Did you buy anything during the E3 sale?

Did you buy anything during the E3 sale?

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Serious question: why is Switch triggerign so many people?

You can see all kinds of shit in threads like this:
>lol, Switch sale, what is that
post just 2 days after the sale has ended
>Nincels only play Nintendo's games
but when you post everything else they respond with ''haha ports'' posts
>comfy is another way of saying boring
in 'what are you playing on your Switch threads, and much much more.

I mean, I'm not bothered with it. I'm used to it. But if those poeople don't like the Switch, why are they coming back to threads like this? Can't they, I don't know, make a thread about their favorite console and talk about it there?
Until recently, they all screamed how Nintendo fans are toxic and how they need their segregated board. But why? You know damn well they would still go to /n/intendo boards and do what they usually do. Because they can't live without Switch. That's the only reason why are they on Yea Forums, to shit on the console.

>why is Switch triggerign so many people?
Personally because the Switch is the first Nintendo system i've owned since the gamecube and I am discovering what tyrants Nintendo are. There is never a price drop on fucking anything, everything is $10 more expensive, to boot, the Switch is the only system where you can't revert back to a previous version of a game without a hack, Nintendo is the only one of the big 3 (or 4 if you count PC) that refuses to change the position of the confirm and cancel on their controller from the Japanese console standard. The only reason I put up with it is because Nintendo isn't censoring like crazy the way they used to and the way Sony is doing it now.

I bought another PlayStation Classic.

While what you said is true, you're actually lucky you haven't gotten one in a while because they took some baffling steps back from the Wii, 3DS, and Wii U. No backwards compatibility, no apps besides YouTube, the menu is just a fucking straight line with no music and either white or black as the color options when the previous two had all these fancy themes. I thought they were finally learning how to make modern consoles but once again they treat this one like it's just a toy. Every gen Nintendo takes one step forward and two steps back, got a hundred thousand pounds sittin' on my back. Up, down, all around, don't know quite what to do, to get through.

Hollowknight and unravel 2

>why is Switch triggerign so many people?
Everyone was convinced the Switch was gonna fail after the WiiU debacle.
When it didn't everyone threw a fit. Pretty simple really.

Oh and I can't believe both of us forgot to mention that you literally cannot take your saves off the system without hacking it, because they're scared of saves being used to hack the system (news flash, didn't stop people from hacking the system anyway, and yet they still refuse to let you make local save backups). So as usual people who play legally get fucked over.

Having no games and pointing out how shitty the switch= triggered, what? Stfu, nintendildo

Only game I wanted was Chocobo Mystery Dungeon and it didn't get a good discount so no I did not buy anything during the sale

Perfect example of a triggered Sonyboy right here.

>not a Raspberry Pi
quite bluepilled and cringe my dear hmm yes yes

You can't play Playstation games on your raspberry pie, idiot.

what games? lole


that's right baby boy. FUCK the phonygaystation

Wargroove because of advance wars memories,
Final Fantasy 9 for the same reason,
Hollow Knight and Undertale because i didn't play them yet.
Yes i know i could get them way cheaper (free) on PC but i have to say i enjoy the switch quite a lot

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe because I never played Mario Kart. It's pretty fun.

It's okay. How's last place, nintendildo? How's less 3rd party support than the xbone? If I'm triggered you must be having a mental breakdown 24/7

>sales everywhere else

>sales on Nintendo eShop
10% off for this useless DLC, be happy about it goy

This just made me realize that I keep getting Wargroove and Regalia mixed up, indie devs sure are making a lot of old school SRPGs these days.

Nothing the shitch sucks.


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>so triggered that he projects his madness onto others and can't spell properly anymore
>can't go a second without proving his nintendies are the worst fags on Yea Forums

>n-no you're mad!
Every time. Sony boys are hilariously mad.

Hollow Knight, Mario Kart 8, NBA2k19
immediately after the sale was over, Kamiko and DBZ Xenoverse 2

I bought a paper clip so I could hack it

I keep seeing people saying they bought this NBA game. Did EA discover the secret to making sports games sell?

You got yourself a paper clip?



yes! i bought final fantasy 12 and love it


Hollow Knight and Crypt of the Necrodancer, both of which are kicking my ass.

Skyrim. I never actually got around to playing it last gen, so 30 didn't seem so bad

That actually is kind of bad for a game from 8 years ago. I'm pretty sure I got it for like $15 on PC or something back in 2015. Plus on PC you can mod it which is half the fun of Elder Scrolls games, which is exactly why nobody likes TESO.

Lying faggot

>Never a price drop
Sales on first party titles all the time. Mario + Rabbids was only $20

Wait it's over already?

I got Crypt of the Necrodancer for like 4 bucks
It sucks

I bought Cadence of Hyrule (which wasn't on sale) and DK Tropical Freeze. I bought Tropical Freeze hoping it was secretely terrible to be validated over the fact that I ignored a DK Country game for several years but it's a fucking incredibly good, tight, good game.

It's been over for two days, I think people just like these comfy threads.

You don't have to feel bad for ignoring TF, it was on the Wii U. At least they fixed their mistake and put it on Switch, with Funky mode.

>first party titles
>Mario + Rabbids

The state of nintendies

Mario Tennis, DKTF and more were $40. now shut up retard

No, the last time a good Switch game came out was 7 months ago.

I got Hollow Knight for about £2.50, thanks to some gold points I used for an even further discount. It's pretty good, I'm stuck on one of the first bosses who shoots lots of orange balls into the air and jumps around.

>There is never a price drop on fucking anything
>sale ended literally 2 days ago

Mhgen U.

Having a blast.

I hated Tropical Freeze until I accepted it wasn't really a Donkey Kong Country game and then I really liked it a lot.



>Ultimate has been out for seven months

Attached: 1543356968332.jpg (583x431, 30K)

>There is never a price drop on fucking anything
There is literally a fucking sale.


Based on this music, it's actually a sequel to Dragon's Dogma.

The console is simply inferior to existing gaming platform alternatives in every concievable way just for portability.

There is something surreal about nincels getting excited to eat shit. I mean, it's your business if you like to eat shit, but why do you expect nobody to comment on it?


Cuphead. It's very good.

lol cringe seething cope have sex dilate

phoenix wright trilogy


How is that surreal? How does that fit the definition of the word surreal?

Well it's so good that I'm still playing it seven months later despite the DLC being released at a glacial pace, which is more than I can say for Smash 4.

You sound like the kind of guy who would go into a GBA thread and say WHY ARE YOU PLAYING ON THIS INFERIOR DEVICE WHEN YOU COULD BUY OUR LORD AND SAVIOR SONY'S PS2 RIGHT NOW

Figure that out on your own. Or don't.
It's on you.

They do it just to bother you bro. You see, society is crumbling so everywhere you go, people stopped even pretending in peace and cohesion and all they do is try to mislead and psychologically harm each other as much as possible. The only way to win is to find out which team you're on, then find something that bothers the other team, and say it incessantly.

Except there are tons of games on the GBA that you can't play on PS2, while the Switch library consits of 99% of ports of 5+ years old game that run inferior to any concievable alternatives.

why are you in this thread again?

Why are any of us anywhere really?

To shit on nincels, of course.

You forgot to take your pants off first and now you just stink and are embarrassing yourself.

Yeah, make them cheaper than shovelware and people will take a shot at it. I played with my brother and it was pretty fun even though neither of us know how to steal the fucking ball outside of shots yet.

Don't you have anything better to do? Serious question.

It's ironic because sports organizations have made a ton of money off oblivious normies by charging an insane amount of money on streaming sports and yearly sport games which they keep buying because normies don't realize that this is not a normal thing and that it's only the sports industry getting away with it.

i don't buy garbage games with framerate issues, so no, i don't have to settle for lesser performance. i also now have the option of playing all my shit handheld. you can't beat convenience like that.

I can't blame the users, if all you play is this stuff and Assassin's Creed/CoD, you're gonna think a game a year with no noticeable changes is normal.

This is the post I wrote a few days ago. Is there any specific reason why you saved it and pasted in this, unrelated thread?

You actually posted it in this thread, look in the archives.

This once happened to me too, someone just copied my post and reposted it in another thread, complete with typos and everything. Some people are just weird as fuck.

World of Final Fantasy Maxima but I haven't played it yet

At least Assassin's Creed actually changes the setting and takes a year off every so often.

Oh yeah?

Ace Attorney Trilogy, WarGroove, and Last Remnant Remastered.

Is it good?

Yeah, most S-E games get outrageous prices. Except Last Remnant, for some reason, which I hear is selling well for its niche appeal.

MHGU and Hollow Knight.

Kamiko is on sale for like £2 at the moment, any good? For £2 i'd normally just buy but I have a bit of a backlog atm.

How have I not heard of this game? It looks like a masterpiece.

The thing is, it seems like it's coming out on PC in a few days, so that's probably why it's on sale. To get their last purchases in before people just pirate.

>missed Fear Effect and Hyper Centinel ultra-sale

Someone has those? How are they?

It's fucking good, short, but you should get 4 hours or so out of it if you play with all the characters. It's just speedrunning Zelda.

Wow, four hours even if you play with everyone? That really is short, I see why it's two dollars. Not that short games are a bad thing with all these 100 hour games these days.