Ladies and gentlemen

Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to the newest fad.

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it's pretty fun

it's pretty bad

I like it. Level 5 so far, been playing all night. Will play more tonight when I'm at work

Oh yeah add me if you want to party up. My name is Brad

>Battle Royale meets Mobile Gacha games

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What is this game. Give me a quick rundown!

The matches are way too long, hope they add 33 and 66 hp matches.
Anyone seen a three star character yet? How would you even make one, game needs to be rigged to get all those duplicates.

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Go for a unit no one else plays, get lucky or druids.

Tried it but i dont get it
What am i supposed to do?
Just place troops and hope for the best?

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You can't got for 3 star on all your characters. The way to do it is from the very beginning of the game be pretty decided on what level 3 star you want. After that you just keep buying up the same copies of that hero until you get 3 star. I get one or two 3-stars every game, the key is not being too broad but to narrow it down to 1 or 2 heroes and just buying up those whenever you see them. The best would be if you choose on heroes that cost 1 or 2 gold

Play the tutorial.

I want to play it...

I did.

There are a lot of different mechanics at play. You want to buy heroes that have same keywords, such as assassins because then your heroes get certain bonuses. You also want to level up because that gives you access to placing another hero on the board but more expensive heroes appear more frequently aswell. Choose items that fit well with your comp and try and win.

>focus on leveling up
>buy the best hero to fill up slots
>team of five heroes, one with 2 stars
>think i'm doing pretty good
>guy on other team has six 2 star heroes
how the fuck

When you say items do you mean those upgrades you get during the loot rounds?

Am I too much of a brainlet to understand the appeal of this? It just plays itself?

The league one is better

Yes exactly, they aren't all equally good for different comps, some are better than others. You need to identify which are better for your specific team comp, but also incase you got an equippable item,on what hero it is best suited.

Yes you are, its basically a card game like heartstone but you actually see your cards fight

Played it yesterday and it's boring af. I thought it was a full on strategy game similar to Starcraft, but it's not. There are strategy elements, but also rng elements, and that completely ruins it for me.

But how do i level up the heroes?

it's been a fad for like half a year now

and the cards randomly decided who they will attack.

To get a level 2 star, you need three level 1 stars of the same hero, it will upgrade automatically. Same goes for 3 stars, you need three level 2 copies of the same hero. Only druids work slightly differently

it's pretty gay

yea but remember that league of legends started slow aswell before the whole genre became popularized. Every fad isnt as fast as Battle Royale when it comes to hype.
This might just blow up into a whole trend just like MOBAs

Its pure RNG

Casuals love it since there is literally no skill involved

Hero pool is shared, if 3 people are trying to get a 3 star bloodseeker chances are none of you will.

Okay, seems quite simple.
1 question left, does the placement of heroes matter at all or is it just luck

this thread is full of samefags
check my 4

>tfw your melee unit goes back and walks around a bit before actually attacking someone
>tfw when units don't attack and you don't know why
Why aren't there any animations or visual effects for disarms and shit like that?

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It matters yes. Particularly regarding assassins. Assassins will jump to the backline and start killing from the back, which means they will avoid your frontline. If you fill your mages and hunters in the back to let them deal damage you will get absolutely rekt by an assassin team comp. This is just one example of how placement matters a lot. Now ofcourse there is RNG in there, like your hero might attack something you wouldn't want it to, but placement still matters

No they dont. They always attack the closest unit, with some specific cases that are different based on class. Assassins for example leap to the back to attack the furthest away unit.

Big brain guys place ranged heroes in the back.

>3-4 people havnig a discussion back and forth
>a bad thing

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>stuck on preparing to download
did i get chinked

How long until riot makes their own type of this game?
I actually know those heroes, I'm guessing with these dota figures.

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They already did. Their version is trash tho.

Its already announced and out on PBE with a super long queue. It comes out next Wednesday

If you mean the one after you start the game, press the download bar and it asks for access to save data. At least on android.

they already did, but it's part of their client instead of being standalone and there's no mobile release planned

Except they aren't going to choose the optimal targets.

>no achievements
Let me know when the game is actually finished.

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wtf dotabros they're making fun of us...

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>3 minute queue to login
>making fun of anyone
lol I'm already playing another round of underlords

Its like 90% luck based, shit sucks

>They choose the closest target
>or if assassin, the furthest target
>wah they dont choose the optimal target
No they dont. And that makes placement matter more. You set up the placement to try to get them to attack the optimal targets.

>3 minutes

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I want the range units to focus on heroes with debuff equipment.

Hope they add melee/ranged symbols, can't tell some of the units way of attack just from their design.