I just bought a PS4 from a friend...a destiny model...came with Fallout 4...

I just bought a PS4 from a friend...a destiny model...came with Fallout 4. A: this controller is way difficult to navigate...which sucks because I can tell the game could be rad...the movements suck...the lock picking system is not enjoyable or fun...the aiming sucks...this was voted Game of the year? How the fuck do you make this controller work? How is this even slightly enjoyable? This is straight up a waste of money now at this point. How do I justify this? I watched youtube tutorials and it still is wonky as fuck...not fun...too many buttons ...what am I missing? Anyone want a PS4 for hella cheap?

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Fallout 4 is just trash in general and trying to use a controller to play it just makes things worse.

Chucky always scared me as a kid

Agreed...this game is literally garbage...I feel hoodwinked for buying this system and its dumb ass controller...give me SNES anyday...this is the opposite of fun

Yeah Chucky is evil as fuck

The menu system maybe awesome for people who literally have zero responsibility other than fumble around some lame designed mess of a controller...I will sell this whole system for $50 if anyone wants it

use normal punctuation faggot

its just his puckered lips, saggy cheeks, wrinkles in his eyes, and nose stretch. The brow protuding casts a shadow as well. This face was unsettling compared to the cleaner looking "scarred" face he has in later installments.

Or what you are gonna emerge from mommy's basement and harm me? Grow up cunt

His walk is also traumatizing...that slow cheesy gait is scary as hell for some reason...plus his sarcastic ass voice

True story.
>Watched child's play 1&2 as a kid. Was creeped out but nothing too scary.
>stepfather buys the fucking doll from hot topic
>was petrified
> he cuts a hole inside the doll and stuff a baby monitor and would say shit from the movies
>ended up burning that doll up in the woods
>stepfather flips out and askes where the doll went
>"I dunno, but he's a good guy, I'm sure he wouldn't run off."
>his face

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>this controller is way difficult to navigate
>...too many buttons
I don't know what to tell you man, that control scheme has been the standard for over 15 years at this point. If modern-ish videogames aren't fun for you you're probably not gonna get anything useful out of this board. I'd go for /vr/ if i were you.
Also Fallout 4 isn't good so you're probably gonna have a better time with your PS4 if you play something like Hollow Knight or Katana Zero. Shit, maybe even God of War 3 could be fun.

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I stopped caring about games after PS2...that controller was perfect to me...i don't understand why all the extra buttons are needed...that was my initial hesitation with XBOX also...I need run, jump, shoot, block and pause...I appreciate the advancement but at some point it is just too much if you don't devote your entire life to it ya know...I want small bursts of fun and enjoyment...not a month to learn the fucking inventory menu functions...sure i may be old school, i bought the system to help a friend out in hard times...it sat unused for almost a year...decided to plug it in out of bordom on a day off and I couldn't imagine thinking this system is anything but awful...the controler feels ok in the hands...but the option button is out of comfortable place... Perhaps it is just the game that stinks...too many options that are not fun...sure open world is cool, it doesn't have the same feel anymore. I am not trying to be the whiny old guy...but damn how and why does this controller make sense...it is too much giving to little...I am gonna try Madden to give it one last shot before i just sell the fucking thing. The system has awesome capabilities but the controller is clown shoes...maybe i am too old at 36 to give a fuck about video games...idk...The Fractured But Whole seems like it might help sway me...all puns intended...maybe first person shooters just aren't fun to me...idk

I know your trauma...my aunt was like 60 something and schitzo...she lived in a trailer in a no name town in New Mexico...her obsession was 2 foot dolls...she had at least 150 of them all had eyes that followed you she named each one and would reposistion them daily...It was hell to stay there as a kid...she interacted with em...made her favorites tea...which i had to retrieve and wash the empty cups with 600 doll eyes on me whilst doing the chore...I couldn't imagine having a talking Chucky...you had a fucked up childhood also dude

I know you're not being a dick and i appreciate it

You are playing a game famous for being bad in any console you play it. A game that isn't even a shooter, but a terrible RPG and i don't think madden is gonna help considering it too has gotten more complicated over the years.
South Park is also an rpg but it's actually good so yeah that may work, but i really recommend you just browse the PStore for some old school-ish indie games. You're 36 dude, most people playing this console are exactly your age and these games are mostly made with your demographic in mind, and if you can't wrap your head around something most people at your age regularly do then yeah, maybe today's games just aren't your thing. Also the way you write kinda gives me a doomer vibe.
If you are don't worry user, things will get better and fun videogames are still being made, you just have to look for them.

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boomer. go play some boomer kiddie game like spyro gramps

fucking kill yourself you low-iq faggot

"durr controller... too many buttons... just give me up down and shoot... pong was the last good video game......"

fuck off you retard

Ever the gentleman aren't ya? Must feel real good to be the badass huh? Anyone with an I.Q. would refer to it as I.Q or intelligence quotient, don't fret...you will learn that next semester in high school...I am gonna go have sex with my wife...you can go back to Yea Forums and beat off to log posts

I’m a faggot...I can’t use more than one button...because I use the other hand to jerk off dudes while I play...
Type like a normal person you mong boomer.

go take...your meds...fucking schitzo....

Spyro was actually good. Despite your hatred I care about you as a human and will do nice human stuff to humans...I will do it in your honor, you are a good boy and I value your life

Such a good boy, Can I bake you some cookies? Maybe make you a warm meal other than ramen? Please I would love to make your life better

Becaue you are so well spoken and educated, I will reward you with kindness! You are a special human! All you do is good

Cutest remark ever! Let's go buy you some nice chinos...you'll need for your 8th grade school pictures...smile big! it's going in the yearbook

You do know that you're part of the literal dumbest generation ever, right? People who were teens during the 90s are the embodiment of braindead retards. At least zoomers today know a tiny bit about politics, climate and are at least SOMEWHAT aware of what's going on in the world. Cunts like you, on the other hand, are the first generation of baby boomer offspring and it fucking shows.

Fucking go neglect your children, drive your pick-up truck to the nearest Walmart and go complain to the manager about something because your horoscope told you it was your time to seize the day.

You fucking asshole.

Seriously though, the Dualshock controlles have literally been the same since the PSX so any problem you're having with the controller is clearly because you're not performing well mentally.

How sweet it is to be loved by you! You're anger is just love in disguise...I was once 13 and angry at the world and old people. You can overcome your venomous anger! Just keep going to your high school, pray every night, refrain from obvious constant masturbation and you can too be a happy boy

jesus i said it as a joke but you're an actual crazy person

get help

OP confirmed an old brainlet

You are the brightest young child ever! We value you're input to society and will kindly thank you every single time you spout hateful sentiment! Continue on your path and shine on you crazy diamond!

>You're anger
you're input

go back to high school retard
i bet your wife fucks niggers to distract herself from your terminal autism

You are a bright shining star! Go make your generation proud! Go drink your Mountain Dew and continue making the world a better place! We...I believe in YOU!

Hateful terms are commonly used by people with deep insecurities, but allnis forgiven...YOU are special

You will never be anything but special!!! *wink emoji*

He's not autistic dude, that's what I'm saying. His entire generation is retarded. It's the "yelling at people in a Walmart parking lot because you supposedly cut them off but actually they're too braindead to realize they were the ones driving like shit" generation.

To this day I still react a bit just by seeing him. He no longer scares me but he was so scary to me when I was a kid that the instinct of fear is still there if I suddenly see him out of nowhere

Ohhh you rascal! One day you will see that your teenage angst will be replaced by love and tolerance...you will be an adult one day, 5 years maybe 6. It will all make sense when you are old enough to have the ability to find love and meaning...graduate high school first, that is you're priority, get into a good college and you will do anything you want to achieve

Our generation created you little rascals from our genes...one day you will see everything you think you do is right, is soooooo wrong. Spread hate, listen to your whipper snapper dub dtep and hip hop thinking it is actual music written by musicians and that you drive safely...after all you young runts know everything right? That is why your death rate as drivers...drug overdoses and STD's have been higher than ever...obesity, and school shootings...but hey, you know everything. You cannot get an a passing grade on your math homework, but it doesn't matter as long as Lil Poot or Lil Peep tells you that you don't have to

How old do you think I am, you idiot? Do you think you've achieved something by finding some cow that's equally as vapid as you and marrying her a year later? You can't even comprehend the control scheme of a casualized baby game, clearly you are the one who needs to grow mentally. Now get in your PT Cruiser and drive into a tree as fast as you can, you fucking American manchild.

Damn... He just blown the fuck out OP... Based

As long as you know how to work a video game controller, you know how to balance a checkbook, have a succesful marriage with kids and lead a happy wholesome life right? Drink carcinogens...smoke, inject and orally take drugs, watch tons of porographic material. That makes a real good human doesn't it? Spend hours at a time telling old people how dumb they are because they spent lives working on lives that matter. That makes a good human after all...your parents have done a great job making you succesful athletes and scholars!!! I applaud them even in their obvious failures! You are special! You matter! You are appreciated and I care about you!

Oh you silly child! Your hate js misguided. Look within yourself and fix the harm you do

You are special! You matter! Go make a life when you get done with high school in 3 years! Go be the good human I know you can be!

Knock it outta the park youngling! Go shoot for the stars! Go make a great life for everyone! You have it in you!

He is just crying out for his acne medication...do not fret he will get it...his braces are probably too tight causing crankiness...could be menstural cramps...a first periid is known to cause grumpy behavior

Haha...these young kids....


If not, this is a trash nigger thread that murder another thread.

Moodiness and anger in teenage boys is a common issue that parents deal with. Here, we will look at “normal” teenage anger and moodiness, caused by hormonal and psychological changes, and then we will address some behaviors parents should look out for which might indicate something more serious is going on, such as depression or oppositional defiant disorder.

Haha... these young kids....

I was super scared of Chucky when I was a little kid. Creepy ass murderous doll, but the aesthetics of it all are incredible. I can really respect the franchise as an adult. The way the Chucky looks, his iconic voice, and the locals like the doll factory are all so kino.

Hebby, Dooby Tembula. GIVE ME THE POWER, I BEG OF YOU!


>Playing bugthesda games on console
people unironically do this?

Why do you...keep talking............like...................................this...........................

>See movie by accident as a kid
>its okay, its just a movie
>House in opposite neighborhood has him hanging as decoration
>time later
>in family car and parents driving
>sitting in the back seat pretending my OC was running along with the car
>see truck coming up
>the fucking doll is tied onto the hood and heading oncoming direction like a picture zooming in and just disappears
>internal screaming

I thought he was funny more than anything


I just never got why he was so intent on killing people with his freetime instead of finding other things to do. he was a con-man that turned serial murderer with no real motivation past getting stuck as a doll. If he had gotten a real body back though would he had continued murdering?

Don't forget his voice, he has a really underrated screaming voice.

Anything wrong with the system? How much space does it have, ill unironically buy it from you

Give me the power i beg of you

>tfw feel actual encouragement from these
the body always surprises with how desperate it is

Oh little timmy must've passed his bedtime

You need atleast a ps4pro overclocked for it to be good user

I'm prescribing you 20mg.

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Two controllers, Fallout 4 and Little Big Planet 3 included...all cables

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Shut the fuck up boomer

>after PS2...that controller was perfect to me...
same amount of buttons...you moron...nice thread...

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Are you seriously trying to sell a used ps4 on Yea Forums?

I was only ever freaked out when I could see his bones.

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Give me a way to contact you and ill buy it.

Playstation is the worse place to play Bethesda's games. The Gamebryo/Creation Engine hate Sony's consoles for some reason. Also, the modding on PS4 is shit compared to Xbox One which is garbage when compared to PC.