Objective: stop Brexit

>Objective: stop Brexit

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Other urls found in this thread:


kill all wh*Toids

Is that the David Cameron DLC?

>supposed to be a future dystopia version of London
>is literally just London right now

Can a Brit explain brexit for me? Lefties act like it’s gonna kill millions or something. Is exiting the EU really gonna lead to financial ruin or are they being dramatic?

As someone that has no stakes in the Brexit or give a shit about either side, I can tell what it is:

A massive waste of time due to the extreme right wing parties in the UK feeling like they are losing control in the parlament and had to push into "extreme" measures to get their way.

Now the UK government is in stasis because nothing can be done in the long term until this debacle is resolved.

>Agent Granny won't be playable the entire game and will be nerf to keep soniqua the poster girl.

Shame on Ubisoft for this age discrimination.

There had better be a milkshake throwable weapon in this game or I'm not buying it

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>objective: get an objective loicense

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The whites are saving Britain and epically pwning the libs by tanking their own economy so that minorities don't want to move there anymore.

You think Sadiq Khan will be in the game?

kneel before germany and let them dictate how you run your country more or less since no one else in the EU really has any fucking power or shoot yourself in the chest economically to break away and regain your freedom only to realize your own state is just as totalitarian anyway.

Its basically a smoke screen to disguise the fact that the UK government has not done anything for the last 30 years beyond line its own pockets as the nations infrastructure decays to nothing.

lets be honest carl benjamin had it coming

there were way too many whites in that gameplay demo for me to believe it's London.

Isn't ubisoft, a company of frogs?

no shit, not a fucking single Muslim.

They specified it was a dystopia for a reason

>Hire a cute anglo hacker girl
>walks 10 feet forward
>Knoives and other self defense items gets taken away by authorities due to not having loicense
>heads down to alleyway to progress side mission where you hack crime statistics
>gets killed and raped by random negroes then dismembered and put into kebab by muslims
>tfw permadeath is a feature and death screen says 'Part and Parcel'

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gonna be a pretty boring game without the guns etc
it's not a left/right issue even the labour party is split on it

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Of course they're being dramatic holy shit, have you heard some of the trite ridiculousness they talk? It's like the UK wasn't a country at all until the EU existed

can't wait for boris to dab on everyone


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Pretty much this: The tories tried their own version of the smokescreen with the internet censorship and anti-porn acts, but they forgot something important: people like porn. People like porn way more than people like the tories.

The few major parties are eating shit right now and it's because they put their eggs in the wrong basket in an attempt to distract people.

National scale left people feel that freedom of movement devalues working class labour, global scale left people feel leaving the EU isn't playing with the rest of the world.

brexit was never defined so it can mean whatever you want it to mean, obviously just straight up leaving is all that matters abut euro buaurocrats are doing everything they can to scaremonger so other countries don't try it


I dont know why anyone gives a fuck about England when everyone with a brain left on the Mayflower 5000 years ago.

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I actually think it looks p good senpai


i miss newswipe, that shit was funny

have sex


And then everyone clapped

>Lefties act like it’s gonna kill millions or something.
Those that wish maintain the status quo say that, especially the retards who vote liberal democrats who literally have no policies other than "we hope the EU will fix our country for us". Labour are actually very split on it, since the current party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, is very resilient on changing his pro-leave stance because the EU would otherwise interfere in his economic policies. There are legitimately good reasons to leave but as it is, its being used as a power-grab by the conservative party to take advantage of the chaos of their coworkers calling quits.
>anti-porn acts, but they forgot something important: people like porn.
Funny you bring that up; that bill got delayed for another year just a couple of hours ago. And if Google and Mozilla make on their threats to speed up implementing DNS encryption it'd be as good as dead the second everyone updates.

I'm interested in that point of the EU interfering in Corbyn's economic policies. What, and how?

UK is part of the EU. Some people like the EU, others don't.

Whether or not the UK should stay or leave was put to vote. It passed in spite of all expectations to the contrary. Several years of clowning around later the UK is still divided and unprepared for the consequences of leaving

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>religious zealots that genocides a native peoples who lived in harmony with their environment before destroying the ecosystem forever
The biggest of smarts my friend.

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lmfao is this red dead 2 or assassins creed?

after the worldwide economic crash of 2010, the bilderberg group convened to discuss solutions to the issue, the one they came up with was to flood europe with middle eastern immigrants, this would boost population growth on which the futures market depends upon, and will have more children in the future, further increasing growth for the forseeable future

so we had to sit back and watch as millions of unskilled third world immigrants poured into our countries, raping and pillaging as they went, the british finally had enough of this shit, even going to the same lengths as isis in mowing down immigrants using their cars, in the end the majority of brits were calling for a breakup from europe, who they blamed for the laws saying we HAD to take these immigrants in

david cameron (ex prime minister) promised a referendum (vote) on leaving europe, in order to score some points for his political party (the conservatives), he was threatened behind the scenes, but the damage had already been done, they would have to have a vote against their banker and corporation ceo overlords, who orchestrated this immigrant shit in the first place, the vote to leave (brexit) won

ever since then, the politicians have been acting like theyre doing something about brexit, but they really arent, theyre waiting until the bankers and ceos tell them that enough immigrants have moved into britain before theyll let brexit pass, at which point itll be too late

the recent push in lefty propaganda is funded by the same bankers and ceos, and is being done to increase "acceptance" of these immigrants by the now-frustrated natives of europe

our cultures and peaceful ways of life were sold to prop-up a failing financial system to keep those with all the money and power, wealthy and powerful

epic for the win

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very subtle bait

I will never give a single fuck about the life of an injun.

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>game is just voting over and over until you get the result you want

Brits were on a very rare occasion asked if they wanted to remain part of an even less accountable system than they already live in where lobbying for corporate interests makes the US congress look like a model government and they said no. This has angered much of the political and corporate elite whom were happy to be less accountable themselves thanks to the EU and so a massive campaign called 'project fear' has been underway since the vote to undermine the will of the people.

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UK has a terrible beurocratic government with a lot of wrong priorities, but the EU is worse in every way

corbyn has always been anti-EU and ditching EU bureaucrats is fine but the Brit bureaucrats are just as bad so the U is fucked anyway

Remember when it was OK to challenge the EU?

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So most users here are leftists, right?


Scandinavian here, so... Is brexit a good or a bad thing?

It's good, but they're still fucked either way

Britain got a shit deal from the EU.
>must respect European Convention of Human Rights over and above British law
>have to slowly give up national sovereignty
>pressure to join the Economic and Monetary Union which removes the ability to have an isolated monetary policy
>being one of the contributing members to the EU essentially funding failures
>Pressure to join the schengen area and give up control of national borders/passports so that the EU has a systematic control of internal borders and runs a common visa policy
>Treaty of Amsterdam gives EU responsibility for legislating immigration/civil law/civil procedure within EU as necessary for free movement of persons within the EU
>Lisbon treaty gave a centralized EU bank, and increased legislative power in the European Parliment
>creation of the 3 pillars of the EU:
European Communities which handles Citizenship, Economic and Monetary Union, Coal & Steel, Atomic Energy, Fisheries, Agriculture, Social Policy, Asylum Policy, Immigration Policy

Common Foreign and Security Policy which handles the human rights, democracy, security, and foreign aid

Police and Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters which was meant for crime but ended up mostly focused on racism.

In short, as time goes on the EU slowly gains more control over its host nations. The brexit campaign was driven by a refusal to acquiesce to this process, increased issues as a result of immigration, and dissatisfaction by the working class who felt left behind. Support for anti-Brexit was mainly found among the political and economic elite and youths, who felt a strong tie to a pan European identity and wanted that free movement. Support for Brexit tended to be more conservatives/trades workers.

In other words, people who's career is tied to a location - or a somewhere - tended to vote for Brexit. People who's career can be performed pretty much anywhere - voted against Brexit.

If this game features a progression system like Far Cry 5 did, no sale

red jerry threw his supporters under the bus by caving into the PLP remain stance and the anti semite astroturfing

he couldnt beat may and is literally about to get decimated by bojo.

Politicians asked if Brits knew their place and they voted "fuck you" in responce

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Can I ignore the main plot and form my own white, right wing death squad that targets non-whites, leftists and degenerates?

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underrated post

Corbyn's policies mostly involve pushing harder taxes on corporations, nationalising a lot of services, ending fracking, his motiviation for leaving the EU mostly stems from the fact that he thinks the rules on state aid should be modified which they've refused to do repeatedly.
It's also worth noting his foriegn policy is an outlier from the EU and US, being pro-iran, isreal-critical, very anti-saudi, anti-intervention in north korea and afghanistan, pro-trial for bin laden (which was Obamas original plan until he decided to make it a kill for the sake of his own legacy). This lead to the claim that Jeremy is anti-semetic for attending a holocaust survivors talk, because said survivor is also pro-free-speech and defended an admittedly tacky mural about NWO conspiracies even though only one of the people depicted was actually Jewish, which if it isn't an attempt to set up an eventual assassination to statisfy the Saudis and Benjamin, is certainly an attempt to make brexit seem more black and white than it actually is. ("Either you're pro EU or you want the second holocaust!")

What extreme right wing parties have representation in parliament?
As far as I can see they're all globohomo, including the "Conservatives"

I'm not really familiar with European politics, but is Brexit still going on?
I thought who ever was trying to do it got cold feet after the ensuing shit storm and canceled it.

>it's a Ubisoft baits the fuck out of /pol/ in the marketing but the actual game is boring as fuck episode

How many more times are you dumb shitskins-RPing-as-whites faggots going to fall for this crap?

The main bad guy will be white


Conservatives are dumb.

The referendum was mind-numbingly retarded and nobody advocating it actually knew what they were doing. That's not to say the EU is good but Brexit is/was a total fuck-up. The leave campaign was also full of blatant lies. The whole thing was pretty much designed to fuck up the country.

It's more damaging to EU than it is to brits.

First of all, EU is afraid of brexit - it encourages other countries to seek true independence again
Second, leftist retards think brexit is some kind of racist revolution, when in truth it's literally just the last desperate attempt of keeping their culture and self governing rights.

EU was never a good deal for brits, they've always had to pay more than what the benefits of EU are worth to them.
Also, last time I heard that their economy is fine so it's definitely just fearmongering leftist / EU propaganda

You're right we absolutely should throw things at people who have differing opinions than us

>Hitler demands European Superstate ruled by German Authority
>Loses WW2
>Europe becomes a superstate ruled by German authority
So did Hitler lose WW2 or naw

>instead of being part of a bargaining collective they now have to kowtow to drumpf for trade deals
>t-trust us we will get better deals!

hello american leftist

user the only difference between Yea Forums and the monkey cage at the zoo is we can't physically throw shit at each other.

Literal brainlet boomer NPCs thought "if I vote leave = less immigrants".
They didn't even know why they voted leave.

you're the brainlet if you think it was just based on one issue

Germany's geopolitical position in the middle of the continent means it will always dominate Europe as a united nation. They should've dismantled it after WW1

>upto 50 posters talking about the issues of brexit
>only 3 of them mention immigration including (you)
Think a little harder next time.

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norf fc is such a good meme, I can't even try and be offended by it because of how wildly stupid but true it is

>lets see what our people want using the most direct democratic tool offered, the referendum
>liberals "lose" to democracy

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You just know that the spawning system for recruits will be weighted towards nonwhites, nonmales, and nonheterosexuals. The system may allow for a token amount but after a certain threshold it will no longer spawn them in.

I always got the sense that the reason Watch Dogs 2 is Liberal Fantasy: Hackerman Edition in San Francisco was because of the devs being super triggered to this video.

It isn't about the people in this thread you retard. I'm talking about irl.

fer der norf

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i take you never watched the debates and just want to bitch on the internet

>Defending immigration.

Yeah well, you pasties left your problems instead of fixing them. Now you complain about a black and brown Europe.

What arrogance!



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>Germany ruining Europe AGAIN

>retards tricked into voting for something by false promises
I mean the whole thing is a hilarious clusterfuck from the outside, but sheesh.

if they all changed their mind why did the brexit party clean up in the euro elections after only existing for a month?

well, that is the thing about democracy right, EVERYONE GETS A VOTE
doesn't matter if you think they are smart, stupid, uninformed, they.get.to.vote
but i bet you wanted only the "correct" ones to vote right? Or, lets just "re-do" until the correct side wins, right?

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>b-but if you arbitrarily add up all these other parties that exist for a multitude of reasons unrelated to brexit y-you will find that remain actually won.

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>be EU's slaves and starve 100s of fising families
>or be ruled by Big Brother, Great Britain edition

Anti-federation movement. Brexiters do not want to be part of the European Federation, Remainers are globalists. Imagine if your country had the choice between being a country, and being a state in a large country of many states like the US. And that country is run by a small group of unelected Goldman Sachs/IMF jews that are outspoken about making demographic changes to remove white people.

>Number of people who regret voting Leave is greater than Brexit victory margin

Am I retarded, how is that possible? That would have to be more people than actually voted right?

That is the typical EU policy.

>Danish Maastricht Treaty was held twice (first failed)
50.7% vs. 49.3% first time
56.7% vs. 43.3% second time (passed)

>Norwegian European Union Membership Treaty was held twice (first failed)
53.5% vs. 46.5%
52.2% vs. 48.7%
Both failures, but the EU got the EEA out of it

>Treaty of Nice for Ireland (failed first, so went back and made a new one and passed it)
53.87% vs. 46.13%
62.89% vs. 37.11% (passed)

>Treaty of Lisbon for Ireland (failed first, released new information, didn't even change treaty, and had it passed)
53.4% vs. 46.6%
67.13% vs. 32.87% (passed)

>2015 Greece Bailout twice (rejected the first time, taken the second time with harsher terms)
61.31% vs. 38.69%
Taken second time ignoring referendum votes

>Hungary migrant quota referendum (literally just stated that the turnout was too low and therefore invalid despite previous referendums having lower turnout)
98.36% vs. 1.64%

>Switzerland refusing to join the EU then being subjected to things like Schengen (cause if they refuse to join the EU, just run 7 more referendums to implement parts of the EU's policies)

Remainers: 200
Leavers: 300
Victory Margin: 100
Leave Regrets: >100

Brazilian here, here’s my take

Brits had a great economy on their own and thought things would get better (it did, for a while) if they tied all their economy to in-land euros, but they didn’t predict that countries like Greece fucking things up so bad with debt and full-euro open borders in the refugee crisis era would severely impact them. Then, they decided to roll back to pre-EU days with brexit (lefties say it’s a racist thing, as they do), but little did they know that the EU and brit economies were so deeply connected that removing themselves from the union would cause major damage in the short term, so now the country is trying to find a way to either go with a “just kidding” approach and ignore the brexit vote (which will lead to riots) or leave the EU without losing a lot of shit (likely to happen) in the next five years.

Did I get it right?

Based Northern Ireland cucking the eternal Anglo

Keep in mind the change of mind, is probably due to the lag in the Brexit itself. Look at May's proposals. All have been trash. They've repeatedly drawn this out longer than it should have taken, and are likely seeking to draw it out until a General Election wherein they'll put in someone who will either cancel, use the irish backstop/undermine, or hold a second referendum.

You can't really blame leavers for being disheartened when the entire system is refusing to go with their vote. Hence the regret. Why vote if all that happens is the media demonizes you, social media seeks to isolate you, and the government just ignores your vote?

>change of mind
where exactly is it?

Libtard globalists getting BTFO. Everyone know the left fearmonger, Britain was fine before the EU and it'll be fine after the EU.

The EU fear more exit movements if Britain turns out okay.

It's like a powder you stir into milk and it makes a delicious chocolate drink that's also filling and nutritional.

>internet censorship
Care to ellabourate?

When will people learn to not trust Germany.

damn minorities are there for the economy? thought you guys said it was for the democracy and human rights

Serious question
Why the British doesn't brush their teeth?
I see it happen in a lot in Asian too

>when the beautiful baby brainchild of millions of white liberals is getting strangled in the cradle
as a white person, I approve of this

How is this Yea Forums related at all? Everyone is bombarding this thread with politics, half of which have no idea what they're talking about either, not to mention the porn threads either, what the fuck is going on?

Brexit was an accident that the ones who proposed it never expected to take root. It was merely a political agenda like some of the shit you see on an American ballet that you know won't ever come to pass, but will create context and/or concern. However, people voted for it and shit hit the fan and it's hilarious. Brexit is just Britain's Trump. And yes, the libs are being overly dramatic. Odds are it'll have a short term negative impact on the economy, and be a long term success in the sense that the island won't sink with the added luxury of not being help down by absurd EU standards on some things.

Europe and North America are for whites.

>bring referendum with two options and zero concrete proposals
>allow registered political party and driving force behind brexit movement to repeatedly and transparently lie about what both options mean
>this is valid though bing bong
and it was all worth it just to watch david cameron squirm

Brits decided they don't want to be ruled by the nu-German empire after all and now they're realizing that their government wasn't really designed for actual democracy
Rip bongs

At least in the past ze germans had the courtesy to drop missiles on major English cities instead of muslim mayors and asian youths

>Objective: Murder this guy that totally isn't Carl Benjamin

>anecdotal argument
>turns to violence when challenged
>and then everyone clapped


>NPC is actually based
jesus i gotta play this game

>Objective: Throw a milkshake at Sargon of Applebees

>Watch Dogs takes a shit all over censorship and government control, in fact it's hacker culture is hyper libertarian
>Takes aim at the CCTV police state London is currently living in and Yea Forums mocks

>For some reason Yea Forums disagrees with this sentiment

It's been 10 years since chanology. I can't even imagine how many of us have died for so different reasons.

No one disagrees with their morals, it's the stupid fucking propaganda & setting of "LE BREXIT BAD LITERALLY NAZIS" that piss people off

A lot of libertarians came to the sad realization that it's a pipe dream in our current low trust societies.

You're aware their last villain was a turbo sjw manbun hipster, right?

>Pissing away your country and home for muh shekels
Fuck off noseberg

it's one thing to make a villain stupid, but painting an entire country and it's lawful democratic vote in to something racist & evil is just dumb as fuck.
Brexit ideology is literally freedom, there's no reason why it would turn UK in to even more of a police state than what it currently is

You are aware that they started on this game before the Brexit vote?

as for IRL, you're fucked either way

>last time I heard that their economy is fine so it's definitely just fearmongering
Last time I heard the UK is still in the EU.

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OH, I am retarded
Got it.

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>Brits had a great economy on their own
you got this wrong
the UK lobbied to join the EEC because standard of living on the continent was surpassing that in the country, France had previously blocked the UK since the UK has historically never felt the same affinity with Europe as those on the continent do

nice chicken scratch scribbles pal

And being grifted by it.

what i don't get is why so much american media is putting any stake into it
your average american doesn't even know how old the EU is

The EU is a historically undemocratic clusterfuck and Britain has been largely carrying them along for years like a trailer park wife whose husband is too "disabled" to work, but doesn't mind pulling her around in public and constantly making demands on her like she owes him the very air she breathes. Their officials are unelected, they tax Britian disproportionately to make up for shitholes like Greece that actively avoid paying taxes, they hold "votes" where they revote and revote and revote until they get the results they wanted, and are just generally spiraling Europe towards bankruptcy and dystopia. Britain would've had a small economic dip, recovered gradually, and be much better off in the end, but the whipped pieces of shit in their government have been mimicking their EU overlords by working overtime to scam their citizens out of what they democratically elected to do with their own country.

American leftists who have zero stake in or understanding of the situation are opinionated about it because they were told by CNN that Brexit was about 51% of the population being so bigoted that they'd rather wreck their economy than have some innocent brown people move next door.

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I'd love for Carl Benjamin to put some white stuff in me if you know what I mean.

EU nannies corrupt shitholes (greece) and the good economic countries have to pay the bill.



I fucking love this game

Of course some lefty shitfuck would see anyone who isn't sucking off globalist commies as "extreme right wing'.

Reminder that all this EU bullshit is baguettes fault

It's the One True GOTYAY.


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>listen to me I'm neutral
God I hate politics. Fuck you.

London is unironically only 40% white

Why have I literally never once seen a theory that EU is making Brexit so difficult that it will be used as a deterrent for other nations to follow suit?

Never once have I ever seen this thought be talked about but it seems so fucking obvious. Because other countries like France, Italy, Belgium etc where pondering having their own referendums. So the EU would obviously want to make an example of Britain to be able to say to other nations "you don't want to go through all THAT do you?"

>Is exiting the EU really gonna lead to financial ruin
no one knows

Because the constant delays are entirely on England's side since nobody there actually wants to do it, Germany is very clear on kicking out the UK as fast as possible.

>eternal anglo thinks he can control the Germany empire
You're way past that point. Leave the German empire or be gobbled up by it entirely.

>Objective: Milkshake Farrage
but realtalk, i bet there will be a milkshaking sidequest, virtual signaling tards can't be helped

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i watch how tv ruined your life once every year, i miss ol' charlie

Third time's the charm.

I would actually love to see Farage as a "did nothing wrong" antagonist in this game

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My understanding of it is that the EU (or rather, the euro, although brits were smart enough not to adopt it) is a bad deal for most countries in the EU (basically all of them except Germany and maybe the northern countries), and that leaving would only be negative in the short term for those countries.

EU aren't negotiating in good faith demand shit like open immigration and a "divorce bill" it's ridiculous

Personally I find the "dystopia as a result of brexit" stuff to be embarrassing (but that could be overstated just like the tranny stuff in cyberpunk)

Also I'd be all for a game that takes place in a modern day or close future dystopia as long as it's not from Ubisoft. The only good games they made in the past decade or so are the new Rayman.

I thought it was pretty widely accepted. Is it even a theory when Junker openly talks about crushing the UK?

EU is just a german ploy to conquer Europe by destroying the economy of other european countries. I'm glad brits got out, hopefully more will follow them.

It's a bunch of retards thinking that removing themselves from that which has been a net benefit for 40 years, because some conmen convinced the proles that brexit would remove kebab

>net benefit for 40 years

>net benefit for 40 years
oh, look,
another leftist retard talking out of his ass

>Hungary's referendum

You dont know shit about it do you?

>doing everything they can to scaremonger so other countries don't try it
Plenty of eurosceptic countries have calmed down on their stance after seeing the shitshow that is the UK negotiations, which have gone entirely pear-shaped by the UKs own hand.

When all is said and done the EU and the UK will be like two businesses trading with eachother. At the moment the EU has no advantage in making a deal before brexit actually happens. What is this, charity?

The Labour party isn't really split on it, the problem they have is that their base is like 3/4 against it, but if they want a majority, they have to win pro-leave seats.

Reminds me of home

For the most part you did, but you forgot one major detail that makes it even harder for the UK to leave, they don't know what to do about the Irish border.

I mean you forgot about the whole Northern Ireland mess but that's a decent description otherwise.

'ate lefties
'ate ireland
'ate the EU
simple as

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UK own hand that is almost completely against Brexit.
And no they did not calm down, the propaganda since Brexit won has doubled.

>leave the EU without losing a lot of shit (likely to happen) in the next five years.
Doesn't really seems like this the EU will let the get away so easily, though.

man this game somehow managed to look even more ugly then saints row 4

the EU fear the UK
also the fact that they now need to find £20bn/y once we're gone and that's only the "membership" fee.
the EU is puckering its arse tight since deutsche bank is fucking dying AND found out they've been money laundering 20bn euros of russian assets around

American here, how much has actually changed since the Brexit vote? I keep hearing that the current government isn't doing shit to actually break away from EU

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White brits area minority in their capital. Lmfao holy shit.


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A couple prime ministers but not much else. There's basically no way to do it the way it was sold and it's destroying people's careers trying

Historically.speaking Albion goes through this bitch fit every few centuries, where they reluctantly get roped into mainland political alliances to pursue their own agenda, then try to dab the fuck out the moment it's inconvenient for them. They did it with the league after the first french revolution, and fucked off until Napoleon went around shitting on them.

Perfidious Albion earned that name for a reason.

you don't say LOL

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>I can tell what it is
Apparently not

Northern Ireland have been the only thing standing between us and getting something that's worse than either leaving or remaining, though.


Because it's obvious that the EU would make it painful. All the hold-ups are on the UK side anyway because the MPs keep hamstringing the Prime Minister by getting them to say "we won't leave without guaranteeing X", reducing the bargaining chips the UK can use, or delaying the leave date, or forcing a final vote on any deal presented, but then rejecting the only agreement the EU says they'll allow. When given the chance to say what they wanted in a deal via indicative votes, the Commons could not agree on anything, yet for some reason they still get final say on a deal.

The vast majority of MPs were Remain, and a lot of them are now trying to kill Brexit while making it look like they tried. That's all this is

basically Theresa May did nothing on Brexit for 18 months and then tried to cobble together a deal in half a year. Also she made a pro-remain MP the chancellor, meaning he could use the budget and the power of the Treasury to bully MPs into voting for a "soft" brexit (i.e. brexit in name only) or demand specific, impossible-to-achieve terms in any deal put forth. She had also agreed to not go for a No Deal brexit, so she was forced to take the shittiest deal the EU could give her

>Oi! You got a loicense for dat dare rebewion?

Damn that sounds like a fucking shitshow, sorry that y'all have to go through

Race mixing is wrong

The britbongs wanted out regardless if they get a deal. Now they're scared to get out without a deal and whine that the EU doesn't want to accept their delusional terms. Just fuck off already.

>net benefit for 40 years
Except it has literally never has been a net benefit. The only countries that benefit are those that hardly pay anything and Germany (soon to be replaced by France) as the unofficial leader who can bully smaller countries into doing what they want.

The entire pro-Brexit campaing hinged on half-truths or irrelevamcies nigga.
That money "that could be spent on the NHS" never went anywhere; and immigration quotas don't matter of the major emigration countries still think of you as "Rich Place where they speak a language I more or less know".

It doesn't help that they've been dealing around long enough for the EU to comfortably move out of the UK and gear up for adapting to losing London as Major stock market, splitting it's Power between Rotterdam and Milan instead.

>The entire pro-Brexit campaing hinged on half-truths or irrelevamcies nigga
Your first mistake was the assumption that there was some united pro-Brexit campaign at all; there wasn't.

>Obamas original plan until he decided to make it a kill for the sake of his own legacy
It was a kill-capture order, that means try to capture him but kill him if you have to. Besides, the only way to capture him would be to get him in a scenario where he can't fight back which was next to impossible because he never left his house. He also had a gun when he was shot.

There hasn't been an extreme right wing party of any relevance since the BNP imploded years ago. Good job at ousting yourself as not knowing anything about it.

It will never not be funny the salt Obama generates in Republicans despite being a fairly middle leaning mediocre Democrat who killed fucking bin laden

Please tell me you're not an American.

Depends, do you feel obsessed with what I eat and drive?

Project fear us project reality you simp. And it was named as such like a year before the actual referendum, bloody melt.


Isn't it mostly because of Ireland?

I hope theres the kebab mechanic that lets your new character inherit dead characters skills by eating kebab.

>more damaging to EU than it is to brits.
Utter bullocks

Basically UK is a tax haven and the EU is pushing laws to stop that.

>obama killed bin laden

Attached: greivous.png (540x548, 143K)

What did they lie about specifically?

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It is. It's quite hilarious that farage and his cronies never talked about that issue at all. I pray for a hard border and the ensuing chaos.

Germany is trying to take over the world again but this time Hitler is a woman.

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old boomers think they still have an empire and think their 60 million inbred island will be able to compete alone against current and future juggernauts like China, India, USA, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, EU and etc in the future. also cuz they are living in a capitalistic slave society it means they need constant growth so now instead of Poles and other EE immigrants they will have to change them for Indians, Arabs etc etc

EU is on the edge of collapse.

EU makes politics less accountable and in general is run by anti democratic lobbies and loonies thinking that they know better than their voters that want to turn the EU into some form of socialist empire where they wouldn't have to care about what those pesky working peasants think

Btits simply decided that they do not like being treated like cattle

cant tell if a retarded mutt or a coping brit

>cuz they are living in a capitalistic slave society
spotted the colonial

The French were right. Should have let UK sink.

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>Why have I literally never once seen a theory that EU is making Brexit so difficult that it will be used as a deterrent for other nations to follow suit?
>Never once have I ever seen this thought be talked about but it seems so fucking obvious
becouse it is obvious

No way brah, wh*Toids are beautiful


its ok you are being spotted by your CCTV every time you leave your house or post a comment on the internet

the EU is shite but out own government is no better. At least the Tories will cease to exist after the next GE

It's Ireland issue is forced by the EU. The best solution would be to allow free movement of Irish and N Irish citizens but the EU wants to it to be everybody in the EU, or nobody. The Irish are playing along because it gives them a chance to take NI if the troubles kick off again.

Moron. UK got more out of EU, its thanks to Torries for fucking things up and blame every thing on EU.

>britbongers still think they're getting out
you're with us for ever

Attached: ue.png (1000x1048, 482K)

Swissfag here

The EU is basically nothing but a power grab by political/banking elites, a method to bypass the inconvenient obstacle that is democracy.
Their goal is to basically loot the whole continent, and dilute, control and demoralise the populace to make it impossible to put up resistance.

Free speech is practically already dead. Soon the last bit of weapons and self-defence rights will be gone too. Property rights will follow.
The only hope is Brexit. If they can leave and unfuck their country, the EU will collapse as its polularity falls apart.

The controlled media (including gamedevs, it seems) are doing everything to demonise the pursuit of liberty.

>great economy on their own
Wrong from the get go, good going hue

hes from that tranny discord thats always spamming their tranny shit. looks like he just started drawing like a week ago tho, those are some insanely bad scribbles.

Have you considered that leavers just refuse to accept reality and that the brexit they were sold is utter shite?


>Britain was fine before the EU

'Throughout the late 1960s and 1970s, the United Kingdom was frequently called the "sick man of Europe", first by foreign commentators, and later at home by critics of the third Wilson/Callaghan ministry, because of industrial strife and poor economic performance compared to other European countries.[9] This era is considered to have started with the devaluation of the pound in 1967, culminating with the Winter of Discontent of 1978–79, the period between the Three-Day Week in 1973–74 and the IMF bailout in 1976 is generally seen by Britons as one of the darkest periods in the country's modern history'

Truly fucking clueless

I've heard people say this a million times and I'm inclined to believe them.

ah yes the swiss, constantly being invaded by their neighbors for centuries that they need a militia at all times, lmao, you talking about EU is like a blind man describing a picture, enjoy your goldilocks zone and shut the heck up

The NHS, the migrant crisis (doesn't apply to bongs due to not being in schegen), the cost vs return of being in the EU, how we lost our sovereignty

They did the same shit with Greece when they voted in a president that dared question the constant austerity. The EU is a fucking joke.

>bend your rules to fit us because we're special boys
the eterenal anglo never change

>You're an example of why the EU is bad so you can't talk about it.

>lawful democratic
Weird way to spell 'non-binding' and 'illegally funded on a campaign of lies and half truths'

Britain hasn't made a good game since fucking '95. Who would give a shit if they ceased to exist tomorrow? Nobody on Yea Forums, I hope.

The rest of the EU and also the western world can't make games either so don't even try to make me feel bad.

Attached: snes_donkey_kong_country_2_p_d19dai.jpg (640x447, 100K)

If anything the Swiss have reason to be mad since the EU is actively restricting their firearms law despite not being a full member

Calm down, London.

>bend your rules
Typical German. It's not bending the rules it's following the Good Friday agreement.

Probably cause the reality of this omnishambles is entirely the UKs fault, the EU have been more than accommodating for our mentally deficient politicians.

In our country people are far more aware of how the EU works and what its goals are than anywhere else, as we treat it with the contempt it deserves.
In every other country people are cucked bu Brussela and nobody talks about the shit they openly say and do.


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Look before the 60s fag

>open immigration
>divorce Bill
You ever cancelled a phone halfway through the contract? They expect you to pay your commitments, it's the same principle.

I'm pretty sure GTA is still made in the UK.

i stopped paying attention to the brexit mess like 3 years ago, should i even care?

And EU law supercedes it. It's your internal problem. Get bent.

>future juggernauts like

haha fucking lmao yeah I'm sure these coutnries will stop being shitholes anytime now, they've only been saying that for 30 years or so

65ish actually, it's 40% white British specifically. That doesn't count other Euros.

Failure to be elected as MP 5 times simulator when?

And they're some of the worst games ever made. You fucking normie casual.

Attached: Battletoads.png (220x303, 174K)

As an American i fucking hate all Euroshits including Brits and French but especially Germans.

Germans are a scourge to this earth. They act so morally arrogant and project their vile Euro state onto everyone else. Brits need to leave and then sink and France is gone at this point.



K. I like NA's northern states, wouldn't mind living there.

Oh look someone who doesn't actually prove the poster wrong.

>Now they're scared to get out without a deal
*The political elite, who wish to stay are scared to leave without a deal
>that the EU doesn't want to accept their delusional terms
*That the EU is being completely unreasonable and knows our politicians are utterly weak so they demand ridiculous concessions that no real country would agree to but have to do it to scare other countries off from leaving

As a European I fucking hate Europe
At least it's easy to make Euros seethe , they always think I'm an american when I call some butthurt anglo or germanistani Ahmed lol

can i come live in dixie

Nothing meaningful has happened since the vote itself, either related to brexit or not.

>That money "that could be spent on the NHS" never went anywhere;
Because you didn't fucking leave the EU you dummy
>and immigration quotas don't matter of the major emigration countries still think of you as "Rich Place where they speak a language I more or less know".
Except you could put a hard limit on immigration if you actually had control over it
>It doesn't help that they've been dealing around long enough for the EU to comfortably move out of the UK and gear up for adapting to losing London as Major stock market, splitting it's Power between Rotterdam and Milan instead.
Because one of your kind was put in charge of Brexit instead of a leaver

Fucking remoaners can't form a single coherent argument

>i fucking hate all Euroshits

Attached: B.jpg (2722x4099, 1.68M)

>Because you didn't fucking leave the EU you dummy
UK government have already said that they won't give any money from the savings we'd get from the EU to the NHS, and also the fucking tory party want to privatise the absolute shit out of the NHS you clueless cunt.

>EU law supercedes it
>Leave our undemocratic union and we'll sponsor terrorism
Well you see Hans, when it comes to a no deal agreement you certainly lose, but for me? Only time will tell. So youtube.com/watch?v=yWULCfJ2PGA

I really do. The site always goes to shit during Euro hours.

>Tories are pro brexit

Attached: c5f.gif (250x250, 1.14M)

Yeah sure mate, not like I've heard that for the last 5 fucking years.

>nooo you're responsibe that the irish hate our guts
>you must papmer us and accpet all our terms or you're literal nazi REEEEEEE
It's sad, britbong.

>tfw had to play probotector instead of contra

I can't believe I have to live on such a retarded continent. The first game I ever imported was Contra 3.

>implying the site isn't trash 24/7

Attached: probotector-42565686-42386168-xtra.jpg (640x920, 105K)

Fuck off, imperalistic swine. Get shot, cucked and suck Jewish prolapsed ass.

>UK government have already said that they won't give any money from the savings we'd get from the EU to the NHS
Because a fucking remainer government was put in charge. Do you honestly think they'd do what their opponents want?
>and also the fucking tory party want to privatise the absolute shit out of the NHS you clueless cunt.
Well as a person from a non-communist country where healthcare reaches everyone, where people don't die due to insanitary hospital conditions, and huge fucking waiting lists don't exist, I can confirm that privatisation would probably be an improvement over the mess that your NHS is in right now.
Of course you will deny this because you essentially have formed a retarded cult around an utter failure of a government institution.

>dude just look how the country was over 60 years ago, let's just go back to those days lmao
Woah you've convinced me, you sister fucking mong.

>You're not allowed to make deals unless we say so
At what point do you admit that the EU is just the mob?

I'm norf lad, I just have something to lose versus my greggs chomping 'kin'

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>muh privatised NHS
you've literally been crowing about this since the 80s and it still hasn't happened. Why do lefties try to make everything about privatising Our NHS™

Brits will never give NHS private Donnie. Go eat Jewish shit.

>you essentially have formed a retarded cult around an utter failure of a government institution
Hit the nail on the head.

You are not special. Learn to live with it.

Torry scum.

he means the most extreme out of those currently in parliament ya dumbass. That does not mean the extreme right wing that actually exist but those in actual positions of power currently. Like really this dumb or are you actually just looking to actively misconstrue shit simply so you can complain like a punk bitch or something even more faggy and pussy like?

eheh good job at projecting like a faggot. Since anyone with any sort of reading comprehension could easily tell what was meant is that the most extreme of those currently in power and not ever all. But hey good job at outing yourself as dumb ass yourself. Really take some English classes cause god damn some you really need them. also hope you are ESL of some sort cause if not then god damn you just ultra dumb then to the point of it being sad

Yeah, healt isnt a right. Now protect your overlord, Israel.

>caring at all about human rights or any rights for that matter
>voting on anything besides which leader will give them the most gobs
Cmon user

>You're trying to keep a deal you made with another country that has nothing to do with Germany.
>What makes you so special huh? Don't you know we have to approve every deal, especially the ones that don't concern us?
>I don't care that you want to leave and do your own thing. I need your money to import thousands of third world dependants.
But of course it's the UK that's being unreasonable


>If you don't think the NHS is perfect you're a burger

>Objective: Stop being an edgy teen and grow up

Attached: Cyberpunk-2077-1071586.jpg (590x350, 40K)

>Edgeof collapse
>The only major member that shows any sign of wanting to trash the system is Italy.
>EU economic assets have already left London.
>France and the Benelux are having a field day in winning contracts in the UK knowing that they have the upper hand.
>"I-it's collapsing guise!"

I love how britcucks are getting absolutely destroyed by based EU

Pro-Remain Bongs are literally the saddest people I have ever seen.
They have no pride in their country, no self-esteem, no energy, no will. They believe that they're so utterly worthless that their best option is to give up everything they have and hand it to people who are openly hostile to them.

Instead of seeing an opportunity to turn things around and finally start fixing the massive problems their country has, step-by-step, they react with utter fear and disgust at the idea of liberty and responsibility.
Brexit was a sign that you can unfuck your country, that you can oppose those of the established political class, be they Labour or Tory or whatever. Too bad you're so utterly demoralised that you're literally scared of a brighter future.

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this was a weak post agent.

>Really take some English classes cause god damn some you really need them

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Isn't Scotland going to seek a second referendum considering that EU Membership was a point for remain for the first one?

How the fuck can you call it an independence referendum if the first thing you want to do upon gaining your independence is give it up again?

No it isn't, the EU is ten times the size of the UK.

Weirdly enough the worst posting begins during Euro late afternoon/evenings; once the Amerimutt NEETs start getting up. Before then it's surprisingly nice.

Y'all sure defunded the fuck out of it though, rendering its inefficiency.

The remainers wish.
Here's what happened
>Cameron (PM who called referendum) steps down
>May steps up, calls election to solidify government
>Manages to fuck up the campaign so bad Tories lose their majority despite initial polls giving them a supermajority
>Goes to negotiate brexit
>Fails, getting an absolutely awful deal(for UK) that is less a deal and more a surrender treaty, including potentially locking Britain in a vassal position
>Parliament tells her to fuck off and go renegotiate
> Eu gives some worthless concessions
> Parliament says the same thing as previously
> Also shoots itself in the foot by commiting to 'no-no deal brexit'
> EU tells her to fuck off
> A few ministers resign
> Que May trying to push her deal through like 5 times and failing
> Finally resigns in the beginning of June
> Now Tories must elect a new PM
> Most likely candidate promised Brexit in October deal or no deal
>All the while remainers push for 2nd referendum and hardcore brexiteers for Hard/No deal brexit (May's deal would be soft brexit)

To get back at them english pigs of course

>extreme right wing parties
>that are also in the parlament


No one is obligated to make a deal with you.
How hard is to process it in your heads that nobody owes you anything. You wanted out whithout a plan, now deal with it instead of pushing responisbility for your retarded decisions elsewhere.

Luv Nintendo
Luv pints
Luv steak n kidney pies
Luv Tizer

'Ate Ubisoft
'Ate Rockstar
'Ate EA
'Ate trannies
'Ate Pakis

Simple as.

If anything, I'm pretty sure the Irish are real happy about what's been going on with the UK lately.

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>Ha! Stupid English! I snipped me balls off, shoved a cactus up me arse, rolled in stinging nettles and sold meself into slavery! Wish ya could stop me eh? TOO BAD I'M A FREE MAN NOW

these deals do concern us

Basically we've always been kind of resistant to the EU and there was a growing movement of support for the anti-EU UKIP party based about half on genuine issues with the EU and half on shit that our own government was doing but that people thought was the EU's fault.

Prime minister David Cameron promised a referendum in 2016 as a way to win back UKIP voters but he never expected the leave vote to win and promptly quit when it did.

Our government spent 2 years negotiating a deal with the EU which parliament collectively shit all over as it would have been worse than remaining. Many major companies have been shifting their operations into the continent and quite a few major businesses have also been in trouble (e.g. British steel collapsed recently) however the extent of Brexit in a lot of cases is debatable because quite a lot of our businesses were struggling anyway.

To top it all off, the opposition party are happy for Brexit to go as badly as possible because their leader is hoping that the resulting fallout will destroy the Tory party and give him space to create his wet-dream socialist utopia (that will inevitably fail too).

Ireland stand the lose the most in the EU from a bad Brexit settlement. Their economy is dependant on the UK.

Isn't that how relationship between Scotland and England usually goes?

What the fuck does a bad deal constitute when it comes to leaving an union? I keep hearing people talk about a 'bad deal' but they never get into specifics. Seems like it's just blackmailing at this point.

>mass murdering outlaw turns to violence when challenged
Wow, talk about the tolerant left

The May Deal signs us up to pretty much all the rules of the EU but without having any say. I'm a Brexiteer but between Remain and May's Deal, I'd probably pick Remain.

Food for thought.

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What blackmailing are you talking about?

>Celtic LARPing, possibly made by an American

Attached: 1545350981578.jpg (462x480, 25K)

It's things like tying us into rules created by the EU and European commission in order to access trade with the EU but losing any say in these rules (the UK could effectively veto any new legislation if we wanted while a member state)


So the british become even more of EU's bitch? Why even bother with leaving then, even Britain stronk argument is null and void in such case

Why do you need to follow the rules of the EU if you leave the EU? Why do you need a 'deal' to leave an union? What kind of deal did the US sign with you when they left the British Empire?

So they'll embargo you if you don't pay up? Sounds like blackmail and very nearly an act of war.

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Those are the terms created by a PM who is a hardline remainer
The policy of the UK government for the past few years is to act as feeble as possible, to make leaving seems as unattractive as possible, in order to keep Britain in.

The EU is a tyrannical entity that in the last 15 years has passed laws that will destroy Europes economy even Germany's. They don't want to let anyone leave though, so they don't do any contracts with the leaving Great Britain. These assholes don't even believe in the freedom of states.

So basically what's been happening with the Jews,Ugandans, and Vietnamese since the 1900's?

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muh sovereignty

It works for Switzerland and any other non EU European country, faggot

A short smelly paki yeah there will be loads

Are you retarded?

>The concept of race predates the scientific method

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EU forces a lot of hyper-liberal policies like not allowing any kind of protectionism (if you're not named France or Germany anyway), making all gov contracts up for bids even to countries with absolutely trash abiding of unionization rules and similar issues with stock markets.
So you can have a contract that genuinely needs local drivers that you have to hand over to polish meth-using truckers because they offered a lower price (& commensurate service) or you'll be in violation of EU rules and be fined shittons.

This is the future.

Attached: 1561024407253.jpg (720x960, 70K)

>gets bought out by the chinese in 50 years
nothing personal grandkids, i just hated my neighbors so much and thought my 10 million population could stay economically competitive against countries that have billions of people

>Call your Kebab brothers to do your dirty work
>100 members possible

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Shame he became an utter pussy when he got married.

please enlighten me, Mr. Big brains. Why do you need to beg and suck dick to be an independent country?

switzerland and norway have lots of deals in place to get access to eu resources. and norway already said they won‘t support gb getting into efta

if you dont know what an anecdote is, why comment

>EU forces a lot of hyper-liberal policies like not allowing any kind of protectionism
The EU is hyper-protectionist, but in a favouritist sort of way where it's essentially about imposing the will of those member states who toe the line against those who don't.
They also will impose "protectionist" policies on countries who don't want them in order to undermine their ability to export.

The UK isn't in a position to succeed as a fully independent country. It will always require trade networks and agreements.

bad example

Didn't Cyberpunk 2077 show off some people dressed like this in one of its demos?

Better live in decadence now than bust your arse to build some abstract good future.

Not even the guy you're replying to, but yes, that is exactly what that word means

muslims in the future is a bigger possibility than wh*Toids

If EU really was so great, we should help states leave when they want. Not do this terrible shit

Because NHS hospitals are now publishing price lists for certain procedures and we haven't had a competent government for about 60 years now

>gets bought out by Chinese
You think the EU can protect you from that? We can't even build airports. We are lamer with this terrible entity in place

And other countries don't rely on the UK to be part of their trade networks and agreements? Is EU holding all the bargaining chips here? I don't see why a fair and equal trade network requires a country to be part of a global hegemony.

Yes, the EU is holding all the bargaining chips.

People have been drinking the globohomo kool-aid so much they cheer for imperialism that isn't even from their countries.
>oh no no no no, how are we Greeks going to compete with muh Persian empire, look at these irrelevant ionians
>i-it's not imperialism if the eu does it

I shall end the Brexit Horde with my horde of old people!


The EU was lenient enough and did whatever it could when they granted multiple extensions. It‘s not the EUs fault that the incompetent british parliament can‘t come up with a good plan on what to do.

The EU have said that Scotland won't be able to re-join the EU independently right away

In a similar vein here in the states, there are a few states capable of being self-sustaining, but our Supreme Court ruled it illegal to secede from the US. Meaning that despite the qualms of the Left and Right regarding California and Texas; they're here to stay unless everyone somehow put their heads together to write an Amendment allowing for secession.

strength in numbers, this isnt the 19th century where there is a huge technological and industrial difference, everyone is more or less similar, unless the UK can invent alien type of technology it will become a backwater for the billion people countries

>fair and equal
So the entirety of EU is now the same size as the UK

nice ass haha

I am one and can relate

It's been proven for ages now that per-capita, smaller countries tend to be more competitive. Switzerland itself regularly tops the rankings for most competitive country.
Big blocs run by massive bureaucratic governments are inefficient messes and a relic of 20th century delusional centralisation, when people still thought the soviet union works

>I don't know what it is but RIGHTY MEN BAD!

The eu is a net seller to the UK. They will just have completely useless production without it.
The eu is in a position of saying fuck you to their net clients, which is never a good idea.

The EU was handed all the bargaining chips by May. In reality the UK could negotiate from a position of power if it had a government willing to do so.

Objective: Survive

Attached: khan.jpg (1200x675, 107K)

>WWII US kills British’s ebin empire
>UK cant into an economy
>waaaah EU bad gib money
it’s the British version of Mexican immigrants

>EU: do what we want NOW

Attached: 1532722822641.gif (400x400, 1.4M)

In 5 years the economy will tank so hard that everyone will leave. This isn't on the table anymore

>Switzerland itself regularly tops the rankings for most competitive country
Yes. Being the worlds ATM helps.


As much as I like Nigel Farage and his efforts to remove UK from the disasterous EU, UK remains still as bad as the EU when it comes to authoritarianism and Big Brother complex.
>no mopeds
>ban knives
>can't protect yourself from immigrant attacks
>not allowed to make grosa jokes
So really, if UK does leave, it needs to assassinate everyone in the gov't and replace them with fresh new faces. Or else it will be just the same as if they never left.

>reddit spacing
>partisan response

Attached: 1515641951088.jpg (1152x1152, 694K)

Yep! This is a repeat of Far Cry 5

UK government made the mistake of actually, directly asking its citizens for their opinion on something and they used it to vent
democracy good except when it isn't because people don't vote how you want them to

>still gets bought out by the chinese in 50 years cuz they have a billion tax payers

I'm not baited. I'm humoured. And I think playing an old bag is gonna be rad. Might get this on sale

>80 years of being a bankrupt backwater with drunks roaming the streets
>people start leaving NOW for some reason

China's economy is unsustainable and will be in major crisis soon

you think or you know? do you have a homemade bunker? you sound so very convinced

No, they did say 'we' ll do everything to save the euro' and they will actually do anything. They will plunge the whole zone into negative yield (which is already so far below the rest of the world) just for the sake of keeping their retarded union.
Eupeons will eat it up and claim their sluggish performance comes from the big bad CEOs, niggers, etc... But will dismiss any role of the euro.

The NHS is a mess because of the tories and yet the fucking mongrels of this country still vote for them


>What Khan actually said in September was: “Part and parcel of living in a great global city is you’ve got to be prepared for these things, you’ve got to be vigilant, you’ve got to support the police doing an incredibly hard job. We must never accept terrorists being successful, we must never accept that terrorists can destroy our life or destroy the way we lead our lives.”

>The question from audience member Eliza appeared to be based on misinformation in a tweet by Donald Trump Jr, the eldest son of the US president, sent in the hours after the attack in London on the Houses of Parliament which left four dead, including a police officer.

>Trump Jr washeavily criticised for misrepresenting Khanby linking to a September 2016 story in the Independent, which quoted Khan in the wake of a bombing in New York.

nice irrelevant response

If Italy follows suit, which is honestly very likely, the EU is fucked. Between Italy and UK it'd lose 30% of its founding.

>dressed in a chinese/japanese kimono
What did they mean? Is Asia Europe now?

Holy shit. I'm not taking the shit when I say that the EU is run by tyrants

Tasty meme, but even that works for the argument considering financial services are as big a part of the UK economy than the Swiss.

said the nervous man since the 90s

Where are the mods? Why is this shit poltard thread still up?

They voted for it. Let them sizzle. No love for Perfidious Albion.

Why the fuck would I have pride in this shit hole when it's been ran by fucking morons for the last few decades? There is 0 reason to be optimistic while we still have the FPTP system in place.

too many white people in the game though

not anymore with countless banks already leaving london lol

I own a company in Germany. The laws they are making will kill the automobile in Germany and the EU by extension.

fuck off m8
the NHS is fucked because of labour in the 90's thanks to that fuck tony blair
fuck off junker you old tool

wtf I love assault now

>dude just leave the EU to sort out the internal problems the UK have made for themselves
Thank fuck you're nowhere near a position of power.

i bet the jews did this lmfao

It is this monopoly money that's the problem

Brexit basically just hurts both UK and rest of europe
it especially hurts irish because the irish border question cannot be solved
It is the same way that if Texas wanted to split from USA, there would be no real victory in doing so

>get left behind due to England (London) focusing toryscum
>decide that being in a union of equals is better than being dragged along with whatever retarded plan the UK puts forward

About right for a retarded post like that.

>the guardian
>defending khan

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Fair enough, but it's not like the guy he's talking to brings any statistical and documented evidence of it being otherwise. And even then, treating everyone like some hive mind don't really makes sense, personality can differ from human to human based on many factors.

>Part and parcel of living in a great global city is you’ve got to be prepared for
So pretty much the same thing then.

Third world immigration is totally unrelated to the EU you spastic, we're not even in schegen either so anyone who went through Europe would still need a passport to legally enter
>dude but illegal immigration lmao
Yeah and when we live the EU, the French have no obligation to stop calais migrants from boarding trucks.

ive wanted no deal brexit all along its our mps that wont allow it to happen fucking cockroaches

Well considering his justice department lived fast and the furious, can you blame them?

EU membership is a symptom, and also a cause of those very problems you dummy
Leave winning was a sign that you can still do something, that the people still have something of a voice, but you're too much of a pussy to actually try. Instead you want the elites to overturn the result so that you can be dragged further down the gutter, because national pride is racist now and trying to improve your lot is a capitalist idea.

You're so fucking weak, fuck off to get buttfucked by muzzies in Brussels and leave the UK to people who actually want it to go somewhere.

>just blame the government that the UK elected as a whole lmao, then when it goes wrong we'll just blame the EU/remainers/anyone but ourselves like we always do

grow thicker skin baby boy


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I hate the lefts obsession with quirky british accents. They are everywhere now, in every ubisoft, Bioware, Blizzard game.... you name it.
Accents aren't a substitute for character you lazy Hacks!

It's good, who wants island Monkeys free to move? GOTT STRAFE ENGLAND!

Charlie is so fucking good. How does he do it?

>Supporting the far more powerful European Union is resistance

I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe.

UK has to be the stupidest nation on the planet currently.

>The Irish liked that

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>no mopeds

>Liberate Ireland from the English to hand it over to the Middle East and Africa

You know Brexit came about because over half the people voting on it voted to leave, right? Is it really an extreme far-right idea if about half the country wants it?


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It's 'talking shit' or 'taking the piss' you Anglo pretender

>racists whining about anecdotal arguments when they use straw man and fallacies everyday

do you like drinking onions and wasting money on espressos while using the latest apple product in london? then brexit bad!
are you a working class working hand to mouth while being forgotten by the capital and looked down on by the very people you elected while they snort crack and turn a blind eye and in some cases join in on raping kids?
then brexit is good

Knives are banned only in the UK. The problems of the UK are all made by the UK itself. The EU is just an easy target.

Why do British fascists fear these so much?

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>British fascists
i wish

This is just theatrics. Y'all know damn well at this point Ubisoft is just stroking political feels just like The Division, GR Wildlands, and Far Cry 5 with the end product being the most apolitical open-world games we've always gotten.

No you won’t be able to bigot
Now eat shit and kill yourself like the waste of human space that you are.

>the people still have something of a voice
Oh like when we voted for May to be the PM.
Or how we voted for a DUP /Tory coalition with a 1 billion pound bribe, after various comments about there not being a money tree and years of austerity.
Or how we had a say in anything at all since the general election.
Or how we have a say in who is going to be the new PM, from a pool of people who failed to beat a remainer with a record of being piss poor as home secretary.
This is a truly powerful voice.

fear the facists

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The IRA does owe a debt a Libya

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Because shitskins are lactose intolerant

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>piece of media showing more whites than there actually are
that's weird

Reading comprehension is hard, huh?

>Minor EU states being ‘equal’ to the big boys of France and German in anything but name.

Scottish ‘nationalists’ who want to join the EU are just retarded.

>sweating man looking at two buttons
>one marked as hating homos
>other marked as hating muslims

basically the smallhats run the world, we should have listened to Hitler, and leaving the EU wasn't part of their plan

Hitler just couldn't compete with overwhelming Communist superiority

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Brits want full autonomy over how to govern itself but at the same time, they want trading to cost as it did in the union. The union has its dues and it functions on all members (ie countries) paying it forward to function. Brits wanted to dodge those membership fees and also didn't want as many refugees and muslims in their country.

The union thinks it's unfair that the UK wants to not be a member but still get all the priviledges of a union member. Also the loudest proponents of brexit are unabashedly racist and are exactly the types of people you see in those "smug enlightened gentleman absolutely RAPES a stupid feminist in public"

it's a reasonable argument that Brits want to govern themselves, and the amount of refugees was stressing their system, however, they don't get to go back to the club house and demand membership discounts a week after they spat on the carpet and called everyone cucks.

Metokur said you guys are about to ban mopeds like Kahn wanted. I assumed you guys already did.

I didn't come into this thread expecting to see the truth

>bigot is a retarded bigot
Kill yourself user.

Peak NPC.

>Brits had a great economy on their own and thought things would get better (it did, for a while) if they tied all their economy to in-land euros
My god is literally everyone here historically and economically illiterate? The British economy was dead prior to joining the EU, they needed the IMF to survive.

This but unironically

>having your daughters raped by Pakistani gangs is the norm, and Brits like it so much that they don't rebel against the government and the press that aids and abets this
>Go to prison for racism if you complain about Muslim crime
>Go to prison for telling a man that he doesn't actually become a woman by cutting off his penis and eating hormone tablets
>Coroners forced by law to discriminate against Christians and prioritize Jews and Muslims
>Citizens are forbidden to defend themselves with guns or even knives even though London is one of the most crime-ridden cities in the western world
>People throwing fucking acid at each other
The UK is the most sickening society on this planet, and I'll be glad if they finally fuck off so they don't get to vote in the EU anymore. I'll take the sensible policies proposed by the Czechs, Austrians, Italians, Hungarians, Poles and Slovaks over the insane and perverted Britbongs any day.

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Because your goverment that locks you up over a butterknife and dictates what kind of porn you are allowed to watch is something to take pride in.

>EU: do what we want NOW
>EU: have fun without us
>switzerland: dw.com/en/switzerland-votes-on-changing-gun-laws-to-fit-with-eu-rules/a-48788290

Most of the replies are lying. Im going to try to be as straight as possible.

A main issue is representation. The EU gets to set laws and regulations for the country without even residing within the country, but the UK is large enough that it doesn't need the EU to function economically. So, most people wish to cut ties to the EU, who are making all kinds of retarded decisions. An issue that prompted this was Germany's immigration crisis, where they've taken innso many immigrants that it's fucked with the economy and crime rates have skyrocketed, but they're unwilling to deal with it because most of it is rape and it would be considered "insensitive" to punish the extremist Muslims for their incompatible treatment of women.

The left DO have a point in wishing to stay: the UK economy isn't entirely stable, and losing the EU will send the country into a recession. Shit will be rough for several years, but they'll have their independence. Personally, I think they'd emerge stronger after the recession.

Further complicating the issue is the government ignoring the clearly democratically-elected choice of LEAVE and attempting to make offers with the EU before they leave, and leadership is stretching it out for infinity.

The EU is still garbage, but I respect any European who hates the fucking british. The worst European Country is still less disgusting and shitty than Britain.

t. American

>it encourages other countries to seek true independence again
Except that since the Brexit referendum, the support for the EU went up in all EU countries

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Hey, at least I don't reply to 2 hour old posts just to call people "bigots" and bring nothing to the discussion. Get off your high horse.

>The EU gets to set laws and regulations for the country without even residing within the country
Same desu, I hate it that northern irish who voted for the DUP, who went into a coalition gov. now can decide stuff that happens in Scotland. That's literally fascism desu

the retards in brussels think turkey is so why not?

As someone from Europe, I just want those retards to leave the EU already and never come back. If they chicken out at the last second, we should just kick them out.

And Britain thinks that the Falklands are English, so what

words words words words

>and the amount of refugees was stressing their system
I don't even live in the fucking country, but everyone can see that it's been catastrophic. The EU has failed and I honestly hope that more countries jump ship.

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>I don't even live in the fucking country, but everyone can see that it's been catastrophic.
Then work on solutions, if you want to close the EU border, go forth but actually work towards it and don't just do the political equivalent of shitposting by telling everyone how you would love to close the EU border without any plans, funding or ideas.

No, they will fuck off, they shouldd never have join in the first place.

>blindly wanting to advance forward
>and poke spears behind people's back if they didn't follow
This is why you have a fight in your hands right now.

the only people complaining about it on Yea Forums are a secret leftypol discord group headed by speedonvhs and adamantium with their buddies jimmy hazmat zerraina solaireislove etc

>da utube man sed it
If you're going to listen to literally who political youtubers, at least independently fact check the stuff you're parroting, Christ.


You're probably a descendant of a convict sent from the UK you spastic, and if not then you're a mutt like all yanks.

Shut the fuck up racist

>you can only ever respond to new posts and not reply to posts made before you opened the thread
Fuck off retard

How much do they pay you

It's not about what I want, it's about what is needed if they don't want the whole fucking union to go under. We SHOULD have people to work on this shit. What signal does it send when the EU are just letting in millions of "refugees" without any background check whatsoever?

If Merkel actually wants a unified EU and an army to boot, then start by using all of those euros on building a designated border military. We all pay outta the ass for the union, would be nice to see the money spent on something that actually safeguarded everyone.

My family is all finns, actually, but whatever helps you sleep at night, nigel.

So lads whats the news on the porn license?
Heard it got delayed to the end of July but now it's the end of the year?

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Wasn't it 52-48? That's a very small margin she's talking about.

What did your namecalling accomplish exactly? What need is there to call out every single old post you don't like for the sake of it?

Blame the people who came up with the referendum, not the people who voted in it.

>already suspended by May
Imagining being kicked out by a caretaker PM lmao

It got me a (you) and I'm not even who you first replied to :^]

The UK was one of the parties advocating for Turkey to join you mong.

When will we get a right wing game?
It seems there are plenty of left wing ones

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UK right now is shit hole with or without EU as someone from Czechia i would be rather if UK stayed so we did have bigger chance for reformation in EU but i also understand why they want to leave and that the chance for reformation is pretty low there is also the fact that Italy France and Spain are in massive debt and i kinda doubt that there is enough money to bailout them like Greece

52-48 ian the referendum 4 years ago, there was recently euro elections where farage and his new party which was created like 4 weeks before took 33% of the vote crushing everyone else
the sentiment it would seem is that the majority accept brexit and just want to get it over with

Never, because they are against this. It's got nothing to do with trannies, they're just a diversion.

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lmao, the fucking red necks of the nordic countries? I'm embarrassed for you.

I do blame our shitshow government, but I'm not going to ignore the morons who still believe in this facade

It's not even been 3 years since the referendum.
>just want to get it over with
Leaving the EU is just the start of this shitshow though, it's not something to just 'get it over with'

When you make one.

It was a ploy to regain votes lost to a populist party that backfired when the result didn't go the way that the establishment echo chamber expected, regardless of the viability of it all many voted to leave in part to spite the establishment and preachy 'experts'. It was the opposite of a meaningful vote in that it specified absolutely nothing except 'leave' which in return placed expectations on the politicians to do something vaguely leave-y despite them having neither have the principles nor the backbone to do anything at all (In part they've become comfortable legislating trivial shit while the EU and civil servants handle the rest). This all at a time when both main political parties are struggling with internal factionalism and a crisis for who they are really trying to represent which led to years of negotiating, doing things that were sabotaging further negotiations and remaining a completely incapable political force.

It probably could have been salvaged already by now but the political class have either been inept or powerless for decades and those behind the scenes that write our legislation or sit on budget boards are so wedded to the EU that they're not going to let the boat be rocked unless forced to. For most of us on the ground it means fuck all either way, we have a good passport so anything about visas is irrelevant to those of us who have a holiday in Spain once every year or two, immigration in or out of the EU has never been handled the way the working class want so nothing will change there and any talk of the state of the economy seem to have little reflection in our daily life beyond the every increasing prices.

TLDR: Fuck the government, Fuck LAB/CON, Fuck the EU and Fuck the middle class cunts who act like this is the end of the world, It's not.

The alt-right is too stupid to make videogames.

The right is inherently unimaginative and lacks creativity

kingdom come has right wind developers
but are decent people so they did not push it


>still trying to push the failed "Warhorse are right wing" meme


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they are Vavra have right wing blog and another developer posting on codex also did you play the dlc ? or you just want shitpost?

Let me guess, american?

Not adding niggers in medieval time Europe is apparently extreme right-wing so Kingdom Come

>Telling journos black people in Medieval Europe would be dumb makes him right wing

You're just making yourself look more pathetic, especially considering Vavra is Jewish.

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Imagine the US submitting to every whim and command of the UN instead of telling them to fuck off. Not a perfect analogy but close enough. We want to leave the EU so that we can hold our politicians accountable for fucking up the country rather than them saying they were simply following Germany's orders. A lot of people who voted leave also remember when the EU was a trade union only and we were promised it'd never get any sort of political power. There are other reasons beyond that but I think most people will be dissapointed to learn nothing will change regardless of if we are in the EU or not. Hell, our leaders still won't be held accountable either way.

As for people chimping out about it, a lot are faggots in love with the idea of being "European" instead of the denizen of a single country and have this daydream of using the current freedom of movement to your all of Europe living and working where ever they please but will never actually do so anyway. Another large group are yelling racism because white people are not allowed to be picky about who gets into their clay. Nevermind a lot of the older generation migrants also want tighter limits on immigration because they don't want Britain to become the very shithole they fled from.

Some people also think we'll become like venezuela because they think all food comes from Europe and that all trade will magically stop or become hyper inflated in price just because we have to go a few months on WTO rates.


Based ESL

so ? being jewish now mean that you cannot be right wing? you must be retarted

Vavra write on right wing blog + in the last election he did promote right wing political party

All anglos should support brexit and Trump.

Why doesn't the UK just leave? Surely that's the least painful option in the long run

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EU only really benefits the financial sector and due to economic central planning the EU promotes many areas of the UK still have not recovered from Thatcher's purge of industry.

The Tory government wanted something to distract the public from their harrowing of public spending and it backfired because most politicians in the UK retire to EU jobs when they are finished fucking up.

In short, the EU and the UK upper class are shitting themselves because they can't pretend the UK isn't falling apart by waving economic numbers around which barely impact the greater part of the country.


Sturgeon asks for a second independence referendum every day, just ignore her autistic shrieking

I hate how the Scots have both a parliment and a representation in our Parliment.

You fucks do literally nothing but vote for more spending on your fetid unemployed asses.

Because only half of UK wants to leave
UK will tear itself in half in the process

That's not how a democratic vote works. We voted leave, we leave, any remoaners are cucks.

No reason you can't have both

Suppose the UK leaves, now that they are separate from the EU, what are supposed to be the regulations for any and all goods leaving and entering the country? Nobody knows, and nobody can think of how to re-write literally everything because nothing about Brexit was done with planning or foresight.

The Remain camp is trying desperately to make leaving as painful as possible.

But now the tories are having a leadership vote and the two left are Pro-brexit populists.

>England and Wales lose two massive drains on their economy
>Ireland gains two massive drains on their economy

I agree with this 100%.

Sure you can be Jewish and be right wing, but that's like being a slav and pretending you are white.

... Keep the regulations the same as we have them now? And update them accordingly?

>Get more money spent on you than several other counties and wales combined
>Still angry because you waste all the money on hiring crack addicts to be NHS windowcleaners.

Why would a country not part of the EU have the same regulations as the EU? If UK is such a special snowflake, they need to come up with their own laws.

Because nobody actually came up with a sane idea for leaving the EU.

After months of debating and discussion during the 2016 referendum, there was no single unified idea for what leaving meant. Do we have a hard brexit? soft brexit? Do we stay in customs union? EEA? Do we become like Norway?. Nobody had a clue but they just wanted to leave

It's been nearly 3 years since people voted to leave and nobody still has any clue what to do

To make trade easier?

Oh wait, you're some weird Pro-EU mongoloid who actually reads the Guardian's fearmongering and thinks Brexit will backup ports and transport.

I find it funny that despite the fact we're literally still trading with places like Australia and South Africa adding a few more checkmarks on EU goods will suddenly grind us to a halt.

Almost like Remoaners know nothing about shipping, I bet they think it's cheaper to get Bannanas from Spain instead of South Africa.

Reality does not work like that
After taking turnout and people who were not allowed to vote, both sides were under 30% of the whole population
Ok, leave won, does not change the fact that brexit is pulling UK apart

The current track record is Hard Brexit. So the best Brexit and the one everyone voted for.

>people who were not allowed to vote
If they couldn't be bothered to vote on an issue, they have no right to complain about its result.

Brexit is pulling the UK apart because we have many politicians trying to subvert the course of a democratic vote.

We need a swift Hard Brexit to shut up all the pointless debate about a subject we have already voted and should have resolved.

Except leavers are split in soft brexiteers and hard brexiteers and while you can posture to do so, you cannot fully co-opt the other side
There is a reason why Tory party could self-destruct over the brexit shit

I wonder if you'll applaud the collapse of London, even as it severs your own economy.

Oh no, all that money, that flows into London and then never returns, that is barely taxed by the government and exists only to make the UK look pretty!

How ever will I, a Yorkshireman, live without that! Oh wait, the Government already gives us scraps and we make do!

So the UK will still follow EU laws, except it has no say in them? What was the point of Brexit then

Nobody wants a Soft Brexit; You simply have remainers in the tory party create the term to try and cling onto some EU connections.

Nobody who voted leave wants a soft Brexit.

Following regulations are not the same as following Laws, there is zero point in changing them arbitrarily just to make EU trade more complex. Are you being stupid on purpose?