Why haven't you hacked your Switch?

Why haven't you hacked your Switch?

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8.1.0 sigpatches for My Friend is Pedro when

Already out

What can be done with a hacked switch? Does it get you banned from online? Is it worth getting one in current year?

why do you care, faggot

Wtf? I went into the hassle of updating a week ago to 8.0.1 and now my friend Pedro needs 8.1.0? Que te jodan, Pedro

not gonna bother anymore now that pokemon is a disappointing mess

I like playing online and I'm not broke.

Times past

I have a launch switch so it's probably been patched.

I also don't know how this shit works.

I also don't want to brick it.

Maybe get a switch mini to hack that but otherwise no

>What can be done with a hacked switch?
Free games, minor overclocking and some homebrew stuff like emulators
>Does it get you banned from online?
Yes, unless you create an emuNAND, a copy of your entire system that you keep offline and only play pirated singleplayer games on. For online play you use the clean version of your system but you need to buy the game in question.
>Is it worth getting one in current year?
Yes but finding a hackable Switch will be difficult at this point, most retailers only carry patched units.

Because I'm a brainlet

Because I like playing online

Because I already pirate everything on PC
unless I want a classic game collection for long trips

Only reason to own a switch is to play mk8 online m8

Will mods come out for Pokemon Sword and Shield?

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I have to ask, are all models of Switch hackable? are there certain Switch firmware that is no longer hackable?

I saw a super cheap 2nd hand switch and might buy it if i can hack it

you have to verify the switch's serial number to determine whether it's hackable or not, just google it.

Me too, and I was able to do it. All you need is a compatible switch there are plenty of guides on which serial numbers will do.
RCM jig is like 5 bucks on ebay you can use paper clip but I strongly recommend getting one and you need a USB-C cable. microSD check the write speed worth the extra cash for faster loading.

im on 8.1.0, can't hack it

They're pretty diligent at getting it up and running so check again in couple of days to see if your preferred cfw has updated or not.

where can i check? and what cfw do you recommend?

i pref a cfw who can run emulators


>tfw patched switch
>tfw 4.1.0 warmboot never ever

Because I'm poor and don't have one.

>owning a switch

I'll wait until it's 100% retard-proof.

I've been using ReiNX download the stable build because the canary doesn't have signature patches and most emulators work fine. Retroarch is simplest emulator pack at the moment. I've had to do a odd work around for N64 and PSP emulator to get them work. There an a app called NRO to NSP, NSP is the eshop extension it tricks the switch into thinking its a eshop game the advantage is homebrew limits ram use and this allows full ram access. Which means faster emulation.

I might in the future when it becomes easier to avoids bans like on 3DS where you don't need emunand.

Otherwise I am just going to build my own emulation handheld using a UDOO Bolt since that is way more powerful than a Switch and has access to the whole library of windows and linux x86 emulators instead of relying on retroarch

gbatemp is little to tricky to navigate as far any news related to the hacking scene.

What's a good place to download nsps , bros ?

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There are plenty of guides/tutorials and helpful people in the forums.


I'm saving up money to buy a switch.

I'm hoping the future Switch Mini will have an option to make it normal down the line, like buying an extra part or something.

You can buy some from ebay. I just bought mine from "ATechOutlet" selling the highest grade versions they have for $170, albeit note that this is the console only. You'll need a new dock set + joy cons.

wonder how long it'll take for the newer models to be hacked
my guess is a long time

not every model, check serials
yes every firmware is hackable, because already hackable models will ALWAYS be hackable thanks to the hardware exploit

it's out already, took them maybe one day

Because I'm an idiot and misread the serial, thinking it was one of the patched ones. This post literally made me check again and realize that I can hack it. I just bought a jig off Amazon for 3 euros. It's arriving next week. I'm hacking the exact second I open that fucking box

Hacked it, my only regret is not being able to play smash online anymore since I can't really find people around me. But online not being free is also what kinda pushed me in the first place, otherwise might have waited

hbg discord
you just tell the bot what game you want and it provides you with a google drive link
hbg shop is good too but download speeds are slower on the Switch.

If you run SX OS, you can make a virtual system called an EMUNAND that if you store on a separate SD card is next to undectatable, allowing you to play the single player port library for free and still enjoy the multiplayer offerings.

I'll answer that after you sign this petition


Because I play Smash and Monster Hunter online a lot

no fucking games

No online, emunand is shit right now, no games and the scene is a shitshow.

>b-b-b-bute you literally have no excuse not to hack your 3DS
>scene keeps changing every 5 minutes so hope you like having your hax drop support with no real support on how to switch to the latest meme
>now have to navigate through a bunch of retarded websites that have no guarantee of working to actually get .cias
but remember guys, no excuse

I have and now I'm just filling up my SD card with games without actually playing anything.

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Because mine is patched. NEVER EVER FOR ME FRIENDO

Because still no coldboot CFW.

Auto RCM damages the Switch's battery in the long run.


I pirate every thing on pc and Nintendo games are in such a huge contrast with other games that I dont mind giving them money



However Nintendo does occasionally rewrite bits of the OS during updates in a way that breaks CFW, in order to buy time. I feel that's important to specify.


>Auto RCM damages the Switch's battery in the long run.

You don't really believe this...right?

wait what
how does this make sense? how would autorcm damage the battery?

based willful ignorant retard-chan

I don't hack my consoles because im not a sociopath.

Because he “shuts down” the switch. Auto rcm reboots the switch if you shutdown via menu instead of doing hard shutdown by holding power for 13 seconds

Is there a retard proof guide somewhere like with 3DS?

Heh, why bother when it can't even air fry a turkey?

pirate scum BTFO


So what would supposedly damage battery life here? The fact that you're doing forced shutdowns?

Because I'm 99% sure my unit is patched and I don't have an SD card.

The switch boots but it’s on rcm. Meaning it’s on in the back round but just on a blank screen, still technically on thus draining battery

Why would I own that garbo when I have a PC and a PS4?

Oh I see what you mean. I don't see this being much of a problem though especially if you force shutdown.
Batteries like that won't die out that fast, most people never properly power off their phones either and shit lasts for a while (if you got a good battery in the first place).
If worst comes to worst, I imagine replacing the Switch's internal battery wouldn't be that much of a hassle.

Yep, mine's in the "might be patched" range. I don't even know if it's worth the risk even if I did have an SD card.

I'm not poor and I like some online.

Where are you getting your themes Yea Forumsros?
Which one do you use?

>Shutting down/rebooting a console with AutoRCM enabled from Horizon aka CFW/OFW will cause it to reboot into RCM except if you are using Atmosphere version 0.8.4 or greater which you can check by going to System Settings and looking at your current firmware

i'll get banned even if i turn off custom firmware

I hacked my 3ds suuuuuper early, and every time a new exploit was found that let you do more stuff with more features it was a pain in the ass to update.
I'd rather wait until it's literally just
>do exploit
>put USB or whatever in
>hit install
>just werks with tons of features
like how current Wii and 3ds hacking is.
plus I really don't mind buying games this time around. I have much more money, I don't play as many games total, and I like having a physical collection.

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Nep RPG nsp when

I only have 1 switch and I don't want to get banned
I'm also lazy

>2 files on SD card
>Jig in joycon rail
>Connect switch to PC with USB
>Inject payload from PC

please go to the autorcm gbatemp thread and actually try to fucking read you sperg

My Switch is before the hardware patch so I'm not in any hurry. My Vita and 3DS get the job done as it is for portable emulation right now.

>>Connect switch to PC with USB
>>Inject payload from PC
You see no one's got time for that shit

my hardware is not one of the hackeable ones

Because there's no open source coldboot hack available and I'm not poor.

I did. Still didn't had absolutely nothing my Vita couldn't play. So I sold it and got me a tiny laptop instead

Because I don't want to get permabanned from online services.

Wait, really?, So if I'm using AutoRCM and the latest Atmosphere I can just shut down the console from the menu and it will actually turn off?

Because I only play Tertis 99 on my Switch

Did emulation improve on Horizon?

you can also use hekate's power off mode
more in the gbatemp thread, but basically this shit's been fixed since long ago

what happens if you just put it into sleep mode?

the same as if it wasn't hacked at all
it'd run in the background but very lightweight stuff only

I bought the smash switch which is patched sadly enough

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Then you don't deserve free games if you can't spend 5 seconds connecting your switch to the PC and clicking send payload

Nice, I hacked my switch a couple of days ago so I'm still catching with everything
Thanks user

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switch bounty. No register required bullshit.

Has emulation on Switch improved at all since like six months ago

But i did, I finished MK11 story mode and FF12 last weekend and last night started playing Hollow Knight, amazing game so far (just killed the main boss at the starting area, Forgotten Crossroads).
Downloaded CTR remake for my wife also.

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