Attached: ss_25a032691d6c8e5a1d85208526e71fc9b5fcf4a8.jpg (1920x1080, 469K)

what is?

oh shit nigga is that a leak of the new elder scolls game?

why do you not mention the game anywhere for people to find it via searching or in the catalog?

It's Amid Evil btw

Imagine only making the equivalent of cum tributes to old 90s games instead of trying something new.

Amid evil, it's like "modern" heretic

Attached: 1560953207595.png (1920x1080, 3.57M)

>try something new
>it's shit
that's why these games exist

Looks like they applied sharpening to every part of the game, gross

it's exaggerated in screenshots, in motion it looks fine


Attached: 1560946697102.jpg (1920x1080, 246K)

Then keep trying until it’s not shit anymore! Where’s your fighting spirit?

Oh shit it's out of early access? Finally.
Looks like this and Dusk are on a discount too

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>rockket launcher shoots planets

Attached: desktop-screenshot-2018-03-12-15-48-38-84.jpg (2560x1440, 1.21M)

but can my toaster run it?

Attached: 530-90_54ef9af46280b.jpg (530x642, 53K)

Is project warlock good?

probably, requirements are pretty low and it has res scaling option which is partly there for stylistic reasons but still

from the store page
>OPTIMIZED to run on a toaster (a pretty nice toaster)

I got memed by Dusk, and that's going to be the last time that I get memed by a shitty, faux-oldschool boomer game like this.

Completely forgot about it, how is it?


Dusk is one of the greatest shooters released in living memory

Attached: 1561088021317.gif (235x232, 1.29M)

the text is unreadable with that shitty font
I only played the first level and my eyes are already dying

Attached: 1552388903463.jpg (720x720, 45K)

gonna upload the soudtrack

Good man

Dusk is better. Dusk is better than everything though so maybe thats not a fair comparison.

Weak bait, faggot


dusk is alright but no

Game's better than dusk imo. Good shit and good music.
No, it really isn't. Pirate it first.

Sound, graphics, gameplay and level design (apart from episode 1) are all top notch

Attached: 1236566633.gif (250x195, 801K)

That pic looks comfy

>episode 1
I think most people dislike episode 3
the main problems with the game are the narrow corridors and basic enemies that run really fast and straight at you so a lot of the time you are backpedaling rather than jumping into the fray and circlestrafing
