She's broke

She's broke and feminist frequency is bankrupt.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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go shill your stupid videos somewhere else

anita thicc af like damn

go woke
go broke

literally who?

Anita is Armenian though.
Not only is she not Jewish, she's Christian.

If I ever meet TheQuartering in real life I will beat him up and then post pics on Yea Forums

christians are worse than jews because they are traitors

trannies are too AIDS ridden to fight

bumping to piss off jannies

sure you will, tough guy

traitors to whomst?

not clicking on your video
fuck off

Ok but OP posted a pic of Anita as Happy Merchant, implying that she's Jewish, which she isn't.
Even if she was, that would make her based, since Einstein and Jesus were also Jewish.

Where's my Anita foot pics

Has her protection racket stopped working?

I'm not very strong but can't be hard to beat him, right?

As soon as I saw a YouTube link I knew that this was shill eceleb bullshit

Where's my Anita diaper pics

Not much for bragging rights. Even trannies can beat him up easily.

Are you stronger than a tranny? Then it will be an absolute cakewalk.

He unironically got his ass kicked by a tranny though.

christ, anita is physically and mentally repulsive. look at that fucking nose and those trashy hoop earrings

>Trusting an arm*nian

>being this mad because someone told the truth about SJW scam artists.

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>Now I don't take a lot of joy in anyone losing their jobs.

Look that fucking smile.

Did you happen to forget about Hiroshima, Nagasaki, The entire Cold War, North Korea, or any country with a supply of Nukes?

You happy Yea Forums? This poor woman will now have to live on the streets because you couldn't woh-man up and give her money, you sexist pigs! gamers are worst than Hilter!

Why does anybody listen to what quarter pounder has to say? Even timcast is better and he's an insufferable communist faggot.

Quartering sucks

how the fuck is she broke? she raised like 1 million dollar, you'd think that be enough to run away to mexico and just live off of that

if you needed someone to tell you this then you actually have sub 50 iq.

You could have posted the good news without shilling this fat incels video

Not mad, just don't care what eCelebs have to say about other eCelebs.

> intel
It's actually real "Accelerating Diversity in Technology"

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You can win the lottery and still go broke. People who gain a lot of money really fast tend to do stupid shit.

This guys a fag but it's nice to hear this cunt fail. Fuck you Anita. Ugly sore that's about too pop open and shoot puss everywhere.

BASED retard

>the brainlet needs thecuckening to know the truth about tranny nonsense.

Wow, a video not about Brie Larson?

Give up loser, only kids are interested in the sjw boogeyman anymore

I thought it was impossible for Jews to go broke.

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Jeremy, come on man. Go to sleep.

whats going to happen to all the outrage youtubers when the trannies all neck themselves?

>please hire me cdprojekt!

is it true?

It is impossible. Don’t kid yourself, she’s made a killing with little effort.

it's why I don't buy any shit from intel, also protested one of their campuses a couple times

I'm so glad the pendulum is swinging back. Right wing people are so fucking retarded and finally people are growing out of it.

My favorite thing about this guy is when he kept trying to start a debate with Destiny and pussied out lmao

>trannypunk 2077
>tranny liberal propaganda made by polish cucks

zoomers out

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Armenians are Christians though?

Feminist Frequency may be broke but 50 bucks says she's been giving herself healthy bonuses and pay raises every quarter.

they'll be forced to work at target and home depot.

no. both anita and this guy are awful. there is no pendulum swing. media has always been left-wing and will always hold more power.


just because he's anti-SJW doesn't mean he's not also a scam artist causing a different set of problems


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Matt you are going to get sued again

When I said pendulum swinging back I wasn't really referring to Anita, I was referring more to REAL rational thinking like HBomberguy and Contrapoints.

They aren't even people though?

>make tons of new videos of her again
>she cries victim again
>white knights give her money again
>she is on the spotlight again
Yea Forums is legit retarded

The Quartering is so low IQ he makes listening to Anita seem bearable

lmao. what a retard.
the christ cucks did exactly what their abrahamic cult of death set them out to do. become Israeli tax cattle.

>trannys in cyberpunk is zoomer
get a load of this faggot

that cunt is nowhere near broke.
this is just youtube vulture content milking.

>tax cattle
But Germany's new religion is Muslim?

The only reason she gets anywhere near as much attention as she does is because you faggots create a 300 posts and 150 images thread every fucking time she breathes.

she will always stay in the spotlight as long as (((california money))) keeps flowing and vultures like quartering keep "content" milking.

I dunno if this is involved but her running crew is calling for a NicheGamer blacklist.

germanies religion has always been, beeing a slave to work and doing what you are told.
some say its bismarcks fault. i say bismarck is just as much part of it as evrything that came after him.

are you strong enough to get fucked by tyrone in prison

This guy is so boring and predictable.
>go woke go le broke
>fuck sjws
Is like if Yea Forums was a youtuber

>that cunt is nowhere near broke.
She and Zoey Quinn apparently arent paying her employees, so something is wrong.

I don't like The Quartering, but I am pleased to hear FF is dead (if it's true)


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>some say its bismarcks fault
No u

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You do, that's why you're hear bumping the thread. Dumbass

such a brave boy

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>expecting anything else from an armenian

I dont know guys, this seems like trouble, like the calm before the storm
Remember back when Jack Thompson lost his was disbarred and we celebrated because the "enemy" of vidya was no more?
And then the SJWs appeared, as a stronger foe, because this time the press sided with them, and years later their influence is only stronger
I only hope this is the end of Anita and his bastards, and that whatever comes next is weaker than her

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Money flies when you have expensive tastes

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>years later their influence is only stronger

It isn't, they're just loud. The real power lies with companies creating cracker institutions like ethics committees to whip developers to do what is politically correct to them. If they didn't put in bullshit institutions like that then we wouldn't have the issues we have now.

stop victim blaming

>1000 dollar shoes
I legitimately despise anyone would spend so much money on pointless shit

Your bible literally calls the Jews as God's chosen people, yet suddenly it's people that follow the Jesus cult? By the very definition, Christians are cultists and traitors. Just like Islam.

With 1 million, suddenly, banks are a-ok with giving you 2 million loans. That, and increasing your spending habits can eat at revenue. Also, poorly running a business can be quite the money sink.

>waaaaaah gaming need more female leads

>droves of female MCs from Japanese games

>"deplorable Japanese games don't count."


Trannies are STRONG as fuck and will fuck up anybody who makes fun of them, better than you're average Yea Forumstard and /pol/tard because they are injecting all the hormones they can get balancing estrogen and testosterone. Based trannies, they will rule the future, fuck Cybertrash.


You do know hes wants to be beat up, right? that would give him enough ammo and victim $ for over a year.

>droves of bugs from Japanese games

Best stuff in the world run in that price range unfortunately. Thankfully there is a huge drop off unless you are into niche collectibles like artwork or cars.

Jeremy is pretty based and redpilled, he's already got my sub, stay mad hoes

Yea Forums isn't banned from magic.

>Yea Forums taking Anita's side

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>best stuff in the world
I would bet a limb that those shoes are only marginally better made than a pair I could get for 50, and would probably have a shorter lifespan

>her running crew is calling for a NicheGamer blacklist
A what? How would that work?

Still don't think we're being invaded by Resetera?

He sure is one AAAAAAANGRY gamer!

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>everything is a dichotomy
Fuck off retard.

We don't. We're happy she can now be ignored for infinity, right?

>Not following the Qu'ran over the bible
It's like you like being jew puppets

it's been four years carl can you please move on

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>thinking I bumped

>You have to take the other side to call out a hypocrite

Not how it works, frogposter.


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Yea Forums has been strongly anti goobers since 2014, those reddit faggots only came here to accelerate the destruction of the board with all the redditors that never left
Both sides are shit, but lets not forget that the goobers were the ones who made moot nuke the site for a couple of weeks, but maybe you are too much of a newfag to remember

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She legitimately thought she could live high off the hog and that corporate cash would keep falling her way. Meanwhile her ex-boyfriend SJW Chad Jonathan McIntosh makes solid scrilla off every video he makes.

So once again Men are better than women.


she is obviously ethnically jewish

>Joe Rogan paid him to leave

Apex kek

This. SJWs are losing and about to lose everything. Like a cornered animal about to die, it lashes out violently in a final attempt to stay alive, attacking anything in range with total disregard for itself or others.


except refusing to pay her employees, and pay out monies to people or orginizations like a charity is SUPPOSED to do. (by law, minimum 5% of revenue must be given back)

Like trumps grandchildren?

Does this fatass even play videogames at all or just appeal to alt-right /pol/tards?

She's a victim of a terrorist campaign, she ought to be given a little leniency for these technicalities

>disagreeing with SJWs makes you alt-right

This thread has nothing to do with Cyberpunk 2077 or polacks, but you made it your post to complain about it. Glad it's still making you trannies seethe uncontrollably.

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THe best thing we can all do is literally ignore this and let it die quietly.

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She's a woman

>in nursing program
>for some reason have to take a mandatory sociology course
>Marxism, racism, a bunch of bizarre useless shit like that
>one week our topic is gender and sex
>prof fucking references anita sarkeesian in our notes as an excellent source on sexism towards women
I was robbed 400 dollar on this shit. What the fuck does this have to do with nursing

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Zoey ran off with a ton of money from that Chuck Tingle Kickstarter scam. She's just spending her money on bullshit. Didn't she go to Japan several times on a whim?

Her and the other lunatics she was associating with were being funded indirectly by DARPA. I'm sure that well immediately ran dry with a Republican president.

and get sued lmao

Its funny because if her picture looked like the right side she would have x6 more income and followers.


>Anita is Armenian though
even worse. at least jews are high-iq stealth whites. armenians are white-looking niggers. disgusting

>Chuck Tingle Kickstarter scam.
I'm glad people were scammed on something so moronic.

Everything is political, user. You know that.

You can never escape ideology.

GG was a terrorist movement. Why do you think the UN got involved?

This guy is literally a meme basedboy, gay slide thread.

>she's broke
sage goes in all fields

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I think even /pol/ are a little above this trash.

Calm down mehmet

>muh gabnergoobers
yeah, thank god we got rid of those guys. the people who replaced them are so much better

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>Dawn of the SJW
>Tumbler pic
Checks out.

Okay cuck norris

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Well I guess it all depends on the child doesn't it

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>got woke
>went broke

All is right in the world

Anita would get it for sure though. I dig Jewey looking women. Eden Sher is another.

Not gonna lie, would smash that puss harder than a nigger kid that just broke his babydaddy's new 55" tv

You're just mad because you'll never know the touch of a woman and she gets to be one.

Don't try your revisionist history bullshit here. This board is not a collective.

Did you miss the kill niggers and jews filename?

finally, some good news

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Well every troll that tries to make a career out of trolling burns out eventually.
But at least she can say that for a long while, she was one of the top internet trolls of her genre.

Well honestly a paper bag on the head would help but damn I WOULD fuck this bitch

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She should have settled down with a nice husband and started a family.

i just read the title of OPs video and made wild assumptions because im not going to fucking watch it. CP77 seems to be the internets sacred cow and it's funny to see people prop it up as something it isn't.

Yep. Based.

I'm not giving you views, faggot. greentext excerpts or fuck off. also saged and reported

THIS, beating this guy for his wrong opinion is the best thing that can be done, by doing that you will show to everyone who is part of the right side of history.

>Yea Forums has been strongly anti goobers since 2014


Fucking SJW invasive cunts really do love rewriting history, huh? If you're on Yea Forums and you don't understand GG and ever opposed it you basically don't belong here, you're resetera-tier trash and need to fuck off. The worst part about GG was it revealing just how many SJW faggot fucks were lurking here posting their stupid poisonous bullshit, and you see them now posting in favor of censorship, trannies and feminism all the time.

He's probably stronger than you and thats not saying anything whatsoever

OP didn't even start the thread talking about Cyberpunk 2077 retard, yes you are making wild reactionary assumptions. Stop being an immediate reactionary bleeding cuntrag.

I hope she does porn now

I may have ultimately lost the war but at what cost? Your precious vidya is ruined, muwahahaha
I'll see you in hell Gamergoobers! Ahahahahaha

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lol even this cunt wearing a fuckin gaming shirt is just great trolling by her. Like she gives a fuck about games.


Even moot was a beta faggot that fell for it cos of some slut who cucked him a few months later anyway

>Anita is broke she only has $300,000!

Nigga that's way more money than most people have.

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>Yea Forums
>Anti goober
Just kill yourself already, degenerate tranny


why do normie girls pretend to like zelda so much?
should i be worried that botw is my gfs favorite game on switch?


I know it won't happen, but I wish she started doing porn.

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It is a nice chunk of change but was it worth becoming hated by thousands upon thousands of people?

He gives attention to literal nobodies on Twitter to make it seem as if there were a "massive outrage" and then stretches the videos on a single tweet to ten minutes to meet the ad revenue mark.

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user why do you hate yourself so much?

Fair enough. I'll be going to bed now. Good night

Shhhhh let her die quietly slowly but surely

Not giving you ad revenue faggot

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wait, were the huge earrings problematic too?!

Perfect. Time for Yea Forums to give yo- her more attention, right?

>ethnically a follower of a religion
/pol/ is dumb

Would you have a threesome with Anita and ZQ in exchange for never getting to write or say anything negative about them anywhere ever again? Wouldn't even have to be a supporter, just not allowed to be a detractor. Asking for a friend

TOES version

Attached: Anita-Sarkeesian-Feet-2171879.jpg (683x1024, 376K)

Because everyone knows the name and it carries "clout". That's where the meme comes from of "What if Zelda was a girl?"

Of course. You think she gives a fuck? Getting people to hate and troll her is how she gets attention and money. She can easily just ignore her haters and surround herselves with feminists that think she is their messiah.

Fucking based Jeremy.

I'd hatefuck her so hard.

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Do you think a narcissist would rather be hated by thousands of people or completely unknown?
Also she probably spent most of her money on retarded jewthot shit so 300k is all thats left of it

who cares

>magenta flats with a black dress
at least the dress looks like yoga pants

Try electrical engineering. I had to learn why (((white))) people ruled the media.

I think those are high heels, not flats

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>get woke go broke
I could not close the tab fast enough what a fag

He is right with what he says at the end.
She'll probably create some controversy to get back in the spotlight.

Let's hope Yea Forums doesn't fall for it.
you will

I love how easy it is to trigger /pol/.

Take your e-celeb trash out of here newfag.

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Jeremy's a pretty smart guy. He's basically YouTube's gaming tabloid.

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Polygon or Kotaku, I forget has done a big article on her for some reason after no one has talked about her in forever. Almost like all of this was orchestrated to get her back in the spotlight.

Not surprising, but I figured she'd milk her idiot followers for a couple more years. I guess they were poor as well as gullible.

so not only is this news from some faggot, but since this faggot blows shit out of proportion all the goddamn time, i cant even tell if this is real. i swear to christ you morons get stupider every fucking second.

Reminder that her organization is literally classed and filed as a charity.

Jeremy is very smart used all the publicity from Metokur and his pals to springboard his channel to great new heights and thats a good thing unironically

So, it's too late, damage already done

>sony being cucked to the west
>your favorites games now being MeToo friendly

so uhh
how bout them video games?

I don't care what anybody says, from her proportions it looks like she might be a short person due to the wideset body/hips, and her short legs and long arms, and that shit tempts my pipi. I would hate fuck the shit out of Anita.

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>let's not talk about the subject and project onto the youtube channel
Seething/ BTFO

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What can I say but YIKES!

She looks like an elderly jewish man.

Quartering, you know that advertising is against the rules. Why are you such a fucking pansy faggot btw?

Another low effort literally who made a "sjw bad - common sense good" video?

Time to make a thread about it on /videogames/

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I honestly don't care enough about either of them to speak negatively about them. I'd do it for the free pussy and call it a day.

Absolutely. I wanna spurt sticky ropes all over that schnoz.

We can tell it's you, Quartering. Wanna know how? Your shit tier replies to people calling you a money hungry faggot.

>buying $1000 dollar shoes
>shoes aren't even custom made so they're made to shape around a contoured mould in a factory in Taiwan or Bangladesh for $5 a piece like every other regular factory produced shoe
I got nothing against factory produced shoes but if you're forking out dollarydoos in the four figure range for shoes you best be getting custom tailored shoes designed to fit your actual feet by an 86 year old Italian cobbler who sources every material personally at every step of the process and artisanally etches the leatherwork themselves.

Oh god damn it user why did you have to link to this fat faggot?

That jackass still can't even read someone else's line of text out loud without mangling it even though that's almost all he does.

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I like Anita.

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>Those stars on her ankle
She likes it in the ass.

Those thumbnails are shit.

She can't be broke. FemFreq was making tons, and I doubt she spent all of it.

I find that dress to be problematic. It's designed to showcase skin in a way that takes a woman's power away. It was probably made by a man as well. Also the sexualization of the ankles with star tattoos coupled with the hoop earrings are a particularly big issue. What kind of message is this sending out to young women?

I think you meant to say loves it

Hahahaha for shoes? Fuck no. Designer brand shoes even Gucci still outsources parts of the crafting process to China to save money, I can tell you for a fact that those shoes are marked up ridiculously. The bags might be a different story but for the shoes they're not even close to being high quality anymore. This shit isn't all hand made by a skilled artisan anymore like a Hermes Birkin Bag.

all that stuff is by design, shes doing it ironically

I honestly use to believe Anita was a clever conwoman. Now it seems obvious to me that she's a very stupid conwoman who was in the right place at the right time to be successful.

990 form for 2017

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Why is she holding the stick with the wrong hand? Is she Mexican?

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Her salary and the salary of the 2 other voting members

Attached: Annotation salary.png (1893x907, 300K)

Dude, hatefuck is code for "rape" and that's NOT cool.

Well back then she was working with Josh Macintosh to form their elaborate ruses. She's not around with him anymore and I don't know what their deal is.

Wasn't she just a mouthpiece for her weird commie propagandist boyfriend?
What the hell happened to that guy?

No one cares unless you tear off that nasty shit he calls a beard with your bare hands. That faggot looks disgusting.

check filename

Attached: yea nah.jpg (400x250, 27K)

Even though I do use the site just to see what bullshit is going down, they report the dumbest shit.

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all she has to do is become feminist and trans frequency

> posting thequarterpoundering on Yea Forums
I would unironically rather have a beer with Anita than this basedboy in "muh skeptic community" clothing

Go back to whatever liberal shithole offshoot of neofag you came from.

Her expenses for 2017 far exceeded her revenue

Attached: expense.png (2073x2491, 780K)

Her work is complete, though! She actually did it! She said what she said she was gonna do. Hope it was worth it for her now that she is on her merry way to the poor house

Do not forget to dilate before doing that.

>get free money
>do no work
>go bankrupt

Female CEOs, folks

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They split up somewhere along the line. Dunno what is going on though.

There were armenian muslims and armenian jews
Do not mistake the victim for the perpetrator

dilate and donate to your tranny loving lesbian

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I’m sorry but wtf is this? This is worse than those joker memes

Dunno why people call her a jew. Even a jew knows how to finance.

holy shit this cunt/tranny has guaranteed fucked over 30 "partners"

Wait a fucking second. This means her organization is actually a registered tax exempt charity.

Alright Goobers, its Friday. What's your game right now.
Playing Strange Journey Redux.

Attached: dilate.jpg (1338x738, 163K)


holy fuck you didnt know this?
yes, that was the goal. become tax exempt to get free money.

he prob got friendzoned

>Yea Forums suddenly hates TheQuartering

What Happened Bros? I Thought We Loved To Smash That MF Like Button?

>14 minute video for something that can be said in 2 lines
i hate jewtube algorithm so much

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Nah I didn't, I just tried to not give her any attention and publicity. Guess I failed user.

YASS QUEEN SLAY. Smear your period blood on him!

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I love checking SJW 'charities'

most of them spend over half their earnings on overhead before giving back through programs or services.

>No more Reggie
Theres a new boss for NoA now
So the new boss of NoA is a SJW fagggot?

This is what I mean about not giving SJWs attention. She was irrelevant until you retards just had to bring it up again.

That's just most charities in general. Very few actually do anything for people. Look it up, faggot.

Well i'm glad there's people like you around still doing some good old fashioned internet sleuthing. Keep it up user.

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you dont even know how to beat your own cock user
much less someone one else's

He'd probably quarterpound your feminine butthole.

As i tell anyone that mentions a charity.
>Look up their fucking tax returns before giving!

even 'legit' charities are shit at actually doing their job.

She pays herself 70 grand her coworkers nothing? That's pretty fucking despicable.

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>have to stand this faggot to hear bearing and count dankula podcast

fucking hell

its sad. most charities spend less than 10% of their revenue on giving back/helping. is a wonderful site for finding shitty charities.

To be fair, her co-workers apparently don't even show up to work. In fact, they may not even exist.

Attached: Good.gif (500x276, 199K)

It's been six fucking years, you fucking faggots

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who gives a shit they're both e-celebs who will suck everyone off for their """""cause"""""". also
fuck jannies
kill trannies if not he'll do it

This is likely done to allow her to call them "volunteers"

People actually and genuinely watch this neckbearded fuck? Are they too fucking stupid to think foe themselves?

Hes effectively doing a big advertisement for her to feminists who will all band together and donate now. shouldve just stayed quiet to make sure she disappears for good

she also doesnt offer any type of medical/insurance/benefits of any kind.

Unfortunately i'm not in the US so it won't help me too much for local charities. Good to still use to keep track of the international ones though.

Thats why it is so atrocious to my peoples. Back at homeland she would not act this way. But america corrupts everything.

>Expecting longevity from outraged gamers

Gee, what a surprise. It's almost like you can do so much in a non profit department only to fuck yourself, and the people around you over. Narratives will obviously be pushed to her benefits from here on out, but that'll soon dry up too, and I can't wait for that day to happen so she can crawl back to the shithole from where she came. Websites like Polygon, PC Gamer and EuroGamer can't help her now. and I hope those websites die as well

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How real this could be? Don't give me false hopes

now post the part where Yea Forums turns 30 and commits suicide

>They're forcing these courses in fields like that
It really feels like they're trying to indoctrinate people

check my 5

A victory but remember, the war is not over.

You don't need medical/insurance/benefits if those people don't exist user

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user. The Bible literally goes through the various phases depending on what was popular at the time. First it's very vengeful God. Then it's chill God. Then it's the chosen few. Then it's literally fucking anyone so long as they accept the Jebus into their heart.


It's 2 fold. They get to tell you what to think, and get more money out of you.

No no, you misunderstand. "Rape" is the term for when one party does not necessarily consent to the other party's surprise sex. "Hatefucking" is when both parties are well aware of what is occuring and grudgingly consent, but the resulting sex is filled with biting, angry beating, screaming and shouting, and the occasional tirade about how disgusting you are you horrible undeserving bitch and that your mother should be disgusted that such a whore was spawned from the dark recess that is her vagina as you both revel in your own self-loathing and contempt for your own human emotions that put you in this position in the first place.

Thus, I would "hatefuck" Anita.

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It's $30,000. Probably what she spends in a month living in san francisco.

Why is quarter pounder stealing lefty memes?

I want to be Anita's chair!

Pretty common workaround. I used to work a government job that only had maybe a dozen permanent employees and hired "part timers" who worked 40-50 hour weeks to make up the rest of their staff to avoid having to pay benefits. They would be let go before the law required them to be labeled full time employees, and then rehired the next season to start the process all over again.
This "volunteer" bullshit is to avoid the legal obligation to pay benefits (assuming there was anyone around to actual receive said benefits) while maintaining the image of a proper organization.

this user speaks the truth, thanks to this thread some tranny on twitter is now fundrasing for her

>Yea Forums and /pol/ aren't the same, hating trannies and all manner of degenerates

Anita is cringe but if you actually watch these faggot dramatubers that basically blow shit out of proportion to milk money from you, you are far worse than a libtard.

This is equal to those lefty night time talk shows, learn to think for yourself and stop being a brainless moron who just takes sides

but the box doesn't say GUCCI on it if it doesn't say GUCCI on it why would I spend so much, telling the story to people of how i bought custom tailored shoes designed to fit my feet by an 86 year old italian cobbler would take too long when they can just see the GUCCI logo on my shoes


The worst I had in the engineering pipeline was a Rhetoric course where the teacher made us watch Zizek and other commie videos. That was really a bias of the instructor rather than the course though.
Although I love Literature and English, it seems like they are the most pozzed of all fields.

His videos are very boring. He holds extremely mild opinions and tends to drag on rather than getting to the point. I suspect that's to draw out the length of his vids.
Even though I find myself agreeing with him often, I can't it because of how pandering it all feels.
I suppose it's nice to have a place to go to for 'happenings', but most of them are just what some twat on Twitter said and aren't worth a 12 minute video.

Fucking Finally.

user's talking about being a genetic Jew, which is real, you hooknosed rat. There is a literal Jew gene.

you're right that redditfags invaded here in 2014. the traffic influx proves this along with the amount of newfagggotry posting.

She's not broke, she married into a prominent kike family known as the McIntosh's. They were major proponents of the 3rd and 4th wave of feminism, hence why that hooknosed turkgoblin became so well known.

Attached: coincidentally.jpg (970x545, 54K)

Before 2 player games that had joysticks and buttons (Beat em Ups, SHMUPS, and Fighting Games) most arcade games were built to suit ambidextrous players, and most people just defaulted to their dominant hand on the stick. From the look of the start button on the cab, she's playing something from that era.

Who will run BULLYHUNTERS now omg women will be bullied without punishment and steelseries will not sell headsets fml

Judaism is an ethnoreligion you dumb shit.

it's drawn out for adbucks
this fat fuck is the exact same thing as Anita - he's only in it for the money

That guy is mundane mat levels of fag

>"Yeah, that's right you little pathetic gamergate boys! If you don't want me to shame you on Twitter and have you fired, better get on all fours and start sucking on these toes! And after me, you'll be serving Zoe's feet too!"

Attached: Anita-Sarkeesian-Feet-3639257.jpg (1080x1080, 85K)

Footfags were a mistake.

>hey everyone this e-celeb is a scam artist that wants your money. Btw I’m being persecuted by the left so please pay my bills if you want more content.

As victories mount, so too will resistance.

eceleb bullshit

I haven't even heard of this guy until this thread

Macintosh is a PR nightmare, so she told him to quiet down. In comparison, she's more likable, and her opinions are more moderate, so having someone like that around was just making shit worse.

To be fair, FF was never good at managing money, and wasn't very profitable. They were pretty much entirely supported by the free PR they got from people on this board giving her attention. During GG too many people here forgot the old saying "Don't feed the troll", and instead gave her a huge platform for a few years. This shit is like Pro Wrestling: If you don't like something, don't react. Bad PR is still PR. Don't give them any.

John Macintosh is a cuck. Feminist Frequency was always poorly managed, and was never this DARPA-ran monster idiots thought it was. The only reason Anita had any success was because incels gave her free PR by complaining.


stay jealous

Attached: Anita-Sarkeesian-Feet-3968975.jpg (400x635, 50K)

Her nose be swole af
So she's half as greedy and twice as ugly?

Wait what? Source?

>anita gets about 2k-3k views per video
>fullmcintosh get hundreds of thousands
only reason anita had any success was because mcintosh was writing her scripts. It's also the reason why she never does any live debates with anyone who might oppose her.

That one faggot did exactly that, and he got sued and forced to make a video apology. Who knows what other details were kept from us. But if you beat the fat neckbeard up, your own apology video will also be posted on Yea Forums, and you'll receive eternal mockery.

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I don't particularly care if you're ironically or unironically putting Anita, a 3/10 at best, on a pedestal for sexual attractiveness due to her feet.

You're only further proving that footfags are degenerates and that you should consider not posting for the rest of the day.

yeah she looks god damn good

top tier thick mommy

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Armenians are pretty much like small-time jews.
Same martyrdom and mafia-mentality, except they're like amateurs

im sure if we ban everyone in this thread Yea Forums would be a better place

Attached: Sasuke vagonettas.gif (420x315, 1.99M)

I hope this bitch is forced to go into porn to make ends meet
facial abuse or something

Wanna see her and Zoe do a rosebud vid with HotKinkyJo

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Nukes were going to be invented sooner or later no matter what. Einstein ensured they got to the good guys first.

I prefer Proxy over Jo.

Thanks, I lost this image.

This image personally attacks me, take it down now.

Attached: delete this I shall.jpg (775x740, 87K)

Anita was right and we were too reactionary to listen to her.

I'm glad it's all coming out that both her and quinn are scam artists who took money for nothing and refuse to pay their staff or actually do anything good for anybody they claimed to be the champion.

Me too, dunno why I went with Jo first

Honestly, Proxy would also be the best casting for a Zoe porn parody, be great to see them stretch each other

Attached: daa104dc6a5529895ef3b978ddec92f1.jpg (1136x756, 101K)

What? He paid him to stay another 2 hours.

How about everybody goes and kills themselves? I'll go first, please follow suit.

The Quartering is wanting to build her back up so he can complain about her in his monetized videos, he is promoting this story and laughing at her because he knows it will instigate liberals to donate to her and make her relevent again.

The quartering is as bad as kotaku.

Have you seen her lately? All the fat and massive body tattoos would be hard to ignore.

I fucking love Proxy too.

Of course that's the case, reactionary e-celebs need idpol libs to bitch about, or their fatasses would have to get a real job. Winning was never the goal, just making a lot of money.

Him successfully torpedoing a political party by merely joining it was just too much.
I know they were going by the wayside anyway, but him derailing their every press conference meant they had no way of catching up

Not sure why, they had absolutely nothing in common. No chemistry, nothing.

Not sure Jeremy is able to think that far ahead desu, he speaks like he has a head injury. I do love how upset he gets the reset tourists though. His patchy beard and cruel joke hairline remind them they will never, ever pass.

>giving her attention
Because that's worked so well before.

nigga lefty cvcks are pencil necked low T faggots

Show us on the doll where CDP hurt you

Attached: CAI-1000-IDCAI1899.jpg (3000x3000, 2.51M)

Seen who lately, Zoe? Because she's fit as fuck now

That's her as well

Attached: 14560.jpg (600x1067, 61K)


Attached: 1560767179496.webm (260x480, 2.93M)

I bought a doll for $1000, do you despise me too?

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t. ranny

Her previous MO was to shill herself (sort of like what Jeremy is doing now), Disable comments, then make an especially retarded honey trap video with comments enabled and then hoover up the negative attention to cry victim.
That won’t work anymore, because she’s nowhere near the most dishonest progressive on the market, and the victim points are going elsewhere now.

All those hit pieces on Cyberpunk 2077 having a big dick transvestite soda suddenly makes a lot more sense. Especially when it was trans inclusionary by far, with a women developer behind it. Despite the "outrage" at a dystopian ad-agency exploiting muh transexuals.

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Yeah, I only buy AMD.


What the duck happened to this website?

She's still not attractive

if you say so

Attached: c9f1582f1d8a44144ee4860745c8f79abddc2b33674b72100688d0e6c3d71353.jpg (1536x2048, 386K)

>Le drag 30 seconds of content into 10+ minutes man
>Le jump on every issue to make a 10 minute video man

Attached: 1435529543386.png (210x230, 3K)

Fake tits.

There's a ton more Zoe nudes out there. At the time, I spent days tracking down glimpses of unseen photo shoots nobody else had seen through defunct blog archives.

Attached: 1524912022872.png (1130x855, 1.38M)

I thought that was an older pic?

Here in Hueland thy get beat to death

What's going on here?

You're gonna regret wanting to stick your dick in crazy.

It was ducking ironic my man.

Ignore the Zoe shit, where did you get this rare anita?

I meant Proxy Paige, but it seems the conversation has continued in another direction.


I want to beat him up too even though I generally agree with him

Did that happened?

I mean I don't care if they're fake tits, Zoe still looks amazing with them desu

It's from a year or two ago but she's stayed fit and fuckable ever since she put all those Patreon cuck buxs to good use. This is from just this winter

Attached: Zoë-Quinn-Feet-3759077.jpg (486x1024, 62K)

Speaking of, has she yet to deliver on anything after taking all that cash?

We've all seen her naked and it wasn't impressive, why do you suddenly think she's attractive with clothing and a boobjob?

>people finally stop pretending this jew's opinion matters, money slowly drying out and she's getting increasingly irrelevant
>retards here bring her back to the spotlight so she can do another hitpiece of how she's being targeted and get more bucks

Every single time, every single fucking time and you subhumans never learn

Attached: 1549224078140.gif (264x240, 1.86M)

I actually haven't looked her up lately.

She's definitely thicker for sure, but still looks great. Just that leg tattoo is fucking awful, but I still can't think of anyone else more perfect to play Zoe in my upcoming film, "GamerGape"

Attached: proxy2019 - Copy.jpg (1920x1200, 347K)

Yeah I think everyone should ignore her again. Every journalist and asshole is crawling out of their hole recently due to Cyberpunk being extremely popular. Just let this die already.

Maybe she start being a camwhore
>Sit her dumb ass in front of a camera
>Tease the fuck out of her audience
>Talk about bullshit that doesn't matter
Fuck, she could do ASMR and make bank

Attached: 1561084538209.gif (384x288, 374K)

>"why do you think someone who lost weight and has a significantly better body than she did before would be more attractive"
user, i...

Attached: 451b97819caedfb380f4ea704374c1d1576317a59568d249f917c27eca6c9509.jpg (901x1200, 282K)

>Why aren't we on YOUR stream, Jim??

Attached: 1555181266473.jpg (1200x675, 166K)

go to bed, jeremy hambone

I'll gladly watch and Proxy Paige stuff, I love her attitude and that I could probably physically climb into her asshole, build a house, and live there. Now that's talent!

Wouldn't this vid indirectly advertise her?

>The broken stare
She get too much cock

For the last half decade I've never heard of this cunt again. Then I see Yea Forums making daily threads about her again, having learned nothing.

wonder if proxy could coax out zoe's first prolapse on camera?

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I miss back during gamergate when mods would delete these garbage threads.

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>this kills the jew

It is really amusing to see fedoras talk about the things they know nothing about.

yeah a smash thread died for this a tragedy

It's the same body... just with extra tits bolted on.

she can stay at my place for the price of getting shagged every minute of the day

She used to be a fat dumpy uggo with no shape whatsoever, it's way more of a change than just "she has fake tits now"

Attached: 6a00d8341bf6e653ef01b8d082e512970c-320wi.jpg (320x381, 17K)

It should be blatantly obvious that "the people on Yea Forums" making these threads are the very people involved with the videos. Ignore and report was used for ages to keep the board clean, lets re-instigate that.

Can we just ban pepe and wojack? Yea Forums would be so much better with them gone.

She unironically fucks black guys

Stop trying to blame those who accept the Truth for the consequences of fedoraism and secularism. Jews are yet another poor poor minority that atheists love. There is nothing that jews hate more than Christ, and nothing they love more than atheism. After all, what defines both is the same, the rejection of Christ.

How does a "charity" that just takes all the money for the owners become "bankrupt"?

Attached: 1558262016059.jpg (737x720, 254K)

Remember to buy my epic shirts if you really wanna drink those liberal tears and uncuck yourself, fellow gamers!

That's every charity you idiot, they're scams done by the rich so they can hoard money or people just looking to try and scam.

stop linking this basedboy

>used to be
>actually falling for weird camera angles and photoshop
>actually using the mario movie goomba edit as a "before" picture


Even charities have upkeep

please post proof

Attached: 1294895194019.jpg (230x251, 9K)

Achually, atheism is about the rejection of a greater divine force such as a God. Not Christ nor his message. You'd be pressed to find an atheist that don't think Jesus was purely a made up fictional character.
Not that christcucks seeking victimhood cares to learn the difference.

Nice. rapeable/10

Wow Zoe must be amazing with Photoshop then because she's able to shop every frame of any videos she does now too

Nuke literally prevented another world war. Deterrent actually work.

Atheism is just the product of mediocre teenagers with daddy issues (there is even an entire book about this) who know no theology or metaphysics. I'd rather be pressed to find an atheist who has the slighest rationality.

>Jesus was purely a made up fictional character

Kill yourself cuckold

You know there's this piece of technology called adblock, right?

>says this as if his word is law
>as if the months if not years old pics are proof of anything

>this thread is over 5 hours old
Clearly the mods are sleeping, post some lolis


>"People" think Anita is hot.
I have not seen any images of her were she did not look like she was about to melt into goo.

>Yea Forumseddit has become so normalfaggy that they still use adblock plus

Attached: best girl.jpg (1024x1024, 55K)

Based. Hope the whore becomes homeless.

Who would have thought that pathetic incel virgin 4channers would be celebrating! /s

>horny af teens
>unironic khvs
It's just desperation, or depravity.

This thread reeks

Attached: (((white man))).jpg (600x600, 55K)

shit, that's pretty smooth

Attached: 1515170414786.gif (240x234, 2.72M)

Remember you're on Yea Forums, the average user is 400lbs
No wonder all these jelly monsters are thirsting over that jew nosed hobbit


Fucking hell as if that fucked up shit has a name hahahaha.

Attached: Bwahahaha.gif (500x361, 1.79M)


>she's Christian

>talking about anita in 2019

You do know adblock is a general term and not a brand, right? Fucking pihole is an adblock.

Woman here
This look is the lowest effort possible

Fuck her and serves her right. But please after this stop making threads about this scam artist whore. The more attention she gets, the more she can use it to her own gain. Fucking glad she is running g out of money now, dumb
cunt. Besides, it's that McIntosh guy pulling the strings, not her.

I wasn't talking about you. I meant in general.


Attached: roastie guide to posting.jpg (1024x768, 152K)

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someone already beat you to the punch m8

Attached: 1560129367162.png (298x301, 132K)

Anita booted his ass a long time ago.

Oh boy. Not the same guy you were replying to.
But it seems the priest put his hand very far up your ass. You're gonna have a nasty surprise when you die and realize you lived a retarded lie.
Also Christianity isn't even the most followed religion, that would be Islam. Atheists don't give a fuck about your retarded cult.

>seething tumblar
go cry at antifa gathering fag

She neither fat, nor attractive in her nudes.


When is Maddox going to give him his money?

Can we talk for a second about how extremely sexist and derogatory the tits or GTFO meme for female posters?
I mean imagine if every male had to post their dicks with timestamps every time they posted. You wouldn't like it too much, would you?

Really makes you think...

Tell that to Ethiopian jews

Shut up and post tits, you stupid whore

Athiesm is the result of believing deductive reasoning over blind faith. The tales in the bible are no more real than those in a comic book and you’re a naive fool if you believe otherwise. This is true of all religion. Welcome to the real world.
inb4 fedora neckbeard memes

You have to 18+ to post here

fat anita is actually pretty breedable

Attached: 1447589258237.png (620x412, 162K)

Then why’re you posting?

I don't mind, I actually find it hilarious
You must be a tranny

Attached: tqQRQhM.jpg (500x500, 47K)

His post seems entirely reasonable and mature. Yours is the childish one.


Wow this thread is still up? Don't you guys have anything better to do?

Attached: atheists.jpg (2048x1024, 133K)

Not him, but I'm assuming it's
>kissless handholdless virgins

You forgot the main verb in the infinitive

Lurk more newfag

There it is. Only took two posts.

Sweetie your response is exactly why men need male spaces because it shows women can't handle the banter.

Attached: 1522434817779.gif (243x228, 1.47M)

Gotta advertise our favorite eceleb

It's telling that low quality reaction images are everything christcucks have to offer when challenged. I'm sure it is real in your mind.

This thread is fucking bugging lmao

Attached: 1560107986863.gif (200x200, 1.39M)

Why does everyone dislike this guy?

Lmao you check every mark. You have no idea of what deduction is. I recommend you read the first part of Thomas Aquinas' Summa so that you can get a grasp of what it is. Also, it is clear you know nothing about the Bible, nor the Gospel, nor the Church, nor pretty much anything around the events it describes.

So I recommend you go study some metaphysics and religion, which of course you won't be able to do, because you are mediocre. That is why on the one hand we have the writtings from the early Fathers of the Church, and on the other hand, the childish ramblings of clueless fedoras.

Attached: neckbeard-lighter.jpg (640x533, 78K)

>She was unknown before Yea Forumsirgins started the hate train on this unknown jew
>Suddenly get 160k dollaroos from retarded people because of the attention
>People still refuse to accept the fact that attention is the reason she is alive

>She is currently only in the attention again because she tweeted at CdProject
>Instead giving her no attention (GOOD) some retarded E Celeb Youtuber makes stupid claims that give her attention(BAD)

18+ what?

After all that make-up, pushup, lift, and forming dress, a pig would look breedable to you. Also she's a kiketurk mutt, you don't want more kikes, and you don't want more turks. Your dick is retarded user.

Attached: we're all the same.jpg (600x800, 86K)

Incels everywhere

>losing, one reaction image at a time
You can't debate us and you're butthurt.

I'm sorry, but retarded teenager youtubers do not really have more weight than 2000 years of theology and apology.

so no more raging at a pair of nice fat milkers and lust over roided abominations?

Attached: 1544685827211.jpg (750x628, 490K)

I dont know how this man does it.
Constantly digging through twitter and shit looking for some happening to make a video out of, only seeing the negative everywhere you look because its your job.
This guy will go bald and have a completely grey beard by the age of 40.
Its literally the same reason why all these colleague sjw kids need a psychiatrist by the time they have their degree.

Attached: 1555785102774.gif (200x150, 1.39M)

Lmao Christianity wasn't the most followed religion when it was born either. You also know nothing about Islam by the way. Modern day "muslims" have no idea of what Islam is.

Atheists are, as I have said, failed people in denial. In their failed life they try to confort themselves with vices, which of course are only compatible with materialism. To avoid any guilt or responsability, they descend into madness. That is why your average atheist knows nothing about metaphysics, nor the endless ways in which their wishful thinking is retarded.

fuck you, fuck anita, and fuck anyone who shills for that greasy fedora tipping lard ass, e-celeb shit dosent belong on Yea Forums

Attached: trollguy.png (196x257, 7K)

Literally who

He reads articles others have made word for word and shills his videos here

not opening that shit, but if its true, Good, and all her scubag friends fall with her.

aren't christians those turbo conservacucks trying to shame anyone that doesn't abid by their extremely sexist and monogamist, monotheistically schizophrenic book that was written and translated by the same kind of people wishing others eternal suffering and thinking you could even be at piece knowing there people "suffering" ?

Attached: 1553315713277.webm (420x420, 1.08M)

Science and Proof > Religion and Faith
Your autistic crying about metaphysics and acting like anything pertaining to religion is worth looking into further won’t save you now, baby boomer. Religion is for low IQ fags and sandniggers incapable of facing the real world and seek shelter in a collective.


>lmao dude everything happens fur a reason
>that means G is real

Checkmate, atheists

Attached: 1561090188207.jpg (1366x768, 125K)

GG has ultimately caused more harm than good to this website and gaming in general, im 100% convinced that if people just let sleeping dogs lie gaming wouldnt be infested with political agenda pushing bullshit.
take a look at this thread and the catalog, the vast majority of this boards population isnt liberal

She had the perfect racket and made millions off it, literally how did this idiot fuck this up

He wasn't involved in either the German laboratory that spear-headed nuclear fission nor in the Manhattan Project. All he did was write a letter, the bomb would have been built without him, too.
Just probably by the Germans.

>at piece
Based retarded atheist

are you talking about anita or the guy that made the vid?

Will she do porn now, preferably femdom where she abducts chauvinists.

>durr gammur
>durr you must be athiest
fuck off zoomer

>im 100% convinced that if people just let sleeping dogs lie gaming wouldnt be infested with political agenda pushing bullshit.

Attached: grayons.png (558x614, 45K)

His entire business model is talking about wrong doing, the moment his career is over is when there is nothing to complain about.

Anita = clicks

Both, they are both constantly wiggling around in a pool of outrage and negativity. That shit aint good for your mental health, no matter which side of the argument you are on.

>keeps making spelling mistakes
>unironically believes sjw shit
Like pottery

if that isn't a tranny then it sure as hell looks like one
poor lad

most people are retarded with money.


Why the fuck is this thread still here, let alone giving her attention in the first place? Fuck off, NOT AND NEVER WAS VIDYA.

Women aren't people

>you can still see the hoops in the edited picture
lel. what's even the point of editing them out, just don't fucking wear them it you realize they look retarded.

Are you for real retarded?

>SJW shit
Religion is dying. Islam is next, faggot.

This user is right

Attached: 1560905078722.gif (500x375, 425K)

can you fuck it?

Attached: brainlet.jpg (800x450, 44K)

>literal communists
Neck yourself

What the fuck does Anita have to do with anything with Gamer Gate. She jumped on the bandwagon because she's a scam artist and you journos need to fucking get over yourself, you're like /pol/ complaining about the Jews all the time.

Attached: 1503753427052.gif (500x371, 518K)

>E-Celebs commenting on other E-Celebs
>Dude this E-Celeb is on /our/ side unlike this E-Celeb that taking advantage of others.
Oh wow guys I am glad someone made this thread on a dead topic that has not had any relevancy outside of 2015.

With only marketers left, yes.

>can do nothing but post wojaks
Cope, just like the rest of the religious masses.

Attached: libcucks.gif (480x270, 2.64M)

Have sex fat Yea Forumsirgin.

it also says they turned away from god when they denied jesus and now christians are the new chosen, there are prayers that aren't said anymore about forgiving jews and waiting for them to come around on that jesus thing
you should read more


>you're like /pol/ complaining about the Jews all the time.
This is what a jew would say

I prefer the term slime creature thank you.

I'm glad my country doesn't have any major/minor shit. If you want to study a certain subject, you study that subject and not some political propaganda shit.

>This is what a jew would say

That's the counter argument a /pol/tard would say.

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Jealous that you can't?

Attached: look at this dude.jpg (728x1024, 183K)

>STEM proceeds to btfo other courses again

I know

Attached: 1560465288517.png (904x786, 82K)




>500+ replies over literally fucking who
Stay classy, nu-Yea Forums.

That's not even the worst part. Half the posts are agreeing with her and saying she's hot.

>is so out of touch with reality it accuses user of being an sjw even though it's the contrary in context, like in most
fuck off retard

Well now...

Attached: 123455657678.png (868x653, 518K)

that bitch has some leg muscle

Sage about to kick in. Bye bye.

Kicked in 33 posts ago newfag

Jeremy is extremely based (and redpilled)

hi zoe
hi anita

75% of my nursing course was politically motivated, the vast majority of our assignments were around working with people of different backgrounds and how we would approach and interact with them to not offend their sensibilities, it wasn't even a single fucking assignment, we did one for working with aboriginals, working with muslims, working with women and working with the elderly.

I meant as in the thread is about to close.

Leftists are non believers.

>thread on autosage
>still page 9

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