Why don't you give a new game a chance today?

Why don't you give a new game a chance today?

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I did but it was boring. I'm going to go back to playing old games.

but i really wanna finish smt 4 Apocalypse racoon

I don't have a pc anymore or a current gen console

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Nah I'll rather play old ones for reasons, but thanks anyway mister badger

Nah im about to do my yearly playthrough of portal and portal 2

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I'm buying Bloodstained after work, that'll be my new game for the day.

alright, what do you suggest

Already did. The new Insurgency game is f2p this weekend but it runs (and looks) like ass

I will Mr Racoon, just because you asked nicely

Divinity Original Sin 2?

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I find this really hard to do.
I got the pc gamepass that just came out and can't decide on anything. I want to pick one of the microsoft studio games but nothing interests me. How's Gears of War?

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I did and it's fucking great

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like mass effect but soulless

I think i'm gonna play some skyrim

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Me only like old game. New game is not old game.

I started Warhammer 40k: Space Marine yesterday.

One day new game will be old game.
Will you play new game when it become old game?

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I did yesterday and it pissed me th fuck off.
> Rouge Legacy
Like literally how do you fuck up enemy balancing so badly.

Ok, I pledge I'm gonna start SteinsGate 0

Games, user. Games. Not novels.


Thanks cute fren.

Stop playing video games.

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wat do?

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AutoHotkey could be fun
Portal 2 -> Dragon's Dogma -> Hollow Knight

Well, you can start by beating Portal 2. That shouldn't take long, and it's fun. Then you should p[lay some XCOM.

Good game in the beginning until the balance gets fucked.

>he wasnt in the potato ARG threads and live posting when the game was released.
One of the best weeks on Yea Forums

Ok i will buy psychonauts later today.

>inb4 its not a new game

Its new if i never played it

Are you gonna kill ya friends?

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you're god damn right i am

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My bank a/c is a 0 balance. I could down load share ware I suppose.

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Can't you just play free games?

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Because im a wage slave, by the time im home, clean and fed ill be too tired for anything more then youtube and phone shit.

30 hit me like a fucking truck, physicaly, mentally and irl family drama.

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That's a good suggestion Mr. Raccoon

What about on your days off, user?

We used to call free to play shareware.

Im actually wanting to start playing battlefleet gothic soon. Finally got a decent computer for it. And I can get my 40k fix that I've been missing since my local tabletop group moved.

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That's nice. Hope you enjoy it, user.

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