Bethesda here, what's one thing you really want to see in Starfield?

Bethesda here, what's one thing you really want to see in Starfield?

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Aliens! I want to see some aliens for once. Fuck all the endless space opera.

Single player star citizen with complex economy really large universe (not NMS large, handcrafted large) variety of ships, fashion, weapons, races, honest dialogue tree, entire planet to visit (this one a bit like NMS except handcrafted) you know what would be a good space game

a decent game

actual fucking roleplaying depth, choice and consequence, content that's actually hidden away like how morrowind had secrets everywhere
i know that'll never happen though, just make another braindead retard friendly fallout 4 looter shooter :)

Art direction that is less Star Trek/Mass Effect, and more Space Dandy


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Death and solitude. It's a space game after all.

This but I know it’ll never happen

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Hot babes

alien boobs

Engine that can handle FPS above 60.

Just kidding, i know you incompetent fucks cannot accomplish even this

Pete Hines performing ritual suicide onstage.

Morrowind was shit though

my peanus weanus of course ;)

big yikes

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Morrowind is a trash action game. It's not an RPG.

Non broken game ;)

These and also deep ship customization and colony/base building.

bigger yikes

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That user doesnt want morrowind 2, they want an actual real RPG, the kind bethesda hasnt really done since.

Dinosaurs! XD

new engine


how about actual windows

A non trash engine

holo decks

new engine, fire all women, execute pete hines at E3 2020

AI tiddies

I want to see Jesus.

alien futa

Pilotable starship. Customizable starship. MECHS, I BETTER have a fucking awesome mech and other vehicles to go around on land with.

I want a cool collection of aliens and robots and weird things for party members.

Several times the size of Fallout 4 with multiple planets would be awesome but I know it's just not possible.

All of this should really be basic shit they said at DAY ZERO of developing this. And yeah, I'm aware this is more than 1. I just have high hopes for this game.

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how the fuck do you even make something like this out of legos? how many of the pieces are custom cast/3D printed just for this?

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Playable god howard

A failure that actually has consequences for the company.

Juggling. I want to kick an enemy in the balls so hard he's suspended in midair for the next 15 seconds while I beat him around like a ragdoll beach ball with a baton.

Fallout new vegas

I want to fuck an alien. not just one, all of them.

>You're playing as scientist from Earth trying to understand "magic" of TeS world.
>That space station in teaser is orbiting Mundus

Fewer playable races than Elder Scrolls but with far stronger differences.

Todd Howard dancing in an alien strip club being harassed by tentacles aliens.

Lots of Rick & Morty references and trans available options in the character creation please

I'm guessing they'll be announcing this at next E3 after CP2077 has launched, this better blow peoples socks off or they wont care by that point.

Space catgirls

fuckable robot/alien/scaly/furry creatures

Bioships with big tits.

I'd honestly be satisfied with Skyrim in space at this point. As long as they don't go as dumbed down as Fallout 4 or further I can tolerate it.

Mario Kart but in space

Prominent Creation Club integration in the inventory menu so I can buy user created modded items in-game without having to back out to the main menu.


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this is good bait

A new fucking engine you god damn hacks.

Stable busy large armospheres / areas >>>>> #polygons

Something star spotizen failed to grasp

Oh and a finished game on arrival

A new engine.

Elon Musk

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no more gamebyro

>no more mods
Imagine wanting this for a Bethesda game


This. Also wtf is it? A big budget No Man’s Sky?

Nobody fucking knows because bethesda isn't telling us shit. I imagine it's going to be something like mass effect. Like the first one with all the shitty low-effort copypaste worlds that you drove the mako around on.


Dragons xD

thats their excuse for lazy fucks
>let the fans fix the game with mods
i want them to push out another fo76

>protagonist turns out to be Godmode Mary Sue all along
like we need another Wakfu

Id Tech 7