ITT: Fuck you, I liked it

ITT: Fuck you, I liked it.

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Please watch your language, this is 4channel not Yea Forums.

Honestly it's a shame that this game came out when it did. It's a good game, but it wasn't what Banjo fans should've received at the time. If this had come out just a couple of years after a Banjo platformer with another classic Banjo game on the horizon people would've been a lot more welcoming to it.

I've always heard nothing but enjoyment for the game. Was it not well received?

Yeah it was a great game but it was hated because it was different.
Like unleashed but less broken

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At least channel your contrarianism into a good game, queer.

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I liked it but I was never able to beat it. I don't even own a PS2 anymore to even play it lol.

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Unleashed was actually shit though. The "different" part of Unleashed was the most shallow action game on the market.

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I can appreciate someone disliking it if they actually played it but 80-90 percent of the hate comes from people who never tried it once. Really underrated game and it came with the first banjo Kazooie back in the day.

People on the board say this but can never define it. i swear it just means "what i don't like"

I honestly didn't hate Nuts & Bolts. Examined objectively, it's a fine game with novel mechanics that are fairly well realized and implemented. The issue is that it's a Banjo Kazooie game that released after a 3rd platformer-style game had been teased for years, and MS didn't appear to understand why people were upset. On top of that, the franchise has been dormant since. If Rare had produced Banjo-Threeie since, I think people would be far less harsh on N&B.

It's been a while since I played it but I found those sections damn boring when I was 13 and knew very little about action games, so I can't imagine them being much better with more experience with the genre. "God of War but worse" was the comparison at the time and that sounds about right. The old God of War games at least had the visceral impact of damage and cool setpiece moments. The Werehog stages felt like a cheap cash-in.

>it's a good game just not a good banjo game
>shitty repetitive missions
>literally empty worlds
>a hub and certain missions that restrict your vehicle/creativity
>same reused NPCs constantly going "haha isn't this game awful" as "humor"


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It sounds trite but it’s not a bad game, it’s just a bad Banjo Kazooie game

no it was poorly received, because it took a beloved franchise, shat on its core gameplay in the intro, and changed it almost completely immediately afterwards
if it didn't use the BK IP I'm sure it would have been well received but the way they presented it was terrible
imagine if they brought Crash Bandicoot back for a 4th game and turned it into a third person shooter after intentionally butchering the platforming gameplay at the beginning and laughing at how bad it is

>It sounds trite but it’s not a bad game, it’s just a bad Banjo Kazooie game
What does that even mean? Is Conker's Bad Fur Day a bad Conker game? Is Mario Kart a bad Mario game? Is Metroid Pinball a bad Metroid game? Is Wolfenstein 3D a bad Wolfenstein game?

>imagine if they brought Crash Bandicoot back for a 4th game and turned it into a third person shooter after intentionally butchering the platforming gameplay at the beginning and laughing at how bad it is
You mean like when the second Conker game (and Conker's third appearance in a videogame) was Rare shitting on Banjo, Conker, and basically the entire platformer and collectathon genre?

Never understood bitching about this game. Same retarded humor, same colorful locations, a bit of variety on missions instead of half assed platforming
All good in my book

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>The issue is that it's a Banjo Kazooie game that released after a 3rd platformer-style game had been teased for years, and MS didn't appear to understand why people were upset. On top of that, the franchise has been dormant since.
There's a reason for that. The creator of the series was sick and tired of me-too collectathons like Banjo and Mario, and he decided that he'd only greenlight a pitch for a new Banjo if it bought something fresh and new to the table. He wants the Sea of Thieves of Banjo games, basically.

I liked it too. It was fucking good. Microsoft should have paired it with an actual Banjo 3 though, kind of like what T2 did with XCOM.

It's a bad banjo game because it's the third entry in a 3d platforming collectathon franchise that ditches the 3d platforming and replaces it with car building and 'challenges' that involves racing or some other generic activity.

Does that answer the question or are you going to cherry pick something else to condescedingly criticize?

You only get like 12 enemies on screen at a time

yup, N&B did the same thing at the beginning too
they made Banjo fat and slow and gave you a very long and boring line of notes to collect before saying that no one wants to do that

>Microsoft should have paired it with an actual Banjo 3 though
Microsoft don't have that kind of control of Banjo. Gregg Mayles doesn't want another classic-style Banjo, and he calls the shots. At what point did people forget that Rare were always "fuck you, we'll do what we want" creative auteurs? Fans wanted another Bond game from them. Nintendo wanted another Bond game from them. Rare were like, "No, we don't want to make one." And that was that. It would be like Bungie telling Microsoft that, no, they can't have Halo 2 because they're bored of Halo after one game." And MS throwing up their hands and shelving the Halo series out of respect.

>It's a bad banjo game because it's the third entry in a 3d platforming collectathon franchise that ditches the 3d platforming and replaces it with car building and 'challenges' that involves racing or some other generic activity.
So Mario Artist: Polygon Studio, then. In fact, that's LITERALLY what Mario Artist: Polygon Studio for the N64 is. Does that mean Mario Artist is a bad Mario game?

It went so retarded and deviated from previous games so drastically it got Postal3'd and isn't canon anymore. The main reason of such brutal change was because publisher demandings, they wanted the next game accesible for consoles and for a wider age audience

mario didn't die off when artist was released

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Answer the question. Mario Golf is about Mario playing golf. Does that mean that Mario Golf is a "bad Mario game"?

What part of "Banjo's creator refused to make any more collectathons" is unclear to you? Banjo didn't "die off". It's just that to date nobody has managed to pitch an actually good Banjo game to Rare. Criteria for "actually good" includes "Must not be a collectathon".

This one for sure, but mostly for the sick finishing moves and ryona potential

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So games magically become "bad Series X" games if the developers decide to stop making games in a style you like?

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I unironically liked Mega Man X6. Its level design and gimmicks are dogshit but the fundamental jumping and shooting is still pretty fun.

Does that mean that Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is a "bad Star Wars game" because it isn't about flying an X-Wing, and isn't an FPS/TPS title? And isn't a racing game? After all, KOTOR isn't what the Rogue Squadron fanbase wanted from a Star Wars game.

I agree. Played through it twice, back to back, once as X, then getting Zero as soon as possible and playing only as him.
I haven't beaten X7 since it didn't even get the fundamentals to feel good.

I think the fact that Rare was in a weird self deprecating phase didn't help. The whole game just wanted to shit on the idea of Banjo. Like, "here you little shits, you happy now??"

That said I actually did enjoy it too when I played it. The car making system was fucking amazing and I wish it had been used in another game that utilized it better.

>I think the fact that Rare was in a weird self deprecating phase didn't help. The whole game just wanted to shit on the idea of Banjo. Like, "here you little shits, you happy now??"
Chris Seavor was developing Perfect Dark Core during this period and he wanted to completely fuck up the Perfect Dark series, essentially. Wreck Joanna's character. wreck Elvis, wreck everything. Just piss all over it the way he did with Conker.

Yeah, that's the thing. X7's gameplay is inherently broken while X6 is still playable.

Don't quote me on this and I don't care enough to look up a source but I swear I've read before that they've pitched MULTIPLE Banjo games to Microsoft and they've been shot down or just never beyond planning stages.

Also Nuts and Bolts was originally a traditional Banjo game that they reverse engineered into what it became.

>This formula is successful but getting a git stale. Lets do something completely new and stupid instead of just iterating on a concept we know works to spice it up.

Fucking genius, that one.

>it was a great game

It was packed with menus, a dead overworld, terrible visual design and boring gameplay. Fuck out of here with your faggotry, nobody hated it solely because it wasn't identical to 1 and 2, it was hated because it fucking sucked even on its own "merits."

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You got a sauce on that? Seems like good readin

>Don't quote me on this and I don't care enough to look up a source but I swear I've read before that they've pitched MULTIPLE Banjo games to Microsoft and they've been shot down or just never beyond planning stages.
Na, that was completely untrue. Some LARPer claiming to be a Rare employee. Every Rare employee including Seavor and others have shot it down.
>Also Nuts and Bolts was originally a traditional Banjo game that they reverse engineered into what it became.
Originally they were going to remake Banjo. The problem is that Banjo's creator was sick and tired of games like Banjo. They tried a bunch of different ideas, but they still played like Banjo. They still had a formula he was sick of. And to this day has no interest in revisiting. Sea of Thieves was his dream game. Remember that Banjo started out as a pirate game called Project Dream. If there was going to be a new Banjo it had to be drastically different to the games that came before it. Rare is not interested in making games "for the fans" or anything like that. They make the games they want to make, although there was favoritism in regards to who could make those calls.

Similarly, it was Rare management who wanted to make Kinect games because Kinect was new and different and exciting and not boring and old like Banjo and shit. MS's crime was snuffing out projects through disinterest. But Banjo was pure Rare. And pure Gregg Mayles. He could approve a new Banjo tomorrow. But he won't unless it's really, really different. Rare don't churn out fan-pandering games like Nintendo do.

Chris has been posting the design documents for Core on his Twitter account. He also gave some interviews on PD Core a few years ago. Basically Carrington is corrupt, Elvis betrays her, and basically Joanna isn't "good" anymore. He wanted to character assassinate the entire cast and the entire game universe because that was his approach to game design. I suspect the reason he got little backlash for it with Conker is that relatively few people played Conker's Pocket Tales. They didn't understand what a violation of Conker and Berri Bad Fur Day was. People are actually shocked that Rare would piss on their own work with stuff like Nuts & Bolts because they didn't pay attention to how Rare behaved in the 90s.

Microsoft don't really control Rare. For example, the reason Battletoads exists is because a studio pitched their Battletoads idea to Rare, and Rare said okay. If you are a studio, and you pitch a Banjo idea to Rare, and Rare say okay, then you get to make a Banjo game. The problem is that if you pitch "Banjo and it's literally more of the same", you'll get shot down by Rare. If MS had control over Banjo they'd have milked the shit out of it by now.

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Anyone who did not enjoy this game is without a doubt a brainlet unable to apply critical thinking to problem solving and is incapable of any form of abstract thought

Only drooling imbeciles upset that this isn't the same game as the "shiny thing me want" design of the last two Banjo Kazooie games have any critiques about Nuts and Bolts and they all lacking in substance.

>the worlds are too big!
yes, they have to accommodate your vehicles
>the art style is bad!
it literally compliments the design and mechanics of the building block vehicle creator
>the missions are boring!
if you can't receive any satisfaction out of literally creating a solution to various problems and challenges and going through the trial and error process to refine and develop your strategy to obtain the high scores you actually need to have your personhood stripped away and be extradited to an island where you adhd retards can get out of the way of humanity's development.

This game by all objective measures a unique, fresh and rewarding experience and whether or not an individual enjoys it or not, is the ultimate indicator of determining if they deserve human rights