XIV Shadowbringers
>flanked by two burly tanks
What did they mean by this?
Zenos did nothing wrong
So the Ishgard restoration is going to be pushed back to 5.1 or 5.2 right?
watch as iaijutsu becomes instacast next expansion
I can't wait a week
6 more days until I can't sleep for 3
Where my GNBrothers at?
Less than 7 days before best job arrives!
Why are there so many hot monster ladies that I can't kiss
Why would Yoshi P torment me so.
>Leave Minfilia to me
what the heck is this from
I'm already struggling
I want to have a threesome with Minfilia and Y'shtola
>getting excited for an elixer drop in HoH
do nips really do this
They already said it's coming in 5.1
Why are you saving thumbnails user?
Nah, it'll start in 5.0 but you're an idiot if we actually unlock the housing before 5.3. It'll be a mix of crafting/gathering and Doman reconstruction.
Moon advert
Real women have curves
Sorry, I'll be maining the Chad Dancer
So... what is going to be endgame in 5.0? Nothing beside the trial?
>hiring Redline animators for a FFXIV commercial
There is only one correct choice, my friend.
Eden raid 2 weeks after launch.
Her thighs and tummy are fucking obscene. Someone arrest whoever designed this, it killed my dick.
>hiring Redline animators for a FFXIV commercial
we're hitting levels of kino that shouldn't be possible
The two EX trials at release, and the first raid soon after.
EX primals for two weeks then Eden normal for 2 weeks then Eden Savage
She's so precious. I want to buy her nice things and marry her off to a good catholic boy with strong family values.
>chocobo racing
Only if it was this hype, too bad not enough people it.
>completing heavens on high
This is one thing I've never got to do.
Everyone I attempted this with had to take breaks for eating or something else.
Sucks since Heavens on high is far better attempt to complete but most of NA see it as just leveling and nothing else.
how did square enix get an advertising budget all of a sudden what happened I'm scared
where's the square enix ethics department to censor this?
>PS4 controller
PC version confirmed for being an after thought and pc casuals once again being port begging leeches, based japs
So what is the WOL going to even do at the start of the MSQ? Somehow brute force his way into the tower?
DNC if you're a tranny
What does alisaie see in him?
This is how.
Buy the left-handed gaming device.
They still fucked up and gave her a human ear in one scene.
they didn't show a ps4 console so she could have easily been playing on pc with a ps4 controller synced via blutooth.
i love how naturally we fit in
better a tranny than a cali fag or spic, fuck mch
Every single play who plays XIV according to Yea Forums is a tranny so then yes, I am a tranny.
>Can't decide if I want to stick with DRK to 80 and then level GNB or just go straight to it
>Worse damage than PLD
>Worse mitigation than PLD
>Worse self mitigation
Why would anyone play a budget PLD?
knew I recognized it, based as fuck
Same dude, except instead of that I wanna eat her ass out and cover her thighs in oil and fuck them while she's still wearing her boots.
XV budget was killed so now XIV and Remake get money.
Cause FFXV was shit and cancelled.
>tfw no Hrothgar mommy for my Hrothgar daddy
Unfortunate, but catgirls will have to suffice.
Those boots make Alisaie's thighs look thicc
>EA maintenance is only 24 hours
Huh. Weren't the previous EA maintenances 48 hours? Or is my head fucky?
xiv is getting insanely fucking popular
like it's not even funny how much it's taking off. They've managed to make a fun mmo with a world and character that people are very invested in
Reminder you're all sjw, trannies or homos.
Virgin WoL vs Chad Vauthry
And post the fairy with the condom
because pld is for faggots
What did square enix ethics department said about this?
Does Yoshida do the art for FFXIV?
Centurio Seals and marketable whale fat.
it was always 24 hours. only time it was 48 hours was when they moved the NA servers.
Yoshida always draws chicks with big thighs. Based.
His mounted music theme is called "big boned"
XV money drain finally stopped. Also the WoW implosion causing a massive spike in players.
damn you're right I guess I should start HRT ASAP
reminder that you can buy game time through amazon to get the mount for basically free
>ZR boots
Best girl right there.
my favorite theory, behind Alisaie = Titania
>this level of cope
OK PCasual
Akihiko Yoshida, yes.
based koji
She's dying this xpac, user
wow seemed to do so fucking bad that it purged near everyone that wasn't asmongold tier autistic
Forced animation, kinda cringey
In all my years of playing WoW I don't think it ever attracted the amount of avatar fagging/waifu faggots that XIVg cultivated. Goddamn what a bunch of mentally broken people
b-but now that square enix is putting in the budget, they'll have expectations, too
and if ffxiv just continues being successful as it has been, but doesn't meet the new expectations, they're gonna make changes internally to the development team
will I lose my comfy mmo I'm very scared
please post pictures of my wife, Alisaie
I want to play lala but I also like glamour not being shit what do I do
XIV is doing ultra fine, for the past 3 years XV has been haemorrhaging money for Squeenix but fantasia sales have been keeping the company in the black.
>one frame in a commercial for FF14 has more soul than WoW has had this whole past decade
goldshire is ten times the degeneracy that balmung-mateus could ever be
>In all my years of playing WoW
Cope and dilate, faggot.
Threadly reminder that there's nothing wrong with parsing while playing dps. It's the only reason to play dps. Anyone that disagrees is a coping tranny that's too shit/insecure to play anything else and should stick to crafting
I'm a fucking idiot, I assumed that glamour plates worked like layered armor from Monhun so I applied my bunny outfit to my lancer gear only to find out I needed to buy some dispellers to remove it.
If anything this might be the "final" final fantasy if we took the joke the nier creator said to heart.
After remastering other games I don't think we will see a new main-line number game for awhile.
Who here pulling an all nighter on June 28th?
>I want to play lala
do the rest of us a favor and don't even bother playing
That's Titania.
I'm happy it's finally getting the success it deserves :3
Just loosely crossdress like most other people do. If someone calls you out for wearing a dress while having a giant beard, call them a shitlord.
now post pictures of my wife, Alisaie, but without you photoshopped in
not just WoW but other MMOs are imploding too. Wildstar shut down, Bless is shutting down, GW2 is losing players because arenanet doesn't know what to do with the game anymore and are downsizing in budget/team size, Tera is dying so hard that they merged regions together, early access/kickstarter games are never coming out or pulling exit scams, etc etc etc.
basically FFXIV got really lucky with everything happening all at once.
Problem with lala is the animations are too tiny.
That fat man's getting real chummy with Titania
Eh. Goldshire was and is worse than limsa Lominsa will ever be.
There are more Draenei trannies then there ever will be Au Ra or Miqo'te ones.
>Not a single avatarfag in thread
>heatwave in europe next week
we europoors don't have air conditioners in our houses. how can I survive the SHB release with 35°C???
Nah. Back to spamming your autistic C@s
I still can't believe we got a redline styled xiv commercial
Sorry, user. FFXIV hasn't been comfy for at least 4-5 years. It's just going to start getting really fucking bad.
What time do servers go up for launch, assuming they don't crash as soon as they go up?
Why do you not have all of them already?
to be fair dispellers are piss cheap from npc vendors, just don't overwrite any glamours you want to keep
You can buy prisms and dispellers from your GC with company seals .
Have you been to /wowg/? There have been avatarfags there since the generals creation.
Think they'll ruin her like they did turning Yda into dull as dry-shit Lyse?
You're officially the worst community, dumbass.
not me, the server will be fucked for the first day so I'm not going to make special plans for it, people do this shit every time, taking days off work and shit for the big new expansion and then they can't play it on those days because everything goes to shit.
I was about to say this is a really feminine Alphinaud until I notice the red ribbon
Why are Kickstarter MMOs so popular, anyways?
that one writer for the drk questline is in charge of her so there's a good chance it'll be great
Hair grows to the left and her earring's on the right.
Aside from the armors, what job got the best AF weapon this time? I vote WHM.
Why are gunblades so dinky wtf?
hey buddy i think you've got the wrong door, /xivg/ is two boards down
honestly I don't think they can ruin cunnyfilia for me at this point
>what is Goldshire
>what is Moonguard
>what is Proudmoore
deflect, cope, dilate
get rid of the retarded mario kart elements and more people might have gotten into it
>we europoors don't have air conditioners in our houses.
Third world tier, just do this
>XIV and ESO are the only MMOs not running themselves into the ground
How the fuck did everyone else manage to fuck up at the same time?
Honestly this is pretty funny, anyone who knows the history of Titania knows it's completely possible she'd spend time getting railed by fat old men, and then on a whim she'd turn their dicks into angry poisonous vipers as a prank
>fucking official promotial art has clipping
Based Squeenix not giving a fuck.
Isn't ESO falling apart as well? Apparently the game's spaghetti code is catching up to it or something.
I want to meet their parents someday and find out the history of their obsession with dressing up their kids the same.
n-no xiv is worse because i say so
Why do you purposely screenshot a frame where the blade hasn't extended after unsheathing yet?
Thanks user. I am fucking anyways since I will be leveling DNC.
They are one handed weapons, making them too big would make it look awkward.
Game time cards have all run out, though.
>60 days are 40 dollars
What the fuck?
my guess is they all hit the progressive diversity quota hiring hard
>tfw no redline style xiv anime with miqo tits
Cute and funny!
both are from longstanding companies that know how to manage games
Where are you looking?
Because they promise a lot of shit and people fall for it but they end up never delivering their promise. Just look at Star Citizen. $228 million dollars raised and 8 years of development and the game has nothing to show for it other than trailers, screenshots, and unfinished alpha builds.
I should watch Redline again
Will he follow us to the first to find his moon?
That's the fun part, no one in NA wants to run POTD or HoH because it takes a long time.
Along with the fact it becomes harder longer as you go.
We're already seeing people complain about Eureka being too hard along with the end-eureka raid.
NA gets discourage from completing content once they realize it's too hard to complete.
What genre is this and how do I find more
People are desperate for something new in the MMO genre, and would give money to anyone.
Got my bot set up. Gonna power rush SAM to 80 and make sure to not respect any content at all.
the Bravely Default fairies, they're all very trustworthy
>Ruin her
They would have to fix her first for there to be anything to ruin. She was the Lyse of ARR.
>deflect, cope, dilate
damn you're right xiv is bad how could I have never noticed? Immediately unsubbed and uninstalled
More cute and funny images
I'm gonna say the C-word!
I want to shuffle her cunny so bad bros
Yeah, Anet fell to that for sure, one look at GW2 is enough to notice that.
Bros... Gunbreaker soon.
Hard to compete? Have you raced any of the races? A lot of the races come down to items. If you get spider web all map you likely aren't going to win. You get thorns, stamina restore, you got a much higher chance of winning. Get choco meteor? GG ez.
she isn't for lewds!
the only thing I can think about her is her short stubby tail, does this mean cats tail length is directly tied to their age?
Was Ilberd a huge sperg and a traitor or was he right? I honestly can't tell anymore in retrospect.
True enough. It's pretty crazy to watch. New MMOs just aren't really cutting it for people anymore. Classic WoW aside, there's a ton of private server projects going on for older games that closed down years ago because they weren't making WoW money. The genre as a whole is going downhill where people are pining for games that no longer exist while the current games are stagnating or dying with seemingly XIV and ESO being the only exceptions. Definitely feels like a genre problem. Its like years of concessions made for an audience that has moved on to the next "hit" genres like mobas and now BRs is finally catching up to devs as the people that are still around are the autismos that hated those changes but refuse to quit.
>Get an hour and a half to experience it before 4 hours of work.
Where are her lewds?
One does one boy go from being a snotty rich kid who knows nothing about the world to the best character?
>When people call the XIV MSQ "Content"
I'd barely call the MSQ "content", unless you really like running back and forth between points A and B 12 gorillion times.
I'm resting up on Thursday just so I can be up as much as possible starting on Friday, hopefully won't have to sleep until Sunday. The initial rush to endgame was always my favorite bit of the expansion for MMOs.
Just mentally ill. The whole thing involving him was just dumb as fuck and forced.
He was a traitor, but without his actions, the Eorzean Alliance would never have gotten off their asses and pushed Garlemald away from their borders.
She already sucked. Her best asset was her appearance and she's still pretty fucking cute so she ain't losing that. Everything else can only go up.
Both. He betrayed us but he was also right.
Literally the most competent antagonist in the game. He won.
I don't play ESO so I don't know. But they seem to be doing okay compared to the other games that are shutting down, merging servers, or scared to announce player milestones.
Here's your new chocobo race music bros
In the right. He outsmarted everyone and forced the alliance to march as the Garleans were ready to invade. Not only did his actions save Ala Mhigo but they saved Doma and the alliance as well. Also even though he sacrificed people for his ritual, he sacrificed himself as well.
>tfw no slutty young Matoya whoring herself for knowledge flashback
Also, I think she dies in Shadowbringers
Disregard that, I suck cocks.
I just found the 30 dollar ones.
I'll get one right away since my sub time runs out in less than a week anyways.
there's less back and forth in the X.0 MSQ, at least
he was undoubtedly an asshole who got a lot of people killed for no good reason, but with his dying breath he succeeded at his plan so the liberation was on either way.
Man XI has such good animations
>Story isn't content.
Go back home.
Desperate people looking for anything new in a stagnant genre. You can promise pretty much anything on kickstarter and if the project collapses or is shit there's not really anything that backers can do.
post 4.0 MSQ was plenty of back and forth.
Think instead about how her ears are as large as an adult miqo'te's just like real cats and kittens
GNB Ilberd when?
He was right, but he was also wrong. Ultimately his actions led two the liberation of two countries, but he made a lot of wrong choices along the way.
>I suck cocks
>Cannot play Shadowniggers till 5th of July
AAAAAAAA, I hate being a wagecuck. Post your favorite ff related picture for me
can't wait till datamines so storyfags get btfo and the inevitable wave of butthurt comes at full force
What would he be right about? He was just a madman in the end who wanted to punish everyone for the loss of Ala Mhigo to the empire. He hated the alliance for not helping Ala Mhigo, he hated the empire for obvious reasons, and he hated the Ala Mhigans themselves for not rising up against the empire.
>story isn't content
>lvling BTN
>going for unspoiled collectables
>havent gathered cloud banana yet
>field mastery 3, 75% chance
>fail all 5 gathers
>repeat every 12 in-game hours for 8 straight nodes
i just want my collectables
I can't wait to try this shit. I want to see the changes to paladin as well. Just started to use red mage and that seems cool too, looking forward to the changes.
yes, the subsequent patch MSQs are lots of back and forth because they don't introduce new zones. But the actual main expansion storyline is mostly just forward progress
>XIV's Story
>Anything but a generic ff story
Pray Return to the Waking sands.
remember that the au ra tranny meme is real
>He didn't schedule vacation days for EA.
Come on, nigger. You ain't using them for anything worthwhile anyways.
I'm still waiting for Fishberd.
its literally 90% of the game, and where all the development effort goes toward
I found the guy selling dispellers, fortunately. There's no way of accidentally destroying glamoured items, is there?
>Not sticking away from any form of social media the moment the patch is up for download
They deserve to get spoiled.
if you've ever browsed the /vg/ thread more than twice please fuck off and stay there
>It's not content unless it gives me purple lootz!
His vision was apparently to give us a poorly coded barebone game they wanted to fix years after launch.
No wonder each expansion is 100% the same from the prior expansion.
>yoship homoginzing tanks and healers
>people are happy about this.
Good luck, user.
fuck this shit I'm switching back to lala
Based retardbro.
Who is gonna spoiler bomb these threads when datamines start? Fuck Lorefags
Yep. Come the 27th I'm even checking out of these threads, and will just see you guys again at level 80
well you'd have to be genuinely retarded to not understand that this is a final fantasy game first and an mmo second
Nah, while not as good as ff14, ESO is doing fine.
Do you think Tanaka is seething with rage after he saw the most recent commercial of the catgirl jumping?
I agree with you, we need to be able to play as him as a role action quest to get his body back.
Name 5 other stories exactly like FF14's. I'll wait.
Is it? I have no idea. I don't play it so I have no idea the problems or anything but I have seen ads for a new expansion with a new class and shit. Seems to still be doing well unless there's stuff going on that I'm unaware of.
Spaghetti code isn't always the end of the game. Lord knows the XIV dev team have run into problems with their own yet here we are.
Yeah the MMO genre has been stagnant and shit for years but 2019 hit an all time low for most of them except for ESO and FFXIV. I mean WoW is so fucked that they're making an official classic version to reset the economy and progression when they previously were shitting on their own players for suggesting Classic at Blizzcon.
you got no point
Come see me at rising stone, right now!
He was truly ahead of his times.
Endgame is the only content that matters. ENjoy your sub drop off when people realize that XIV somehow has a worse endgame than BFA.
>An error occurred while attempting a World Visit.
The fuck is this? Why can't I return to my home world.
>his shit code is so bad Yoshi is currently working on a new mmo to replace 14
It literally wasn't tanaka's fault though, it was all Wada rushing the game out and forcing it to have the crystal engine.
There's a reason Wada was the CEO of possibly the worst SE has ever done financially.
Tanaka took the fall for something that was out of his hands.
>giant billboard of a curvy bunny girl in a skimpy dancer costume
Jesus Christ, how UNETHICAL. How did SE let this pass? Are they too busy with 7-R to police how the rest of their company is behaving?
seethe, WoWfag
You have been working on a Zodiac Zeta weapon, haven't you, anons?
>Odin is dead
Welp, time to hop into Crash Team Racing I guess.
got my party laughing their ass off while asking them the steel/feathers question yesterday. Almost got us killed at the last boss.
>not making a trash alt and typing spoilers in gridania were all the guncucks will becongregated
Is it Odin? Odin is fucking down for whatever reason, I'm stuck in an infinite queue
>when they previously were shitting on their own players for suggesting Classic at Blizzcon.
Their "You think you do, but you don't" sure aged poorly.
>Doesn't actually break guns
>Endgame is the only content that matters
Go HOME, nigger.
Yep. It's that then.
fuck off Tanaka your game was shit
two was enough
To anyone here who was formerly a wow player or even just a player with friends playing wow. Have you guys really been approached about xiv in the past few months? And did some of them actually move to it?
I got the claws and haven't looked back.
Dude I completed it 4 years ago and it's a Longinus Zeta like yours, good taste user
Don't have to. Enjoying the classic beta right now. Impressive how a 15 year old game is better than something that comes out in 2019.
It actually does, it was designed to counter the Garleans who use gunblades.
I just finished Apocalypse because of its relation to the Shadowbringers story and because I'm going to be maining SMN again. I'm not really a fan of the design, but it felt wrong not to have it.
You're not even fucking trying
He's a tank, a dps, a healer, and a Bro
>Endgame is the only content that matters
Based BIG and AUTISTIC retard.
Does high allagan arms go with gordian fending armor?
I love how lorewise everyone hates miqo'te and love lalafells but in game it's the exact opposite
>FC refers to sending the submarine off on a mission as dumping more lalafell bodies
If they didn't turn off their chat, they deserved it.
Man, that's just weird.
Did that shit when it was relevant, not going through it again.
>Mineral Water
>Ishgard spring
I want some of that!
My hype for this expansion is gone and I don't know why. Something changed in the last 2 weeks... Maybe it's my retarded fc or something.
Nah. You lose and will continue to lose.
>Ishgard pushed back to 5.1
>Same Zodiac grind
>Same boring trial
>he didn't play classic when it was modern
how sad for you
Is this a parent of the roe who enslaves and kills au'ra and adorns her house with their heads?
cool, didn't know people on here stuck around on odin, feel like everyone moved to chaos or is on NA
I made Excalibur. Don't really even plan to use it, but I wanted Excalibur. Won't likely ever make another zeta, they just don't look very good overall.
Depression, same goes for WoL but replace rich with gary stu
that's fucking hilarious
When am I supposed to use Thunder procs on BLM?
>less than a week
>still no naming conventions
It's going to be a last minute thing again isn't it?
Damnit, I'm autistic about stuff like character names and appearance, I need time to choose.
when thunder runs out
Ah, reminds me of the ladies. They always close their eyes as soon as they finish beating the head of their target. If you know what I mean.
if you have enough spell speed,whenever you want. if not, save it for ice phase
It really did. Like holy fuck what made them think saying that would be good PR at all? They came off as smug assholes. Rule 1 of marketing, never fucking insult your consumers.
>Gunbreaker coat without the gauntlets is literally just seifers.
Who even cares? If your name isn't some shitty pop culture/previous FF reference you're already good enough that people won't despise you.
I made Ragnarok Zeta and Last Resort Zeta, since WAR and SCH are my most played jobs.
DPS gain whenever there's 12s or less left of the current dot timer. Might change in ShB due to Despair being added but unlikely as it doesn't interrupt anything.
Squall's outfit is already in the game though.
>you will never have twin miqo'te sisters fighting over which one gets to suck your dick first
Why did Urianger call Y'shtola master matoya in the trailer?
I havent played SB yet plsnobully
I unironically think part of the problem is that playing online with other people is mandatory in basically any game that gets made. When I was zoomer age playing online with my friends was a cool luxury, that and the technical limitations/older design meant you get slow burning progression and mandatory social interaction rolled into one. Now attention grabbing and instant gratification are the goals being aimed at by pretty much any company, look at nu-tube versus early youtube for the same shit. Thanks for subscribing to my blog.
we don't know either
Go make yet another smash thread you cunt
All Shadowniggers belong in the back
Thank fuck. Miqo'te are born to be whores, I don't want cat aids
We don't know yet.
Eat shit and die nigger, it's just as much based on seifer as it is squall.
She dies in SB. That's Matoya in her body.
Translation error, in the JP trailer he calls her "Sweet cheeks"
>moved to chaos
You must be joking. I left chaos asap after the split.
damn you're fuckin mad maybe take a break from the internet
don't remind me of that image
Why is Blassty slamming into Alexander, I'm so confused.
>taking a chaser and BJ head on
you're fucking dead kiddo
also you all got your white mecha gorilla mount, right?
I mean they literally were being smug assholes, it's not even a perception problem. All he had to saw was 'We'll talk about it internally' and moved on if they thought it was a shit idea.
I swear to fuck as soon as I get Gunbreaker I'm gonna start sperging out about my romantic dream. You just know some pair of autists are gonna be a GNB and BLM and roleplay as a Sorceress and her Knight. Does GNB actually get Renzokuken?
He should have leveled DRK and learned how to think for himself.
my entire FC literally bailed to chaos for ""raiding"" just because entropy is on there i guess, the fucking state of that
Sami Zayn, new day, and another 3 wrestlers all play FFXIV. It's pretty crazy.
>Could run a few dungeons and keep talking in the same thread
>Run a dungeon or trial
>Thread almost at 400+ posts
Popularity sucks!
Go play the new PvP modes
>get btfo for being a smashfag hypocrite
>u mad
>Square dumping money into XIV ('s advertising)
>No more races coming.
>Story setting up possibility for a time jump.
Is the next expansion going to be XIV's Cataclysm?
You know what I mean, you cunts.
>Does GNB actually get Renzokuken?
Yes, it's their Continuation mechanic. Renzokuken means 'Continuing Blade'.
album where
Yeah Renzokuken is it's main mechanic, Renzokuken essentially translates to Continuation.
Continuation mechanic?
Camoflauge is New Keen Flurry, bros.
Thinkin about going back to WoW since these threads are becoming cancer now. I'm guessing all the cancerfags from wow came to xiv.
Viera names are icelandic you fucking fag, you've been whining about this shit in every thread since the benchmark came out and yoiu first made your shitty generic rabbit
Soken took a pic with a black girl and looked visibly
Its ridge
It's just a retard "follow the leader" kind of mentality.
>Play PvP
Pay me.
Nowhere because it uses a male hyur child body.
Can someone post their cute girls and erp discord?
If you have your ammo charges then each step of your main combo also triggers another OGCD combo called Continuation. So you have two combos going at once making it seem like a constant flurry of attacks.
The best part is the follow up where he says
"You might not realise it but we made a lot of changes to the game, it used to be that if you wanted a dungeon you had to spend time looking for people and walk all the way over to a dungeon, now you just press a button and you're in! You don't want to go back to that do you?"
It sounds like they think their audience is retarded.
Not that user but you can't deny Seifer was probably an influence at some point, he's the only other notable user of classic gunblades aside from Squall, and the Job is designed as a universal representative of gunblade wielders, not just a squall clone. So there's a lot of sense to the statement, even if he's saying it out of pure seething.
Yeah these threads have been reaching 500+ in less than 3 hours.
>They came off as smug assholes.
Blizzard has come off that way for several years at this point and they haven't really slowed down.
>subjecting yourself to BFA because of threads on Yea Forums
Whatever, faggot
XV managed to not be a total disaster (hit the sales threshold the producers/execs wanted as a bare minimum) and made money off merch and shitty tie in games. XVI's coming eventually, they're just really scared of fucking up again and taking it slow.
Sword-chucks in XIV when?
1 week bros.
If you want to see a male midlander naked so much just fanta into one.
Please don't make DRK strong
I don't want to play that piece of shit job
>I unironically think part of the problem is that playing online with other people is mandatory in basically any game that gets made.
Bingo, MMOs aren't specially anymore. Everywhere you look are games that offer the same social interaction of an MMO. Funnily enough games of other genres often offer more, I can jump in a random game of siege and say "Hey anyone got mic?" and immediately find people to talk to and if we do well party up with for the afternoon, in XIV you need to find a guild then hope it's not already a circle jerk.
almost all the parse trannies are face 1 suncat or lalas
Those legs are pretty disturbing.
>everyone who moved to chaos is still scraping the barrel for healers
>my light static is full and has been since weeks before the expansion
feels fucking good
I actually think Seifer is cooler and I'm glad it looks more based on Seifer than Squall. I was just pointing out Squall's outfit is already in.
Tom Holland is also a FFXIV fan
>The new leading figures in the MMO market are Star Wars The Old Republic, FFXIV, and Elder Scrolls Online.
We live in a bizarro world.
He's being paid.
Damn... Lady looks like THAT?
>Tom Holland
you can't spoil me if i'm not here
fighters can’t even dual wield in this gay baby game
it's ridiculous. the moment I look away it's like 50 posts past any conversation and the topic's moved on.
does he actually play FFXIV or is it just marketing?
i bet its the last one.
It's hard to tell from that since it was taken may 13th. He was probably already working on the ad back then.
He does say he plays the game but god knows if its just marketing stuff.
>all non crystal NA servers locked
bros what the hell is happening
Maplestory is merging servers soon
I feel like the genre probably won't be able to truly progress until most of the major players have stopped running
It doesn't help that most of the upcoming MMOs end up going full retard really quickly
>Bless flopping in every other region, so lets make it B2P!
>MapleStory 2 listening to the sweaty autismos that have been playing the korean version for years and buffing the raids, pretty much slaughtering most of the casual playerbase and then dumping shitloads of dailies a month later to finish off the rest and then having to spend the next 5 months unfucking the game to a point were its actually stomachable
How much does it cost to have Spiderman shill my video game?
spiderman from avengers and the spiderman movies
What server?
FUCK OFF WE'RE (literally) FULL
This desu. I'm turning off 4channel until I clear the MSQ as PLD.
It's not just western celebrities either. A ton of Japanese VA's are into the game, including the VA of Y'shtola. In addition to a few japanese pornstars.
Spiderman, apparently he's an attention whore that keeps telling people who he is in game and then race and name changing when he's tired of the attention only to inevitably tell people again and have the cycle repeat
The latest spiderman.
Sorry my man, the bros are excited for the expansion.
Free if he's a big enough fan, he probably did it on the cheap anyways. MCU or no, he's a relative nobody.
why am i so excited for this expansion, havent felt this is a while for a game
I mean don't forget dave chapelle was a huge WoWfag and they basically had to beg him to do the commercial which pissed him off because afterwards people tracked him down and would bug the shit out of him non-stop.
I think it's why he ended up quitting.
>got so bored I changed my pc lighting to be more shadowbringers-esque
This boi
My sister-in-law isn't going to die.
Probably not much since SE holds the avengers rights atm for the videogame.
We might even get a crossover event. Eorzean avengers fighting crime, something like that one dude with leviabeetus would be fun.
No but somewhere on the First there will be a Xaela girl who will be sad that she can't find a boyfriend.
Thancred's VA said he plays the game in an interview, he even got pissed off because he has to voice all the cutscenes with major spoilers.
Fair, I just wanted an excuse to post more 8-Bit Theatre.
>Uses Zodiac Style Kenshido in the four-sword style, dual wielding sword-chucks
>Draws upon everything from the Ram Style to Glorious Chainsaw Method
>If you fuck up your combo you hit yourself with your own swords
>Training under Vargus while learning some of the odder techniques from his no-name fighter apprentice
>Receive vision quests from some avatar of swords or something
>Job class involves a rivalry with the dojo of Spider Style Kenshido
>Despite being Kenshido all of the job armour is western-style
Man it's so trippy to think about this. 7 years ago this would be impossible to believe. It's almost unheard of for failed MMOs to make a decent comeback. The first impression is everything.
Post this on reddit.
What are some of the least common race+job combinations?
I believe I have never seen a male giraffe play warrior
>all those games failed but are seeing a resurgence
>it’s not because they’re not shit, just because WoW imploded
Which one? Nakamura was posting his cat on twitter a lot.
>In addition to a few japanese pornstars.
>tfw will never meet Anri in game and steal her away from her husband and have her bear your child
Same. Anyone who cares about spoilers that sticks around after datamining starts is an idiot.
>words words words
Shit I didn't think of this, I usually have my lights set to red increase my fps but this is good.
it's not just WoW imploding, it's every other MMO imploding. this year was terrible for the MMO genre in general.
I followed my guild once in Vanilla WoW. I will never make that mistake ever again.
People going
>Muh Ragnarok
are insane. I'm so goddamn happy to be rid of the Frogs.
Just rumors to take it with a grain of salt
>mfw Minfilia tells me to pray awaken the crystals
she was shit talking a few sprouts in a tam-tara deepcroft run from one screenshot I saw posted here a while back
I have never seen a Roe SCH
Every Trial and Dungeon that is required for the MSQ is part of the MSQ. There's hundreds of hours of content in the MSQ.
Raids and optional dungeons/trials like the Warring Triad are the minority.
Roe/elezen anything.
Where's the rest of the khloe smut fuck
More 8-Bit is good.
God, imagine if Alisaie had breasts this big. She'd actually be likable.
>I usually have my lights set to red increase my fps but this is good
Wtf? Doesn't that make your rig too hot? I have to keep mine on blue to help cool it down.
lorewise everyone knows lalafells are evil bandit rats, only nips and pedos love them
I mean, I wouldn't doubt it since the dude did go on record for not being able to keep a secret.
More like it's because they all got better over time while every other MMO became worse.
When is Yoshi giving us the male viera we deserve instead of those disgusting cats?
Gotta live on the edge if you want that performance boost
By rarity of race/class femroe machinist would be the current rarest combination.
Yoshida shilled Spiderman, so Spiderman returned the favor.
I'm actually kind of worried. What happens if FFXIV gets a huge boost in numbers and mainstream popularity like WoW back in the mid to late 2000s?
Our servers can barely handle the sub-1 million active players we normally have, I can't even imagine what would happen if we had 5 million people running around.
jesus fucking christ make me unsee
These look hideous.
Please someone post this
When will you shut the fuck up peasant?
>Ugly viera
We'll get this probably. Fuck Shotafags.
>want to die
>shadowbringers in 1 week
>dont want to die anymore
not just me huh? these threads were like an oasis in hw and sb, just sharing progress and shitposting lore while self-moderating enough to ignore trolls
now we're going at light speed and people get unironically mad over trivial shit like player statistics
>Soon as I switch to Lala people start calling me cute and randomly hugging and petting me.
This is bullshit. Midlanders deserve love too.
They'd just add more servers/DC, you mong.
>these are the """"""people"""""" that want male viera in game
post cute miqo art
>dimension-hopping immortals manipulate events to get people to summon demigods that siphon magic from the planet in order to bring about apocalypses, destroying the world and tipping the scales in favor of their god in his battle with his opposite
That's not very generic senpai
They'd get more servers
The fall and rise of FFXIV is the greatest anime story ever told.
Why are you people obsessed with looking this shit out? Who cares?
lmao, like spiderman needs shilling by the likes of yoshida
>you will literally never ever drink warm mommy milk from Anri's delicious pleasure orbs
In another life, I'd be playing a potato.
Maybe we'll finally get an east coast server again.
PLD, SAM, and MNK are my favorites
No most people that want male viera are trapfags that want to self insert as little boys in dresses.
Like that faggot meowie.
Why would trannies want male Viera? That doesn't make sense, user.
>here's crystal so more people can play
>shit eu needs more servers, lets add more worlds
>now: every world is reaching maximum congestion just a week before SHAD
will SE make it in time?
>This is going to be 9 years old soon
8.2 vs Shadowbringers who will win bros?
>male viera
sometimes I forget FtM trannies exist and they usually play malera
It's pretty weird seeing all these WoWtards that have played no other mmo than WoW suddenly enjoying the new games they're playing.
>reading through novice network chat last night out of boredom
>couple of WoWfugees saying they're excited to log into XIV to play and that's a feeling they haven't had in a long time
It was cute, but they still need to go back.
I have to say, I expect hrothgar players to divide themselves into the horned and hornless, and relentlessly mock the hornless, I'll be dissapointed if it isn't the case.
Underrated post.
Dont worry mate, the early acces usually ends up being a shitshow anyway
I think XIV gives people the illusion of being generic because, much like FFIX, it's an amalgam of lore and story setpieces from previous games. Light/Dark balance from 3, the evil empire, the twin moons from 4, dimensional compression from 5, ceruleum (mako) and the Lifestream from 7, etc.
I hope male viera will be ugly t b h, shit on shotafags and twinks both
I think we're gonna get worse than Raubahn EX this time around.
How do you think he would react to Ala Mhigo finally being liberated if he were still alive?
>one is nothing but world quests and rng gear drops
>the other is a new xpac with dungeons, raids, boss fights, and a plethora of new content
the game with the cat tits will win
YoshiP has said for a while now that he wants to revamp the low level progression so it's far more likely than you think. Coming back to the source at the end of ShB just to see every city state decimated by super black rose so they can remake all the old zones would make a ton of sense.
>Still can't convince any of my hardcore WoWfag friends to try it out
I always get the stubborn ones
nah man they're fucked. the servers are going to explode. if not for the massive players, but also the DDOS attacks from butthurt people mad the FFXIV is stealing their players.
>7 Days
the solo instance system has a queu function now to avoid that exact issue but there's gonna be shitty queues up the ass.
If I didn't care about the story then I would probably always play Lala.
so I know a lot of people like Nier's aesthetics, but is it actually fun to play? Will Yoko Taro make mechanics that have substance or is it all just style?
Friendly reminder that 4.5 was originally going to end really bad but that plot point to the beginning of Shadowniggers. Pay your last respects to Ala Mhigo for I am going to nuke it.
The only reason to stay on WoW is PvP. Which is absolute shit, but it's not at the disastrous level of XIV at least.
>YoshiP has said
l o l
>have friends who bought stormblood and msq/job boost
>play for an hour
i dont know anymore
he said in the recent live letter that he wants to reduce the number of post ARR quests sometime in 5.x
He'd smile and then head off into the sunset because there's nothing left there for him anymore.
He gets a mention in Shinryu's DF so I believe he would be happy.
>2000 people ahead of me in the Vauthry fucking Alisaie instance
Is something happening on Odin or Light in general?
I want a rerun of the Ridorana Chocobopocalypse.
Frontlines is fun, motherfucker. And the WoWfags are ruining it.
God I wish that were me on the left.
Why does Thancred dress like a fucking slut
Honestly, man the game just isn't for everyone. Even if they're MMO players, this game is more of a JRPG with multiplayer elements than an outright MMO. From what I've seen with the WoWtards that have gotten into the game, is that they had an interest in JRPGs before and during WoW, hence why they've stuck around in XIV. I highly doubt the majority of WoWfags these days even know what a CRPG is, much less a JRPG.
oh god that was hilairious, so many people spawning in their three chocobos and then millions of choco meteors just wiping out everyone.
Automata's gameplay was more Platinum's doing than Taro's. Yes, it was very fun. Not quite as much as DMC but solid.
I don't know how much he'll design the actual mechanics, but he does have that Kojima-ish touch of doing things in a weird way.
the original nier played like ass, but automata plays very good.
I'm fully expecting bullet hell mechanics, jump puzzle mechanics, sidescrolling camera gimmick, and other shit.
Am I the only one who didn't like the launch trailer? it felt like a shittier version of the heavensward launch trailer.
Still hyped for SHB but wish the trailer had more oomph to it.
I guess I was expecting the sineaters to be more than just voidsent 2.0
Urianger you mean?
>not Feasts in Premade
Battlegrounds on WoW are better than Frontlines, and Feasts are much better than WoW's arenas.
But WoW has not laggy combat so the win goes to it I guess.
>All my friends are in a coma
>Nearly got killed because of OPEN THA GATE man
Servers are down, there's just too much fucking people.
No kidding, ShB EA gonna be such a massive shitshow...
Stop posting so fast. Respect the bump limit.
You have to remember that like 9/10 of those motherfuckers are barafur, not FFX fans.
I expect a LOT of Ronso with horns to do that shit, though.