Saddest moments in videogames

Saddest moments in videogames

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Where is this, exactly?

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what game?

What game?

What game

Looks like worlds

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What map was this in?

im so tired of this gay earth and my gay family and my gay friends

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MGS3 ending.

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>THAT moment

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Is there a good archive of the stuff that went on with Worlds? I checked it out some time ago and it's still alive, but everywhere save the lobby is empty.

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weird ass thread
keep going

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Only the onions-est of basedboys have an emotional response to a fucking video game

Wtf is this? Is this in the base game or a usermap or what?

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this shit has no place in a fucking doom clone

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I'm pretty sure this isn't in Duke 3d

i wont play sad vidya or watch sad movies.
I turn it off as soon as i see it coming.

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it was a different time

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>blue skies bring tears

It's always the most prettiest of days that sad things happen to me. Which is why I like cloudy and rainy days the most.

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Still I seethe. end of rine

"Oh boy...SHOWER SCENES! :D"

It's more bittersweet than outright sad, but I did get genuinely emotional the first time I finished Max Payne 2

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The ending in Ring Of Red. Hordes of North Japan and Soviet AFWs approaching, that you never get to fight. And with no sequel, never will.

Not THE saddest but it is up there.

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January 23rd
It's cold enough that I won't last long on the high mound up next to Red Gate. I think I've got enough breath left in me to make it. I'll just lie down and stare at the sky. Feels right.

I hope they'll do well. I hope no harm comes to them, from within or without. Did my best to prepare them with the last notes. Said something kind about each one of them, what makes each one special. Told them "The Father" was pleased by their kind natures and that it would be up to them to handle things on their own from now on, that I'd be silent but still watching and still caring.

Lying, then. Oh yes.

Lied to you, Char. And Alex. And Sylvie. Told you I'd be with you forever. But I wouldn't go back and unsay it once if I could.

What was the point of it all? So many failures.

But I never forgot your face. Or Little Nut's. Or (sorry) Sylvie's. They used to say that happened after a while but it never did for me.

Maybe the only point of all that living was to keep those pictures in my head going for as long as I could. It was the only life I could give you. Not a day went by without.

It wasn't choice. I chose to die again and again. Just never did. Body had its own drive.

Well, the little ones will need it. Species will need it if it's to continue. That blind drive onward.

I wish them well. It's been a gift to me, at the end of it all, to behold innocence.

Goodbye, Zion.

Randall Dean Clark
Feb 5th, 2053 - Jan 2124

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Prime taste

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>You're my Buddy!


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Rain is probably the most comfiest thing ever.
>tfw teardrops are playing a song on your window/roof.

Is that the mechanic from Fast 'n' Loud?

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>he had that image saved for at least 6 years

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>shafted in one game
>shafted in the other
being La Croix is suffering

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newfags btfo

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I hate women and minorities

What are the actual fuck?

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why can't i cry bros
i want to cry about sad things

Johns death still gets my blood up to this day
Especially now that Arthurs dying wish for John to live a normal life
I guess he got to but not for very long

Lookit what they did to my boy

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>Note: Lester died on his way back to his home planet

Mesmers deserve it

you fags have emotional responses to imageboards which is just as pathetic

Ahh, Gibus players...

>Marston wants his son to live a better life than he did
>Jack kills the guy that betrayed him
>Smoothbrain thinks he avenged his father instead of spitting on his life's work
top tier ending

Chapter 5 of FE4 is just one emotional gut punch after another

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yeah youre right
its still johns fault though. Instead of instilling the boy with values he let the boy find his own values in his fairytales. No wonder Jack thought vengeance was the righteous thing to do.

this got me

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who are you running from user?

When you realize that the game is about a suicidal hikikomori it hits you really fucking hard. Even harder if you're also a shut-in.

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The ending of Pokemon mystery dungeon

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He didn't really get much opportunity to raise Jack, and Jack was inherently a dumbass just like his dad.

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image search extension isn't working for me

>Posting the music
No, fuck you. That's cheating.

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you serious? it's yume nikki

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I suppose the epilogue of 2 probably isnt canon but if it is John spent a lot if time doing anything except raising his son.

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200% iq

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>cry to main ending of Rescue Team, Explorers, and GtI because you leave everyone behind More so with GtI
>Know what to expect with Super
>Your partner goes away instead
How will they break us with PMD5?

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Interviewer: Your name is pretty well-known to anyone with even a casual interest in mid-90s FPSs. Yet after Build, you didn't do any more work for commercial FPSs. What made you decide to step out of the industry? And would you ever consider doing commercial engine work again?

Ken Silverman: I left 3D Realms because I felt that I was way behind in terms of Quake level technology and I wouldn't have been able to satisfy their needs. I never started my own company because I didn't feel I had the personality or ambition to do so.

Interviewer: Do you try to keep on top of contemporary developments in 3d engines?

Ken Silverman: I try not to look at what other people are doing. It only makes me feel depressed.

Interviewer: You had some contact with John Carmack during the 90s, and he obviously had great admiration for you. Have you talked with him since the Build days?

KS: He emailed me a job offer a few years ago. I guess he was frustrated with his current employees. I declined it though because I didn't care to move to Texas. Other than that, no.

Interviewer: In your FAQ, you mention that you don't play many games. Is this still true?

Ken Silverman: Yup. I just get depressed when I see the opportunities I missed out on.

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>when you try to get him to move or do something and he just does this
that game fucked me up

christ I was not ready for this

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haven't seen him in about 7 years and i come back to this. jesus, fuck.

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The green Sabre

Is that siggas?


Only correct answer

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I unsubbed years ago I forget why, I used to like his content but something changed and all he did was videos about some youtube glitch? Whats he up to now? Not good things I take it?

The real sad part is that right after writing this, Gonzales quit Obsidian

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did they double dead?

He went to Guerrilla Games and wrote Horizon: Zero Dawn. I thought Yea Forums hated the writing in that game because it's "bluepilled"?

>We live and die by your orders, Boss

The what?

lost pretty much everything and jumped off a balcony because he didn't wanna face the womans man he's been fucking around with. broke both his ankles and got infected, he's near homeless and pretty much won't walk.

video where he breaks down^

there was one where he was lying on yhe ground right after it happened. he bummed me out

>they don't die unless you kill them
>they don't even leave the country

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Holy shit
That's fucking grim. I liked siggas he deserves better than this shit

>the most intense chat-up line of all time

It's been years since I last saw this, fuck, I have to replay mgs3 some time

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The general storyline stuff in Horizon was fine.
All the garbage you've seen posted was in the text-logs and stuff you can find around the game world. I don't know if he wrote that crap though.

Jesus Christ i hope this is bait

You're promoted to Operative mostly to preserve your independence. You're no fool. The days of the Empire are almost over. When the Emperor dies, nine hells're going to break loose. Forget about the Imperial City. Think locally. Worry about the Sixth House and Dagoth Ur. And squabbles between the Great Houses and the colonists. The rest of the political nonsense doesn't amount to a plate of scuttle.

Was a surprise to find this

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this one actually makes me sad because he got killed by a nigger just because he decided to go outside

He had a shit life before he was doing well on youtube, then this alleged youtube glitch (that yt admitted existed at one point iirc) got him mad paranoid as his revenue fell. Looks like shits just got worse and worse for the dude


the ending to this. I loved this game, it was so comfy. Also enjoyed the free holiday specials. Great music, writing, and memorable characters. Reminds me of a time when life wasn't so bad

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Sounds like Etika and him losing it cause he can't handle corporate change

worlds chat

I remember going on sometime like late 2017 and I ran into this dude and his friends who said they where doing videos on worlds and getting footage. I never caught the dudes channel name or if he was actually taking a video. But it might be somewhere on youtube


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