•Nutrition is huge for performance, social interest and investment, energy levels...

•Nutrition is huge for performance, social interest and investment, energy levels, and other aspects of genetic expression.
•Designs are of objectivity.
•SP is surpassed by MP.
•Sandbox worlds are great for replayability, suggesting Survival Crafting (MP) is really entertaining.
•The best option for the location of games is only on PC.

Attached: MP – Intensity and Fun (Strawberry, Chocolate, and Brie).png (665x885, 697K)

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck niggers

pvp games make me very anxious unless i am with friends

Based ESL retard.

Multiplayer is limited by the fact that every enemy you face is a human being with a player-like skillset.
Take From Software games as a prime example, yeah, fighting other players every once in a while is fun and all but they're no substitution to a REAL quality boss fight like Onstein and Smough. It's apples and oranges.

Was this thread created by a Markov chain? How did it get past the captcha?

FromSoftware retards should get hardware banned on sight

Not touched a single player game in 15 years, glad they are dying out.

Player-like skillset is superior though. Fighting games like DOA with training against AI is so dumb because it feels so different from actual people who will try to read you five moves ahead while you do the same too. AI just does whatever to the point it's kind of random and random is about the worst kind of enemy you can have.

Not interested in your dick-measuring contests about how much better your ninja gaidens and your bayonettas and your DMCs are you cocksucking slut, it's an example of a serious that has a very noticeable divide between players who enjoy it for either its multiplayer or singleplayer component that perfectly exemplifies the point I'm trying to make.

Eating properly and having fun social experiences are really simple.


Post actual critiques with quotes.

It's possible having similar features for both SP and MP, but also having real players is really challenging, strategic, and deep.

Attached: 1527625031744.jpg (319x1280, 279K)

•Keto / hypoglycemia is actually really beneficial, its correlatives suggesting "an adulthood puberty".
•Universal cures for cancer and tangle diseases are already available.

Attached: Nutrients.png (911x246, 22K)

FromSoftware fag here, stop playing shit games like Souls and play a real game like Armored Core

slide thread desu

>Universal cures for cancer and tangle diseases are already available.
I think you're looking for my refrigerator IQ friend

The very fact that you assume I'm into the other games you mention and base an entire strawman argument based on it proves how cancerous you inbreeds are.
I don't need to be a fanboy of similar franchises to hate your garbage fucking shit.

Fuck you and fuck your atrocious franchise.

I'd say fighting games are a bad example though, in that they're really rigidly structured for a competitive player-to-player setting and it doesn't lend itself as well to singleplayer as it does to multiplayer. I'm thinking more in the case of specific genres that have a divide of people who argue whether the single player or the multiplayer component are better, namely RTS, some action RPGs, hell, even MMOs. Genres where the gameplay is "malleable" enough that you can design bosses that despite not having the intelligence of a human being behind them can have movesets and abilities that are fun to engage against and that wouldn't work if you suddenly shoved a person inside them.

Hey, I've been hoping for a new Armored Core for I don't know how long, the only one I got the chance to play was Last Raven, it's not my fault the company refuses to make new ones.

So you're just triggered by someone mentioning a game you don't like.
Thanks for clarifying, fagtron.

lmao brainlet cope thread

imagine being too retarded to enjoy single player

>Post actual critiques with quotes.
Honestly, I have no idea what's going on in this thread. You still haven't convinced me that this isn't a bunch of Markov chains.


Attached: Objectivity (Strawberry, chocolate, and brie) 0.png (622x873, 911K)

>hur durr i play with others so imma socialite
>implementing Yea Forums have friends at all
why the fuck are you on this board anyway?

>quality boss fight
boss fights are for brainlets
they're all simple trial and error

The thing I always have to wonder about people who are looking for >arguments is, are you open to being wrong? If no, then you're just doing a really weird kind of masturbation.

and angry even if I win, it's why those rockstar games have to put modes in that let you play online by yourself "but with others", because PVP just pisses everyone off even if it's fun

That's simply claiming how easy it is having "normalcy" … standards.


That's ludicrous. Upset in PvP games is best relegated to crowds' cheers. Players are happy enough with lots of neurochemicals, antioxidants, etc.

A lot of PvP experiences are mediocre because the games are bland.

google voice recognition can be used to solve captcha

Attached: cuny.webm (1280x720, 2.58M)