Give ideas/hopes for DMC6
DMC Thread
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>already shitposting about le dmc6
Literally no fucking worse than smash kiddies
Vergil as protag, and make it have 50 missions instead of 20.
Dude... Shut the fuck up.
anyone got the raws for the next V manga chapter?
This thread is my excuse to post new Bui manga chapter with Vergil getting absolutely assblasted by Mundus. Also we're meeting Phantom bros
moondust in dmc 6
who /still hasn't beaten bloody palace/ here?
Me *raises hand*
already beaten it with nero but got to floor 99 with dante and the game fucking crashed
Where the fuck is the MPBP?
Crimson blue but with less lewd. Finally an existing chapter
translation when
Am I stupid or is Dr. Faust completely and utterly gamebreaking?
Dante has like fifty times the damage output of other characters with this fucking thing.
>not enjoying having the ability to pay people to fuck off
Good game this time pls
I agree they need to make it right.
>ip didnt go up
R u the guy who kept comparing dmc to advent children?
I'm not the guy, I'm just wanting them to make a good one.
I want a DMC that's structured more like the anime with several smaller episodes instead of one big plot. Also the Devil May Cry shop is a part of the game and customizable.
DLC episodes could also be cool if done correctly.
Well Advent Children is a good film, can't blame him...
>Phantom next chapter
But it's already a good game.
finally flashbacks of Mundus torture!
And our favorite big guy enters the game, let's welcome the source of many children's nightmares from DMC1!
so nelo angel's sword wasn't yamato, that use to be a popular theory around here right
>struggle with his first fight back when i was a dumbass kid
>finally beat it
>he shows up to chase you in the hallway right after
i'm still a little mad he wasn't in 5 but at least he shows up in the manga. last time he showed up in dmc was in 2 iirc so i'm glad he gets a redemption appearance
Nero chokes on sucking powers dick just like daddy did and now It's up to Dante and Vergil to get his ass back in line.