Do you play co-op video games with a friend? Do you have one...
Do you play co-op video games with a friend? Do you have one
Yes. I have my squad of two, not counting me. Pretty much went my whole life playing games alone and with nobody, then I found the two and they quickly became my best friends. I've even managed to get into franchises I never did before because I had them playing with/watching me play it. They're just internet friends but we're going to meet this year.
>friends all married
>we still hangout
>barely play games anymore
>when we do is casual switch shit
God, getting old is real anons.
How did you find them?
Lucky user. I wish I had friends to meet and play vidya with
Yea Forums general on /vg/, went to Discord, was part of a really small community, got close to some people from it. I know, Discord is cancer, etc etc, but that's just how I found them. In a way it really changed my life. Having actual friends feel really amazing, even if they're just internet friends for now at least, it's the first time I've ever felt that I could count on someone in my entire life, someone I can trust, I guess.
Never give up, user! There's always tomorrow and you never know what will happen. What games do you like to play?
It's easy to play co-op online.
I did, but as per usual I'm autistic and have a bunch of social problems and despite being part of a group of friends at one point, absolutely none of them bothered to tell me whenever I was crossing a line or anything of the sort that I could try to address and then just slowly started ghosting me
then when I asked about it all the blame was immediately pushed onto me for doing the things I had no idea were an issue and any attempt at pointing out that he was being more of an asshole than a friend was met with rhetoric about him not being able to play psychologist
like holy shit I didn't even bring my mental state up in conversations or force him to listen to me explain why I'd been talking less and less, never mind that I was also mostly ignored in group chats and had to constantly go out of my comfort zone just to start conversations because no one would talk with me
like I get it, I did some things, but absolutely no one was trying to actually be a friend to me, it feels like
>Actually connecting deeply with people on Yea Forums
I've heard of this myth, but everyone I've ever shared contact info always ends dying out on convo after the first day. Either that or they're actually just trying to fish for an ERP buddy, and I just ain't into that kind of shit.
I know, it's kind of bizarre. That /vg/ general in particular just didn't feel like it was from Yea Forums for a good 4 months of it's existence. It felt like a close-knit community where everyone enjoyed spending their time with their fellow Anons. It's something I've never seen before and I doubt I'll ever see it again.
I'm old and I never used discord, how should I search for friends? What game was that discord for?
I... don't know, user. I'm not sure what to tell you. It's not like I actually seeked out to find friends, it just kinda happened and I guess the stars aligned perfectly. The general was the Doki Doki Literature Club one. I was in there for more the Anons and the community and less for the game, that's why it felt so magical, in a way. I wish I could give you some advice on how to look for it, but I'm clueless, it happened on accident and I ended up forming a strong bond of friendship with the two naturally.
>ask friend if he wants to play this or that
>he always says yes
>when we are playing I have to constantly tell him to catch up
>he never cares about anything
>never has fun with any games
>feels like i drag himself behind me all the time
>stop playing with him
>occasionally play with him during online events but every time its the same shit over and over again
We used to play together years ago,now theres nothing left of him.
what a faggot
No and no.
What does that even mean?
Thanks user, that was helpful and I wish you're happy with both your boyfriends.
Dishonesty? One time I got mad and told him to say if he doesn't want to play cause I counted on him,he made a promise that we can do a certain event together. And it pretty much fucked me over cause I had to look for randoms to do it but I ended up soloing everything.
But that didn't change anything,he is the same as always,its been like that for years.
alright start posting the profiles you /sft/ faggets
I do, but they all have a different taste so I have to make compromise with them all the time and even more if playing with a group. It sucks but atleast it's still there.
i've met a few awesome people off of Yea Forums and /tg/, the former actually moved to my state so we hang out irl from time to time. honestly, i think i got incredibly lucky.