Why aren't you playing Iga's game?
not a big fan of mobile games.
I did, I finished it once and I'm starting another playthrough.
Taking a break.
you have 10 seconds to explain why you dont worship bimbo miriams pits and legs right at this instant
After i kill gebel, where do i go next?
dark elves are objectively better user
>bimbo miriam
yike and bluepilled
Give me a shoulder braid and I'll show you why you're wrong.
Thanks to UE4, it lags on my machine no matter how low my settings are. And while gameplay is somewhat comfortable on lows, for some reason anything Miriam says or grunts is distorted, while other sounds are perfectly fine.
Currently taking a break, drinking a cup of coffee and shitposting on 4channel.
I've noticed that too.
>someone else talks
>everything's fine
>Miriam talks
>sounds like her recording is slowed down by 10x while a woodchipper plays in the background
And that twin dragon fight was hell because of it.
Killed Gebel and got game over, any hints on where to go next?
Alucard and shopkeeper say nothing.
because it looks and sounds so fucking awful I can't stomach it for more than ten seconds
Have you fought the twin dragon boss at the tower?
Because there's so many fucking games in the world AAAAA HOW CAN I EVER PLAY THEM ALL
Well, yeah? Isn't it impossible to get over here without the laser shard?
nah fuck this shit
I didn't look around for fixes yet (since I decided against playing it on lows with possibility of lategame lagging too much and because eye-candy naturally is not last position on menu), but I'd blame DRM or something for that... If it wasn't GOG version. Unless of course they decided to do something sneaky.
Here's what I've got so far + the lab to the right.
use invert in that area
Invert? What the heck is that?
Oh, so you've used the train and got the reflector thingy? I think you're at the same point as me then. I fought Gebel before doing all that.
there's a bit of bad game design but you're supposed to crouch on some gears and you can head up to the boss room in the towers area that way, you need to kill the dragons, get the ID, give it to OD, then go on the tain, get the ability there, head to kill bloodless, then drain the fountain, get the swimming ability, eventually you'll get the laser ability in the desert area
zangetsu at the end
Ooh I forgot the fountain, I just thought that
>I probably need to learn to swim first
Started playing yesterday, still getting used to controls since i'm playing with KBM
Becouse I macked the damn thing and asked for a switch copy... so here I am waiting for a least 3 weeks
because it looks jank as fuck and any game where the threads call themselves "comfy" and the fanbase considers any criticism trolling is bound to be kusoge
Because my laptop was made by chinks who couldn't get a GTX 860M to fucking work right
Because I find it too expensive for what it offers.
well then, you need to go to the underwater area which is below the garden i think, and you need to kill one of those different tentacle enemies to get their shards to swim around.
The torrent I downloaded needed a password to open it and I didn't want to do a gay online survey for it
>he doesn't even know how to pirate games properly
the absolute state
I wish the long hair didn't flop all over the place and clip through Miriam.
fucking kek
No, thanks, I'll wait till it's $10 on a steam sale.
Do you have the blood steal ability? You need that to open a new path in the entrance where the blood pool is
I played the pirated GOG version, a few game breaking bugs that were patched out that I can't seem to get, but nothing I can do about it unless I want to buy.
Real shame Zangetsu isn't in the game yet, even bigger shame what tehy did with the characters at the end, I really wanted to play as Gebel but it looks like they killed him Sophia and Zangetsu off, which sucks their designs were solid.
ALSO DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE THE SOUFLEE BOOK IS? I'm at 99.80 map completion, I beat all the secxret bosses and I can't find the last recipe book to finish the dumb hag's food missions.
I need that omlette book.
I'm playing it right now, and I'm really loving it, probably the best game I've played this year so far, and I've never played Castlevania or any Metroidvania for that matter.
Also can anyone explain to me how those 8-bit coins work? I got one but I don't know in what I should spend it or how to get more.
Have my Miriam.
Taking a break. Just got 100% on the map, enemy list and shards. Now there's only one loot left to drop and then complete the weapon list, I imagine.
So, should I be dismantling everything I dont need anymore? I havn't sold or dismantled anything yet because I don't really need any of the stuff from the vendor or the crafting. I'm still pretty early on.
144, max, occasional hiccups due to bad vsync and not to a lack resources.
Dismantling is really expensive so only do it for food because that's the only time it's worth.
It doesn't for me but I've seen it do it in videos. Did they patch it out or is it a version difference?
One coin one wep level, you can reclaim any coins you've spent with hest.
How to dismantle things?
is there a mod to remove those ugly backer portraits yet?
>have all the weapons in the list
>weapon completion: 97%
Why is there a chest icon in a red box right under the map in the very first room on the Galleon?
Garden of Silence
secret weapons that isnt listed
the weapons is even mentioned in the first half of the game
and it is so good....
>True Arrow
>Rank: increases the number of projectiles cast at once
>Rank 3 still shoots 3 arrows just like rank 1
They played me like a damn fiddle
How do you get the Army of the Night cheevo?
Gotta pay 10 bucks for that swordwhip DLC.
This is one of the jankiest, ugliest, most terrible enemy designs containing games i've ever played.
What the fuck was Iga thinking?
What the fuck are these giant cats, and these dumb portraits? Like, i get it, kickstarter people, but it's to a point where it literally makes the game less appealing overall cause it's so fucking out of place and weird.
Also who the fuck did the visual direction for enemies in general? Horrendous.
And fuck the Aqua Stream shit. Who makes this shit?
I am, just reading Bloodstained threads while farming KuneKune with a 60+ luck build on the train for its GOD DAMN DROP.
Mine shoots 4 now
Can I make it with double jump? It's very tight.
At least they've got one (1) good enemy design with the peacock stand double jump boss guy, but you delete him so fucking fast.
Man, people are fucking desperate for metroidvanias
But I am. I'm enjoying it, but it does still feel a bit like a half finished game that's been developed in segments. There are areas that are missing music (probably not on purpose) and a third of the shards being generic summon attacks is pretty lazy.
Use your jump kick into double jump tech senpai.
Same. Been killing him for hours now and no drop. And look at my luck.
it looks like pure shite
Got it. Forgot when you got jump kick before. Didn't realize.
Does leveling up that fairy familiar does anything?
It surprised me how the game accounted for the player's movement options, even the pretty broken things you can do with double jump and dive kick resets. It never REQUIRES you to bounce on a flying enemy to reach a high place, but it does reward you with a lot of chests.
Why does map look so shit? It's nit even "simplistic" style. It just looks like some one drew it in MS Paint
I only had to kill him 4 times with 48 luck.
spots faster. probably makes her attack better too, not that it's ever hit anything in history.
>it's a fucking platinum
Nice hair, where didja get that one? I'm missing a handful of em.
When all your "criticism" boils down to "I don't like the artstyle" then sure as hell it seems like trolling after 999th thread/post about it.
I got it with my first kill, 100 luck though.
Because Symphony. I like it. Could have more information, but it's no-bullshit.
So, overall it feels like a mor ecomplete , mor epolished Aria of sorrow, but not quite as long as symphony. Tons of major improvments over old games though, real shame about the lack of characters.
How much does Luck really affect drop rates? I don't even bother with wearing gear for stats anymore other than Luck and the drop rate ring but if it was like a fraction of a percentage increase then I'm gonna feel silly.
mainly the fact that it has absolutely no shadows. it desperately needs ambient colusion or any sorts of shadows really. Lighting model looksl ike the Unity default or something too
>it looks jank as fuck
>the artstyle
Wowzers. No, that's not what "this game looks janky" means.
Please tell me it's not the only monster to drop platinum....
Do stat increases from food carry over to NG+?
where's the full ROTN map?
It's huge, you want to stack luck via food bonuses, and grab teh plunder ring from that one wall, once you hit 50 it's noticeable, at 75-90 you get e-z drops. Like I got luck up 4 times in row once I hit 90 while trying to farm that chest dude.
Does Lili form not scale with any stats? I notice I can wear a Safe Ring and do the same exact damage, same thing with changing STR and INT, no real difference in kick power.
Ok, 3 questions:
>where do you get the silver bromide?
>how do you stack/build luck and if it can be done earlygame?
>how the fuck do you even defeat the twin bullshit dragons?
>Shovel Knight
>realistic basedboy portraits
>le cat of d00m!
>forced waifubait
Scales with the number of shards you have and INT
>>where do you get the silver bromide?
the twin dragons
>>how do you stack/build luck and if it can be done earlygame?
items and use the librarian's book too but you're wasting time and better off doing it late game
>>how the fuck do you even defeat the twin bullshit dragons?
GIT FUCKING GUD SCRUB, I fucking destroyed them first try
I am. I'm deeply disappointed by how the bunnygirls don't use their butt stomp attack from Curse of the Moon.
I still have 4 exams to pass, If i start playing the game I won't be doing anything else and i will fail, and that sucks
>After the twin boss in the rotating tower.
>Food and accesories mostly.
>Get a weapon with some decent range on it, there's that flying sword that you can get in the very same location and it kicks this boss into the ground since you can run and attack with it at the same time.
silver bromide is the reward for killing the twin dragon boss, in the gold chest. You can run undernmeath the mouth as it's chasing you and hit it as it moves forward with the walmanway from teh barbers. You stack luck via food.
You can even skip directly to Bloodless and Gebel once you get the double jump by bouncing (dive kick) on the lamps seen in this picture.
>>how do you stack/build luck and if it can be done earlygame?
Just cook. It looks like hell because of sub-components but I'm pretty sure you can just buy them after making them once so it's not as bad. Still feels like one of the less cohesive mechanics.
Become the Bunny
You again
Imagine being an underaged faggot like you
cause I'm broke as fuck
Literally looks like a pending addition to the soul versus soulless pile. Nothing new or novel here, it's what you made... what? Going on 20 years ago now with a very ugly, crude coat of paint.
How do I unlock Zangetsu mode?
Because I'm a physicalfag, and
>720p dynamic resolution 30 FPS docked
Oh, it DOES scale with INT, why did I think I tested that and it didn't do anything?
I played it last night. Fought that dude voiced by David Hayter and really dig it so far.
Is this "having too many shards will corrupt you" just a story beat or do I actually have to worry about keeping too many moves?
Yeah don't worry, my old-ass desktop can't run the game without starting a small fire and rebooting. Gave up and went to play SotN in the meantime.
It's not in the game yet. Supposedly it will be patched in later.
What's the deal with platinum?
Im not scared of them idiot, I just won't do anything else other than play the game if I get my hands on it, Im the type of person that likes to finish the things he starts, and I don't like leaving them half-assed, also, underaged? I'm in college based-boy
As if he'd actually try to innovate Aria's soul system instead of lifting it outright.
Don't forget Blasphemous is coming out too. At this point my Switch is a metroidvania machine and I'm ok with that.
Nuns are not meant to be trusted.
Don't turn off vsync. Turn off framerate smoothing, but don't turn off vsync.
The longer I play the game, the easier the boss fights gets. I am just done with the laser dude with no retries despite the flashy movesets. A major bummer since I like this boss design. I unintentionally cheesed the twin headed dragon with a bug that knocked me over to one level below the dragon sitting on. Ran down, grabbed the item, went back up, start wacking its bum and dead in less than 10 seconds.
And the goddamn portraits are everywhere. I am well aware they are backers but christ, stop reusing the same bloody type of enemy in every area.
How do you beat Bloodless? She recover her health so much it's impossible.
>And the goddamn portraits are everywhere. I am well aware they are backers but christ, stop reusing the same bloody type of enemy in every area.
this is basically my only beef with them. They should've kept them to one area and called it " the gallery" or soemthing with a boss unique to the level.
Do more damage
I wish all indie shit could look at least good as this, instead we get garbage like shovel knght, Celeste and Undertale which looks like early NES games.
Also nude mod when?
I feel it's a lame copout that Bloodless can use her own blood to heal. It'd make more sense as only a punishment for getting hit. Hell, that's what they say before the fight.
She only does BLOOD STEAL!ā¢ once.
>The more I play a game the better I get at it
You've stumbled on something truly groundbreaking there, user.
Does OD have a medal for beating him without taking damage? Fucker spamming ice makes it impossible
I've beat her on my 6th try, Hardest boss by far for me.
>alucard colors
muh nigga
Good to know, that encourages me.
Because im taking a break to eat and browse Yea Forums. Just got Invert and did some cleaning up in old areas with it.
Where do I find Iga to fight?
In the throne room where you fight Gebel
Really high tier crafting shit.
Damn straight.
Gonna do it when there is a mod that removes every fucking backer shit.
And even then it's gonna be a pirate.
>starting a new game after playing for so long with accelerate and high jump
this is not podracing
Is jump kick an unlockable skill or is it just an input command?
Holy Fuck this spell destroys that shield fuck
Spells are the answer to most of the annoying enemies.
unlocks with double jump.
bros what am I missing
You can do it as soon as you get double jump.
Cool. Just barely started to game so I'm way behind most of you guys. Game's fun so far.
Because the switch version isn't out yet.
Do you have the souffle recipe? Because if you don't probably the same thing i'm missing.
Because i'm poor.
Does anyone have a Shanoa styled Miriam yet?
>you can play dress up
Can I lewd up?
>secret train enemy
how the fuck do I beat it?
Not really.
Waiting on that NoR mod.
Reflector ray from the broken mast when it swings close, then use your double jump when the ray spits you out. It took me a couple of tries.
Run to the room on the left and kill it with magic from upstairs
anyone here got all itmes?
what's something bitchy to get like the valkyrie tiara that people might miss?
niece always on the computer playing Roblox
she's so damn cute I don't really care
>When you use Jinrai on the ninjas
Just like my chinese cartoons.
cause i don't know how to tilt with a fucking keyboard
The only Castlevania I have played is PoR, how does it compare?
You can if you use picture related (3 times) as well.
>The Year of Our Lord 2019
>not owning a wired 360 controller for playing platformers on PC
>Craft Durandal
>Stack atack speed
>Rank 9 clones
>Proceed to cheese everything with my 1k dps at lvl 30
This game is so easy and yet so fun to break holy shit
i like the areas less but the game mechanics are better
I use a Switch Pro controller nowadays
So I sold my quest brigandine before I found the NPC to turn it in at and I haven't found a recipe for it anywhere. Am I fucked or is there a recipe somewhere I missed?
I just sacrificed mine to upgrade it.
Dominique should sell a copy of anything you pick up as far as I know.
Does it work well with PC games? My 360 controller's d-pad and left joystick are starting to drop inputs.
You can craft it later.
>decided to wear toy shoes with matching attire (pink clothes, blonde hair, cat ears, and voicechanger) for shits and giggles
>an hour later
no, she sells everything you craft.
Post your Weaponfu
Switch pro has a scuffed D-pad whether you use it on PC or Switch. Misreads ups as lefts all the time.
Where do i go after i get dimension shift?
What's your favorite 8-bit coin weapon? I've been using Encrypted Orchid.
I just beat the boss O.D.
I found a neat trick to deal with a certain attack of his.
Use the Reflector's Ray whilst time is stopped, that'll allow you to safely avoid the spikes. Just be careful in terms of where you place your ray, because he can attack you whilst you're still in mid-air.
How do I craft Raikiri?
I do.
how do you get him to spawn?
We Code Vein now.
Also, the spiral sword is pretty fucking busted.
not that user but I got him after borrowing the tome of conquest
strange, he dont have that tome here
You get the swim shard down there actually. Its a drop from the glowing jelly fish
Fuck Scythe Mites, why are they so rare?
Beat the game, and then go to O.D's room and get his new book. I forgot what it's called, but it'll be highlighted at the bottom of the page. Then, teleport to the Glacial Tomb and enter the room on your left.
it's on the right side to the top save room in ex machina
break the roof from the big room below
Have you beaten the real final boss?
Im not sure what the tome is tied to, it might be map completion %
Think I found my farming spell
As cool as it was figuring out how to swim myself, I still think that part was ass.
thanks pal, gonna get em now and d the last side quests/bonuses.
Let enemies in the double dragon tower hit you for them to spawn
So we can all agree that Heretical Grinder is the most busted spell for (non bonus) bosses, right? I think the only boss I haven't been able to cheese so far is Doppelganger.
Everything else up to and including Zangetsu 2 hasn't been able to handle the power of the mighty Giga Drill Breaker.
think spawns are bugged, no pun intended
How do I get down to this guy and to that chest that is to the right under a bridge?
But I am.
I'm getting curbstomped by solid snake. I can barely reach his second phase.
How much of a casual am I?
that and the bunnny is all I use, I still got no idea how to do most of her attacks though. She should've been a seperate character unlock.
I want this and a fucking CASTLEVANIA MUSIC MOD
How do you spawn it? I tried sitting down and it aint coming.
So, Nightmare mode doesnt give you EXP...and I'm almost to the point of getting the Zangetsuo sword...and I'm really worried about getting my shit pushed in again because I just went and powerleveled and crafted a few Ex-Pots.
inferno breath hard carried me through the whole game
>that D-pad
I already beat the game.
The Bunnymorphosis is ridiculously good. The damage per hit is always about as good as best greatsword you can get at the time, also the kicks and jump attacks are insanely fast. There's just few bosses where it wasn't good idea to use it.
Sorta on the fence. How long is it? Not particularly keen on long metroidvanias, but 15 hours or less is fine.
I'm waiting for the Switch version because I can't imagine playing it while sitting down. I need to be lying in bed. Also, Portrait was better than Order.
Be conservative with your punishes, don't use slow weapons, only attack him a couple of times before taking evasive action.
If all else fails, buy more potions.
sit at the chair in the second cart while the lake is visible in the windos
Just found another place you can get to by jumping. Managed to get to pic related by bouncing on the lamps at the ceiling and then at the end diagonally drop kick. I'm guessing you're supposed to get here by increasing the range of the reflector.
What weapon did you use against Bloodless?
I'm not doing good damage against her. I have that one katana that looks like some WoW sword that always got shitposted about.
>he bought it on steam
how's the graphic options?
Do I have to have finished the 8-bit one before this?
for me it was 10ish hours blind just killing story bosses
Celeste and shovel knight look better than this game
To get the true ending, it only took 17.8 hours. To do the additional post-game stuff, including completing the map, an extra hour.
>15 hours
That sounds about right, maybe a little less.
Hit twice and run. Or use welcome company shard from the portrait faggots
steam greatsword but i cheesed her with this
Reminder that you can take all books at the same time when you have beaten him.
Very lacking.
I used the Poison Kukri, pretty low damage but attacks fasts and poison. I honestly just used it for the nothing personnel kid technique.
Is OD post game or before the final boss and how do i fight him
how do you get army of the night?
CotM isn't canon to this one, so no.
Yep, I did that straight after beating him. Didn't expect to get ALL of the books, lol.
you need 99% of the map uncoivered, and then you gotta talk to him, he'll tell you about his hot new book. Afterwards you take it then head to the ice tomb teleport, you will immediately fight him.
The hook swlrd. Harpe its called? I just beat the shit out of her and used riga dolhin. She only got to heal once
But I am
post-game. I made a post about it here.
I just watched the credits after beating the game and got it.
>8-bit memegame has better bosses
very sad
You dont need to beat the game to unlock his fight
I can't defeat the vampire girl, is she actually hard or do I just suck at this game?
Porn with her model when?
how are you suppossed to dodge Grimorie's light beam thing? I felt cheap just dpsing her down first through it and using healing but I don't see a way to dodge it.
Also the game is pretty ugly even maxed. It's not too visible during normal gameplay, but this is how models look during dialog scenes when shit zooms in.
Replace her model with the porn girl when?
Oh, you don't? Fuck. I thought he was post-game content.
>riga dolhin
It's so fucking good. I'm barely using regular attacks because of it and high mana regen.
>revenge quests
>dead villagetsrs named after old casglevania heroes
Harsh man. Iga killed his own children
Use the Invert ability to go above and slide under her.
The game looks bad visually, I watched some streams to see it in action and it looked disgusting. Like a flash game from 10 years ago.
I've heard it's an stat driven game and I don't care about those gameplay wise.
I've not heard anything about the story, which leads me to conclude that it's not good enough to carry it.
Nobody has given me any reason for why the game is worth anyone's time and I will probably only experience it in the form of porn for that reason.
You just have to DMG race her and dodge well, that's it.
I hate how the textures look so grainy during cutscenes. The gameplay is solid, though.
Wait till you get word of power shards and literally never run out of MP.
beat 2nd to last boss and they give you a teleport
I have too much backlog right now.
hehe what can I do for you?
IĀ“m interested in this...
i'm waiting for it to be on sale with all the dlc for 50 bucks, hopefully that'll happen during the winter sale.
Does anyone feel like the DLC was an absolute ripoff? The game itself is great, but fuck the DLC itself is probably worth $2 at absolute most.
...The AA-settings might actually be bugged. I just did a test, with all settings set to Low, and this is how it looks. Pretty much the same as the maxed screenshot I posted earlier.
Hopefully they can sort out the graphics for the sequel(s).
I mean this is unreal engine 4, a more than capable engine and you've got the full power of modern consoles you could be using and you're only rendering one viewing angle with all the characters zoomed out so they don't need to be super detailed. The amount of slack that cuts you is huge. Also now they aren't obligated (at least at the start) to support dead and ancient platforms like the Vita.
It was backer exclusive shit that initially wasn't gonna make it in the game. This was the ccompromise, grant it to everybody, but at a premium so backers don't feel ripped off after being told it'd be exclusive, which was a bad idea in the first place.
Just pirate and play it you weenie, story's better than castlevania surprisingly, and it's less stat based than any previous castlevania's I've played. Just downgrade yourself if it bothers you.
I fell on water and I can't get out of it? Is it a bug? I can't jump off it.
Im pretty sure he uses the lack of a dimension to load in more of the map at once. Also some maps look to be fully 3-d and it's wonky because of it.
Is Lili supposed to be the easy mode or something? I swear nothing else I can do can remotely compete with this damage, doubly so when you can mash A and dive kick for like 5 hits a second.
>no art of O.D fucking miriam over his desk and cumming inside balls deep while johannes jerks off with an alchemy solution in the bacnground causing his dick to go from one inch to 8, leading to him joining the fun and taking miriams asshole while he and O.D continue to ravage her and gebel watches through a crystal ball crying just as domique uses magic to grow a futa dick and begins viciously ass fucking him to the point of orgasm and he cums all over the crystal ball which changes the channel to the train area where Zengetsu is getting amazon positioned by a bunny girl and forced to cum inside and take responsibility
Nigger it's a homage to the RPG Castlevania games, go play Shovel Knight if you want a platformer. If you hate RPGs so much, why are you even considering the game? I don't go to shooter or sports game threads to bitch about those games.
Is there a good way to farm these thigns? I only found one spawn and it's kind of awkward to chain kill it.
Happened to me once, I managed to fix it by getting hit by an enemy.
it's a bug, use a homeward bone thing, if you don't have one you are fucked and need to quit out.
Just suspend save next time you dont to quit out
It isn't out for Switch yet.
>mash A and dive kick
That's actually what the early speedrunners are doing. Upgraded Fireball shotgun for early game then Lili divekicks.
>accidentally found the speedrun strat
guess I'm banning myself from using slutty bunny
Stream it in, that's how openworld games do it. None of the rooms in these games are anywhere near as large as an openworld game and you only need to load the room you're in and whatever rooms that room directly connects to if you want to avoid loadtimes. Shouldn't be too difficult keeping this all in memory with how much these areas share assets. The game even has those SotN style connecting hallways between major zones.
You can do it with normal shoes too, Lili just has much higher base damage making it perfect for speedruns.
I have all the materials, complete map, all the monsters and their drops and yet I'm still missing items?
What the fuck? Does someone have any of those I'm missing?
Damn nice being able to make a permanent passive secret detector so I don't have to lock down a slot for the fairy or the shard.
I was just attacking every wall with a greatsword until I found it.
Nice you can turn it off too that green circle drives me insane sometimes
jesus boy, did you take a break from the game yet?
post your miri
Wtf. I never got this
I find it weird they didn't record more lines considering how often that one gets repeated. I mean, they recorded all of the names.
The bottom right accessory you're missing is Black Belt, I'm not entirely sure where I got it but I think it was a hidden chest.
Gotta level up the shard to rank 9, then it becomes permanent.
You mean this?
>Not subconsciously getting a boner every time you're commanded to kill murderers dead
I mean look at the Trine games they were able to pack an incredible amount of detail into those levels a decade ago and that was back on the flipping PS3/360. The stuff you could pull off if you spent another four years and targeted PS5/Scarlett/PC would probably be mindblowing to behold.
>Black Belt
That's the third person who asks for this. Anyway, picture related is the location.
Yeah, that's where I found it, I think all the stuff he's missing are the hidden chests.
Black Belt is dope. It's part of my boss killan loadout.
>Yea Forums complaining about the difficulty being too easy in every thread
>get to alfred
>canāt win
am i just a skillet, or did people lie on the internet?
How do I fit there? Is there a bat transformation or something?
Are there any weapons other than Gambantienn that have passive stats on them? My weapon slot is pretty fucking useless right now since I'm an entirely INT caster build.
is there a reward for killing bosses w/o taking damage like in OoE?
I dont like these 3d shitty models, sprites are way better.
Is it possible to kill Bloodless before she heals even once?
Thank you my man
Maybe if Miriam stopped stuffing her fat face with pastries she could fit.
Getting a controller is a very good investment. Many games work better with it.
Makes her do her job faster and hit harder/more frequently. She heals you with Faerie versions of potions, elixirs and antidotes and spots secrets, though her attacks are the weakest of all familiars.
Where is black pepper? I remember it drops from blue chests, but in what area?
nevermind, just got a medal from the first boss
Was there any in game hint for the #44 enemy location? Any other enemies like that?
Invert and slide or use reflector ray to just zip through her
He is giant fap hand tier easy. His animations are insanely slow and dodgeable/avoidable. All the other humanoids bosses are way faster.
Medals, but they're for bragging rights only.
I don't play games with female leads
His name is Mr. Snugglesworth
Yes. The chad Heretical Grinder overpowers the virgin healing.
Where can I find this recipe?
this bloody cunt is too tough for me
is the healing a one time thing or does she do it whenever she can?
>that green circle drives me insane sometimes
I found that if you talk to the people in the town the green circle disappears. I was wondering if it still worked even though the ring wasn't there, and it does, see pic related.
Best enemy in the game. He fluffy and cute :3
He also drops objectively the best item in the game, the legendary Cat ears
johannes specifically turns that bullshit off, speaking to anyone else will put it back on.
hopefully mods will come along later to just disable all the passive effects.
Ok. I'll just play AoR again
is there any other outfit that changes your outer appearance like the valkyrie armor?
except for the lili transformation
Already completed, now waiting for those free dlc.
just got it, im at the ship boss rn. I like this a lot. I always loved the gimmick of obtaining enemies powers from them. Can they drop their weapons as well? Or just items?
Is this the map that was supposed to be XBOX HUEG and definitely a million times bigger than SoTN???
This. Was hoping for some dark fullbody armor type outfit so i can cosplay as my waifu
It disappeared when I talked to the priest woman as well. But Johannes seems to be a more consistent.
That's weird. I have the 8-Bit Nightmare book, but I don't see any options to craft a 16-Bit or 32-Bit weapon. There's only 8-Bit weapons I can craft, and I have 100% of the map completed. What gives?
I never have enough stuff to make a lot food. Been all around the map yet I'm missing stuff for most recipes. Are you meant to grind for this stuff or what?
Dunno what items you need to get this but I got it with just the double jump.
I can't seem to get my gamepad working with Bloodstained
Any special config in x360ce?
Yep. You can tell it's teh biggest evar because they shoved some straightaways in there on the sides.
What the actual fuck
>Clear quest
>Mash left and right during victory jingle
It's just like how we're including the top five results from the costume poll (translators note: we're ignoring the poll entirely and only including three outfits, one of which is the Pure Miriam everyone expected anyway)!
The stretch goals in this game are fucked.
I'm an idiot. The 16-Bit and 32-Bit coins are apparently used to upgrade the 8-Bit weapons.
Can someone be kind enough to listout the top tier items in each category ?(weapon, headgear, armor, rings, scraves) In their opinion. I would like to grind it out.
How's the customization
Is it just hairstyles and hats?
Youre such a fag
>hmmm game not ez enough me need unga binga gear
Yes. Some people will claim otherwise, but they're wrong.
Well, I'm interested in the game, but I still haven't beaten SotN or any of the metroidvanias.
Once upon a time, I played every classicvania game in release order, and then when I started SotN it just felt really boring and slow by comparison to Adventure Rebirth. I get that it's just a different subgenre, but I couldn't shake the feeling. Bloodstained's release kinda makes me want to try those games again, but I'm likely to start by playing all the emulatable ones rather than buying a 40 dollar game.
I'll play it @ nite
Because it' s 10 year old Order of Ecclesia for consoles.
>make boss that can only atack you if you are in the ground
>remember you made the player get INVARTO so place spikes on the ceiling to stop them from using it to cheese the boss
>forget about the fact that you forced the player to get an anti-spikes armor to reach this area
Is any of the craftable 8bit weapons good? They look the part but wont do any dmg unless upgraded and I fear its not worth saving
Is any of them end game must have stuff?
are you using DS4? I did and it worked after using DS4windows
I can't afford Iga's game...
So when's the porn of him busting down the door and filling her womb?
>buy it on console
>enjoy it, so i play for a good while
>new patch drops which opens all rare chests, which also means the game can't be finished
>forced to replay after exploring, collecting shit and doing a bunch of optional shit
I'll just add it to my "never gonna finish" backlog list then.
Boss Rush mode disappoints me. I wish it gave you a pre-configured Miriam that is scaled toward to each boss so each of them are a challenge. I just beat all of the challenges in under a minute each abusing my disgustingly overpowered Miriam.
Because it looks like that. Might give it a try some day, but right now I'm not really lacking things to play.
Just enable the steam controller support. You don't need any third party software.
Remember to erase any old save state too or youll get bugs in the fresh one
Having to get off and on the train constantly to farm this dancing piece of shit has killed any amusement the jumpscare held for me, I got my grade 9 curse resist, fuck you.
It's either the first or the second sorcery lab. I can't remember which.
Because i don't have money
Where is the goddamn Hair Apparent V ??
>buy it on console
Well, there's your problem. Should have bought it on PC which came with 1.02 and never had that problem.
What level should I be at for Zangetsu's 2nd fight? I'm at level 35 but I've felt a bit under powered for a while
because I am waiting on my switch version in the mail
come back later
>implying i bought it
Playable Zangetsu and OD when?
Keep playing
>mfw all of the twin dragon's body are treated as a giant hit box
>All of it
Start using some range skill
>mfw dead in three shots
You'll get a boss shard for it close to the end of the game
After finishing the game can I start a new game+ on hard or nightmare without losing my shards?
Game is too easy on normal but I dont want to lose my grinding hours
The holy weapons are just like any other weapon, and the stats doesn't seem insane. There is one rapier that gets longer with each upgrade, so it might be pretty good.
Pirate it and buy it once you have money, if you liked it of course.
Heh, fair enough.
Use the painting spell, Welcome something something.
Then use a powerful weapon like that steam greatsword you can get just before the boss fight from a chest.
Then smash the fucker non-stop and carry 2-4 health potions.
Should win easy peasy
Neat. Haven't really used guns, maybe I will once on I get to hard mode.
I am, playing on hard. Pretty good. Normal difficulty was garbage so I restarted.
thats neat and all and I have an infinite ammo hat too to just shit on everything with diamond bullets and the homing gun but there's really no fucking point once you have 8+ mp regen and grade 9 rank 9 shards.
>Yea Forums claims the soundtrack is bland
>get to the Oriental Lab
You faggots are so full of shit
First game in the genre I actually enjoy.
I literally kill it in three hits user, not it killing me in three hit. I used the fire pillar skill which run into the distance and hit three times each, and there are 6 pillar. Because all of the body is treated as a hit box, all of the pillars hit. Shit's stupid
it's really in the same vein as the rest of the so called "igavania" games, which is basically Sotn and then pretty much all the handheld titles.
>when you only notice a decent song near the end of the game
>claim this means the rest wasn't bland as fuck
where do you get blutgang sword? I just want to upgrade my sword expertise, I am at 70% now and I feel like I missed it somewhere.
can you even survive this without cheesing?
you can do that with any weapon, I figured out the "attack just as you're landing" into "ground attack" thing on my own very early on.
Yeah, like he said though, shards are just so good that practically all weapons suck. except the yellow Ruval crissigram sword and that one spear that allows you to use that fast charge run before you get Accelerate
You can literally go through the entire game with bunnymorphist as your weapon and dive kick the shit out of everything. Get LCK gear and make desserts since they help with LCK and MP Regen.
Maybe someone with a simmilar mindeset could help me decide before i waste days contemplaiting about what difficulty to play.
I normaly play games on the hardest difficulty available because i want to experience a game to it's fullest the first time i play it and dont like getting item and upgrade locations spoiled by a playthrough on a lower difficulty. Can someone
who played on hard/nightmare please list some pros and cons for each? Or if you switched from one to the other what was the reason for it?
wait, how?
i was sitting there for a few minutes, but nothing happened.
is this some RNG bullshit?
What the FUCK was her problem?
Because I'm going to work. Otherwise I'd be playing right now. Just beat Alfred.
What does luck have to do with anyway? Also, is there a movelist for the bunny form? So far I'm at lv3 have only unlocked the flurry kicks
Since this came out for pretty much every platform, is there any reason I shouldn't get the PC version?
You gotta wait for the scenery to change. The castle in the background is actually moving, you know.
>best playing IGA game
>best Soul/Glyph system
>best movement in an IGA game
>pretty good enemies after the first hour
>one of the better Castle layouts, not the best though
>absolutely piss fucking easy on normal
>all bosses die with minimal effort
>too easy to accidentally make yourself OP
Wish I knew it would be this way, I would have just started on Hard dammit
I would if my fucking copy was here, my switch copy hasnāt even been shipped yet
Voyage of Promise, Castle Entrance, Tower of Twin Dragons, Waterway, Sorcery Lab, are all great.
She's not playable.
She wanted to be the protagonist but the church won't let her get her tits out.
What does cheesing it even mean, your strategy is just to not look at eachother and that's it. I dive kicked the shit out of him.
So I just skimmed down the entire list of people streaming this game on Twitch and NOBODY is speedrunning it. Now that I've 100%'d it, I always like to see the speedrun stuff
GOLLY! What if """ I """ tried speedrunning it? Anybody know of any sequence breaks?
It doesn't seem to matter how high level you are. Just this second did it at around the same level. So long as you have something that can parry, the fight is yours. Not only will his attacks not hit you, you counter for big damage ever time he attempts to.
excuse me, this is a bloodstained thread. not shovel knight LOL
What exactly does Bunnymorphing even do?
I was expecting to have a new moveset or something, like pogo-jumping off enemies heads.
>>Yea Forums claims the soundtrack is bland
Compare it to for example Ecclesia and the difference in quality is staggering
>any castlevania with rpg elements
>not easy as fuck on normal difficulty
Strange thing to say, as it's literally a SotN clone with elements from the rest of the Iga games.
You need to sit down while the lake is in the window.
oh fuck im glad its a bug i hope they patch it looks so stupid
oh, i thought that was some 2D image of a castle.
good to know.
trying this out later, thanks.
Increase its ranks. You get more attacks.
Can someone show me a pic of the playable characters in this game?
what does getting the photo from dominique do
You can, once you get double jump.
I don't think the game ever tells you about the dive kick.
I think I found it at Terminator halls or whatever they're called, possibly in an neighboring area. Those golden halls you know. I think I had to bounce on a enemy to get to a chest high above and the sword was in it.
Maybe where my crosshair is at pic related but I'm just guessing.
>>not easy as fuck on normal difficulty
More specifically the crab, blackmore and the horse were casual filters.
You can get to gebel early with some double jump and dive shenanigans
what do the blue icons mean on the minimap?
"bad ending" speedruns are pretty lame
What do the green scroll thing on the map mean? There's one in the middle of the train, and search the room as i might, i can't find shit.
Lol what? OoE is the easiest game in the series
it means you've been mashing markers
why the fuck isn't there any art of bunnymorph miriam yet
>the crab
Surely, you jest.
Anyone know how to make this dish?
Fucking faggot whyd you ask if you didnt like my answer
player marks
enemies you need to kill for quests
so how do you guys recommend farming the kunekune shard without going crazy?
sorry, that is pretty nifty. I'm trying to think where you'd kick off an enemy to get up there early.
you have to stand next to susie to know what it is.
got it on my 4th try :>
Ain't that the truth.
>Lol what? OoE is the easiest game in the series
What drugs are you on? All the other DS games were easier and I don't remember the GBA games being any more difficult. HoD is shit so it was hard to stomach, I guess.
Early Gebel? See
there ya go bruh
please respond
Which sword has parry?
>NOBODY is speedrunning it.
check /r/speedrun
there's been a few sub hour runs with sick movement and some glitchign already
ur too late bro
I know but it isn't showing in the cooking book
I got angry at you for being all smug and shit and got it instantly the next try
Thanks dude
Talk to Alucard.
Because I'd rather worship her feet instead.
take it to the librarian after checking out the train station
the what?
Second from the left is shit.
We had better get a Zangetsu mode soon and it better be fucking crazaaay
>Huge array of abilities unlocked from the get go
>No RPG shit, pure arcade action where you're set at a fixed level
>Needs to be fucking fast
That's my hope anyways
thanks, user
You can also use coins to craft specific weapons. Look in the crafting list.
Was Order of Ecclesia the only game in the series you played?
there's a wall in the ice cave you need to shift thru
This faggot right here.
The vampire that lends you books? In the library? You've been to the library, right?
Am I wasting time getting more accelerator shards?
I have yes
how the fuck are you supposed to figure that one out
Cant you unlock him already?
dive kick is a mechanic that all castlevanias have
yes? he's just high level, so if you try him on your first train ride he's probably got something like 40 levels on you and your gear is shit.
The gameplay footage already showed he can use a grappling hook to zip around the castle, I have my doubts that he'll have a lot of abilities beyond what we saw in CoTM though.
My Yea Forumsros...I need help...
Equipped everything that boosts luck + solomons ring and by some miracle I got it first try.
Susie what the fuck is that!?
When you talk to him Miriam asks him if he knows about the train. He says you need a pass to get through to the train and he would lend you his but a photograph is required. Did you skip the dialog?
It's like Dawn of Sorrow and SoTN had a baby
So do you unlock the Nightmare difficulty be default after beating the game on Hard?
Or is the NIGHTMARE name code the only way?
No money until at least next two months. I watched some gameplay and it looks fun. Also want mario maker 2 and crash team racing. Maybe dq builders 2. Hate being poor
I am 99% sure I saw the librarian before seeing the train station
nice game
Except doesn't repeat the second half of the game in obnoxious upside down mode and isn't broken to the point of just tanking everything by 1/4th of the way in.
Actually, what does make this particularly more SotN than any other IGAvania? I'd say it has more in common with Aria and Dawn than anything unique to SotN.
Can somebody confirm if you get to keep the books in a newgame+?
Cuz if to get to fight OD you are required to get 99% of the map, then those books are practically useless.
use reflector ray
Cuz I got a Nintendo Basedtch and I gotta wait in the cuck shed before playing this POS next week at like 14fps if I'm lucky.
now get it to grade 9 ;')
Those two birthed Order of Ecclesia, who then had a baby with Portrait of Ruin and THAT made Bloodstained
My PC is horrible.
>dive kick is a mechanic that all castlevanias have
Fuck no it isn't.
Could someone please answer.
Thanks for the correction Jim
Everyone who has learned how to beat a boss is no longer going to consider a boss difficult in any way. Many will also lie and say first try just to go dick waving. No meaningful discussion of difficulty can ever be had on Yea Forums.
My big hope is that we get something like a the B scenario from RE2.
i.e. that the castle is largely the same, but you start exploring from a different place, have different movement options, and you unlock new areas in a different order.
In large part, this would mean that the castle has to be designed in advance to provide different gates for different characters (to minimize changes), but if such a thing is realized, Bloodstained is going to become Iga's masterwork, because it would be hugely impressive.
>a SotN clone
That's basically all the sequels too, except maybe OoE because it's more stage based. I think the fact that it combines stuff from most of those titles in one game is what I like about Bloodstained, and more or less what I always expected from it.
did you check the secret room behind the giant cat in the right-most lab? (the one you have to take the train to)
game's a sleepwalk on normal
The other problem is that if you find OD then it skips the hint telling you to go to him for the identification
already ahead of you my dude, had all the materials before I even got the shard
normal is basic bitch, hard gives enemies new attacks and shit to spice things up and honestly I wish I'd started on it, I think nightmare locks you at level one or some shit and destroys your asshole, I hear a lot of people saying the leap from hard to nightmare is a large one.
Is this shit worth $40?
>game's a sleepwalk on normal
And yet it is harder than SOTN which so many think is the greatest Castlevania.
Tell me about her, why does she wear the masque?
Use a poison weapon. You can get a Stinger from the floating titty-bee enemies. Could also make a poison Kukri. Or Poison Bullets. Stinger is probably best. I wailed on her with Silver Knight, the fireball move (Agni something) and Stinger. While poisoned I'd sometimes switch to the big red sword that starts with a G. Welcome Company on. Her moves are easy to get down, just use every mobility option to you and hit. Make sure she stays poisoned, she won't heal enough and you can beat her down.
You're mixing up grades and ranks user, I said GRADE 9.
>Refine shard
That increases the rank. You get higher grade by getting the shard again.
only the bosses are harder and even still they are not even that hard
It's fine. Poisoned weapons are underrated so far and Bloodless kind of teaches you to use the most of your kit possible.
I don't remember no giant cat in the lab but heres the map of it.
Waiting for my copy.
The switch versiĆ³n Is a blessing, I just love portability.
If you can wait tho, see if it gets discounted during the summer sale.
I've been playing for about 6 hours with no real direction and just grinding away. And this is what my Miriam looks like at the moment.
Jesus Christ, Gebel fight was the easiest shit in the game, I expected more given all the build up, do you have to fight him again later?
It looks rad. I'll get it when it goes for $15 at most.
Get it on CDkeys for $30
Just make sure you update before you play.
I'm at work and my switch version hasn't come yet. Been playing the PC version at home at 4k/60 and outside some cringy backer stuff it's fucking amazing. I love how fucking broken you can make the spells. The game gives you so many options it's insane.
My only issue is i'd rather this have been a proper Castlevania game. The plot and characters in this kinda suck and sure the DS Iga games were straight up anime melodrama it still made me care more than what they got now.
There is black giant cat in the lab yeah
Speaking of grades:
As an example, If you get 5 bat shards then the bat shard is grade 5, right?
The question here is that if you sell 4 of your bat shards, leaving you with one, do you still keep grade 5, or does it go back to 1?
I found a big black cat just to the right of There's a breakable wall there as well.
Same problem Dracula had, it seems.
>i'd rather this have been a proper Castlevania game.
That'd be nice, but that would also involve all the perils of working for Konami.
I REALLY hope Iga doesn't end up going back there. "real" castlevania games be damned.
>cant move and attack at the same time
Unironically what were they thinking
Only because of the absurd damage they can do per hit and not because of providing any actual test of skill.
Did I miss something user.
Oh yeah found it. Yeah I got that one already.
That this is what a Castlevania game is..
It goes back to 1. Only sell if you have more than 9.
>Unironically what were they thinking
that zoomers aren't going to play the game, only based boomers?
oh, goodie...
Someone make new throd
someone doesn't have his shorthop tech down.
>carpenter fight
Guess I'll... have to come back to that one.
Cool that they used the doppleganger music from SotN though.
How much do you think this has sold? I'm seeing top of 26,000 players and average of 16,000 on steam. Those are fantastic numbers for a game like this. But I think a lot of those are backers.
Wait fuck. I have been selling my shards because I thought only rank mattered.
Sauce on the drawing or artist?
>go beat the final boss and get everything else in ng+
>go get as much as I can and beat the final boss later
I've questioned this a dozen of times with the Castlevania games and it's never an easy choice.
I must have missed something because now I'm in the japanese place but everything suddenly hits hard and has tons of health, I got the gravity reversasl and all but am I supposed to be somewhere else?
carpenter can be cheesed big time
doesn't matter, retard
add the game on your steam library and run it from there. your gamepad will work this way