Decide to try out Reddit, since it's constantly talked about here...

>Decide to try out Reddit, since it's constantly talked about here, by posting about a video game that I don't much care for by pointing out all of the reasons its flawed in a well thought out post.
>Get flamed into oblivion by said community.
Why is it so hard to have a decent discussion about video games outside of Yea Forums? I mean, sure, this place isn't some holy grail of discussion, but at least most of the posters don't fervently defend everything as they've been personally attacked and can acknowledge the flaws in even the most beloved game.

Attached: kayaking.png (578x1023, 730K)

asians are pu-

link your post

Show us the post

>Why is it so hard to have a decent discussion about video games outside of Yea Forums?
Bullshit. This place is just as shit. Worse in some areas, and Reddit is worse in others, but in the end both places are entirely worthless for actual game discussion.


Kill yourself and/or go back, underaged faggot

>posting about a video game that I don't much care for by pointing out all of the reasons its flawed in a well thought out post
Damn, I wish people would do that here.

Agreed. People haven’t talked about video games for years. It’s basically the love child of Yea Forums and /pol/ at this point.

>Start a complaint thread
>Upset when people aren't fellating you for your elevated opinion

Reddit is shit, but don't act like your "conversation" had value

>Why is it so hard to have a decent discussion about video games outside of Yea Forums?
Dont even try to pretend that you can have a videogame discussion on /V

I'm calling complete bullshit on this. Show us the post or you're false flagging.

Yea Forums is the worst place I can think of for actual vidya discussion

reddit is filled with hyper triggered liberals
every single community with those types is like that
i'm not even joking

>but at least most of the posters don't fervently defend everything as they've been personally attacked and can acknowledge the flaws in even the most beloved game.
No, instead the contrary happens and everything gets shitted on for no reason other than shitposting. Of course, that's when people remember to talk about videogames in the first place.

whose the slut?

Yea Forums doesn't play videogames, only shitposters.
reddit has dedicated places for each franchise or game, which is filled to the brim with fanboys.
Thus, both options are bad when looking to discuss a videogame.

If you think this place is the “worst place to discuss vidya” then why don't you morons fuck off. At least this site let's people who have opposing view let their voices heard. Can't even do that shit on reddit. Oh no sir, you have to like our game or you’ll get banned or downvoted to hell.

nah, in reddit all good discussions is hidden by the downvotes wars, only shit simplistic takes get a lot of voting up
in Yea Forums, you can easily ignore all the one liners jokes and shit takes, and see actual good takes (not a lot, I will admit. I dont come here very often anymore)

>reddit has dedicated places for each franchise or game, which is filled to the brim with fanboys.
Then don't post on those. There are neutral/general subreddits that are just about any and all video games.

>punctuating greentext
Stay in reddit newfag.

Learn English retard.

Attached: image.jpg (869x1200, 551K)

>finally went kayaking for the first time
>doesn't show a picture of her in a kayak
>doesn't show a picture of a kayak
>show a picture of a body of water
>its just her

Attached: 1522358867884.png (283x289, 142K)

>Oh no sir, you have to like our game or you’ll get banned or downvoted to hell.
Nobody bans you for not liking a video game you retard

yah like your some kind of genious

People are 70%~ water so technically she did show a body of water

they do if it has lgbtq+ content

>"discuss videogames on Yea Forums
>10 replies of a samefag repeating how shit it is for nonexistent reasons
>nostalgiashitters who call it bad for not being the exact same game they allready played
>2 or 3 guys circlejerking over the one and same thing over and over
>drones spouting their drone arguments they heard from e-celebs, but obivously never played the game
>casuals who hav no clue on what they actually talk, but just want to sound smart
>most thing that are not current AAA trend and smash bros die without replies

Since when does /v have actual videogame discussions?

A perfect solution would be a subreddit where there is no voting and the listing is random, but still have moderators to keep petty insults and trolling to a minimum.

you cheeky fuck

Attached: 1513271861048.gif (800x371, 1.38M)

Stop false flagging you virgin fuckwit. You have to try really hard to get banned from a gaming related subreddit

Do it

Post your karma, fellow Yea Forumsedditors.

Attached: reddid.jpg (686x193, 10K)

kys faggot nigger

This is a really optimistic portrayal of Yea Forums desu. You're actually giving this board so much benefit of the doubt that you're suggesting these retards actually TALK ABOUT GAMES. 50% of this board is outrage culture or devolves into identity politics.

You’re delusion if you think anyone comes here to discuss videogames, it’s purely to shit on games, shit on peoples tastes and post shitty memes.
And you do have that freedom to express your opinion on reddit, you just might get downvoted which is basically the same as getting no (You)s on here in the middle of a thread.

Thnks, Dad...

Upvotelet BTFO.

Attached: 1558226437966.jpg (365x1024, 27K)

shes got a couple of body's of water if you know what i mean

That's the joke.

the fuck is Karma
is it a currency like ribbit gold, what does it do

Vicki Li


Show us the kayak, you fucking attentionwhore

that's not false flagging

its literally a commie faggot system that forces you to act like a cock sucking retard on order to get social brownie points, or else you're not allowed to post .

Upvotes score. It's like a jar of (you)s.

Asians are hideous as fuck and extremely insecure and anxious. That's why she took a photo of her insect face inside the car with almost no lightning.

Oh lawd

Attached: Screenshot_20190621-194438.png (484x164, 11K)

good boy points on plebbit to show everyone how well you follow reddiquette

>but at least most of the posters don't fervently defend everything as they've been personally attacked and can acknowledge the flaws in even the most beloved game.

>forces you to act like a cock sucking retard on order to get social brownie points
t. brainlet unable to generate karma naturally by sharing his original content or providing useful information

Attached: 1519632782099.png (900x844, 274K)

racist, transphobic or homophobic?

>american asians


t. never been to Japan
When I went to Tokyo I was mesmerized by how many beautiful people were there, just randomly walking around. For every 1000 people maybe 2 or 3 were fat. Everyone dressed neatly and took care of their skin.
It's not comparable to any country I've visited. The ratio was about 60% of females being hot to 20% being ugly.

You're wrong. I've had plenty of good game discussion on Yea Forums over the years. Sure, this place has gotten worse, especially recently, but attribute a part of it to modern video games being mostly garbage that isn't worth discussing.
That being said, Gamefaqs is still the best place for vidya discussion but only on the slower boards.

Subreddits are like /vg/ generals.
They are containment areas for people dedicated to a game or franchise who naturally aren't inclined to agree with criticism.
Plus reddits cancerous karma mentality that encourages and rewards posters to agree and join the mob.

Attached: 1560425178919.jpg (600x439, 29K)

t. cock sucking faggot who talks about how great trannies are for upvotes

you forgot
>racebait/trannybait/twitterbait thread
>normal thread derailed with shitty identity politics /pol/shit sjw buttfucking
every single thread devolves into idpol shit, teenagers are more concerned with politics than video games now jesus christ

get off Yea Forums, go back to r*ddit. it wasn't a joke when we told you to leave and that we hate you

This is why I love this place. I can say any type of retarded shit i want. If i need to rant, ill fucking rant. If i had a bad day, I will make a shit post thread.

Link the leddit thread OP

No this crap again...

yeah its like why can't everyone just love LGBTQ in their video games?

>sharing original content

Nigger the handful of times I went to reddit they were sharing memes I saw on Yea Forums like fuckin 5 years ago

yeah its like why cant everyone just accept that they are not the center of the world and people are allowed to crate whatver the fuck they want.
if you dont like it, theres enough games for you without.

I've got a feeling that people who believe this only browse the meme meta threads and ignore the rest.

>taunt the community by showing them how bad game X is
>get called out of your bullshit
>come back here and cry like a bitch over why they did that
you're a special kind of stupid

politics is part of games now, dumbass. if devs are doing to do ham fisted diversity shit in their games we're going to talk about it.

this is all true which is why the best subs hide upvotes and only allow text-posts

Because people really don't like admitting they're wrong.
Being anonymous only helps things somewhat, but even on Yea Forums you get people who can't admit defeat.

>defend reddit
>post on Yea Forums
you know what you need to do

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Reddit is an echo chamber. You cannot have any negative conversations there. One of the reasons why I still come to Yea Forums

You can't have a decent discussion about video games here either, it's just the opposite. Post about a game you do care for pointing out it's qualities and see what happens.

Dumb retard

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/v IS reddit.
its not meant ironic because you dont like it.

>finally went kayaking

Something tells me she sat around and took pictures of herself while other people went kayaking

it is now because you people invaded ~2012 and wouldn't leave

Yea Forums is also an echo chamber but instead of negativity it’s positivity that you cant do

If Yea Forums is Reddit, then what difference would it make if OP ran back here, since he essentially never left?

>go into echo chamber
>suprised people don't agree with you
Reddit is a content aggregator, not a forum.

Attached: 1430421706180.jpg (228x284, 40K)

Reddit is good for lurking

Attached: 5FA36EAE-D462-4704-8588-28A8DAC5AB4F.jpg (750x963, 129K)

>decided to try out reddit because it's constaly shat on
>is surprised when it's shit
hmmmmmmmmmm sounds like you're a dumb faggot


Attached: tfwyouretrappedhereforever.jpg (140x140, 5K)

>it is now because you people invaded
I dont even have a reddit account, try harder to fit in.

back to r*ddit faggot

That's pretty much the case here too nowadays. Anons will call you out for being a contrarian faggot or say you're a retarded fuck if you have different views from the majority.


pic not related

Except this happens more on Yea Forums than reddit, but okay.


>wanting to take part in a system that actively incentivizes conformity and turns discussions into a popularity contest
end your life then go back where you came from

>western culture isn't dea-

Attached: 1552445299524.png (500x667, 346K)

as of i would want to fit in with nu-Yea Forums