Is this the best boss fight of the decade?

Is this the best boss fight of the decade?

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the boss of my life

Isshin's pretty good, but Vergil is better.

For now, if they dont fuck up with Lady Tomoe in the dlc, he might have some competition. Also, post amount of attempts it took to beat. For me, easily 10+

>strictly single player game with no means of engaging in co-op
>STILL has no boss replay or boss rush mode.
From, I love you, but you're also kind of retarded.

DMC 3 or DMC 5 Vergil?

Good god, i would kill for a boss selection or a boss rush mode. Hate having to start a new run up to fight Isshin again

He's up there

Took me I think an hour and a half, I started out trying to fight him like every other boss where you just get in their face and parry so I got a bit frustrated when that wasn't working but ended up really enjoying the fight once I started trying to actually learn it.

>best boss of the decade
Which do you think it is?

post yfw he crawled out of genichiro

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I prefer yukimura

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Turns out that while everybody was complaining about no invasions, the real problem would be no co-op killing the one easy way you had to re-experience content you liked.
I wonder if they do it so you don't get sick of them so easily by replaying them over and over?

Took me around 45 mins, he's just like the other bosses but with 4 phases, so even more trial and error.

Isshin wasn't too difficult for me. Beat him on my second go. DoH took far longer.

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Huh, i found DoH pretty easy. I figured it was because I had a mild obsession with bloodborne a while back

That would be a weird thing to be worried about with a video game. Getting bored is the natural end of playing a game. At least with a boss selection or boss rush, players have more choices

Im not a fan of the franchise but i hear alot of tubers say DMC 3 was superior to DMC 5 vergil. I wanted to know your opinion so i could strike up a discussion

Yes, this fight was perfect.

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Didn't From announce they had no DLC planned for Sekiro?

3 Vergil is more challenging and the fight carries more thematic weight, but I still prefer 5 Vergil. It really makes you take advantage of Dante's style switching to its fullest, and as a result becomes much more fun to engage in.

Not announce, it's inside about Elden Ring development.
There is still chance for Sekiro DLC someday. Man can dream.

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11 tries through about 45 - 50 minutes. Last try was through the skin of my teeth, I used every healing item including the rice balls to pull through.

Whats was your vitality and attack power at the time?

Sooooo I fucked up.
I didnt give Kuro his rice before I fought the Dragon.... Does that mean I dont get the true ending and I wasted time beating Father Owl?

Isnt that just a rumor?

He's not hard, he just has way too much health and most of his moves do a lot of damage, so you have to maintain concentration or you lose

Do you have the Divine Childs frozen tear?

I didn't do purification so no last bead upgrade and no attack power from there. I defeated all other bosses.

this is a mod I wish my ps4 could do

cant say I do or not, I dont remember. When and where do you get it?

it was until 3rd phase was a let down

Seriuosly? 3rd phase was when the fight got really tough IMO.

3rd phase was the best, he's a contrarian

Easily thirty plus. It was one of those fights where I started 2nd phase with two gourds and it just clicked.

it adds nothing but lightning reversal which is completely braindead and ends the fight

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that's the fourth phase

genichiro isnt a phase hes a doormat

for me, it's Owl in the Estate

after just beating the game, i think first and second phase was amazingly fun. retard ai spamming lightning ruined the final phase. however, i found gorilla, owl, and corrupted monk more fun and harder. im sad i had to put down the sculptor, that fight was also pretty kino

Ludwig obviously

he is, like the guy gets fucked up by the mortal draw

Well check your inventory dude. You get it from the divine child


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Why does everyone like to bully genichiro so much? I actually thought his story and fight was pretty cool as far as fromsoft characters go

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Guy goes from midgame terror to jobber pretty fast

ruined by being super easy even on hardest difficulty. Armstrong was obviously the best fight of MGR

He's just such a fag, dude gets bodied twice in a row even with his special boy lightning powers and then calls his dad to come beat you up

Yeah, and Owl is pretty good too. I wish they made DLC or something, it's a huge waste to have such an enjoyable system and bosses and then have such a small amount of content in it.

You hit a flow state, my friend. No other feeling like it

The lines he gives when he kills you are really good. The voice acting overall is ace, but I liked Genichiro a lot
>For the glory of Ashina...
>I too have a duty I must fulfill. Farewell.

he's an amazing character, no doubt, but he's really fucking easy. i found the guy in the dojo below him to be 10x. i beat him first try on ashina castle and took me 2x in the finale. but, again, the character is amazing and did everything right except lose

He was a shonen protag in a seinen anime. What a shame.

Took me around 40 minutes, the fight didn't get stale since you have a punching bag in the initial phase. Isshin Ashina on the other hand is easier even with his hax fire bullshit and the side way dodge.

an embarrassing amount

>amazing character

Ok so I have not gotten it yet. can I keep giving her persimmons till she goes to the hall of illusions or am i spinning my wheels here?

You found the dude you only need to deflect a handful of attacks to kill more difficult than genichiro? The fuck

he would be if he used his lightning attack instead of that mortal draw.

Might be a slightly unpopular opinion, but I prefer old isshin's fight alot more both thematically and visually. Mostly because the fire into one mind combo is the most hype shit I've ever seen in soulsborne

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i hated him. the camera kept fucking up when I backed into a pillar. but I killed him by doing the close the gap while running at you and dodge forward to kill him. Still was a challenge to take the safe strategy to beat him.

Not him but I also had trouble with that guy, I think he damaged me through an imperfect parry so I figured I was just supposed to try and dodge all his attacks instead. Had a laugh at how easy he was once I tried perfect parrying him though

Ya man, if you already killed the divine dragon, you might be fucked already

yeah i think its because he hits so hard that your stance suffers a lot.

First time Owl mikiri countered me, it made my dick diamond

Oh, who were you talking about then?

No, the 2nd phase is just baiting mikiri counters and then running away, it's trivial.

Orphan of Kos shits on this fight immensely.

compared to everyone else in the game? absolutely. he's a man who wanted to save his country but failed in the end

are we talking about the same guy? im talking about the game who does the
>unsheathes katana into 3-hit combo
that did 90% of my health even through blocks

I have a theory as to why Genichiro sucks during this fight. Obviously as he is succeeded by Isshin he has to not be too tough in game, but it seems like storywise he loses pretty badly too.
Genichiro uses the mortal blade in his fight against you, but you do not. Sekiro wouldn't do something foolish enough as use a nodachi he isn't familiar with and has no actual information on the art of wielding it. He only draws it out for one specific combat art and for it's intended use. Genichiro, convinced that secret and forbidden powerful items and arts are the way to win, uses the blade the entire fight and promptly loses because he's only had it for maybe a single day.

fuck! I have kuros rice i just didnt give it to him! man this sucks.

You fight Isshin like a pussy. Shame on you

*Blocks your path*

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Ya we re talking about the same guy. Deflecting, not blocking, his attacks destroys his posture. He was really easy for me

>Convinced that special items were the way to victory
that doesnt sound like a smart japanese warlord.

Apparently his name is Jinsuke Saze, I think he's right in front of the paper that tells you about lightning reversal

i had trouble with this fight...

He's just desperate. The Ashina clan is about a single day away from defeat, and the only one strong enough to save it was Isshin. He understands that he's not as powerful as his grandfather.

Opposite for me, DoH second try while Isshin took like an hour.

has it been a decade already?

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The red eyed variant was easier

I can understand that but even in desperate times a warrior like this is supposed to keep calm and disciplined. I feel he doesnt do that and for him seems like an out of place character flaw.

i cant beat the headless. I cant get behind them despite using more terror buff items

>tfw i nearly doubled my play time because i missed the paths to progress in that mist village and mt senpou, so i just ran around in circles
i might be retarded

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>Be born a homeless street rat
>get saved and become the adopted grandson of a legendary warrior
>watch your clan and all the people you love slowly decline due to central ministry shenanigans
>train relentlessly, fusing both the ashina and tomoe techniques into your fighting style
>permanently scar your body learning to control fucking lightning to make Ashina great again
>For all that you just get called a heretical shitter
>realize it may not be enough and seek immortality for your army
>grandpa who you looked up to all your life calls you a disappointing scrub for actually trying to do something out of the box and retires to being a drunken recluse
>find out that a shota can grant immortality
>treat him well and ask nicely
>he fucking refuses, grants it to his autistic naruto larper instead
>said larper fucking wrecks you because he can't die
>also grandpa is dead now
>find the black mortal blade, maybe it will give you a fighting chance
>fucking naruto wrecks you again
>summon grandpa in his prime from hell using your life force as a catalyst, one last desperate gamble to save ashina
>the last thing you here granpappy say is "lol you pitiful fuck I guess I'll clean this up for you"
Genichiro had a hard life desu

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I am glad I do this some times, because that means more exp.

Yeah, I mean the entire game is set around him kidnapping a kid and killing his shinobi
You then kill all of the generals that might've stopped or at least halted the Interior Ministry and force him to flee
A tragic character overall

>Be born a homeless street rat
>get saved and become the adopted grandson of a legendary warrior

where was this said?

Was the interior ministry supposed to represent the armies of Nobunaga?

The memory you obtain after you beat him.
>Born a peasant, Genichiro Ashina was taken in by the Ashina after his mother's death. With his country on the brink of defeat, Genichiro took to heretical arts and mastered the Lightning of Tomoe. Such heresy may be the key to saving her.

i suggest being more liberal with jumping for movement options. their stupid slow aura was annoying. also the reversal nightjar combat art made it much easier for me

well a tragic character would be if Genichiro was simply destroying everything including himself on purpose due to personal failure or revenge. Kind of like Hamlet was destroying not just his uncle but himself and those around him in the process. Genichiro had other plans in mind.

Truth. Playable Genichiro DLC when

I try that but his slash hit box is bigger than it seems.

It's probably one of the worst literally defying the game's established rules and doing random attacks with wonky telegraphing and that can just cut through your parries because lmao that's why.

Also this game can't have great bosses because the gameplay boils down to a rhythm game of just pressing parry at the right moment (and running away from trial and error trash attacks this boss has).

I just hope all From brainlets get cancer one day.

Literally every single dumb low Rank mONSTER hUNTER fight is better designed gameplay-wise.

All of my rage
All of my love

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He is a true tragic character as his story involves some good intentions. He's doing what he believes is right and saving the clan that took him in from poverty. His misguided efforts are what bring his downfall.
From makes some pretty good antagonists, DLC now fuckers

Get your glorified cutscene nip "game" outta here

Maybe when ignoring 90% of action games, Monster Hunter and its clones, Devil may cry, Ninja Gaiden, some shooters, schmups, fighting games and like 5,000 other games not mentioned


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thankfully, parrying them is easy. you could try waiting until end game to do them all. with enough attack buffs, you can start stunning them while spamming r1

Nice argument. His attacks that just cut through your parries for no particular reason even though you could parry literally every non-perilous attack in the whole game before are the ONLY difficult thing about him because they can make you waste like five potions.

It's a trash fight. Nothing about it is even special. It's just long.

First phase is piss easy, last phases can be cheesed with tools like every other boss in the game.


Hesitation is defeat.

having good intentions doesnt make it a tragedy. What makes a tragedy is the character creates his own downfall and is aware of it.

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But this is a nip game!? In any case Asuras wrath was pure cinematic bliss. Wouldnt put it up there with good game play but really fun to play.

Don't fuck with this Senator!

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yeah, I just hate those ghost balls he throws. plus under water!? its hard enough to do this slowed down but underwater?! man wth

nothin personnel shinobi

Overrated trash like every From game. Repetitive, cheap, boring

oh yeah, underwater is a complete pain. i just swam around the cunt until he tried to grab me. thankfully, since you dont need confetti for the underwater ones, you can take you time. have fun with the one at fountainhead

We ll get cancer the day you git gud. I think i can look forward to a nice, long life. Thanks user.

I know its a nip game, thats what i said

handsome jack / the warrior

honestly, Genichiro did nothing wrong!


git gud

that dude isnt a headless though... oh wait there is another one underwater? How do I get right of the lighting guy thats super high up?

Yeah definitely

I mean so is sekiro. I mean its super japanese.

Owl (Father) was better though.
Isshin's phase 2 and 3 are kind of poorly designed since they lean on the hyperarmor gimmick, and 3 reuses the dumb lightning reversal gimmick so it's impossible to lose.

>tell friends i beat him without any prosthetic tools
>friends unironically make fun of me saying i don't know how to use them
>mfw they just mad cuz they had to spam fireworks

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It was the most anime scene of the entire game

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You have to make your way all the way around the palace to the tree he's on.

>Im not a fan of the franchise
>i hear alot of tubers say
kys faggot

Not him, but 5 Vergil is best. You can do more with him, he's more difficult in my experience and just more interactive.

i mean... how do they spam and not run out? I cant rely on them as much since O run out too soon.

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its hard to tell which is part of the palace. Japanese buildings are all scattered and look like giant gazebos.

*use fireworks*

I would have liked to use prosthetics on him but I would have just run out of tokens after a few tries, that whole mechanic is so retarded

3 tries for dsp

Yes but on the last phase you are both on your last legs and Sekiro probably has no healing left so it’s only fitting the fight can end in an instant with lightning reveral.

It adds to the intensity for me and the fact I barely scraped by at the end after a few days of attempts.

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It still bothers me how Isshin was against immortality all along until he become immortal himself.

Reminder that if you didnt first try Owl you cannot consider yourself good at video games.

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i do, but I am either too late or too soon it seems

It's ok user, you will do it some day, i belive in you

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nice quads but often than not the people who are most against something have never tried it. Tries Immortality once and he is hooked. Guess the onese who oppose it the most are probably the biggest addicts.

What THE FUCK was their problem?

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He's a fantastic boss, but my top would be Gael.
I beat Gael while underleveled (for pvp reasons), with the paired greatswords going full berserk and killing him was the single best gaming experience of my life. Every single thing about that fight just fits perfectly as an ending to the souls series.
Bless Miyazaki's soul.

First game: ~ 3 hours
NG+ without Kuro's charm ~10 hours

Would have taken me less, but I just enjoyed the fight so much I wanted to parry everything. On NG+ I even let him kill me at 1 hit because I didn't let him enter his second phase until he was at 50% hp on his last deathblow, which would have been a boring win.

you faggots are bunch of nu-gamer normies


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I hope you mean the Japanese voice acting. The english version was trash.

Cus he's a fag that I have to repeatedly stomp to get to the good stuff. Masterful move by From, but fuck that tall grass he crouches in.

Nah, too many people are gonna miss me

Gonna have to try harder than that, user

there is a japanese lore about how a monster millipede was an enemy of the dragons or some shit

Its not a glorified cutscene tho

Actually I beat SSI on my first try, didn't even finish my gourd and fucked up only one resurrection.
I guess all those failed attempts on genichiro, monkey, memory owl, forced to git gud.

Took me about 3 hours. I actually got him to one hit about 90 minutes in, took about 90 minutes again to finally beat. Not counting the fact that I had to stop and farm

Farm for what?

His intentions were good but it was made abundantly clear that his plan was bad and would have eventually doomed the Ashina anyway.
He would have 100% become shura if Kuro gave him immortality, plaguing the nation with dragonrot in the process.


still weeb dawg. a lot more cutscenes in it as well. But I can forgive sekiro.

The entire game, save for some gimmicks, is balanced around R1 and parry. The weapon arts and prosthetics get in the way most of the time and having to farm emblems makes absolutely no sense to me in this game.

t. Got BTFOd by Genichiro-sama

>fills your posture bar in 1 and a half combos even with perfect parries
time for me to call it quits

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That's the worst boss in the game. You're expected to cheese her with snap seeds+fireworks+fists of ash. That posture or HP ain't going down otherwise.

It's okay if the posture bar fills, it never actually breaks unless you miss a parry so just never do that lol

I've only ever fought her conventionally.

>play perfectly
>poorly time one parry
>loss 90% of your health with the followup attacks

He might not be my favorite FROM boss, but I do have to admit that the presentation of this fight was kino.

Nah I beat it like my third try. It was good. But Vergil is better.

weird way to spell orphan of kosm

Same for me on my first playthrough. Almost quit the game. Then on ng+ hard mode i thought I'd show her my new skills. The fight would have lasted 15 minutes and you are allowed only one fuck-up. I cheesed her with no regrets.
Actual spoiler:
[Spoiler] the second time you fight her, the fight is much more enjoyable [/spoiler]

I live for those moments in From games. Other favorite moments of mine: Lorian and Lothric second phase and Ludwig second phase.

And hes not a bad dude, the actual kidnapping aside he treats the young lord well and with respect. He is committed to his goals just like Sekiro is to his and that puts them at odds. Imagine if it was a western game from a some shitty woke developer, Genichiro would be doing cliche evil shit and have a Trump reference so you know hes extra evil.

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>Having even remotely good gameplay

Not even remotely. Sekiro is pure garbage.

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Same could be said for Sekiro.

>best boss fight of the decade
sorry, that honor is taken

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For me it's Ornstein & Smough. Nothing will ever recapture the feel I had upon first encountering those fucks.

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About 6 or 7. Owl I, II and DoH were all much harder

DoH isn't that hard if you understand you're supposed to run around his attacks and not parry them.

DMD Vergil in DMC5 is peak video games.

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sword saint is actually way easier than owl 2, he has very low posture

both, but 3 wasn't in the past decade.

you know it's a good fight when you get so absorbed in the action that you default to pure skill than cheese the chow spam methods

My top 10

1. Sword Saint Isshin
2. Slave Knight Gael
3. Orphan of Kos
4. Nameless King
5. Ludwig
6. Owl (Father)
7. Sister Friede
8. Demon of Hatred
9. Midir
10. Ebrietas

>DSP beat him in 3 tries
He is fucking nothing

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>he's more difficult in my experience and just more interactive.
he was piss easy.

Don't get me wrong, I liked the boss-fight, but overall it was really easy. Isshin was absolutely brutal and thrilling

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Link to mod please oh god

Fuck I am not home so no achievement screenshot, but it was pretty easy for me. Like I beat isshin (no skip) 20 mins after I beat demon of hatred (and i spent some time upgrading before heading there)

Agree actually, not exactly overly hard but I had fun fighting him in a lot of different ways and you can instantly access his boss fight from mission selection

Yea no DLC since they are working on eldien ring

DSP took almost 70 tries to beat Champion Gundyr.


it's the only good fight with demon of hatred in this game.

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That says a lot about Isshin

that's what I did, and it was still tough. Got a lot easier when I realised you have to run past him to the right (the flameyhand side), not the left

from a narrative and thematic perspective Armstrong is great, but mechanically it's meh, I think Monsoon was a better fight

>mfw I realized you can counter Vergil's summoned swords by using Dante's DSD summoned swords.
>It even triggers unique dialogue where Dante brags about being able to use summoned swords as well.

This fucking game.

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That's one of the best bosses in the game. You're expected to dodge and adapt to her attacks.

Honestly speaking, she was my one of favorites. It was like Artorias fight all over again. She's exceptionally slow so you have a good amount of time to read her and react to her.

I liked her because it was a good git-gud moment.
I also didn't use any snaps, ash or fireworks. Most of the time they don't work anyway so I just learned all timings on all attacks and beat her up.
Most of the time they either don't do follow-ups or you can dodge them anyway. I can't remember a single boss that would unavoidably punish you for losing posture.

the amount of moves and mechanics crammed into that one fight is amazing

Imagine if Sekiro had a kickass boss music like Revengeance.

Would turn it from a 7/10 to a 9/10 for sure.

lmao no

DMC5 is just a mere shadow of Devil May Cry 3: Kino's Awakening.

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He's definitely up there.

think I could've killed him quicker than I did, but I just enjoyed fighting him so much that I didn't really care about winning in the end, just fighting

Vergil 3 has way less moves, the only thing that makes him harder is the DT health regen
also both DMC1 and 5 are superior to DMC3

>Honestly speaking, she was my one of favorites. It was like Artorias fight all over again
Just ... no.
The second time you meet her it's a fun fight, but her apparition is garbage since you can't posture break her, the fight is boring and takes forever. She's meant to be cheesed.

no boss is meant to be cheesed

not being able to be posture broken naturally indicates you got to go for the health bar instead. if her hp goes down too slow, there's tons of attack upgrades you can get by exploration or killing other bosses first.

this, I approached the fight like I would the guardian ape and demon of hatred and it was easy, just dodge and attack like a true souls game

>He doesn't fret over every egg
absolute chad

5 IIRC. Gael is at least one entire tier above Isshin. Sekiro is too shallow to be best at anything gameplay-wise.

I think they were the Tokugawa shogunate