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Other urls found in this thread:


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Ricky Bobby.

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People still love Sackboy.

What is crash bandicoot?

Attached: 1558728160933.png (871x757, 812K)

What is
Nathan Drake
Crash Bandicoot
and countless others

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Mascots are cringe shit for children

Sony not Nintendo user

>open thread
>already people fuming over Sony
Every single time

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>Generic shoot man

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Fat Princess


There are still heroes on Yea Forums

>LittleBigPlanet voted the best British game ever
Based Britbongs.

>Snoyfag seething over the truth

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Kaz Hirai

Dan the Man

sony's mascot is actually fat nathan drake (AKA angryjoe) wielding a Subway® Foot Long



What do I win?

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Ratchet & Clank. It's always Ratchet and Clank.

Sony never had THAT one game.


Fuck you zoomer pieces of shit

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Pokemon go?

Bloodborne Hunter

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this loser

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it is bigger than all those other fanbases though

Got 'em.

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Wrong, they have two of them. SoTC & TLOU

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>Generic Italian stereotype

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Was and should have kept being Crash had Sony found a way to keep Crash exclusive. If anything now their mascot is a gay flag.

What is popcorn?

Sam Porter Bridges

> Nintendo has FF6, Metroid, Trigger, RE4, Mario & Zelda
> PlayStation has FF7, NieR, SoTN, MGS, TLOU & SOTC
> Xbox has Mass Effect 2 & RDR1
> Sega has SoulCalibur
What the fuck is the defining game on PC?

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Mario is not Italian though

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a bucket of popcorn


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mediocrity, that's what

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Yeah because all the Italians I know go BING BING WAHOO


Playing your games for free ;)


This! Its the gamers!

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Fat nathan drake with a subway sponsorship was fucking great honestly


turns out if you're constantly trying to start console war shit, people start associating your fandom with console war shit
who would have thought?


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I'd say Half-life.

Literally their only good exclusive is pic related and

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wrong, nintendo single-handedly saved video games in the west after the video game crash
you don't achieve that with mediocrity

Only Kratos qualifies, everything else is too recent or just dead.

That guy who spams Yea Forums with posts about Ape Escape.

shitposting aside, pic related is obviously it, especially after that pseudo-reboot

Attached: Kratos_God_of_War_III.png (220x404, 117K)

What the fuck is this list?

>ME2 that high up for great story in video gaming

>Xbox has Mass Effect 2 & RDR1

Those games were on PS3 and PC.

lmao you're so frothing at the mouth that you couldn't even form a proper sentence like "no, that's nintendo",
just hurrr tendo

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>Ocarina of Time
>best soundtrack

Now THIS is nostalgia-driven.

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>Crash Bandicoot
>games on multiple platforms
>owned by Universal
>not even on playstation's "mascot" game


Grow up and develop better taste.

Toro Inoue

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oot music is way more memorable and iconic

The fact that nobody can agree on who Sony's mascot is proves that none of their characters are memorable enough

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>being this delusional

bro just stop

Opposite actually.

>Link is best char
I don't get it

>being this contrarian
bro just stick dicks in your ears and jerk em off lmao

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i agree it's not the best but it's more deserving of the spot than nier. i would've put sonic adventure 1 on the #1 spot personally. a lot of diversity in genres and literally every song sounds good

Sony making faggots seethe since 95.

It's not deserving of the spot at all. It's not even the best soundtrack from the Zelda series.


Damn, I've never seen anyone sperg out so hard over the word "Nintendo" before

Kratos is probably the most accurate contemporary answer.

I think you're projecting a little bit...

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learn what the word means some time

Sony doesn't have good games make by them. PS4 has sold a lot of units because normies around the world like to play sports and FPS games in it.


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Well I mean, you said he was frothing at the mouth, and yet you post a wojak image while typing in caps lock

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English is not your primary language, is it?

The fact you can't pick one out of countless options only means that none of them has mascot qualities

>Costantly post wojacks shitty on literally everything
>"Woow why do people hate me???"

It's hard for me to think about "realistic" characters as mascots, but in Playstation's case there's not much option when those overshadow the more cartoony ones. Same with Master Chief being Xbox's mascot.

Sackboy but Sony was too retarded to bank on it

You mean PlayStation's mascot.

For me, it's Astrobot.

Will he ever rise from the grave?

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It should be this happy little motherfucker.

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Sony, for better or worse, doesn't really have one since they constantly change with the times and need to make new IP's.

It was only recent that they decided to bring back one of their better ones like Kratos like making new ones like Last of Us.

Sackboy couldv'e been a long lasting one but they didn't want to dwindle and you can't really either when the entire series is built on player created levels.


just crash and kratos.

>generic anime swordsman
>in smash

Damn right. It's a gay ass game for a gay ass company

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Only if you count niggers and soccer i mean south americans.

I came here to post this



I really like Dreams but I do miss Sackboy.

Mascots aren't mature enough for Playstation.

Kazuma Kiryu?


>sega character
>*also available on pc

Dead series

>I-it's all the snoyfags fault!

Kiryu’s too based for Gaystation, but he should replace Sonic as the SEGA mascot.

>most overrated games of all time list
I'm glad it's not 00s anymore. OOT wanking was insufferable.

>Nintendo over Valvefags
Come the fuck on now.

Mascots don't exist anymore. They would if they actually started making more 3D platformers

Opinion discarded.

>Ninntoddlers think a gaming company needs a mascot

this jaundiced motherfucker will forever and always be the Sony mascot

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>Hasn't had a game in almost five years

its been 10 years since the last game made by Tsutomu Kouno I kinda doubt he still works for sony even though he said he would announce something in the future.

>I don't know what a mascot is

Valvefags are defending a company that helped make lootboxs explode

Crash was a mascot but no longer is.
Today the only mascot(s) Sony has are Toro and Kuro, but the western Sony branches are so ridiculously embarrassed by them and the idea of mascot characters altogether that they might as well not even exist outside of Japan.

Kat deserves a special mention though. While not a mascot of Playstation at large, she was literally meant to be the mascot for the Vita. But well, we know how that went and how quickly Sony discarded all of those plans.

>muh epic smug smash dev
I hope they fire him and destroy any vision he has for his precious smash series going forward.

In conclusion, Sony don't have a mascot because all of their cartoon ones are dead or multiplatform and the real ones are some that Sony themselves don't count as one.

I hope he gets another game soon.

I'm not sure I get this meme but goddamn do I support it.

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I always associate Solid Snake with Sony

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What a garbage mascot, looks like a turd compared to the iconic design of Mario or Sonic

Sir Daniel Fortesque

yeah he's from brooklyn
fuck off dobson

>he needs mascots


Do people forget that this character exists?

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With Dreams being a thing? I doubt it, but I wish too.

Everybody ignores the actual mascot

Whether you like it or not, the correct answer is:
Who is Lara Croft?
Also she's coming to Smash, fyi

Dreams existing doesn't automatically kill LBP. I'm more convinced they're working on a PS5 game right now, as Sony don't put out merchandise for dead series.

Crash and not even close
Crash went multiplat, so idk. Jak and daxter?
Drake, the sackboy, or CHAD WARDENN
Kratos. Honestly kratos is the closest thing they had to a mascot since crash
If you amalgate solid snake and big boss to one person i would throw him in as the PS2 mascot.

I don't remember link wearing purple in oot
Also this is such a bullshit list
>best soundtrack
>best character

Are you guys even trying. Here's all of them.

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>SSB's MegaMan

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