The cutest

The cutest

Attached: aerith.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

I love Reisen!

Attached: 67935916_p0.jpg (1125x1000, 1014K)

>The cutesth

Attached: 008.jpg (1050x521, 237K)

The whorest

Me love you long time!


Yea Forums circa 2008 zoomy

Were Aerith's breasts always large? She looks pretty stacked in the trailer. Like a size C at worst.

Tifa thread is 2 pages down.

Yeah she just used to cover them well

Yes and she used to be bigger.

Aerith always had a good pair of breasts as well as a good round ass.

>you'll never breed Aerith to help her race avoid extinction

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Too late she's already dead.

Don't say that.

Ashley lives on in our hearts... Forever and always

They've introduced resurrection to VII in the Compilation. In two ways actually.

Let the dead rest

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Yep. Cute girl!

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Am I the only one who thinks she has old-lady face?



She did in the previous trailer but in this shot her face looks less angular and more cute, I don't know what's up, her lips also look less dry

Posting actual best dead girl

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>still qt

for what purpose

To protect from bullets and to make sure she survives this time.

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They touched up the details according to the latest news thingy. Those shots looked really out of whack from the scene they were edited into. I almost think they were put together for the trailer.

this is the cutest thing to come out of Yea Forums in years

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A low bar but it sure is cute

Now put a clown wig on her

She's so wholesome..

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She cheers up the slum kids who come to her church

Brave and strong

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that's a big fucking head.

top QT

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>tag: female:pig+girl
Nice try but it just makes the penus harder

I don't care about anything they might change in the remake aside from this. If Aerith doesn't stay dead I will burn Square Enix down.

>please! Only way I can jack off!

Safe to say she will remain dead. She's probably the only dead FF character they never tried to resurrect.

Let's see Sepirosu try to stab through these rock hard abs

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I've kinda given up on the Remake retaining anything from the original to such a degree, that I'm pretty certain I would be fine, if there's an inexplicable alien invasion once you get out of Midgar.

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because her chest is plate and it matches the aesthetic

looks like James Charles


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literally negative ass


They also gave Lightning a negative ass. its fucking tragic, literally crying rn

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but lightining's a boy