Fuck you I like it
Fuck you I like it
>that first city
It would've been a better elder scrolls/fallout style game with character creation.
I'm not a final fantasy fan and I thought this game was relaxing/entertaining. It also had a ton of content without the shitty dlc. I can't ever discuss it on Yea Forums because of some autistic fag defending it to hell and back.
Only good thing about this game is the porn.
both fine games worth playing
Me too, OP.
Good for you user, you are entitled to your own opinion and don't bandwagon off Yea Forums's opinions
haha no.
Me too
Yeah, I thought it was great. I would play another like it.
Not a bad game but it is about as similar to Bioshock as Bioshock is to System Shock. Bioshock 2 is the peak of the series in almost every way.
Prey is a better Bioshock game than Infinite
Me too op
Sometimes i have the impulse of replaying it in 1999 mode but then i remember the sirena fight in the bank and that impulse goes away.
I do. Bought it on GOG. Beat the main campaign in hard and Burial at Sea at 1999/1998. I wished there were more enemy variety like in the other games though.
WAit a minute...
based, i loved it
every Atelier game.
Bioshock wasn't too bad, but it just seemed like a letdown n in terms of gameplay, especially compared to the previous two games. I like final fantasy, but that one in particular was a shity entry.
It's okay anons, we can't all have good taste!
Me too, my favorite is the first one but Infinite gets close to the second.
I also liked Bioshock 2 but the characters didn't grew on me
Bioshock 2 has the best gameplay and enemy variety.
This meme makes me sick. How the fuck is making the whole gameplay a tower defense shit better?
Because it improves on the first one. Hacking is not a separate mini game anymore that. It is much faster and better. You get hacking tools to use from distance. You get a drill for melee. Better guns. Plasmids upgrades and weapon variety are also better. You can play like tower defense in every bioshock game, but are limited to that. The point of Bioshock is that you can do more than one play style with the weapons and plasmids.
Yeah, I agree, with the exception of that annoying little sisters minigame of defending her, the gameplay is great, I'm just more of a fan of characters and ideas, and I felt the first and third game were better in those aspects.
All i heard is drill and hacking. Drill is fun yes, hacking is also better ill give you that. But still that things make 10% of the game, so what im talking about is the little shit sisters. Also bullet sponge enemies, with no bullet impacts. Basically the whole game is horde fighting, and i have no problem with such games but not Bioshock. And i dont remember any new useful plasmids
>b-b-b-but what about the retard bell puzzle????
it was a narrative element not a puzzle you dumb faggots
it's been 6 years already you had plenty of time to realize this
Educate yourself
DLC is trash that was not worth the cash. Really all it served to do is turning Fitzroy from an intressting character into a DIN DU NUFFUNS.
>wasn't an immersive sim for autists like muh 90s half-baked attempts at shoehorning RPG elements into an FPS
>therefore bad game
ok whatever
Also Bioshock 2 is the best.
>Every DLC is ruined because of a 10 seconds conversation that makes a black character not as despicable as you thought when you played the original game
>bioshock 2
>Game was shit: No
this invalidates the entire fucking image you NIGGER
Not my point. The DLC barely adds anything. DLC one is just the base game but with less weapons, less vigors and smaller battles with less skyline mobility.
DLC 2 is just a bad stealth game were it's honestly really easy to just win all encounters through combat.
xv was weird because it was 2 different games. the road trip with bros side of it was peak comfy, while the main storyline was a trainwreck. makes it hard to recommend but i enjoyed it well enough. it surprises me just how much bad press it gets, but i've played few FF games so i don't have much to compare it to
Bioshock 2 is by far the best Bioshock game.
Twists are overrated, the gameplay is also far superior to the other Bioshock games.
Fuck you I don't.
>i dont remember any new useful plasmids
Scout was interesting. Regardless, Bioshock 2 changing the properties of upgraded plasmids as opposed to just making them do more damage is a clear improvement. Bioshock 2 is very similar to 1 in gameplay but slightly better, which is why it was panned as a poor sequel in the sense that it doesn't innovate, just refine
How can you like this game unless it's the only one you played it's just linear hallways there's no sense of exploration like the first 2 and the character building system is gutted with linear power acquiring and no Tonics. It's garbage and has a bunch of race bullshit piled on top
2's emotional story beats 1's pseudo-intellectual story by a country mile
I feel its more about "inovation". No matter how it sounds because of how causalized was the first Bioshock to previous Shock games, the second one is like they put Serious Sam gameplay into Shock game. Completely out of place
nah man. Bioshock story and characters are better to 2. Bioshock 2 is just a refinement in gameplay, level design and enemy variety
2 honestly still had criticism on an extreme ideology just like 1 did.
1 criticized extreme right objectivism where you aren't supposed to do anything for someon else unless it also does something for you. 2 criticized an extreme left ideology were people are supposed to NEVER do anything for them selfs and allways serve the common good.
Yeah I like to bathe in shit too OP. Glad I finally found my soulmate.
I got it $9 used, its my first final fantasy game. Kinda odd tbqhwyfam but ive had fun.
>fuck you I liked it thread
Is there a valid criticism for this game other than
>m-muh samanosuke!
I will admit that I hate that they made it a bit anime.
Among the many arguments there are against BioShock Infinite, there's one that rarely comes up. That is the awful modelling and animation of NPCs. Every time I bring this up, I want to give a very particular example, of a kid drinking from a bottle in the slums, but I am unable to find it anywhere in gif form or as a LP video on YouTube. Then I consider replaying this trash game just to reach that kid NPC and document its hideous animation.
It's a kid NPC with a bottle seemingly fused into his 3D model. He's got a static face with no expression whatsoever. His animation includes lifting the bottle up to his closed mouth, and lowering the bottle. He looks like a marionette. His expressionless face and fused bottle look like something out of the 2001 game Black & White.
It's mind boggling that something like that was approved. And it's mind boggling how nobody documented this freak.
Any BS:I lover out there willing to play up to the point in the screenshot, then turn around and record the kid's animation? I'm sure with almost full certainty that the kid is behind Booker in this picture. You walk straight, then take a U-turn to the left to find the broken jewmachine. The kid is found straight ahead, before you take the U-turn.
based autist
Played Bioshock 1.
Do I have to play 2 before Infinite, or can I just skip to Infinite?
Skip infinishit, boring CoD tier trash.
It was hilariously easy
I went through on 1984 mode and got the achievement for never using the vending machines - because I never fucking needed to so I never bothered
The only time I had anything that was somewhat challenging was the ghost fight
Play 2, skip Infinite.
If they reset time and closed off the Comstock routes, isnt Booker still in debt?
Infinite is trash, 2 is the best
I couldn't bring myself to finish it. Thid one toghether with lightning returns are the only ones I just droled midway. Good for you I guess, I've given up on this franchise
a man of culture, i see
Both games have 'big' ideas in them but Bioshock 1 only has the objectivist talk whereas 2 has collectivist talk + characters that are more than characters in a socratic dialogue
The children are scaled down adults IIRC
Literally the only visually appealing character is Elizabeth. Everyone else looks like a mud troll
i liked it too, but it's still a pretty mediocre game
That's cool, but you know you're essentially a drooling retard, right?
If you played Bioshock 2, the you must know one of the saddest parts of the story?
I sent him out with a respectful drilling
>Sock Liz
>Lewd isn't possible
Doubt it
heavy fucking kek at sock liz
I also like it. Fuck you all, I don't like 1 and 2.
I agree on this, but the story and level design of the first game was the best
Weapon design I'm not sure, they're all pretty great
I wish there was a way to save all the little sisters but still drill the fuck out of whatsherface for being such a stuck up cunt.
With separated character progressions, chances are your average player will have to fight one of the final bossess severely underlevelled. Pretty uninspired visual designs compared to the rest of the series. Smaller levels. Much more restrictive combat, because all variability was spread between characters, instead of being packed within one. No interesting puzzles. And yeah, it is full of anime cliches and archetypes; where previous games could afford something weird and unexpected, like the ammonite theme of Gildenstern or Jean Reno for no reason, this one just uses standard anime guy with horns and tall foreign boxer. I did like the final fight with Fortinbras for its unashamed maximum anime cheesyness though, flying like a DBZ character around a giant blooming sakura tree was fun, but otherwise the game just felt drab and uninspired compared to 1-3.
>sock liz
>lewd not possible
I got through the game on hard just fine but got super stuck on that ghost bitch for like 3 hours so I turned down the difficulty
I like it better than City and Origins.