China plagiarism Zelda

Attached: E091090868D5D45A0B5A0E5A9053B9B0.jpg (960x1281, 173K)

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Credit where it's due, they've got a very pretty website.

if I got a dollar every time China plagiarized something I'd own this fucking board.

not gonna lie it is pretty. shame they had to go full weeb

It does enough different, at most its uninspired.

But China never steals software, how could this happen

It's also an iOS game, if it's the one i'm thinking of we saw a brief commercial for during e3

>Original God

Of course it's a rip-off. Saw that coming a mile away.

i'm playing the pc version closed beta now, looks really good for a rip off, yeah there climbing stamina too. but still.

english site.

The budget is probably quite expendable when you're shamelessly ripping from another game.

>closed beta
huh.... is this an mmo?

Is this supposed to be an mmo? Why does it have a closed beta?

so far im not seen anyone else. i think it;s trying to be like gran blue. i know you can change characters. you cant make your own as far as i seen.

But is the game fun?

>its uninspired
But it's inspired by botw.

Is this an MMO?

why do you get the dollar

Attached: 1540022167831.jpg (960x2500, 321K)

game introduction

This reminds me of the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989.

Epic Store Exclusive

>mobile and PC
I want to say hardpass but it looks good

>chinks ripping off better products
Tale as old as time

Why do china steal all the tech with no consequences?

I mean this week 3 different American companies released the same Auto Chess game.

this actually looks really beautiful.
can't believe i'm saying this but i'm really interested

its a pay to win microtransactions game series.

emulate botw instead.

>Why do china steal all the tech with no consequences?
Who is going to stop them?

Honestly, even if it's just a subpar BotW clone, it'll still be pretty good.

>Runs like shit on my machine

Attached: 1547849844158.png (608x414, 182K)

>N-no, you can't copy zelda!
what is with this mentality. What about the dozens of blatant Souls clones? Noone bitched about those, in fact most people were happy to get more similar games

I think you have a very silly idea of what makes an American company

China has looser copyright and IP laws

Have fun trying to settle it in court with another country that has looser laws

They don't even try to hide it. I wanna say they are based because they don't give a fuck but it's pretty sad that they don't have a single original idea in their heads.

>even the website is a botw ripoff

China truly is a different world.

Is this shit getting localised? I'd play it, but only if I don't have to listen to chink voices.

The Chinese government destroyed traditional China so even anything resembling it as a cultural export nowadays is a facsimile.

Genshin Impact looks like it'll be a more fun game than BotW.

>no email response whatsoever for closed beta
fuckin chinks, not even sure which email account I used now, though all of them are empty

what the fuck it actually looks better than BotW

Is it better than honkai?
How's the gameplay?

This is what could save gaming, fuck corporations holding a monopoly on franchises. Let people compete for the best game in the same franchise.

I'm more amazed that it took until now.
Chinks usually work overtime to strike while the iron is hot

To be fair BOTW ripped off many open world games.

>those two bottom pics

Holy shit...both games have a menu...with choices...