/bloodstained/ general

How cute is your Miriam?

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That stupid fucking reflector shard should be made into a skill. I hate having to switch to it so much. I started using a shortcut just for that piece of shit. They should also give you water walking only and skip the retarded water jet shit. Redundant. While I'm ranting they should make all the hairstyles available much sooner in the game.

I fucking died at this random DQ reference. Mostly because I've also been playing a lot of DQ because of the Smash reveal.

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I can deal with the reflector ray even if it is a pretty shitty and underwhelming power, but what I cant stand is constantly turning shit upside down, it makes me queasy

Didn't realize what mastering techniques did till around halfway through. Really a game changer

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Do you remember where that hairstyle is found?

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Not him, and I don't remember either, but generally speaking if you're missing a hairstyle, you should complete more of the villager quests.

What's the level cap for shards?

Max level is 9 for both grade and rank

How the fuck do you avoid Zangetsu's instant kill attack on hard mode, second fight? The one that acts like a blackhole.

How the fuck do you interact with the eye painting?

My Miriam is decked out with Alucard's colors, the long ponytail hairstyle and the butterfly headpiece

I beat Zangetsu and got his sword. Now what?

fucking hell moron

what an ugly game

Go to the Hall of Termination and work your way through

>Wasting your time with this shit when Silksong is around the corner

If you really wanna know go to Gebel and get his HP down until the moon turns red. Invert to the ceiling and slash the sword with Zangetsu's Sword. Then do the same in the Garden area where you fought Zangetsu the first time.

>can just kind of accidentally beat the final boss not even halfway through the game and get a bad end
well okay, I didn't actually expect that to be the END but sure
I wonder how many people calling the game too short just stopped there like YEP I BEAT THE BOSS TIME TO UNINSTALL

I am retarded. Slash the moon of course.

Can you dress her up in different outfits?

Only hat and scarf. You can customize the color of her dress, skin, eyes and hair though.

is there a way to get some without having to grind for rat tails and shit?

the only outfits I've found that change it are the Valkyrie Dress and Shovel Knight Armor

You do get a water walk skill, dingus, it's required to progress (though ironically you actually move faster using the water jet)

Use high jump

Does grade go up depending on how many shards you have?

Grade goes up with shards. Rank goes up with upgrading at the crafting station. At Rank 9 most yellow shards will become passive abilities, making it useful to grind them all to Rank 9.

Yes, grade is based on shard quantity, rank on enhancement level. I also found that if you max rank on passive shards, they become permanent skills that you can toggle

I just beat the final boss and I never used a single technique in the entire game. I only used like 4 different weapons as well, all great swords. Magic is way too good, at some point you can just blast them all away with Aqua Jet, Void Ray or whatever you prefer instead of slashing from close distance 4 times

Honestly the vast majority of directional and conjure shards are fucking broken as shit.

Well that couldn't be more obscure. Thanks.

Try hard/nightmare.

Missing three materials if anyone could help. What is the item
>After Queen's Tears
>After Garlic
>After Red Bean

Do I need any specific item/shard to stop the vampire boss self-heal mid battle or can I just brute force it?

My Miriam is cute. CUTE.

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She only healed once for me. She needs blood to do so.

>rat teeth (giant rat)
>cacao beans

I would really like the long hairstyle if it didn't bug out as much as it does

>long hair
Yeah, until she moves and the hair physics sperg out.

It's just the second phase indicator.

Considering it makes a point of telling you that you fucked up and letting you reload right outside the boss door, I hope not too many.

I hope.

Short hair master race

It literally yells GAME OVER at you like when you die, you'd have to be brain damaged to think that's the end of it, really

Can you really fight iga? What are the conditions? Please help

Any way to keep detective eye maxed out passive but not have the shitty circle?

the circle goes away after a while, just keep playing

Seems like a bug actually, it just vanishes whenever I warp back and forth between Arvantville.
Easy enough to put back on just by going into the menu and switching the skill shard off and then back on

Pay $10, dummy.


I don't want to!

Jesus Christ True Shot is so fucking overpowered it breaks the game. I have to stop using it because it makes the game so easy.

>Everytime she fast travels

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Well it's either that or pirate it.

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Wait, wasnt there a Kickstarter poll for extra costumes.

Everytime I hope she gets stuck in the mirror so only her butt sticks out. Thats my fetish

I don't get what you're supposed to do with the painting

>the book gives 2 more Strength per grade

whew. A whooping 20 strength at max Grade.

So what is THE best familiar just from utility standpoint? I like the book mostly because of shit he said when you save

I just got to Gebel, and he's pretty hard so I haven't beaten him yet, but what's the catch here, I'm sure deating him normally will trigger a bad ending?

Can I increase the anti aliasing?

can you pirate the DLC?

Where's the 8-bit dungeon? I don't remember coming across anything relating to it.

>im a good
kek, the dialogue is awful

Is there any faster way to farm g bone steaks than the zone with the secret hole in the ground falling in and going back out to hit the golden bird over and over?

At the very top of the castle, breakable wall

Yes. You can still do it though, but keep exploring.

where the fuck are fell leaves from?

>fight DIO
>fight seems alright but he takes very little damage
>gee how much health can he have I bet this fight is almost over
>equip the glasses that let you see enemy HP
>7000 HP left
>I did almost no damage so far
Jesus christ

How the FUCK do I beat O.D.
He can one shot me if I am in a wrong place during the timestop.

Giant moco weeds, found in the Den of Behemoths


Where do I get demon horns?

What does your Miriam look like?

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Use rank 9 Directed Shield to block his attacks, I don't know if this is a bug or not, but I was able to activate it even during the time stop

Post is OD's theme. It's probably the best track in the game.

Duck in the corner to avoid shards. Just accel over to one when you see him starting it.

Thanks user, gotta grind now.

Unironically my favorite tracks are all the store themes:
OD theme, Johannes theme, and Dominique's theme.

How do you deal with hard mode Zang 2 in nipland? He kills me with his evil chink magic that does 3k damage. Is there a secret to this?

Where do I get that hairstyle?

This game doesn't have enough life force for a proper general. Also it just released, fuck off.

>21 hours
>level 99
Where did you grind that? I have more map completion than you but I am barely level 52 at like 15 hours

Drop your shard asshole I need 5 more.

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AFK in the 8bit wold

post a full map please

Really castlevania'y

I just beat The boss that gives me a double jump and I don't know where to go next. I'm at a bit of an impasse.
I think I'm supposed to be looking for a demon that can fit in tight spaces but I have no idea where to find that.
Also how do I swim underwater?

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Miriam confirmed for Smash

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You would like baroque music.

Maybe I would. Got a suggestion?

Swimming underwater comes later. For now, you want to climb the clock tower and beat the boss there, and collect the item from the chest in its area. Then go talk to Dominique and OD, which should help you get through the bridge of evil. After getting through that area, you'll be able to get to the boss whose shard will allow you to fit through tight spaces

>got 100% map completion when i fought final boss
>didn't get trophy from it, not even when loading clear save
What am I missing here or did the game just shit on me?

Go to the Garden of Silence and work your way around there to the Library You learn how to swim after defeating one of these Tentacle enemies and getting their Aqua Jet shard. Its a bit unintuitive and I got it by complete luck when the first enemy I killed dropped it

Awesome, thanks man. I'm already there, guess I should explore a little more.
Thanks again m8

Where and what is the Aegis Armor?

Thanks bro

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>tfw got Bloodbringer to rank 8, grade 9 and level 63 only to realize it's absolutely shit compared to what some other familiars can do
in my defense, it was the first one I ever got

How did you make your gold baka desu senpai? I need a farming method

Immunity to spike damage. Tower where you fought the dragon bros, use inverse from lower left side entrance.

I found the library so I guess I need The item for photos next. the other guy said it's in the clock tower so I guess I'll look there

did you already kill the twin dragon tower boss?
if no do it, if you did then you're at one of those obscure progression paths rn that requires you to get an specific item and then talk to a specific NPC somewhere in the castle to progress

Also swimming underwater can be done in two ways, one is to get an ability from a certain boss and the other is to drop a different ability shard from an enemy that lives underwater

>9999999 Gold


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Yes its there

>tfw you fight the gambler boss with that much gold

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I forget what boss that is. is that the double jump one? if so then yes

>immunity to spike damage. I wish I had had that when I was going through the area to get to China Town.

>Dragon Bro room
But I did use inverse there. I got the Valkyrie Armor there and I use that to do the spikes because I thought that WAS the armor people were talking about.
Are you saying the Aegis AND the Valkyrie are there?

Shitloads. Here's some stuff that's similar to that though.





I'm at 95% learned techniques, what am I missing?

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Explain your farming method
>inb4 Cheat Engine

How much luck you got? I got around 60 and enemies drop shards left and right

Yes. To get the Aegis plate, what you have to do is drop to the bottom of the tower and use invert near the leftmost exit

I did. He got healed for low numbers at first and then tens of ticks of 5000

you get doublejump from the library boss
twin dragon tower boss gives you access to an item that's required to progress

>Charging around at super-speed with critical health
The madlad.

why this game ugly as fuck though????

Who drops Orichalcum? I need it for pretty much everything now

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Yes. One side has one item, the other side has the other. There is some spikes nearby the chest. Your map probably should have a black square on the floor of that room.

Thanks, family. I feel enlightened and a man of patrician taste now.


33 right now.

Where are Hermes shoes from?

I must be retarded because I can't figure out how to use the shortcut skill. I didn't read what it said.

Oh shit I haven't killed that guy yet. I'll go do that too

I would come back later when you can oneshot the enemies and have more luck. Luck greatly changes how often shards drop

G Axe Outsiders drop them, and they can also be found in blue chests in the glacial tomb area


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Reminder for everyone to stack Luck in this. 90% of the shit you need is item drops or shards, so Luck is literally the key stat for the entire game. Make one damage based loadout for bosses, and run Luck for everything else.

aaaaaa this is driving me fucking crazy
looked at a dozen different maps and read about people stuck at 99.9 and every one of them has been shit I already have

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Should have waystoned back to the entrance, you reckless bastard.

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also, don't get too many shards or you'll unlock the bad ending

>only just realized why Todd is named that
I’m retarded

how you make her look so cute?

Is there a particular number which will trigger the bad end?

He's bullshitting you. You can have 9 of every shard and still get the good end

He's lying

Sword parry move. Forget what the name of the sword is though. It starts with a G.

Whats a good shard set to use for the last boss dominique

Wait, what's the joke?

What does mastering techniques do? I mastered a katana technique early on but then all the weapons I used afterwards didn't have any techniques.

Are you autistic? Y/N

Y - stack luck, put on cutpurse/plunder ring, spike armor, find any place with many breakable lights (tower top, castle entrance) and pop them with full MP, they will drop 50-500G

N - cheat engine

Its a cheeky reference to Todd Howard.

also what is this weapon and where do I find it, it's the last thing I need to 100% all items

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so whats better? Critical Ring or assassins ring to up your chances of critical hits?

It’s not a joke but there’s no way it’s not a Sweeney Todd reference.

>pop them with full MP
Pop what? The Lamps? Why doo you need full MP?

Only specific weapons can use techniques, but mastering a technique lets you use that technique with all weapons of the same type. The katana technique you mastered can be used with all katanas now instead of just the one or two it could be used with before

I am lost, where do I go after getting double jump? I need to get the thing that allows me to squeeze through tight spaces, but anywhere I go I end up being blocked

So they won't give you MP roses.

he said why in the same fucking line you retard, they drop money instead of roses when your mp is full

cause then they'll guarantee coins instead of mp roses


Todd posting is a shit tier meme for people who have fallen for his meme factory.

>Stack luck
>Not use Augment Gold shards to get between 100-2000 gold drops

Thanks. Didn't think of that.

Buy the DLC goy.

MP roses will always drop from lamps if your MP isn't maxed.

>somehow I have 9 dullaheads and a bloodbringer out at all times now
why do I have 2 different familiars out

Where to get Augment Gold?

Craft from Augment Luck shard + gold item

>the virgin sword user farming for his shards vs the chad katana user crafting 9 copies instantly
katanas get better techniques too

>flying beef is 1%
Why though.


Where is the Simon Belmont boss?

What happens to the grade of passives turned into permanent boosts?

It's behind the locked door in the garden, you only get the key very late in the game

That was it. B, G, what's the difference

Holy balls. Also I see you can't master this one cause it'd make no sense for other staves to be able to do it?

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Nothing. It will offer exactly the same bonus as the passive shard, which depends on the grade. You can stack the passive with the skill shard though. Managed to get over 100 Luck with that setup

But will a Grade 9 turn into a Grade 9 skill?

what the fuck can i make with 8 bit nightmare?

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Grade applies to the passive and active shard. Simultaneously if you have the passive on and the support equipped.

I want Miriam to mating press me with that bored look.

>dragon quest I'm a good slime reference
>Jojo references
>shovel knight references
fucking really?

This is my first Vania game and I'm wondering about destructable walls and secret rooms?
Is there anything that gives them away or should I continue with smashing almost every wall like a autist? Doing my first playthrough blind so I don't wanna check the guides.

>It will offer exactly the same bonus as the passive shard, which depends on the grade

Presumably upgrading the 8bit backer weapons.

Smash away autismo

it doesn't turn into a separate skill shard item user
the passive shard that already exists will just start ALSO giving you the skill, with the exact same bonuses based on its current grade

Should I be grinding enemies and maxing out shards as I come across them or is it better to grind it all later? Playing on hard.

Fairy familiar will point some out. There's also a detective eye passive shard that will point them out as well, from the Seeker Eye enemies.

the fairy familiar you can get in the garden area will reveal them but she's annoying and i don't like her
you can also get the detective eye passive shard from a rolling-eyeball enemy to reveal walls automatically but not until much later on



On that note how do I get the crafting for the flame circlet?

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OH shit guys I figured it out!
You have to duck between the teeth of the cog so you can get under the spikes.
Now I feel like a retard

>get stuck on the bridge thing
>end up finding out that theres a max MP and HP there

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If you can, save it for later, you get tools to make the grind easier later on.

you have to buy a regular circlet from the trading outpost first and then you get the recipe automatically

I thought it hurt you anyway
I just jump kicked off the Dullaheads to reach the rightmost platform

I kinda like this game, but holy fuck, i suck balls in such games. It took me 4 attempts to kill the first boss by using all potions i could find on the ship.

So can i make money when i hit the coins?

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eventually you can just cheese everything with overpowered magic if you just wanna get through it

>can't make a good game so I'll just stuff it with fanservice so that desperate weaboos gobble it up like the pigs they are


first two bosses were the hardest for me

hey, if it works it works

im actually surprised iga didn't make the game a hentai to drive the point home

just grind experience until bosses only do 1-5 damage per hit

>not a desperate weeb
Fuck you doing here?

If by fanservice you mean giving what the fans want - a SotN spiritual sequel - then guilty as charged

Does Hard or Nightmare stop you from using healing items in the pause menu? Honestly I’ve never felt actually threatened by any boss in games that let you freely heal and carry a billion potions. Unless the attack one shots you it’s irrelevant.

How do you make that appear?

Katanas are easily the 2nd worst weapon, right behind spears as king of shit. The whip is undoubtedly the most OP, with 2nd being rapiers, third being shoes.

you'd have to grind forever to get enough potions but no it doesn't stop you, although nightmare caps you to lvl1 so you'll get one or twoshot a lot more often
you can only carry a max of 9 potions, 5 hi-pots, and ??? ex potions, but you can also carry tons of cakes and pizzas for extra healing

Nightmare mode caps you at lv 1, so you'll be getting oneshotted a lot more often

>The katana
It requires all 5 moves to even be fucking decent, and at that point why even bother? slamming quarter circles for literally all enemies? fuck that dude.

Just make a promise not to use items on boss fights ;)

you kill it, its a boss, millionairs key, you can summon it and it has like 3-4 outcomes that does big aoe damage or gives gold

You can use it in the millionaire room, and it still works like the regular fight.

>but you can also carry tons of cakes and pizzas for extra healing
That’s what I mean. Not only is 9 of every kind of potion a lot you also can have 9 of every food item, effectively letting you carry 500 potions of varying strength. And making money is trivial in the midgame when you get the right accessories and shards.

I like the bosses that have a grab attack
I think all the enemies should have a grab attack
also clothing damage

>Missing 2 recipe books
>granny wants cookies
Fucking hell, am I going to have to scour the entire castle for breakable walls?

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I refuse, if it’s in the game I’m using it, I hate arbitrary challenges like Nuzlocke in Pokemon to try to make piss easy games more challenging. If it’s not designed into the game then I don’t care.

So while exploring after getting double jump, it seems that my fifth boss (after Vepar, Zangetsu, Craftwork, and Andrealphus) encounter is Bloodless. Am I on the right track or did my shenanigans make me sequence break?


>Turn on Welcome Guests
>Hug Walls
>No ????, just immediate profit.

What's a good shard for the dragons? Seems like the only one I have that's of use is the axe.

Killer Barber is what kind of monster he is, it's fine.

You sequence broke, but you're actually fine. The game is basically built to withstand that.

Cookies book is in the library area, I remember that much

You sequence broke. Jump kicked off the torches in the cathedral, I presume?

I kept getting farther then dying and I have to start all over again. I uninstalled this shit

Sequence broke, when in doubt talk to the shopkeeper and see if Zangetsu left an arrow flexing on you.

did you do the stuff in the library yet
I went to bloodless early too and it was a mistake

You can literally just jump.

I think you can go two different ways after you get double jump, the boss order isn’t strictly linear. You’re supposed to get the light refracting thing before Bloodless though.

And dullaheads and every other cunt that wasn't nailed to the ground. It wasn't that tough so I felt it was intentional (not to mention some candles seemed placed on purpose to allow for it)

If by Stuff you mean meet OD and get double jump, yes of course. And every time is "too early" for me, I'm doing Nightmare on my first run.

I got Heretical Grinder within the first hour of the game and I haven't used other directional thing aside from the swimming one in the 10+ hours since. It's big, hits through walls, hits through shields, has a low MP cost compared to later stuff and does crazy DPS. It feels like I'm cheating. I don't think I've hit a single enemy with even one technique so far, and I'm up to v2 of an early boss.

I think my Miriam is very cute.

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Help, how do I stop IGA from shitting down my throat?

Super cute.

is there a mod that removes her ugly ass tats?

Heretical grinder is a really powerful shard. This game isn't exactly hard though.

>slide around
>break some floor
>get a christmas hat
All went well

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Tested it, you get about 900 gold everytime you hit 777

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I’m surprised you’re able to beat Bloodless at that level, I found her to be one of the hardest bosses in the game.
>can’t divekick her with shoes/Lili because the parasol protects her hitbox
>shit ton of HP and if you don’t kill her fast enough she heals
>attacks are largely magic and hardly anyone prioritizes MND or dark resistance before her

if you pay attention to the story and npc dialogue
the demon you're hunting who is possessing gebel is literally the moon, and the katana's description specifically says it "has the power to cut the moon"
as for the second bit, the shopkeeper reads another letter from zantetsu and it tells you exactly where to go

>I’m surprised you’re able to beat Bloodless at that level
I've not beaten her, she's really tough. I'm on nightmare mode, that's the crazy thing.

I used the poison whip to make sure she was staying under DPS then spent the majority of the fight crouching at max range with marital arts shoes so all her attacks except the blood shot go right over me.

anyone know where all of the shards for the silver knight familiar are? I'm at 99.9% map completion but mine is only grade 5

Don't forget the ending to Curse of the Moon where Zangetsu literally cleaves Gremory in twain

I am mastering techniques for fun, but my four shot flame cannon easily out DPS any technique I have tried so far

the last 4 are all in the same room in that last 0.1%

>he doesn't have +7mp/sec regen from meals and Healing shard at rank 9 grade 9 with Word of Wisdom equipped so he can regen 45 hp/sec
look at this pleb

Most magic is broken regardless of what point in the game it’s obtained.
One of the strongest magic attacks is the literal first one you get, fireball, if you upgrade it in the shop it becomes a shotgun spell that fires 6 projectiles that all do decent damage, has a short cast time and costs very little MP.

How do I use the receipe books? I have so many books in my inventory but can't get Johannes to make use of it.

And that level of Curse of the Moon is even called "Cleave the Moon"

>rank unlocks more actions
>get to rank 7
>only seem to have the knife throw
am i missing any inputs here or is it actually just the knife?

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So what counts for the item that gives you unlimited MP?
Do you need to have a copy of every shard, or could you have had a copy at one point and then sold it?
Also, do skill shards from getting a passive shard to rank 9 count?

The arrow you get from barbatos is extremely reliable as well. Hard, fast, long range, MP cost is steeper but if you can aim you wont miss.


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I am waiting for the switch port to release and be reviewed before I pull the trigger on this game. If the 30 fps is super noticeable in this game should I get it for the pc or ps4?

>he doesn’t know Hex code

Bloodless only heals once in the fight. I basically just always took it as a second form.

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whoops wrong picture i was talking about the lili transformation

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Which enemy upgrades the fireball shards? The cannons in the ship?

Don't get this sword it crashes the game

OP sword. Staggers every enemy in the game on hit.

Oh, I thought she was a DPS check or something, I was frantically using all my Ethers to spam spells so she’d die before she healed again.

Personally, I just abused Teps Oceus from the harpy enemies in the clock tower. Don't even have to aim, hits instantly, goes through walls, does big damage, can even multi hit if you rank it up enough to get enough chains. One shot is enough to clear an entire room sometimes

Have you considered coming back later with more Luck?

Translating it from hex just results in gibberish; "o cknpw grdlz zwkj pupseul xrkvt"

>Twin Dragon is pure jank

Fuck getting no hit kill on that cunt will be tough.

Shut the front door. You serious? I was using it's lightning move before the stupid patch made me restart

how should i play this game anons? never played a castlevania before. I also picked nightmare difficulty. I cant get past second enemy

Use it in the millionaire room you baka.

It says "a lightsaber of intense power". I dunno what hex is but some user says he unencrypted it with Orchid, whatever that is.

Mash the attack button on the ground to get a flurry attack that hits a lot of times and hits like a regular attack but its easy to get hit, at rank 9 it gets faster.
Other than that i think its pretty much it

I fell through the floor during that fight. Went down, got the bromide, saw how the camera freaked out when I went further right after that, then went back and killed TD with magic from right underneath him where he couldn't hit me. No regrets.

The people who had trouble with this never would have beaten fucking SotN and it's clock/ring puzzles.

it doesnt matter where you use it, sit by a save and farm gold with every jackpot

What am I missing? Already went through half the castle a second time with Accel, but not gonna do it again

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you absolute retard, the room still works like the bossfight and it fucking prints money.

Are you sure? I have 100% and haven't found that room

Okay I found the cheese

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The 3 times I've ever crashed was with that sword equipped so make that what you will.

>get that dagger boost shard to level 7 thinking it affects the Rhiku Barista or whatever the fuck the spammy sword the barber drops is called
>it doesn't do jack shit
Well fuck, what yellow shard are you guys liking? Pickpocket has just been basically all I've got and its okay, but I feel like there must be better options.

Goddamn this game is so fucking fun

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That doesn't match up at all though.

Oriental area and Underwater area

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Just rank yellow shards up to 9 and they become silver shards, so they're always on. Also why would you think the dagger boost shard, that specifically says it only works on rapiers and daggers, would work on a sword, that specifically says it's a sword?

Fuck you guys stop making me want to marry miriam, demon slaying isn't an occupation for me

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Its description is in hex


which converts to

o cknpw grdlz zwkj pupseul xrkvt

Which translates to via Vigenére Cipher using the passphrase "orchid" to

a light saber with immense power

What other familiars besides Silver Knight are worth a damn? Because I've been rocking him all game and nothing else has wowed me.

The book buffs the fuck out of you.

shovels > demon magic

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Zangetsu's first fight was the peak of the difficulty for me, everything after has been a joke. I think he was only hard because he could be really goofy with those blocks.

How feasible is it to do a Shovel Knight playthrough?

Do you think Zangetsu was torn limb from limb when he got disappeared? haha just a thought

wow she is really stunning. how did you get that eye color?

Ohhh, that makes a lot more sense. I thought Orchid was a program or something.

I had her heal twice.

This game has surpassed SotN. if you still prefer SotN over this, it's purely because of nostalgia.

I'm stuck on that super fast nigga after the train.
I can't even leave and go buy potions so I guess I just gotta git gud

So you're just going to whine regardless, what a spaz. You only have yourself to blame if you're terrible enough that you cheese the game chugging food.

The only reason I prefer SotN is because I dislike the grinding for souls mechanic, as well as the techniques being locked to specific weapons until you master them.

doesnt it consume 5 mana/sec like the bunnymorphism?

Why the fuck does the tower music sound so familiar?

>accidentally teleport myself out of the screen with the reflect shard
>try to move to the right corner of the screen
>not only I'm able to move to the next room, I also appear right next to the top exit rather than the bottom one (the one connected to the previous room)
I see Iga successfully ported SotN's mysterious glitch magic to this game. Now I just need to figure out how to do this again and discover more dark secrets.

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You can board the train again and head back to the rest of the castle if you need to

Book = +20 Strength at max Grade
Dullahammer Heads = Big sustained damage, will seek enemies, probably best DPS
Sword = No idea, I think it does big damage once ranked up?
Knight = Defense and shiet
Fairy = Healing and finding secrets

THey all have their uses.

I feel like some of the enemies are too uncommon/too far from a zone refresh and their drops too rare but other than that had a good time

There are some really specific shit you have to do to progress in this game, not intuitive at all.
Seriously, how am I supposed to know I have to take a photograph to O.D to progress? Or use the Bloodless shard in the middle of the pool of blood right at the start of the game?

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many of the songs are just homages to SotN/AoS tracks.

Nah, it's an armor you wear that turns you into Shovel Knight.

Make sure to sit and enjoy the view on the way back.

Crissagrimm 2.0 over in the Chad Swords weapon archtype has deemed you to be retarded.

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Thanks mate, there must be one more. I am at 99.90% now for some reason

Please help. I cannot fucking pick out what I'm missing.

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where do i get double jump

Oh fuck.
Brb gonna stock up on high pots

I guess I just assumed the same enemy that dropped a shard would have it be usable on that enemy's own weapon; I didn't even check to see that it wasn't actually a rapier/dagger. Oh well, at least its nutso OP regardless.

>Just rank yellow shards up to 9 and they become silver shards
Now that is cool to know, thanks for informing me about this.

hello fellow LCK autist

>to take a photograph to O.D
He straight up tells you.
>Or use the Bloodless shard in the middle of the pool of blood right at the start of the game?
Dominique also straight up tells you, what the fuck user?

Walls and stuff get cracks in them if they're breakable and you hit them. You've also got what the other user's suggested.

if you talk to OD he tells you you can use his credentials for the train but you'll need your own photo
dominique also tells you about the blood
pretty much all progression points are commented on by an npc somewhere

If you reach the train station and talk to the nun, she mentions that vampires and the like use the train, so you talk to OD and he mentions that he can give you his pass but you'll need your own photograph.

The second thing is just fucking obvious, dude. This isn't like Portrait of Ruin where the macguffin is buried in an earlygame area that you'll only find if you're being OCD.

So far I've gotten several hints on things from big titty nun, you should try returning to town to talk to people when you get stuck.

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Sometimes I just want to get back to gameplay quickly so I don't read every single text.

The crissagrimm straight blows, it's ass range and slow attack speed makes it basically worthless to anyone who's jump canceling attacks. It works fine against enemies that just stand perfectly still, but since a majority of enemies (and basically all bosses) are resistant to slash it does piss damage. The whip absolutely slays and has 100% crit rate on top of forming tornados and shit on it's quarter circle infinite repeating move.

So then why are you complaining about it when the onus is on you?

You only have yourself to blame, then. Seriously it's a few lines per discussion.

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that'll be $10 plus tip

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Found one at the top

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tell me fairy isnt the cutest damn thing and ill call you a coward

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>it's ass range and slow attack speed
Compared to the whips? I dont know dude, the fact that you can move and attack at the same time allows you to approach bosses more recklessly since you can safely evade if the need comes up, and even with resistances you can mash that shit out for great damage. Mind you my best whip is still the flame whip and I do love using it, but the damage really seems comparable with better movement options.

My problem isn't even the fucked up physics, it's the fact that the hair clips entirely through her body. Same shit happens to pony tails.

Desert area, you're missing one of the ceiling rooms

Labs after the train, room to the upper right after you exit the save room has a hidden wall to the right

>I dont know dude, the fact that you can move and attack
Nigga are you legit walking on the ground when you swing? Are you a retard?

>want to craft the strongest sword for the OD fight
>need oricalcum to craft it
>only one enemy drops it
>enemy is locked behind the OD boss room
Fucking shit if I had known this before I wouldve farmed them for the material

With the rhava bural? Yes, because that doesn't impact weapon speed you doof.

>my best whip is still the flame whip
Why are you comparing a midgame whip with an absolute end-game sword?

I'm going to get this on Switch, but I'm worried the port will be shit.

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>Beat up Gebel
>Me and Alc man outside
>They have a conversation then miriam just dies right away
>Game over
Wait was that some kind of retarded bad end or a glitch?

Can't you just give him back the book at the library?

Oh please. SotN was very straightforward in how they tell you want to do.

>Where would I find that? Haven't found one yet and am on my thrid (Nightmare) playthrough.
You need to return all of the items to that one lady.

You play it like a Gothic, action-oriented Dragon Quest. Keep playing, talk to everyone, take your time, and if you ever get stuck, just go explore anywhere you haven't been before or even areas that you HAVE been before.

Yea, wish I could have sex with her ahah

>he thinks the Criss sucks
>he thinks the jump cancel doesn't work with any weapon type and doesn't even matter for the criss anyway
How is it possible for one man to be so wrong all the time?

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Holy shit, even the rhava bural is better to use in the air. You should literally never attack without doing small minihops for frame cancels.

You know you can get them from blue chests in the same area, right?
Also, can't you just make OD go away by returning the book?

Thats what you get for being a retard. Based Iga punishing the zoomers, glorious.


Work just like in SotN

Like I said, it's nostalgia clouding your thinking.

why would a vampire live in a library

look at the name of the sword, sherlock.

IGA'S BACK PACK worth $3??

But why would you want to skip one of the hardest fights in the game?

SOTN has a cooler atmosphere and some better areas but I largely agree

Bad end disguised as an unsatisfying ending, there should be another area you can explore if you can find the item you need to progress through it well the skies the limit in the second tower when you change your perspective


zoomers lmao

They live for thousands of years, so they gotta keep themselves busy.

Please respond.

the rhava bural can attack like 5 times in the duration of 1 minihop user
there's literally no swing animation to cancel out of

Crissaegrim shadow clones can't do any damage, they hit for 1 even when I have 130 str+maxed sword mastery + maxed attack speed, which is an absolutely totally unfeasible amount for anyone who isn't in the post-game. Meanwhile shadow clones hit for about 1/5th of a whip crit, so I can hit about 8x a second for almost double the dps of the rhava, and with almost quadruple the range, not to mention that doesn't even count the fucking tornados the galaxy whip makes when it crits.

she does the one big heal once and after that she will sometimes such miriram's blood.

Have you used the rhava bural? Fuck off you know nothing know-it-all.

I did it a second time and Mirri didn't bug out and fucking die this time it just faded to a game over screen, that made much more sense this time.

every whip makes tornadoes when you use the critical swing technique

I can finally go fast without wearing out my hand.
Also, can you not fast travel to The Den? I've already fought a boss before finding a portal.

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Even the rhava can animation cancel with short hops and you can stack the spectral swings you absolute fucking retards.

Am I mean to have access to all the powers and sword the doppelgänger has by the time I fight her?

How the fuck do I beat the Carpenter?

Its just alright. Several options out damage it. Being able to move while attacking is a minor boon at best.

I never used guns, what did I miss?

Thanks, I am blind

is there a grab animation for that

>reversing gravity to get up there
>not crafting + using the highjump shard
you're missing out user

>not just jump kicking for max speed

No portal, but there's only like one or two unique shards there anyway

I did that fight almost without getting hit on my first try by standing pretty much right there and using that directional shard that just extends a spinning sword. Drilled all his life away really quickly. Was surprised it was a boss, frankly.

What are the best weapon options anyway? Kinda curious.

Give me one good reason why they didn't let us teleport between save points

That was spooky!

At the risk of sounding like a gay, I'm looking really forward to what speedruns of this game are going to look like.

Whips are garbage, second only to big swords. You're right about rapiers and shoes though, they're god tier. Spears are the definition of a weapon that's merely OK. Katanas get a high rating solely for their parry.

>on the way back
does it matter which way the train is going?
I only got it to spawn twice and both were heading away from the castle

What's the blue rose/greatsword technique?

I keep doing down down forward attack but it only works sometimes.

Honestly blue rose or it's great sword equivalent. They just shit damage.

3 Ex Potions is your limit.

Strongest gun + strongest bullets gives you the highest attack power in the game, I think. I managed to go over 500 ATK stacking firearm expertise (at only grade 7 mind you) with that and gunslinger hat

The parry is useless, since you shouldn't be getting hit in the first place not to mention the animation takes fucking forever for like what, 2.5x the damage of a regular god damn swing?


>not using Dimensional Shift and skipping half the course by teleporting through the wall

Sotn has better sfx and music. Also better enemies and boss fights. This is up there with it though.

Probably magic. Blue Rose shits damage out faster then the cris. Probably whips maybe? I need to experiment more.
Regular swords can get that parry as well mate.

>big swords
>big meaty swords doing big dick damage combined with attack speed ups

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Turns out when you shoot things they die. Most of your scaling with guns is on the bullets, and the hat is pretty mandatory for gunslinging. Guns have arguably the easiest time early on since most of the early bosses are weak to it, turns even Zangetsu into a joke on nightmare. Hell I think you can even melt later game bosses really fast with the rarer ammo types and the best guns alongside the gunslinger hat(over 2x DMG in exchange for 2x ammo cost)

very homosexual post spotted

I have the cutest Miriam, she is my wife!

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There's people who already have it. They claim it's gross.

What does this weapon even do?

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It might not have that much damage, but I really like using the Oracle Blade.

COTM speedruns are a blast and I bet this game will have similar fun.

>The crissagrimm straight blows, it's ass range and slow attack speed
> it's ass range and slow attack speed

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Giving the best book back never occured to me. And out of principle I will not give it back, its mine now.

>Local man never increases his attack speed

same mainly because I can hit all the floating enemies that hide in walls

>better boss fights

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Why does everyone use Demon Horns? There are helmets that give better endgame stats. Does it have some kind of special effect?

>not exploiting sickle moon

if do the 360 katana art with shadowclones active
it does something like 1/5th normal damage because only the shadows can hit the enemy and not you

No. it's a long range thing.

>ng nightmare
>Zangetsu moves like twice the speed and 1-2 shots you
just kill me now

>tfw just ran through normally

Yeah, and it can also hit the bigger enemies twice.

This: . I have this as my gunslinger build, and I killed the last boss using the rapid fire and crit shots. I was basically doing 300-500 damage per shot, and it was speeding up to like 5 shots per second.

Attached: GUN! build.png (1920x1080, 1.3M)

it has more strength, and looks better, honestly when your level 60+ and you have all the books and all the passives maxed what you wear on your head starts to not really matter.

Is nightmare worth it? Completing the item and shard list with level 1 luck must be a pain.

You're looking at damage per hit as opposed to damage per second.

Say you have a big sword that does 100 damage every swing and a katana that does 50. Even iff you speed up the big sword's swongs, it still doesn't compare to being able to bust out a 4-crit combo in under a second, every second for 400+ damage.

apparently there's a tiny fraction of a second hitstun when you hit enemies with it because if you use oracle blade and 5 shadow clones you can just stand at the side of the room and spam attack against the carpenter/revenant bosses and they'll do nothing all fight long

>Hall of Termination
>First few notes of the music is literally the death theme for the early Castlevania

Don't think I didn't see what you did there IGA

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Because I can't be arsed to make something better.

Now what does the weapon do?

My Miriam is not cute.

She is cool

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granfaloon and scylla alone are better than anything RotN have to offer.

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It's only "fast" if you literally never increase your attack speed since it's a fixed animation. It has poop range, straight garbage, only hits directly in front of you at about standard sword swing range. It can't use any of the sword techniques. It's entire gimmick is that you can walk while swinging it which is great for trash monsters you already kill in one swing anyway. Anybody with two braincells just jumps before they attack, and combining a jump cancel with attack speed means even other one handed swords will out-damage it since it's low Atk value means it doesn't scale well with your strength. If you have 125 strength and equip it, you'll have an Attack of about 100, meanwhile there are swords that have Atk values of 50 that will bring your Attack to about 340.

It's a meme weapon, just like the Sotn equivalent. It's locked behind endgame grinding and you won't use it during the main game except for maybe the last 10% since it requires parts from monsters you encounter right before the final boss. If you're talking just the rhava bural then it's no question since it only makes one phantom strike and also has all the same issues as it's upgrade.

Iga? Surely you mean Michiru Yamane

IGA is not a composer

stop lewding Miriam

Yeah he's not actual that fast honestly. I also ran through doing nothing cool aside from having multiple speed up items/the book.

Why does the Izayoi katana list the same damage on the stat sheet as the Mikazuki despite actually doing more damage if you hit enemies with it? How does this shit work?

Where do you get that blue aura dash and super jump move I see some of you guys have? I've already finished the game, did I miss something?

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That was quick!

Improve your bait game, user

Sorry I thought you were talking about this crissaegrim.

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Crit rounds are a hell of a drug for how easy they are to craft, I was still using the Culverion and was doing 250-350 DMG with those bad boys. I can only imagine how much damage I'd actually be doing with a proper gun and the right stat boosts

This reminds me, why are there only 5 levels of shortcut to get, but there are clearly 8 slots?

Go to eye color in the Barber menu and scroll all the way to the right.

a) how do you get more books? beat od? can only borrow 3 atm
b) do i just need to buckle down and farm for all those mats for gold or is there an easier way(please tell me theres an easier way. only got like 50 luck)

I wish the Voice Changer would have random pitch adjustments, not just pitching it up
Hearing barbarian Miriam would be neat

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that's what I thought. Go away, zoomer.

Lads, should I scoop this up on PC or get it on Switch on the 25th? I'd rather have it on Switch but I'm worried it'll be a bad port

I don't get it.

Impressive speed.

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I used the Pluma Parma shard to great effect on that boss fight. Just focus on the left head and keep spamming it. If it sits still then the Parmas just bounce off the dragon's heads, and if they move then a lot of the time the Parmas get stuck in the left head hitting it twice bouncing back and forth. There's a lot of bosses where often times the room is too large/the boss is too mobile for it to work, but for the bosses it does work on (Like the dragon and gambler bosses).

I used Invert and just spammed Pluma Parma for the Carpenter himself and Riga Storaema (spelling?) for the demons he summons. Still honestly a bitch to fight, but it worked.

Blue Aura Dash (Accelerator) is obtained by beating a ninja dude in a race in the Den of Behemoths. Super Jump's made by having Johannes craft it.

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Dash is from doing this High jump from crafting

did you ever look at the fucking crafting menu? johannes lists highjump in there from the second you get double jump
sanic dash is from a side area in the den of giants or whatever
you have to beat the blue ninja and then he gets so depressed at losing in a race that he dies on the spot and you get his soul

aura dash is from racing a blue ninja
super jump is from crafting. regret not making it earlier

Whats blue rose? And how do you make/find it?

Cool Miriam. She looks like she's about to walk on water and throw her son down an oil well.

Nothing is resolved and you get a game over. Most Journalists are retarded but that would take a special level of retard that even they aren't at the level of.

pls respond

Can you be barefoot in this game?

The best 1h sword in the game. Let me tell you it's a pain in the fucking ass to create.

No, I was referring to the weapon in bloodstained that works similarly and is clearly a referrence but I can never remember the spelling because it's some indian bullshit name.

I give it one more week before we get an article where some asshat thought it was the actual ending.

my crits did over 1K with this build . Can only imagine how strong I could have made it with rapid fire

only way the rhava bural is "slow" is if you have fingers to arthritic to mash the button properly

All bosses get stunnlocked if you have fast enough attack speed + shadow clones. So using a rapier or whip is pretty ideal.

farm blue chests in the desert

Crissaegrim is the best weapon in the game. Once you can craft it, there's no reason to use anything else.


Fuck. *For the bosses it does work on (like the dragon and gambler bosses) it's great. Regardless, though, Riga Storaema is my preferred spell for general mobbing as well as boss fights if Pluma Parma can't cheese it. Don't even need to max out Riga, you can keep it at like rank 4 or 5 and be perfectly fine. I just have more ranks on it so I can just braindead press it whenever I want and it hits shit. Even has a hitbox below the flames so it'll hit through floors too. Love this thing.

But hey, shill me your favorite shards. Why do you like them? I'm pretty much at the tail end of the game (Ice place after Den of Behemoths) so I can get my hands on almost every by this point.

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Last book doesn't become available until you beat the penultimate boss in the final area. Then you check it out and go back to the final area to fight OD. Afterwards, you can check out all books.

bloodless is a qt

Here's Dark Elf Miriam

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a. 3 is the limit. After the final boss he'll have a book that's the equivalent of 3. This also triggers his fight.
b. use the gold the game gives you or if you've already used it, craft at least 1 more and then use it along with LCK shard to craft Augment Gold. Makes candles drop 100 to 2000 gold. Make more money, make more gold+mercury, level up Augment Gold to max to make it permanent, stack it up by equipping it again, every candle shits money.

You can also stunlock most of the earlygame bosses with the ability you get from the Carpenter.

I love telling people about that. I bait them by saying it's a reference to the alternate boss in Rondo of Blood.

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not like NG+ is supposed to be a challenge anyway

>no stained glass tattoos
what's even the point?

P E A K female form

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It's fucking brutal until you beat Zangetsu, then it becomes much more civil once you have plenty of attack options. Just remember; petrify is your friend, especially against those horrible screaming shadow banshee curse bitch things.

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Just made it, thanks. I keep forgetting I can craft shards, not just enhance them.

Yep, seemed like a small area once I found the teleport in the ice area.


My favorite shards are max rank Teps Oceus (one press and everything in the room dies) and Tis Rozaiin (unblockable holy elemental laser beam that does all shit loads of damage and oneshots almost everything that isn't a boss)

How much should I worry about these purple door bosses? They seem like they have a fuckton of hp. Are the rewards that good/important for good ending?

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>can't rotate model all the way around
I want my money back

Most of your luck comes from food/augment lck/gear anyway. You get like 1 luck every 3 levels or something.

is there a greatsword mastery shard and who do i get it from?

Craft it

You craft it out of the regular sword master shard.

You craft it from a sword expertise shard.

That's the Pokemon species kirlia

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So how do you make it?

Man he had me fooled.

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Alright, I scoured the castle for an hour now.

Where the fuck is that last room?
Did 8 Bit and all the optional Bosses.

What am i missing?

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Optional. They're not that scary. They're necessary for the final weapons, they don't impact story at all.

They're pretty easy, especially Revenant, who can't really hit you if you use Invert

They're optional, but do drop shards and high tier crafting items you can't get anywhere else

They are not important for the good ending.
The soul from the Master Carpenter is kinda nice.

I was talking about OP's image. Almost every Dragon Quest game past 3 has a Slime NPC somewhere that says that exact line of "Wait, I'm a good Slime!"

Why is there no porn of this 10/10 shortstack

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wha ts artist na
artist name
ppl ease


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Can’t remember how to get to the library fuck my life.

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is there weapon/armor drops from mobs like in sotn?