It's out
Can I play as that banana?
ive gotten about halfway through it, its pretty good
my only complaints is that the bosses suck ass, some levels can be really irritating, and you cant shoot while rolling / cancel your roll by shooting
also the grading system is kinda strict, but its not a problem if you gite goude and learn the levels
i have never played a game this flashy, yet so mind numbingly boring at the same time.
>this flashy, yet so mind numbingly boring at the same time.
Play one of the stupid new "auto chess" type games then, they put everything else to shame in this regard.
Does this game give that "tweaking and perfecting a sequence" feeling? I've been looking for something like that recently. Skate's instant retry system is a good example of what I'm talking about.
i wouldn't describe any of those games as 'flashy' though.
Sound design isnt quite there, and level design is kind of simplistic.
Feels like it could be so much better than it actually is
Levels are made to where you can perfectly combo them if your good enough. Killing 1 person starts a combo, and if you wait more than 7 or 8 seconds, the combo ends. Continue it by getting more kills
Getting perfect combos is pretty much the only way to get S ranks, and if you fuck up the combo by not killing someone or wasting time, you can easily restart the level.
You also get penalized for dying in a mission, so if you die, just restart
And that's why i liked prototype more.
Hi Dev
>Not on PS4
Annnnnnd... no buy
It desperately needs a level editor or some form of Steam Workshop support.
I'd love to see the kind of levels people would come up with.
You could be playing monster girl island FOR FREE.
Yet you are playing some indie trash.
game is way too underdeveloped for me desu, im waiting until it becomes a real game rather than a "follow blue arrows to get sex" game
Cool, sounds like what I'm looking for.
Controller or keyboard and mouse?
Is this autism?
Quit being poor.
KB+M is best
>twin STICK shooter
>use a keyboard
what is this auto-chess meme? why do I keep hearing about it?
user it's not a twin stick shooter, you have to press LT (L2) to split your aim and aim with the same right stick
Game was made by one person only.
it plays perfectly, did you even try it?
it has alot of buttons anyways, youd probably get confused
Wow uh
All I have known about this game is seeing this thumbnail in the catalog the past few weeks
It is very different from what I imagined it was. thought it was about a talking banana or something. Now that I look carefully there are guns at the side
Oh hi seller !
>proving him wrong
>he insists you are selling to him now
It came out yesterday and we've all already beat it. 3 hours seems to be Yea Forums's average.
Yep, very light on content.
It really needs some community content creation tools or a level editor or something.
Oh hi Lord Meme !
>reddit spacing