Holy shit tulio is in

Holy shit tulio is in

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>not even the favorite character of the kids of 31 minutos


Based Chilean poster

Fuck off waripolo

does he comes a Juan Carlos Bodoque echo fighter ?

What's his final smash?

Being beautiful

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>Chilean show

Fucking retard

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31 es mexicano sudaca inmundo

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Ratoncitos song in your ear

31 es sudaca, saltamuros cochino

>todas las notas verdes pasan en lugares en chile
>es mexicano
toma un (tú)

based Chileans

>tulio is in
>calcetín con rombos man isn't
Fuck you nintendo you had one job...

The main character is the rep, what's weird about that? It's how it's been for everyone

how many songs? is bailen sin césar in? it better be, or else

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Amango was better.

No es de awebo publicar, duérmete otro rato wey

Still my favourite thing to come out of South America

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