

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STALKER, also what game is that

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Looks like Hunt Showdown.

Metro also has really good atmosphere.

The Void (not a game for everyone honestly)
Alice Madness Returns.

Undertale, unironically

Mirror moon ep

Game in op's pic is multiplayer only unfortunately. It was free last weekend, looked fantastic, but played like pretty generic shooter.

>be poor fag
>can only play this on low settings
>no ps4 version
I loved the free weekend. Its a slow paced game but so intense.

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rain world is the most atmospheric 2d game i've played

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The devs said in a recent stream that they want to port it to all platforms if possible. That said, they are only able to do 1080p 30fps on the Xbox One X, so I don't know how likely that is.

I really like American McGee's Alice too. I think VtMB is the most immersive game for me, though.

Has that edition with other modes and an actual minimal effort on teaching the player been released yet?

The Long Dark has some of the best snowy ambiance out there, shame the game really isn't my style.

There's no better answer, getting immersed into it is your only way to survive.

I've been wanting to try this one out for a while. Is a controller necessary? It looks like the game is more suited to one.

There's something comfy about bread and sausage bros. Recommend me some good bread and sausage that go together.

Teaching what? You're taught all you need, everything else is just you getting better.

It works fine on controller but I've heard of people playing it fine on a keyboard too, there's a minimum time required to get a hang of the controls either way.

I'm replaying Stalker CoC and I HIGHLY recommend you guys use the GME mod manager on the addons page for the mod. I can mod it all I want and not have to worry about fucking up file paths or what order to install shit in. For anyone looking for an excuse to get back into STALKER, you can make it look and play pretty excellent now, with no hassle. CoC has all the maps from previous STALKER games and adds a few cut areas as well. I just reinstalled it OP, peak fucking atmosphere.

Mods I recommend:

>Arsenal Overhaul
>Outfit Addon
>Smurfs Immersive HUD
>Doctor X Questlines
>Damage modifiers

Mod is free, you need is Call of Pripyat installed on Steam

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play Abe's Oddysee or Exoddus and you will change your mind

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it's my favourite game that is either an "atmospheric survival life simulator" and "high skill platformer" whenever it suits to defend it from criticism indeed

oh yes that UI really gets me immersed bro, it's the best game ever

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what game

ooohh shit hivemind alert! im playing clear sky right now

The UI is situational. It just so happened that it popped up while I was taking that screenshot. Only thing that is there permanently is the compass and ammo count.

Hunt : Showdown

I tried to get into this game until I learned it's about twice as hard without friends



t. pleb filtered

Thief Gold
The atmosphere is absolutely unique and amazing


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Rain World, Kingdom Come, System Shock 2.

Rainworld doesn't even teach the player the different kinds of jumps

Flower show you how to longjump in the second or third room.

i beat the game without knowing the secret jumps and i suck at video games

You only need the basic jump and the crouch long jump which are taught in the first minute, if you want to become an acrobatic slugcat, you have to practice and learn.

The Hunts world/lore/style is great, its just a shame its wasted on a multiplayer.

its called "Hunt: Showdown"

And yes, you don't need fucking flips to play, you don't even need to know that they exist, you shouldn't turn tha game to speedrun wankery from the start.

its called suck deez nutz nigga

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I wish there were more cowboy fps games. The guns in Hunt are incredibly well done down to the smallest details. I love that perk that lets you catch unspent rounds when you open up an action to reload.

first person dungeon crawler.

better in many ways than King's field. once you get past the sluggish movement and combat(it doesn't take long just stick with it) it becomes something truly special. if your a fan of Demon's Souls and don't mind older games this is a must play.

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Oh shit, thanks for reminding me of this game. I remember playing it but always thought it was one of the King's Field games so I could never pin point it. Time to give it a replay.

battlefield 1

Whoah bros, Hunt: Showdown is so immersive and atmospheric

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does it even work with anomaly
you cockstain

>autistic rain world fans trying to convince the world their game is good
lame indieshit with worse platforming than snes games


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this game becomes very cozy after you get set up with food and wood

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Havent heard of it up until now, doesn't seem too different than CoC honestly.

Fallout 3/4 is super immersive. Fallout 76 too because real time.

Who hurt you?

>it has a mod manager now
good to know, was thinking about reinstalling it but remember modding it was a pain in the ass and vanilla CoC was pretty dull

sell me on this one user, should i buy it?

Tarkov is usually very immersive for me.

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I guess I should mention Halo CE, 2 and 3 ODST. Halo 3 ODST is by far the best one doing the atmosphere, the music, tone, everything has this magical feeling. Halo CE has some big beautiful places and the mission 343 Guilty Spark is a master piece. Halo 2 while not having the big maps of CE and the tone of 3 ODST, pays much more attention to the details inside every room, each room has its own story and purpose, letting your imagination fly to figure out what some of the Forerunner and covenant structures are for.
As for games with a heavier emphasis on atmosphere: Dark Souls, abyssal somewhere, S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl, Breath of the Wild, the little i've played of Systemshock 2 seems also to have some atmosphere and for something not so dark, Banjo-Kazooie and Tooie are so much fun and easy to get into.

Pathologic 2 is one of the most atmospheric games I've played in a long time.

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It's free-form exploration of a non-linear hostile world without a hint of handholding or forsed story bullshit or any other stale gaming convention. Best immersion, best buttclenching moments.

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For a survival sim, the Long Dark is unique with the cold mechanic and the art style works well. The story mode is okay but I had more fun in sandbox.
You have to really like survival sims to get into it tho.

I want to give this a go but then devs seem pretty scummy

if the idea of scary hostile alien life trying to grab you sounds exiting then its worth 15$ but maybe pirate and buy if you dont hate whats after garbage wastes

heavily based

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this, I've read some though shit too