Games where the protag can get distracted?

games where the protag can get distracted?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>goals achieved

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I have no friends. I have no achievements. No one loves me. I'm poor so I can't afford tea or cookies. No money to support a pet.

It's funny, because I'm pretty sure the only thing that prevents normalfags from realizing they hate their lives is the constant distractions of wageslavery

The only thing I have is friends and the more time goes on the more I feel they don't even like me.

I don't have any of this though
I don't even have a single friend

>someone who loves you
Pick 1 (one).

>someone who loves you

Attached: images (3).jpg (236x282, 14K)

Depressed people have none of those things and that's partly why they are and stay depressed.

friends are mostly for young people, once youre older its time to start living your life or with your family members until you get super grandpa age where you have church friends you only see at church

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>tfw don't even have the tea

love is an illusion
that guy just realized that

>someone who loves you

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>a good deal of depressed people have none of these

most any open world game could count as this, considering I almost always get distracted by something else instead of playing the objective

This lol.

>Someone who loves you

Attached: goose.gif (404x347, 1003K)

The definition of depression is literally being unhappy despite all the stuff that should be making you happy
The artist of this image should be ashamed.

>someone who loves you

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I have none of this thing

Dark Messiah. You can be distracted from the true path of Xana's love by a dumb bitch in a small skirt who wants to prevent you from becoming the rightful ruler of the world.

>someone who loves you
>good friends
We're making a lot of assumptions here

I’ll be friend

>Someone who loves you
>Goals achieved
>Good friends

At least i'm not """depressed""", once you speed past a certain point you stop caring. Justtry to sleep as little as possible so your brain can't have the time to think about the absolute failure you are and fill the emptiness with chinese cartoons and video games

A diploma is just a piece of paper. It doesn't mean anything. I say this as someone who actually went through college and has a diploma. They are worthless and certainly do not symbolize achievement.

>someone who loves you
>goals achieved

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Teas and noms

I can tell a dumb fuck dad who didnt raise there kids right made this.
“Kids at 28” ?????? Nigga your brain isn’t even fully formed

it's a tumblr cunt that has to play the biggest victim out of them all, by diminishing other people problems they want to make their own look bigger

i had a dog until she died from old age last year

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>get married, have kids, get a house
>THEN start earning average wage

Imagine thinking first world depression is real. Christ, is there anything more narcissistic? I can understand being bummed over not having a gf, but there's no reason for the average upper middle class Yea Forums user to be upset at day to day life.

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Do you people seriously not have any friends or gf? How the fuck do you get past the age of 16 without making friends or getting a gf at least once?

this is image was made by the wrong person for the wrong people

Its not worth your effort I'll be gone soon anyway

>good friends
>someone who loves you
>goals achieved

Attached: 1517132022453.png (533x501, 346K)

>Start earning 40k a year

Holy shit.

Normies and their "depression"

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There's a two year gap between moving out and renting on your own. I can only assume this infographic is suggesting you become homeless for two years as a rite of passage.

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mental illness


28 is a perfectly reasonable time to have a kid. At that point you should have a steady career and be financially secure enough to raise a child. Plus you're just past the prime of your life, so you still have the energy and willpower to take care of the kid. It's practically the ideal age.

But i love you...

>have 2 kids
>buy brand new car
>own two houses
>take two large vacations a year
>THEN start earning $40k
What in the fuck? Man, fuck millenials. They're lost in fucking lala land.

I have friends but no gf at 25. Pretty easy if you just don't talk to girls.

Shitposting treehouse hard at work today, oooh you weave brittle tapestry like Taiwanese woman in sweatshop

Start earning 40k after being married, having kids, owning a new car and two homes? I make 90k a year and don’t owe a house nor am I married. I’m not fucking retarded.

>thinking depression is a product of your surroundings
based retard

Thanks doc

Attached: you're_not_depressed.png (748x684, 717K)

>move out at 22
Unless it's temporarily (ie, 1-3 years) as a student at University, this almost never happens here. Is this an American thing? Most parents here who have children moved out by the time they're 25 are regarded as harsh fucks unless they/their kids are rich as shit.
25-30 is far more common for people to move out for the first time here, and some people it's even later.

>tfw fell for the STEM meme
>25 years old and only making $68k a year

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they probably mean "Live with a bunch of buddies for 2 years", that's probably the least weird thing on that list
Why the fuck would you start waging at 19 if you can study, and why the fuck you wait 2 whole years to get driver licence?

The average sims play through

Depression is a physical ailment where your body goes into a depressed recovery state when it's not necessary.
Mentally it's due to Not struggling to survive every day, waking up, laboring until sunset and doing it again

>Buying into the "muh chemical imbalance" jew
Yes goy take your happy pills

>Source is a loans company
>REEEEE millennials


there is absolutely no way that a millennial made this graphic. it completely screams "out of touch boomer."

>Get married and have a couple kids
>and THEN start owning 40k
Yeah this image is a fucking fantasy. You can't even move out on the national average wage, much less get married and shit out a couple mouths to feed. And a brand new car somewhere in there too? Get fucking real.

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>buy 2 houses and 2 cars whilst starting a family with under 40k bro

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If you've graduated high school (aka 18 years old) there is absolutely no reason you should be living at home, save for maybe a couple months if due to a financial emergency. You unironically are an adult and should be financially independent enough to live on your own.

>thinking depression is a product of your surroundings

Not that guy, but it is for the vast majority of cases. There's only a tiny minority of people who have clinical depression because of some actual chemical imbalance. Most of the time, psychologists have found it's due to some misguided internal belief and/or their environment.

why you make mom cry?

Your mentally not ready and don’t usually have a stable job and sometimes havent moved out
Your still gonna be in college too.
Also kids take away alot of opportunity in life.28 is too young

What third-worlder wrote this?
You too, nigger

It absolutely fucking is.

>goals achieved

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>ignoring literal science
>m-muh jews!
based retard

>still in college
>not moved out
>without a stable job
>at age 28

If you don't have any of those three things by 28 you are pretty much a failure and really won't be in any woman's consideration for having kids with.

Before 2008 it was very financially possible to move out by the time you were in your 20s, so most people did because fuck living with your parents.
Now everyone is living with their folks into their late 20s and early 30s because rent is a nightmare unless you live in a tiny cramped apartment full of strangers.

But most people aren't. This is the reality we live in now.

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>you should have a steady career and be financially secure enough to raise a child.
Haha, yeah...

>Be 18
>No experience, no instruction uet
>Have to work full time to get 1000€ because no experience and no instruction
>Spend 600€ on rent, 200€ on bills
>A-at least i'm on my own

Yes goy, stay on the leash, spend half the money you make to pay for rent to your (((LandLORD)))

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Move to business. That's where people actually make money, not STEMcuckery.

I'm sorry mom.

Pony Island, unironically.

dont take this the wrong way but where do you live where people have kids in their 30s? its better to have a kid in your 20s, like 21 is too young but biologilaly the right age, but late 20s is a good enough time because like said, you should have a steady career and financially secrure already.
getting married in your 20s is the thing youre supposed to do, well, most poeple do, and young people in the work place always make the lower end of money because they dont know shit.
40k a year actually isn't a lot, i mean i would have to work 80 hours a week to make 40k a year, for educated people 40k is a reasonable amount. my dad was making 55k a year just as an engineer
probably means living with room mates or some shit (not living with your partnet)

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It's okay user. You gave her a happy life.

>Boomer refusing to accept the world changed made this


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But why move out immediately?
You can save money living at home while you establish yourself in your career. I can understand if you have to move a decent distance to find work though.

>28 is a perfectly reasonable time to have a kid. At that point you should have a steady career and be financially secure enough to raise a child.
Hello, white metropolitan who was born under wealthy parents and has never had to struggle in his life.

It's a kike loan company. Ofcourse they're going to want you to take out a loan just to get married before making 40k.

40k isn't even enough to own your own place + a car in some states.

>40k = 30k after taxes
>2k/mo apartment
>24k per year on rent
You literally would have 6k to spend on bills, car payments, food, etc. Anyone making 40k / year would basically be living with roommates to make rent. No way would they own their own place, unless they lived in bumfuck nowhere.

If you really want to make money you shouldn't be wagecucking in the first place

>Been Best man
>passed driving test

It's weird man, some of my friends at my age are past the marriage point of this chart yet others are on my level

>dont take this the wrong way but where do you live where people have kids in their 30s?
don't take this the wrong way but which flavour of second-worlder are you? Ruskie, Chink, Poo or Mexican?

>$615 donations
>$250 eating out
>Not saving any for retirement
>excellent with money

Posting pictures like that should be bannable offense.

If you want an actual full college degree then yes,also moving up in the job market is difficult.
Also most women are in the same situation.

>someone who loves you
>good friends
>goals achieved
>tea and cookies instead of vodka

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40k isn't a lot but it's well above the national average for millenials. "The 25 year old who makes 100k a year" is a trust fund kid and unironically part of the 1%.

>Goals achieved
I sure achieved my dream when 25 years of schools landed me in a fastfood for 10 years.

I have none of those things.

>age 30
>start earning average wage
I may not have a diploma or a wife but by my mid 20s I was making a bit above average wage by just becoming a tradie. collegecucks btfo

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I couldn't even really afford to move out and live on my own at 40K.

Imagine that plus having a girlfriend. Its like they want us in crippling debt.

I don't know about that, I've always been a borderline normalfag and working has always just been something to do during the day, never really even cared about the money but on call shifts always make me want to die. Thank god I can take 4 months off a year.

I literally have only one of these fuck you.

>getting a diploma
>not a distraction
It's just high school with a lot more bullshit and excuses to drain textbook money from students.

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i had friends, sure, but they just stopped liked to hang out anymore, moved far away, and got married and had kids and spend their weekends doing family shit. If they have free time, they spend it alone, and I have a completely different work schedule then everyone. As for a girlfriend, they don't call us incels for a reason, like I'm actively trying to find a girlfriend but how do you think that is going despite all the advice and steps I am taking

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Most people have kids in there 30’s in suburban familys with stable jobs

>have none of those and still not depressed

depression IS a joke

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my car insurance alone is almost 200 dollars a month just so mr. shekel berg can get fat in his office and give me a 1000$ deductible. fuck this entire boomer (((industry)))

>tfw no cookies

I have achieved nothing on that list lmao

>paying most of your wage to some slumlord
>financially independent

Just pirate your textbooks
Where I live there are literally places where you can ask for textbooks and they'll print them for you, I know some of my professors gave them the books they need for printing too

>Driver's license at 20
what the fuck? You get that shit at 17

you just haven't realized how shitty your life is about to get

wtf 68k is not that bad dude
im 25 and making 30k and living just fine
guess it depends where you live though

I'd be depressed too if i was close to a tumblr """"artist""""

>"Hey user, now that you're in high school, you should really start thinking about your grades and looking into college"
>"Nah fuck that I'm gonna smoke weed and play vidya lol"
>"Hey user you're 18 now, you're gonna move out and go to a local college, right? At least a trade school?"
>"Nah fuck that I'm gonna smoke weed and play vidya lol"
>"Hey user you're in your 20's, it's really time to think about your future. Never too late to join a community college, get fit, try to find a girlfriend"
>"Nah fuck that I'm gonna smoke weed and play vidya lol"
>"user, you're 25 years old now. We're seriously concerned. You have no prospects, have lost most of your old friends, are in terrible shape, and don't seem motivated. Aren't you going to do something?"
>"Nah fuck that I'm gonna smoke weed and play vidya lol. Also it's the boomer's fault that my life sucks"

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>normalfag artist drawing shit for other, more retarded normalfags
not even mad anymore

Yeah but your a tradiecuck so it evens out. There is a reason no one actually wants to go into trades.

the only thing i've achieved on this list is a full time job and its the worst aspect of my life by far

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it's 15 in non 3rd world countries

I had one guy in class that was expelled on the first week because he printed out the book our prof (his book, of course, >100 euro goy get it now!) recommended us for the entire front row.

College is such a scummy place regardless of career choice.

I'm working on getting the diploma
you don't need the other things to not be depressed. plus its your own fault if you didn't continue after high school so suck it up

>First kiss

I see through your deceit.

who are you quoting?


>tfw have everything on that list except a pet because animals are retarded
Who else /made it/?

In Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance, Juste Belmont eventually finds an empty room inside the evil castle that's lacking in decor and will decide to place the furniture he finds around the game in there. It serves no real purpose for other than vanity, and the castle disappears for good when you finish the game.

Attached: furnishings.png (720x480, 23K)

>guaranteed salty (you)s.jpeg

Damn that sounds fucked, I should count my blessings

>There is a reason no one actually wants to go into trades.
mostly to convince young folks they -HAVE- to go to college and accumulate debt right out of highschool instead of making some money in a trade, learning a skill they can use, saving some money and then when they have their shit together a bit more maybe then learning how to advance their education responsibly

wait till your out of highschool and not living with your parents to take care of you anymore

>mfw I'm thirthy and I got nothing of that besides the 40k bit

i guess earning money is easy compared to the rest of that bullshit

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Because you need to be a man to work a trade job. You need to be skillful with tools and be unafraid of getting dirty or dying because of a workplace accident. Yknow, doing what men were meant to do, and not sitting behind a desk, jerking yourself off in an air conditioned office.

>tfw you have nothing in this picture

Attached: smile.jpg (401x364, 11K)

living with girlfriend is the reason to help pay the bills because the girl also works in today's society, well, most of the time still, stay at home moms aren't as common anymore. No point in moving out unless youre with someone, but late 20s and definately 30s and beyond is too late for room mates, but guys cant get girls apparently if they are still living with their parents. i think the chinese even have a harder time getting any action

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>Move out at 22
>At these fucking prices just to rent a one bedroom flat
Literally impossible if you're a minimum wagie.

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this what normies think depression is

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considering that the guy in the picture is 45, he has the right to be depressed:

- worthless diploma, his only achievement in life
- tiny apartment, without AC or a bathroom
- he's getting evicted
- he married a stripper, who turned out to be infertile and a gold digger feminazi, who never stopped cheating on him
- she is also a cat lady
- the "good friends" is sarcastic, they scammed him for all his savings 5 years ago

Fine when you're young, not so much when you're older. Plus men aren't meant to work physically hard constantly, hence why many tradies have broken bodies. It doesn't keep you fit despite the memes but breaks your body down. Same way you're meant to take rest days when working out, not lifting weights all day everyday.

Do you find it easier to finish a college degree than to get a girlfriend?

>He doesn't do labour while getting a diploma so he has something to do once fatigue creeps in or is rendered unfit for labour due to an unfortunate illness or accident

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>college cucks btfo
I hope you like never having q girlfriend or wife, because that slightly above average pay is going to go down the fucking drain. It’s either go to college and have a lover, or don’t go and not have to worry about having one. There is no middle ground. Enjoy your life knowing you had no foresight, because I sincerely foubt you are content being lonely the rest of your life.

this post here is the catchphrase of anyone with rich parents.
me and my sister were stuck supporting my widowed handicapped mother.
also, we're only NOW mostly recovered from the 2008 crash. Only now are rent costs something people can earn with a high school diploma, and even then you need at least 1 roommate and need to live somewhere ghetto.

Does anyone have Mom's routine here? Mirin the legs.

finding a girlfriend is like 50% luck 50% improving your self value. Any goal based task is easier than getting a date because the parameters for success aren't erratic like those required for appeasing girls

how do you know this?

Otherway round. They use other distractions to cope with wageslavery.

I have none of this except for tea.


My parents combined make around 60k a year and have three kids. Neither of them went to college. Literally just take out loans like a normal person to afford going to college.

>Willing put yourself in a bad money situation because muh financial independence out of a high school diploma.

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Pleasing girls isn't erratic though.

nobody likes poor people, idk how poor guys can even get in relationships after their late 20s unless it is with fat single mom, which come to think of it, most poor women seem to be single moms for some reason
that guy is 45? sure has hell doesn't look like, even more so to his wife who looks like a college girl or in her 20s especially with her outfit. 45 year old girls dont wear short shorts like that anymore
the body looks like shit in the 50s and youre not gonna be slaying so much as a college kid anymore so its okay if the body breaks down just as long as you looked good enough in your teens, 20s, and until the late 30s. but i do agree, in the sense that ultimately money becomes more attractive than the body

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>no friend
>noone who loves me, kissless 36yr virgin
>no pet
>no goals achieved, shitty job

well, atleast I have tea and cookies when I prepare my rope.

>just take out a loan and be a slave to debt forever goy
It isn't worth it in today's society.

Holy shit the basement dwellers of Yea Forums are so mad about this post. If you're still living at home and you're in your 20's - this is why you're a virgin.

I'd agree with you if you phrased it differently, like "you need college to develop certain social skills and build your social network which can later lead to finding a wife" but you make it sound like you find a lover while in college which is just fucking retarded. Everyone in college acts like a fucking retard unless they're in it for a demanding occupation and actually focus on their shit instead of making facebook posts about "lol i'm in college i eat ramen and skip class"

plus I'm a genetic failure so I'm not too worried about having a wife since I'll just spend my money on games and stuff, if you're gonna be alone make the most of it

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>it is a normalfag that thinks he understands failure episode
Some people can't realize how low one can get

Also this is GBP £ not burgercoins, it's approx $52k. Average for full time workers in the UK is £35k

coping educationlets
I'll have fries with my order, thanks

yes it is, the image of the ideal man changes like 3 times a year.

>Why are you so gloomy? Don't you know that other people have it much harder?

>taking a loan for college

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I knew this was going to be that loan ad just based on the number of replied this got

>idk how poor guys can even get in relationships after their late 20s
If you're in your late 20s and you're making close to minimum wage and haven't moved out, just forget it. Women don't want you.

>buy first house
>start earning average wage
what the fuck hahahahahaha


>went to college
>have zero friends
>still don't talk to women
checkmate retard

I'm already 32 and I've literally achieved none of those milestones. Not a single one.

>get a full time job at 19
God I fucking wish I lived in boomer alternate reality

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Your brain releases chemicals to tell your body something is wrong


Dude it’s just magic your brain suddenly started producing feel bad chemicals haha

Yes it is you fucking idiot. Debt sucks but your prospects are so much greater if you get a real degree in a reasonable time. You don't need to go to some fancy big-name state school either; I've got friends from high school who went to local colleges, graduated with maybe only 15k worth of debt, got legit software developer jobs and paid it off in a couple of years. College is an investment. I've got a decent amount of debt but am making around 70k a year now and am having no troubles steadily paying it off.

>But muh jews
>But muh wageslaves

Taking out loans is part of adult life. Most functioning adults take out car loans and mortgages. Debt is completely necessary for anyone who wasn't born into immense wealth.

Attached: 2rdkbw.png (205x246, 4K)

>make 40k / year
>after you have bought two houses

It makes perfect sense though, assuming you buy a house that is expected to raise in value. It's a basic bitch investment that will pay itself back even with the loan.

k = 30k after taxes
k/mo apartment
k per year on rent
lol fuck off

In Richmond you can get a house ten miles out of the city for $1200/mo.
I know this information because that's where I live. Not everyone is dumb enough to live in the most expensive cities in the USA. You can move. People do it.

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unironically kill yourself

>lmao dude just be debt slave
The absolute state.

funny thing is that you would be even poorer if you moved out into a two room apartment, lol. either way im fucked...

Attached: 1554530589980.jpg (960x700, 76K)

>school has a website for textbooks
>wants me to prove that I bought the books
>doesn't ask for a receipt and only asks you to answer only one question
>the question literally was "whose name was shown in the first image in the textbook?"
>previewed the textbook on amazon and got the answer
>mfw I got a free textbook

Attached: Noice.png (309x258, 175K)

I have nothing on this picture.
And a doctor literally told me I am depressed.

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retire with what? 900k in debt ?

I studied at a male-only school and spaghettied all over myself when I had to talk to girls in college

you must drive like a madman
also pay in lump you dumb faggot

You can by a house for around $100k in pretty much any American town with a population less than 150,000 people. I know a dozen or so idiots from my city who have stupid jobs like bartending or managing a pizza joint that bought houses in their early 20's.

i fell for the cs degree and im only making $80k per year at 26
be grateful you retarded faggot

Money, status, looks. How do these parameters change?

I refuse to believe that anyone who has a computer with access to the internet could be depressed

Hey, I had friends before I was 16. Just not after

the problem isn't making friends within that time, it's keeping them after you all leave high school.

everyone goes to different schools, the ones that don't are busy with work and meeting other people. If you are a NEET you aren't getting out, you don't have money to go hang out with your friends, your friends aren't coming over because they don't want to go somewhere that someone else's parents are there and can get them in trouble.

Christ, that really sucks. Our generation really is screwed when it comes to wages.

But most normalfags are failures. Most people work a shitty job and are in relationships they actively hate but end up settling.

I got a gf and dumped her in a day, does that count?

/pol/tards are depressed all the time

lmao housing market crash back to 1950s level very soon you little kike

Internet is a cause of depression.

Wages are also a lot lower than for burgers. 35k is a good wage in UK. The average is dragged up by the few high earners, but most people earn less than that.

>have done nothing on this list

Whoever piece of shit boomer who made this bullshit graph I would tell him to neck himself but he's a boomer and his life is worth shit so whatever, keep on living until you die of old age you worthless economy-ruiner.

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its mostly geographically based
someone in Wyoming who gets a job in the oil rigs out of highschool will be much better off than some new yorker who has to fight just to get a minimum wage job

Just fuck and suck, bruh.

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>friends are mostly for young people
This is a cope btw

>goals achieved

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>Aged 15: First kiss
Am I doomed?

>he hasn't taken the tedpill and realized technology was a mistake

Attached: ted.png (735x492, 312K)

this pic is true only the most genetically fit men get to fuck!

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>24 and only thing done is pass driver test

is that the fabled, chuck?

It's real easy to get a girlfriend when you're inbred

Hell, momma puts her on earth for ya!

like in bee colonies a human society needs workers, they will never get to reproduce or even have sex

that's you, but you're still a valuable member of the community as long as your keep working

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$2800 a month is under $34,000 a year in expenses. Everything else goes into investments

Carless retard here
Unless you get in accidents often, isn't the whole point of paying car insurance so you don't have to pay the deductible?
Isn't that the same with Health Insurance?

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>that waist-to-hips ratio

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>the ultimate boomer's guide

>first kiss 15
>21 KHV
just end it bros

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>Do you find it easier to finish a college degree than to get a girlfriend?

yes very. i have a masters as well. women only care about looks and income soooo

most parents work and they have sex and get to reproduce. your parents for example work their asses of just so they can take care of your special needs retard ass.

fuck mike rowe, more like mike rowe penis

The first on the right of "genetic trash" has a wife.

Why is my genefather in this thread

>caring about inbreeding
lmao, this user didn't fuck his sister when she was in her myspace phase, point at him and laugh.

Attached: 1554912803563.png (720x751, 917K)

>tfw have all of that
>but at the same time, after several exams, discovered my brain has a hard time accepting serotonin, making me crippling depressed almost constantly
>this same condition caused me severe brain damage and now I have the chance of randomly passing out after every meal because my brain is so strained from trying to process that maybe I should receive the happy chemicals that it can't keep up with my metabolism
>this is also causing me to have memory issues

it's like rolling dice and getting good rolls on everything but then snake eyes on "regular body functions"

Attached: Dante5.jpg (457x396, 17K)


Reminder that people are only poor because they have no willpower and bad spending habits.

Reminder that people are only depressed because they want to be depressed and don't want to seek fulfillment or better themselves in any way.

Literally anyone can become rich, be financially independent, and get life satisfaction, especially with all the tools available out there today.

Is this video games?


Attached: 1561136589953.jpg (750x684, 173K)

I hate boomers so fucking much.

Reminder that rich people are only rich because other people have no willpower and bad spending habits

Is this video games?

imagine being depressed when ctr is out the day come on lads

Maybe if you're an americuck

lol, why so butthurt, son?

and you wonder why no woman ever wants to be even in the same room as you?
i read one sentence that you wrote and i have enough of you for life

A college degree is easy because it's virtually all in your power beyond hoping you never suffer a random, horrible accident like getting hit by a car
Getting a gf is hard because it literally all depends on someone else's judgement of you, and you can't just work your way through

Is this video games?

Is this a (you) farming thread?

Is this video games?


You sure aren't videogames.

Is this video games?