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Games you replay every year
Alexander Phillips
Joshua Sullivan
Elijah Mitchell
Lucas Reyes
considering doing a minimalist run
Adrian Nelson
I think at this point I have done every run of prime that is possible to do, minimalist is fun
Jaxon Rivera
This and Pikmin 2. I swear they get bet every time. I'm not even mad both series are dead, they both produced at least one game I really love and can play endlessly, other series with endless sequels can't claim that.
Alexander Flores
I've never played a Chibi Robo game but they look like a lot of fun, maybe i should give it a go
Jackson Green
Lucky. My autism won't let me not collect everything
Owen James
Every halloween
Colton Ross
forgot pic
Grayson Gonzalez
This, if I didn't have such a massive backlog
But also Okami
Blake Carter
comfiest summertime game, brings me straight back to childhood
Jayden Garcia
I suggest the first and third one, with the third one being JP only, but with a fan-translation
Isaac Phillips
it just feels right
Joshua Davis
Jackson Fisher
based on okami, I also try and bust that one out at least once a year
Hudson Stewart
I never replay games but MP is my favorite game of all time so you're based
Adrian White
To each their own, but how come you don't ever want to revisit your favorites? I definitely get wanting to have new experiences, but sometimes it hits the spot to play an old favorite
Zachary Hughes
This, Hotline Miami, and F-Zero X or GX
Nathan Green
Endless backlog, I once had 0 games in it but now there's 23.
Luis Nelson
I usually pick one at random
Noah Turner
>have endless backlog
>still play my old comfy favorites
>backlog just keeps getting bigger
How do is escape my self made hell
Leo Reed
Most of my games are steam so they're alphabetical, making it easier
Make categories for
1) completed games
2) endless/online games
3) Old/shovelware games
4) uncategorized/unplayed games.
Keep shifting category 4 into the above 3 usually from top to bottom alphabetically. If a new game comes out you buy, immediately play that and only that, don't switch away until you finish the newly bought game. Otherwise don't buy games if you don't immediately play them.
There are lots of endless/dead games you can put in 2 so that will cut your clutter down, and chances are you have some shitty or really old games in there from decades ago that you can also mostly ignore. Focus on the games you want to beat and then do them one at a time. if you take too long of a break it becomes impossible to refocus on a game from weeks/months ago so work at that title as hard as you can until you're done either one or two at a time.
Only focus getting lots/all achievements in games you really love. Mostly focus on just getting to the credits, and don't be afraid of listening to a podcast if you find yourself a little bored of the tedium in walking in a big open world sandbox or driving. Keep subtitles on for cutscenes so you have an idea of the story.
Julian Morris
This, but the first three.
Kayden Bell
It takes like 30 minutes to replay and it's a blast every time. I don't always have my PS3 out but when I do I play through Climax at least once.
Mason Martin
Jose Ward
Samuel Baker
pic related. Every year I'll do a run.
Favourites in thread:
Daniel Russell
Xavier Morris
Anthony Garcia
me too.
Ryan Barnes
It's like a ritual. It's comforting and reminds me of simpler and safer times.
Aiden Anderson
The simplest solution is to not buy so much vidya. I do the same these days, and more often than not I end up ignoring games that are... okayish at best. There's a reason many of them are languishing in backlog hell, they weren't really worth playing to the end. You know that on some level, which is why you avoid them. I do the exact same thing.
Grayson Clark
Nicholas King
I used to replay prime trilogy every year. I held it off for 2 years because I thought we'd get an HD version on switch. Still holding out
Zachary Martinez
S...soon... Right?
Colton Martinez
Terraria nearly every year with my bros, either with a new update or new mod.
Aaron Reyes