Jealous women

Say Yea Forums I've been thinking. Could it be that women in the real world are jealous of fictional women?
How come women want to censor so much in every culture when it comes to attractive women in every form of entertainment? Be it movies, a tv series or a videogame.

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Other urls found in this thread:,_1914!eVZXnChQ!Zv9A3o_HiVVg4CG8RmoalQ

Yes, my co worker keeps telling me I need a real woman. I told her my waifu is real but she says I need a real woman's touch, I've had a real woman's touch and it makes me sick, women have pores on their body that release odours, they have shit inside their intestines, they have hair all over their body like an ape but a cute waifu doesn't have any of that.
I love my waifu, I can hold her hand right now, she's sitting beside me I can even smell her shampoo people who can't see she's real are delusional

Of course they are, just look at how they respond to the pressure to look good even without anime. Imagine, if after layering on the makeup and spending thousands on outfits you still couldn't look better than a 5 buck drawing.


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That's... not what I asked. But thanks for your input nonetheless. I'd say girls are to blame though. Its not about waifus, most men just like to look at cute, hot girls. Be it in vidya or anywhere else even if they are fictional. We have the graphics to make them look extremely attractive. So why not do so?


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I was also thinking it's because lot of females are into diviant art types of shit and they can't draw as good so they are blaming better drawings?

>How come women want to censor so much in every culture when it comes to attractive women in every form of entertainment?
They don't. Outside of the Internet it's extremely rare that women have a problem with it. Hell even on the Internet it's very rare. It's a very vocal tiny minority of meme-tier feminists.

I've told my story a few times here
I love my waifu, her and I are in a committed relationship and people who can't see that are ignorant and delusional

Actually based.

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Yes, people figured this out a while ago if I'm not mistaken. It's just about removing the competition. Same reason why they're okay with twitch whores and free condoms in university (because they can benefit from it), but they're against prostitution and sexualized media (because it decreases market demand for them).

Women aren't opposed to sex; they're opposed to competition.

I only state 100% true and honest facts on this board, I never lied once why would I?
The fact is that real women are disgusting, look at the bottom of a real woman's foot for example, it's ugly and dirty and has thick calloused yellow skin now look at the bottom of this foot, you can enjoy this too if you take the waifu pill

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I dunno, just look at Anita Sarkeesian and how much follower she has to this day. I mean it also made the news in some countries about the "sexualization" of women.
Just look at the recent case with Tifa. The "ethic department" decided to shrink her chest, put on spats on her and a sports bra. Probably on the already finished model. But there are many such cases like Lara Croft or how sony now censors everything. Its certainly not your average heterosexual male doing that.

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Never mentioned any waifus, but aight.

I'd say that has some grounds to be true. Not like women being jealous of fiction doesn't exist either, I met someone who legitimately got jealous that I had some sort of affection for 2D despite my affection being on her mainly.
Bitches be crazy if you look hard enough, I tell ya.

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She's not wearing spats over her boots, I don't know how this delusion started

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2D footfags are still footfags and they get the rope too.

I'm not a foot fag and my waifu isn't 2D she's from a PS1 game

Unironically based and waifupilled
Roasties ain't shit

They didn't shrink her boobs though. And the ethics department is just there to make sure they get the ratings they want. Finally, women get exhausted of media mostly marketed toward men telling them what to look like.

What do you mean? She's with me right now, not beside you!

>telling them what to look like
Imagine being so self-centered and vain that they think it's about them.

I was thinking spats under her skirt. Normally there should be white panties and a man playing that game could actually take a peek at them while he plays. But I guess that was considered "unethical" by the "ethic department."

Thank you
That's false though I can see her

Yes. Women are very competitive against other women, be it fictional or non fictional. Mother’s have killed their own daughters because they looked prettier.

>Damage control boobs
>Damage control for ethics department
>Damage control with groundless feminist ideological drivel

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roasties btfo

She's not wearing spats

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They did?

Women are very jealous of other women. I used to be in a relationship with a very jealous woman. It started slow but over time the jealousy was really bad. It started with porn, then it crept into TV shows and movies and finally gaming. She could not stand other attractive women.

I had a chubby female friend that would say society forces an impossible beauty standard on women, and I think most women think like her. It's just easier to continue eating cheetos and blame society for your own lack of self control.

My goodness, I drove past a highschool and so many fat mexican girls were there. My college campus wasn't much different, as like 1 in 2 women are fat.

Basically, women don't want to compete. It's not often in their nature to strive to be better physically and mentally, at least not as much as a man.


Not sure user I do know that this window will close in 3 seconds

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>My opinion is fact!

Anyway there can be beauty in imperfection though.

Men see a mountain and try to figure out ways to climb it. Women see a mountain and complain it's too tall.

>Could it be that women in the real world are jealous of fictional women?
Jealous might be a bit of a strong word. They just like attention and don't like being ignored.
Even if they already have a bf/husband/fuckfriends/whatever, they still expect other men to give them attention. They want attention even from men they're not interested in.
It's very childish behavior and shouldn't be encouraged desu.

Prove to me she's wearing spats, those are just her boots
Everything I say is the truth and I've never been proven wrong this is a fact


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user what do spats have to do with boots?

Yes she does wear spats under her skirt. Spats are also a form of pants. Usually worn for sport.

The only difference between a fictional woman and a real woman is that you can physically interact with the real woman.
But, a lot of real women do not want to physically interact with you, and have no interest in this.
To these women, there is no difference between themselves and a fictional woman, since the only difference (being able to physically interact) is unimportant to them.
As a result, the fictional woman is direct competition.

Spats as in tight shorts

unethical face, unethical cleavage, unethical thighs, unethical skin tone

Look at my pic again, you wear spats over your shoes
How is it humanly possible to strap a spat on your pussy? Think before you post

>have cosplayer gf
>get to enjoy the 2.5D it brings

I give no shits about the topic im just posting 2D

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3.... 2.... 1.... Hm... didn't work.

dude, shut up, they're just short bike shorts

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Let's find out

Why are you still posting about shoe spats? It’s shorts. They’re shorts.

Based waifu enthusiast.

>They didn't shrink her boobs though
They did.

>And the ethics department is just there to make sure they get the ratings they want
Do you know what ethics means?

>Finally, women get exhausted of media mostly marketed toward men telling them what to look like.
Only because it's easier to just continue eating cheetos and complain about things. It's making excuses.

Because it's fucking bullshit, spats are worn on the shoes by men Tifa isn't wearing spats get it through your thick skulls dumb Euro homos
Learn fucking English

i jealous of fictional men as well

I feel trapped in my house. I can't think straight. I don't know what's happening. I haven't been able to concentrate for days.

>Everything I say is the truth and I've never been proven wrong this is a fact

That is by definition a lie. You're not as smart as you think you are, friend.

Only fatass americans are censoring tits. Everyone else is more worried about gore.

I’m American you chimp
They’re spats, bike shorts, tight sport shorts
When I go to buy them and I can’t find them I ask for spats and I don’t get sent to a men’s warehouse shoe section I get bike shorts

I never said I'm smart

You don't want to censor them though right? You just want to be them?

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>Look at my pic again, you wear spats over your shoes
That's a different kind of spats, user
From the context, it was clear that the user you responded to was referring to the other kind
>durr stop using words differently than I do, words only mean what I personally decide they mean
Literal autism

Nah, that's just the feminazis. A lot of the girls I know are cool with it or neutral. Besides, a lot of sexy fighting games have a big female fanbase.

Those are spats and Tifa wears some as censorship.

Attached: spats.jpg (600x600, 108K)

I don't have breast envy I just hate cowtits, they can all die.

big booty bitches

You first.

It's because, despite the fake statistics, gaming is primarily a male endeavour.
Women have no problem with nudity or lascivious lingerie (just look at the way they strip off to protest for feminism).
They have a problem with men desiring women who are not them.
They have a problem with men having access to images of women who have better bodies than them

Search "spats" on any booru and see what comes up

Heh... I don't hate breasts but I hate them?

I didn't either, but you're saying everything you speak is the truth.

It's really just opinions that are coming from someone who sounds like they have a very hard head.

yes, i don't want to censor them

Just don't pretend they arn't realistic and I agree.

That... doesn't make sense at all. Then why hate? Is that the joke?

>not liking spats
what a faggot

Why would you wear spandex shorts homo? Lmaoooo
By the way, here's a search on Sport Chek, the Countries largest sporting goods store for Spats. Nothing, why? Because they don't sell men's accessories from the Edwardian era
There's only one kind of spat
No she isn't, she's wearing Spandex shorts

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I'm hooked and I can't stop staring

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I sometimes wonder. What if a alien race like the Asari lands on the planet and earths men get hooked on them. What would happen?

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Yes they are. My ex was an insecure chestlet and she forbid me from playing games like DoA and Senran Kagura.

>women in the real world are jealous of fictional women
Close but keep guessing

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This is from the Bay, the biggest department store in the country
No spats, in fact they automatically change it to spots because spats isn't even a term that exists in their database, why? Because they haven't sold spats for a 100 years

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First result on google and I got pic related. Musashi spats.

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i share your pain user

Well I'm Canadian, not European I don't know what terms you use there I only know English and Canadian stores don't show any result for spats

How comes all games don't allow you to dress up the characters however you want yet? This whole Tifa outrage could have been avoided if you could just not dress her up with a sports bra if you don't want to.
>ywn go clothes shopping with Tifa to make her look like in the original



I don't believe you. This sounds like memery.

First they came after Dead or Alive.
They said women shouldn't be in fighting games with breasts that jiggle and arare THAT big.
Then they went after the DOA volleyball games.
They said who would play such a sexist game. That only pigmen would want to play a friendship simulator starring young women that are attractive.
Then they said the old Mario era games were sexist.
Then they said tgere shouldn't be Lolicon type games. That only a pedo would want to play such a thing. We told them rhey went to extreme lengths shaming guys for playing vidya about women.
Then they said they were wrong about scandily clad women in video games. That it's better than lolis in bikinis.
We told them it was over. We would enjoy our babes in games and the lolis too. That we didn't find the old NES games sexist. That they could shove their PMS up their asses and their offerings of shemales in vidya too.

My gf ends up playing games because there are sexy ladies in them, but then again she's very gay

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based eunuch

Unfortunately it’s true. She was super controlling and hated otaku stuff but of course it was okay for her to lust over fire emblem guys and haikyuu.

big butts drive me nuts

just like every man in the world

bend over

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>Finally, women get exhausted of media mostly marketed toward men telling them what to look like.
Build a bond with a man you like and be entertaining for him, and then he won't need to look elsewhere for entertainment, and you can teach him by setting a positive example!
Be the change you want to see.

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Morrigan is a fucking bitch... i want to fuck her...

>There's only one kind of spat
Prove it

>Why would you wear spandex shorts homo?
I’m not a homo. That’s all I need to say, use your brain to figure it out if you can.

Look here

Canadians are all mentally retarded without exception. Just look at Justin Trudeau.

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any guy that wears spandex shorts is a faggot that's a fact
He's not Canadian he's from Quebec

That doesn't prove anything, you just circled a girl's feet
Prove there are only one kind of spats

Depends on the girl.

hit me

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No one said it’s for a guy

Were artists just Renaissance autists? No normalfag would understand that piercing gaze of disdain and worry.

Same thing. Biggest autists from england and france decided to make a country and they called it Canada!

Just because you wear a wig doesn't mean you're a woman and besides only harlots wear spandex shorts anyway

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What did Canada do to you bro

It's actually the lingering cultural influence of old puritan christian values influencing both genders' behaviors towards sex but believe whatever you want to believe, retard.

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Different user here. My wife seethes if she sees me playing stuff like DoA, SFV or games that have character creators because I like dressing up hot chicks.

Still not talking about a guy here
I wear them under clothes for warmth under dresses for coverage.

As the OP of the thread I hereby declare that I can't do anything for all the assposters on this thread. So! If the mod would be so kind to let us keep our discussion for what I'm aiming for that would be nice.


Okay fag boy

>tfw your waifu will never want you because you have pores and are filled with shit
>why live

then why does she date you

You’re obsessed with men’s footwear and trannies, you’re the one with issues here.

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user, I asked to you prove there are only one kind of spats. But you posted an image that gives TWO different definitions. Why did you prove yourself wrong?

I dunno they are all such bitches. Just like that last guy.
>Spats are on shoes! There are no spats pants! Look at me I'm being a faggy bitch that can't bother lurking a bit before I open my mouth.

Okay eh... and in what way? Because its not Christians censoring my beloved vidya boobies.

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You're the one talking about wearing bicycle shorts, not me
I'm not obsessed with spats, I don't wear them but you losers keep saying Tifa is wearing spats and I just point out those aren't spats that's just her boots then you retards start caring about bicycle shorts going completely off topic
Where does it say that its bicycle shorts?
Nowhere good job moving goal posts

Look at that massive cunt.

If waifus were real they'd have all that.

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Japs are obsessed with clean shit. There's no trash in the streets and they wash their part of the street every motherfucking day.

They're more insecure when they have less reason to be. Meanwhile, men who face more competition and hypergamy, are less insecure about beauty standards of men in media.

If you think about it, the average woman thinks and behaves much like an incel.

please, screencap it

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cringe and incelpilled

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>Where does it say that its bicycle shorts?
Where did you prove that the picture you posted contains an exhaustive list of definitions?
>Nowhere good job moving goal posts
I didn't move the goal posts.
Back in this post I explicitly asked:
>Prove there are only one kind of spats
My request didn't say anything about bicycle shorts, it only asked you to prove there are only one kind of spats. You provided evidence that there are two.
YOU are the one trying to move the goalposts.

Based and waifupilled. Women are whores. If you're gonna tangle with a real woman you might as well tangle with a proper whore. Otherwise waifus are the only road to salvation and enlightenment. How will roasties ever recover?

oh my

I'm not a cunt
No they are real but they're clean trust me my waifu never used the toilet once because she doesn't need to but she still showers
It's true, go tot eh Junk section of book off and you'll find CIB games for ¥500 that would be sold for $100 in the west
Screencap what? I tell my story here every once in a while

A 2D girl will never cook you a meal. A 2D girl will never buy you a meal. A 2D girl will never hug you. A 2D girl will never truly talk to you other than the playacting in your head.

A 2D girl is not even the same as an user on Yea Forums. I am real. You are real. But your waifu is not.


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Give me a number to fuck all night


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I just hugged my waifu now, what do you have to say to that?

More like incels think like a woman.

Which is not surprising, considering the woman stereotypes they like to go for - amazon, MILF, and black woman - are all stronk women/domineering female types. Deep down, what the incel really wants is to be dominated by a woman.

Feminism is based on mediocrity, bringing everyone down to the same level so that women can have a 'level playing field', rather than encouraging women to overcome diversity to excel. The female mind isn't good at excelling at things, they're better at multitasking. Men are poorer at multitasking, but are always able to surpass any woman when they focus on one task to the exclusion of others.

>women are vain and jealous, kind of like a female version of male incels.
I can't tell whether this is irony or not

>How come women want to censor so much in every culture

False, japanese women draw big titty monsters in sexy outfits with no issues, and they have no problems drawing sexy men either. The character designer for Bayonetta? A woman. The Nep Neps? Woman. It's 100% a cultural thing, a lot of western cultures are sexually frustrated, they view sex as an evil thing yet still want to partake in it so they create all sorts os weird rules when it comes to portraying sex and sexuality in media.

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>believing anything said on a Malaysian racing forum


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She didn't hug you back. If she's a doll, she has no muscle, no tissue, no lungs to say a real sentence. If sh's an illustration, she literally cannot hug you back.

Its like falling in love with a rock. Or your own reflection. Only you can hug it, it won't hug you back. You're better off with an actual living creature, like a cat. Or a dog.

>How come women want to censor so much in every culture when it comes to attractive women in every form of entertainment?
men freak out about beauty standards too

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Who, out of curiousity, is your waifu, exactly?

Yup. Remember how fujoshis backed the feminist campaign against pic related?
They feel inadequate in comparison to fictional women

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I like philosphical vidya threads. They are so comfy and nice.

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Incels are thought to be exclusively males. Women can't be incels.

She's not a doll she's real
I can't say because too many people here know me

Holy shit its real

I wonder what their endgame is.
>Fashion mags push women to get plastic surgery. IT'S FIERCE AND EMPOWERING!
>Encourage men to be women. More effeminate
>Men start getting plastic surgery then to follow in women's footsteps

a truly based and redpilled post, it won't be long until the roastie is removed

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She's only real in your mind. know I won't convince you, but time will. Old age will. And chances are, you'll move on to some other waifu, or get jaded, because no one understands the love you have for this particular character. I've been there before

Just remember that. You don't truly live alone in this world.

They are envious, not jealous. Or are you implying that our women are so insecure that they think fictional characters will steal us away?

You also got japanese feminists already though who also regularly attack those vidya designs or stuff in doujins. Of course they don't have that much of a voice because "women's rights" is not so much of a big deal in japan but they are there. If anything its this whole "feminist" culture that developed with the idea that women are always oppressed.
I wouldn't call that sexually frustrated to be honest. Especially these days its childs play to get laid as a woman. Though I would agree on the cultural part since feminism has its roots in europe.

It's getting much more difficult over time to share my appreciation of 2d because of faggots like you. Could you stop talking about your own sex drives, and talk about the 2d? Thanks.

They lack the intelligence to be self aware of their unjustified double standard.

But the incels are looking like chads through said surgery

They shame men for playing video games, which meant less time spent with women.

Women don't want to eliminate betas. They want Chad to fuck on the side while being marrying to a beta who will help raise their kids. It's the ultimate mating strategy for a female in animal evolution.

I'm already nearly 30, and I still love my waifu and I'm devoted to her

>less time spent
less money spent too.
A single date (which might lead nowhere) can cost as much as a vidya that you can play for countless hours.

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7 get

Early American settlers were mostly puritan christians who, like most religions at the time, were huge prudes about open displays of sexuality outside of the context of marriage. Even if you weren't a christian yourself there's a good chance you would adopt a negative attitude towards openly sexual stuff by living in a culture that believes in these values, and said beliefs have lingered long enough in some form that they still tend to affect people in contemporary American society. It's why burgers, religious and nonreligious alike, tend to get asspained about anime tiddy compared to a lot of other countries with more lax attitudes towards nudity.
There's also a few feminist belief systems which screech about female nudity for probably unrelated reasons that I don't know enough about to go into, and don't want to learn about anyway.

Chad. Chad is more of an idea that cannot ever be achieved. Its not about how you look like but rather a omnipotent "alpha male" who always has everything perfectly under control. So its already misleading, no men cares how another one looks and is perceived by other women. If anything a man can be jealous of the accomplishments of another man but then we're talking about how smart the other man is or cunning or how much effort he put into something.

seethe harder

And ugly women are looking like Stacies through surgery. Again what's the endgame?

>Finally, women get exhausted of media mostly marketed toward men telling them what to look like.

As if there was any other reason you're taking this stance.
>get exhausted of media
That women are a part of, too.
>mostly marketed toward men
The men you want. I'm gonna take a wild shot in the dark and say it wouldn't bother you if they only marketed towards ugly poor men.
>telling them what to look like
Like make-up advertisements? Made by women? Marketed towards women? Telling them what to look like?

Of all the things giving women body issues, you know for a fact other women are the biggest source. So you can cut the shit. You know why you feel this way about it. Now tits or gtfo.

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>A 2D girl will never cook you a meal. A 2D girl will never buy you a meal.
So Western women

That roastie sure sounds TOASTED.

And I'm nearing my 50s. Give it a decade or two. Time is the ultimate judge of all

I know some western women who will cook a eal or buy you inner. Look for the conservative ones. Ideally from a Christian family

Yeah whatever

Yea but that is situational. Those christian prudes don't go about and censor something that is clearly over 18 and clearly is meant to give guys a show. They censor something that is easily accessible that the general public may not want to see.
Feminists or other more liberal views on the other hand think as long as I don't put a fat black bar over any anime tiddy and vagoo on my PC its rape. I'm a rapist and should be shot.

Every woman prefers looking at another beautiful woman than at an ugly one. Every complain about good looking or sexy females in media probably comes from old ladies with a religious upbringing that are scared to recognize they appreciate the beauty of people of their own genre, either that or guys that are ugly and stupid enough that have to white knight over the most stupid shit to have a chance to interact with a woman.
The same argument goes for males too, but the difference is that I don't see guys complaining about men fighting in underclothes in wrestling, boxing or about how the typical male hero character was a barely clothed muscular barbarian in the 80s and 90s.

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As a woman, I just want proper female representation in video games. I'm tired of seeing these male fantasies of women with big breasts and they're half naked.

>As a women
Tits or gtfo. Yea Forums is a pure patriarchy and you have to follow our orders, wench.

trannies don't count as women

Imagine males asking for "proper representation".
>"No Platinum Games, you need to make him ugly and fat like myself!"

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Get a bunch of female programmers and make your own game, hell you can even make your own console for girls only.

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>Every complain about good looking or sexy females in media probably comes from old ladies
I actually see the opposite of it to be honest. Old women usually are quite relaxed when seeing Lara Croft or similar. They usually just see it as "boy stuff" and move on.
I agree with the white knights but for that white knights to exist you also need anita sarkeesians or zoe quinns who start the whole thing.

I always love how this argument is used but at the same time, "a woman doesn't belong in the kitchen" (sure, I agree, just shut up about this then).
Not to mention that cooking is actually a really funny, rewarding, and relaxing thing to do, way moreso than eating, So I'm quite happy to have to cook myself. And current women aren't able to cook the the point of being able to burn pastas somehow.

Also, who wants to be hugged by a poisonous snake anyway. That's a retarded argument, if you need someone else acknowledging you physically this way to have some self-worth, you're a failure. Plain and simple. This and sex are incredibly overhyped. And when you remove this from the equation, relationships with 3DPD become more of a chore than anything else.


>Look for the conservative ones. Ideally from a Christian family
>post on the most degenerate place on the internet
>wants trad wife
Every single time

Kinda pisses me off In the past you got beaten and thrown into a locker if you admit you play videogames. Because you were a "fat nerd."
Nowadays it seems everybody wants to be a "fat nerd."

tits or gtfo

>"No Platinum Games, you need to make him ugly and fat like myself!"
>said no man ever

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>Nowadays it seems everybody wants to be a "fat nerd."
No, nowadays everyone wants to be a BBT character and the quirky wallflower normalfag with that one "weird and totally unique" hobby.
I blame shitty films like scott pilgrim and anything with manic pixie dreamgirls for this.

I understand that feeling, I got pretty fit after one a year of gym and eating healthier. Meanwhile my lazy sister is still eating burgers and complaining about not having a boyfriend.

I showed my grandma some video games, she likes the stories she just can't play them
She liked EVA from Metal Gear Solid 3, its one of her fabourite games she always hoped Snake and EVA would get together
She really really liked Yuna and Tidus, I think FFX is her second fabourite game, she was really happy when they first kissed but her favourite is Final Gangash VIII, she loved the entire cast, her favourite was Irvine and Zell but she of course liked the romance in the story between Rinoa and Squall
She never mentioned anything sexist about these games, she likes the story and the characters, the only one she thought was weird was Metal Gear Solid 2 but she didn't really understand it,
Some other favourite games of hers are the Ace Combat series, Resident Evil series, Uncharted, Last of Us (she forced me to visit her and play that game to see how it ends).
She's trying to convince me to get a PS4 so sh can watch Resident Evil 2, PS1 graphics are hard for to enjoy so she wants to see me play the remake

It was a somewhat nice idea a long time ago, before social medias existed. And even with a woman like this i'd be like playing russian roulette every day anyway, peer pressure is a bitch. It's a scam. Don't fall for it.
The main question is: what does it brings to your life that won't blow up in your face that a fictional woman can't, except sex (that can blow up in your face anyway)?

Relationships are overrated these days, because people don't give a fuck about them. Traditional woman or not. It's always too much of a risk.


God Jessie is so fucking hot...

>Meanwhile my lazy sister is still eating burgers and complaining about not having a Chad.

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Can you lend me your grandmother please? She seems pretty based. You need to introduce her to some retro stuff though.

I was playing resonance of fate and just told my grandma it's a show.

Let's be reasonable and logical, and face up to facts. White women aren't human; they're not even like monkey's or orangutans. Those muddle-headed, pea-brained, waste-your-money liberals might want to brainwash you into thinking that girls are good for something other than sucking cock, but you and I and every other sensible man knows better. These sluts were put on Earth to steal your money; be whining, complaining and arrogant; and to serve as reasonably comfortable holsters for your erections when one is aroused by the call of nature.

First off, scientific research has it that women just aren't the same as men. They don't like things like cameras or computers or state-of-the-art stereos, simply because the higher centers of their brains aren't developed as well as a man's. Furthermore, according to a very fine article in The National Enquirer, it's been proven that women aren't as smart as men. It takes real guts to admit it, but women are mindless creatures... Don't let those detestable, ugly, disgusting, sour-pussed lesbian diesel-dyke Women's Libbers fool you, along with their cotillions of homo yes men. Women are most happy when they are serving their twin gods of Mammon and king cock.

Men work hard, make money, grind the wheels of business, only to fall victim to early deaths dealt out by the insane caprices of vengeful sluts... they should be rounded up in a pen filled with pigs and fucked with sticks and forced to eat filthy offal, and maybe then they would appreciate a fine figure of a man who wants to own and take care of them, even if he is perhaps just a wee bit nervous and high-strung and suspicious of some people's motives!!!FACT!!!

Retro stuff is hard for her to watch because of the graphics, believe me I play almost only retro games she loves the PS1 trilogy but she's excited for the FF7 remake and Resident Evil 2
There was a few older games I showed her that she really liked
Silent Hill 2 I think is her favourite PS2 game, she loved the story she was hooked but the problem is too many old games have a lot of gameplay and not enough story for her to enjoy.
I'm trying to collect as many games as I can that I think she would enjoy though

Let's be reasonable and logical, and face up to facts. White women aren't human; they're not even like monkey's or orangutans. Those muddle-headed, pea-brained, waste-your-money liberals might want to brainwash you into thinking that girls are good for something other than sucking cock, but you and I and every other sensible man knows better. These sluts were put on Earth to steal your money; be whining, complaining and arrogant; and to serve as reasonably comfortable holsters for your erections when one is aroused by the call of nature.

First off, scientific research has it that women just aren't the same as men. They don't like things like cameras or computers or state-of-the-art stereos, simply because the higher centers of their brains aren't developed as well as a man's. Furthermore, according to a very fine article in The National Enquirer, it's been proven that women aren't as smart as men. It takes real guts to admit it, but women are mindless creatures... Don't let those detestable, ugly, disgusting, sour-pussed lesbian diesel-dyke Women's Libbers fool you, along with their cotillions of homo yes men. Women are most happy when they are serving their twin gods of Mammon and king cock.

Men work hard, make money, grind the wheels of business, only to fall victim to early deaths dealt out by the insane caprices of vengeful sluts... they should be rounded up in a pen filled with pigs and fucked with sticks and forced to eat filthy offal, and maybe then they would appreciate a fine figure of a man who wants to own and take care of them, even if he is perhaps just a wee bit nervous and high-strung and suspicious of some people's motives!!!FACT!!!

Theres one way you can physically interact with fictional women - dreams, especially lucid dreams.

>Or are you implying that our women are so insecure that they think fictional characters will steal us away?
This is actually real story of some artist from /ic/. Jace Wallace. He told on stream how one of his gf got apeshit because he draw sexy girls

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>Could it be that women in the real world are jealous of fictional women?

The answer OP, is a resounding yes.,_1914
>On 10 March 1914, the suffragette Mary Richardson walked into the National Gallery and attacked Velázquez's canvas with a meat cleaver. Her action was ostensibly provoked by the arrest of fellow suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst the previous day,[62] although there had been earlier warnings of a planned suffragette attack on the collection. Richardson left seven slashes on the painting

>In a statement to the Women's Social and Political Union shortly afterwards, Richardson explained, "I have tried to destroy the picture of the most beautiful woman in mythological history as a protest against the Government for destroying Mrs. Pankhurst, who is the most beautiful character in modern history."[63][65] She added in a 1952 interview that she didn't like "the way men visitors gaped at it all day long".[66]

>The feminist writer Lynda Nead observed, "The incident has come to symbolize a particular perception of feminist attitudes towards the female nude; in a sense, it has come to represent a specific stereotypical image of feminism more generally."[67] Contemporary reports of the incident reveal that the picture was not widely seen as mere artwork. Journalists tended to assess the attack in terms of a murder (Richardson was nicknamed "Slasher Mary"), and used words that conjured wounds inflicted on an actual female body, rather than on a pictorial representation of a female body.[64] The Times described a "cruel wound in the neck", as well as incisions to the shoulders and back.[68]

Feminism - batshit insane jealousy of fictional women since the 1900's.

Some things never change do they.

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Isn't Yea Forums a right-wing website and a patriarchy? Hell, we have Christian memes here nowadays

I want the PHATTEST ass over there

Climbing a mountain is a risk. Flying in a plane is a risk. Driving a car is a risk. Living near a nuclear power plant is a risk. Learning a martial art is a risk. Owning a gun is a risk.

Having a traditional real world wife is a similar risk, all the same. The question boils down to whether you're man enough to take on the risk or not.

No you're just an incel. Have sex.

oh you.

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>The Rokeby Venus is the only surviving female nude by Velázquez. Nudes were extremely rare in seventeenth-century Spanish art, which was policed actively by members of the Spanish Inquisition.

Sounds like one crazed feminist is nothing compared to a right-wing conservative Christian militia determined to censor all forms of sexiness.

The real enemy is prudishness.

Don't want Zarya.

Well yes prudes are the worst when they attempt to censor artistic freedom and expression but we must look to our modern day and see who is behind most of the calls and actions for censorship and that would be feminists, SJWs, the left - much more active, much more intolerant than even the right towards lewds and sexy women.

Anyways the OP asked if women could be jealous of fictional women, well this incident is proof and it happened damn near 100 years ago.

Jesus, I've tried to explain as clearly as possible that the people who hold those beliefs don't necessarily need to be christian themselves, they just need to be part of or have ancestors who were part of that former culture to adopt values from it.
>They censor something that is easily accessible that the general public may not want to see.
Vidya is a pretty mainstream hobby now, it's not surprising that more prudish people think that even smaller franchises are publicly available to taint their children or some shit.
>Those christian prudes don't go about and censor something that is clearly over 18 and clearly is meant to give guys a show

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have sex incel

Its noting new. I'm sure here would be an incident even older then that.

And see, while I agree the prude SJWs on the left are more active, since they're actually getting into the workforce and higherups and pushing this agenda, I still cannot ignore that conservative Christian groups are trying to push laws curtailing video game censorship. Basically put, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, even if they are my later enemies. The SJW left can actually be a benefit to said conservative right-wing if they carry out the censorship they can.

The real response is to be more sexy. To push for more sexiness. There are feminists who are sex positive, and that used to be a seemingly leftist thing Right or left, if we want to fight prudishness, we have to be more sexy.

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The idea of being "man enough" is ridiculous because it's something you absolutely have NO control over and it depends completely of society. Nothing else. Be optimistic if you want to, but don't come back crying later because our current society fucked up everything.

It's not about being "'man enough". It's about being logical. And in the current climate, being a trad isn't better than the opposite because of how society works. The good old there's a gap between being courageous and being foolish.

Just to be clear, it's not the idea itself that is the problem (although I'm far from a trad myself). It's society itself being against you, EVEN if you find "that" one in a million woman. With social media indoctrination, it's not realistic anymore.

they want to be great but not put in any effort so anyone that is better than them makes them insanely jealous and makes them feel inadequate so they screech DELETE

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Way not to get my point. And perhaps using the term "man enough" won't work for you. Or "having the balls".

Its about courage. Its about the fact that fortune favouring the bold. SJWs love to talk about stronk women. Yea Forums lvoes to talk about absoute chads and how "based" they are. But thats the thing - we like the guy (or girl) who spits in the face of a perceived norm we should be going for. But that is still courage. It takes certain level of fortitude to make any statement.

There is nothing foolish about having a wife. Millions of men around the world have wives. Are they more foolish than you simply because they choose to settle down and start a family? You may think so, but I'd disagree, because they can sire a generation that can continue their ideas.

And society will always be against you if you see it that way. The only way to survive is to find your own niche.

pleeeeease anything but 0

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Aw hell yeah

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I'll take anyone except 0 and 7.

Gee, you think?

Yes. They're jealous of the perfect women that steals all the most desirable men of society

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While I don't share your passion, I agree that women are 3x more disgusting than men in terms of biological presence. And 100x worse than generic_anime_girl_97472 in pretty much every other undesirable quality.

>women gets jealous i dont pay attention
>denies sex still
lol, id rather crank it out than play games with these whores

its that second part there that confuses me so. Why are women so vexed about drawings / programming that don't do anything to productive males in society?

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It's not passion it's called logic
If you can't see your waifu beside you you're delusional

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That's failed logic. The beauty of 2D is you can have as many as you want. There will always be more. The failure of a monogamist relationship with 2D is that their life and story ends the second the writers move on to a new IP. Unlike 3D women, 2D women can't make drama on their own to keep shit from being pleasantly stable and uneventful.

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Here's a hint.
Most don't. You're just validating the vocal minority

I'm not a Muslim I'm a human I believe in one man and one woman

No shit they are. But you can't really blame then, they instinctivly want as much male attention as possible because that is how they survive and sexually compete with one another. A man preferring a drawing over them is still one less male competing for her.

Gimme that 3


And millions of men are cucks giving up what they want because they have to "sacrifice themselves, so what's your point? Having a wife isn't a great thing by itself. If you can actually BENEFIT from it (and if the woman can benefit from it at the same time, of course) that's another story. But weshould both know the odds of this.

Courage is not foolishness. that's the main point. They are foolish if it restrains them in any way, which is the case more often than not. Wanting a family isn't a good thing if it means becoming a cuck. And that's a societal problem. Wanting a family is fine. Wanting a family in a society where you're just a ool that brings money in is a problem.

Exactly, I agree, as surprising as it may be. But it doesn't has to be that much of a problem if you're aware of it. Marry if you want to, it's not my problem, but don't try to make non-conformists-people look as creepy weirdos because "you will not have this one thing, and this is ESSENTIAL for ME!" that's pretty much it. Women will not be of any use to most people, that should learn to have some self-esteem first. That's a fact.

Honestly, most people who are screaming "incel" or anything of the sort sound ike virgins that still put sex and recognition on a pedestal to me. Then again, it's Yea Forums so it shouldn't surprise me.

Anyway, using "having the balls" isn't" better in any way. Because it means something when what you're doing IS worth the trouble. And I guess this part is the main difference between you and me in the end. Doing something that doesn't worth it is stupid for me, and for you it still has some kind of meaning somehow. That's about it. I wouldn't go into a tiger's cage just because I "have balls" if I know there is nothing to gain (and having kids isn't a good exccuse because it can ruin your life afterward and you can regret it too).


And millions of men are cucks giving up what they want because they have to "sacrifice themselves, so what's your point? Having a wife isn't a great thing by itself. If you can actually BENEFIT from it (and if the woman can benefit from it at the same time, of course) that's another story. But weshould both know the odds of this.

Courage is not foolishness. that's the main point. They are foolish if it restrains them in any way, which is the case more often than not. Wanting a family isn't a good thing if it means becoming a cuck. And that's a societal problem. Wanting a family is fine. Wanting a family in a society where you're just a ool that brings money in is a problem.

Exactly, I agree, as surprising as it may be. But it doesn't has to be that much of a problem if you're aware of it. Marry if you want to, it's not my problem, but don't try to make non-conformists-people look as creepy weirdos because "you will not have this one thing, and this is ESSENTIAL for ME!" that's pretty much it. Women will not be of any use to most people, that should learn to have some self-esteem first. That's a fact.

Honestly, most people who are screaming "incel" or anything of the sort sound ike virgins that still put sex and recognition on a pedestal to me. Then again, it's Yea Forums so it shouldn't surprise me.

Anyway, using "having the balls" isn't" better in any way. Because it means something when what you're doing IS worth the trouble. And I guess this part is the main difference between you and me in the end. Doing something that isn't worth it is stupid for me, and for you it still has some kind of meaning somehow. That's about it. I wouldn't go into a tiger's cage just because I "have balls" if I know there is nothing to gain (and having kids isn't a good exccuse because it can ruin your life afterward and you can regret it too).

gibs me dat everything

>And millions of men are cucks giving up what they want because they have to "sacrifice themselves, so what's your point?

In order to get what you want you make some sacrifice. You want to focus on living in comfort without worry? The sacrifice having meaningful real world relations. You want have a wife and a family of your own? Sacrifice some of your own personal life. Everything take a sacrifice, you have to break an egg to make an omelette.

>having kids isn't a good excuse because it can ruin your life afterward and you can regret it too

It can also make your life great and you can cherish in it. Its like, having a teacher that you really hated, but came to appreciate as you get older.
>But we should both know the odds of this.

We don't. You don't know me personally, i don't know you personally.

And sure, getting into a tigers cage may not seem like a waste of time to you, but zookeepers do it all the time, an conservationists do it because they want to preserve the biological survival of the tiger. If you don't thing its worth anything, fair enough, I can understand. But I think it is worth something.

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see And fair enough, I guess it does boil down to what we could gain out of an enterprise, or any enterprise for that matter. If its not to your advantage than, fair enough, I respect that. There was a time when settling down and having a family wasn't right for me. It took me years before I could get to a level where I could comfortably say to myself "I want a family".

I guarantee there's art of your waifu shitting


I worry for your well-being

That's the main point. What do you have to gain with this? The ONLY reason that could exist here is childrens. Which doesn't invalidate my point since how women are isn't that relevant when it comes to them.
>It can also make your life great and you can cherish in it. Its like, having a teacher that you really hated, but came to appreciate as you get older.
Nice fairytale. That's a nice thing to believe in and everyone that has beebn in a relationshp believed that. But you can also have an happy life without any relationship being involved whatsoever.

I don't know you, but I know that social edia influence people in thge worst way, and that it's not going to get any better.

It's not about you or me, it's about everything around us. Note that I said 1 in a million woman. Not one in the world. There's a reason for this. but social medias are still going to do their crap nevertheless. And they're NOT a good influence.

I hope that you can guess that it was a figure of speech , but I would actually like to get into a tiger's cage (but that's only because big cats are cool no matter the risk). Anyone with a brain and common sense and without a SPECIAL INTEREST in them wouldn't do it. That much is obvious. If you want to be suicidal, do it, be my guest, it could be fun, but implying that it's a good thing it something else entirely.

I've had enough experience with women to know what I'm talking about, seriously. I won't tell you to change your mind, that's up to you and not my problem, But sometimes putting your own well-being above others is needed. I might have agreed with you if our society wasn't already bastardized.

And even if we don't agree about the fact of "preserving the biological survival of tigers", I'm happy to see (if you're the same user as the one at the beginning of this thread) that you aren't as close-minded as yiou first seemed. Cheers. I wish you really good luck in what you intend to do.

thank you based god
thank you

gkmme that o FUK


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Sorry for the mistypings, I guess it's getting kind of late hre. Whatever.

And likewise. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree with our views on society as a whole.

that slight hint of butthole makes my day

women only hate it when CHAD starts ignoring them in favour of waifus, not incels who they dont even ackowledge the existence of

>It's cultural
It is, but not for the reason you think. Japanese culture supresses whatever angst japanese women might get from men seeing better looking women whether real or fictional, because they know if they bitch about it the men won't deal with their bullshit.
It's similar across most cultures that haven't just thrown everything to wind and let social structures decay like the west, where basically they don't let pussy rule them.

It happens in the west, because we actually cave to women bitching. Why else would there be this modern sense that being a victim is some sort of "power"? In the real world nobody is going to save you for being a victim, nobody ever thought that until the west had the power TO basically distribute "justice"; yet people seem to have forgotten that entirely because people at the top STILL cave to outrageous reactionary demands.

Women still hate it when men they won't sleep with aren't paying attention to them. It's best summed it with that catcalling article. They don't feel comfortable with the idea of men they don't want to fuck getting rapey and go to other men for protection from that, but they still like the idea of being desired by everybody. The inbetween is perfect, because they can accept or punish on a whim despite men being smart and just going "No one is going to do X and risk getting punished".

go lads

give me 8 or give me death

Men still hate it when women who won't sleep with them aren't paying attention to them. It's best summed it with that incel article. They don't feel comfortable with the idea of women they want to fuck getting empowered and go to other men for protection from that, but they still like the idea of being desired by women. The inbetween is perfect, because they can accept or punish on a whim despite women being smart and just going "No one is going to do X and risk getting punished".

Incels are only a problem if they end up having a well-paid job later in life and if they don't give a damn about women as a whole because if too much exposure to red pills (which is extremely rare as a whole because they all keep chasing sex).

Otherwise, they just don't exist.

This man says the truth, listen to it. Although it's also caused by japanese women "having hte "power" in their relationship (= managing the household's money).
Since it's seen as "normal" for them (traditionally) it's also a lot easier for them to ignore the whole deal until the get a """rich""" husband with the money they need.

Many people have fantasies about asian women, but in japan, if your wife decides that you only get 5$ if you want to go to a pub after a 50 hours work week, you WILL only have 5$. The woman is the one managing the money of your house. That's how it works

The west is even worse because we see this as some kind of progress while in Japan it's a traditional thing.

Congratulations, the inverse doesn't even sound like it's written in English.

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>Could it be that women in the real world are jealous of fictional women?
Undoubtedly. Look at what they do when real women are more attractive than they are.
What's weird and a bit creepy is that they're attacking "incels" and virgins that supposedly they're not into at all for looking at 10/10 virtual women instead of them. Like what do i care that some girls i wouldn't date schlick their beans to 10/10 video game men?

Attached: unrealistic sexist female character design.webm (720x420, 2.52M)

duh yah think!?

And neither will a 3D girl, so what's your point?

>Could it be that women in the real world are jealous of fictional women?
Yes, retard. Women get jealous of literally anything that has something they don't.

Women are far more competitive with each other on a primitive level than men will ever be. Men historically had to venture out into a dangerous world to bring back resources, surviving meant having someone to watch your back. Women remained home, making sure they and their offspring got a piece of the pie; but there's only so much pie, so you better orchestrate Becky's downfall and ostracism to make sure she doesn't get your slice.

rollin for that blue booty

dangerously close, and I don't even know who the chick number 2 is

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This, women hate each other and orchestrate each others downfall. That's why whenever some dumb slut announces her breast reduction it's like dozens of comments of women giving her all the support imaginable and calling all the men pervs and irrelevent.
Then once it happens, suddenly no one is paying attention to her and the support is gone.

That much is obvious.

My wife worked in an all-women work place before, and the women there are toxic as fuck. They're all gossipy and very jealous of those who are better than them. They just can't stand it when another woman gets a big break in life, it seems.

The makeup routine that some women do in the morning? Most of the time, they're not doing it for men, they're doing it to look better than the other women, because women are judgmental as fuck among themselves.

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Women are parasitical vermin that have never contributed absolutely anything to human society they merely destroy every single thing they fucking touch and i'm sick and tired of this.
All women are subhuman vermin incapable of loyalty, rationality or basic human decency and it's about time they get what they deserve, They all deserve to be raped, dismembered and skinned alive, melted in acid and beaten until every single bone in their bodies is broken without any exception regardless of age, looks or race. Women are the fucking reason why biological life shouldn't exist, i hate these disgusting things so much that i even beat the fuck out of my mom and nearlyc hoked her to death last week when i ran out of SSRIs, i'm at the point where i would only feel happiness if a toddler had a fucking hot iron cramemd into it's cunt.
Go ahead and call me an incel one more fuckign time you stupid pieces of shit, you're only playing into their hands. I'm sick and tired of the bullshit traditionalism also, all of these whores need to be exterminated it's fucking illogical that parasitical leeches have the right to ruin the lives of men.

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>He likes it when his wife makes him shitty dry sandwiches that he doesnt even want while he's watching something, pretending to not be bothered
they dont even toast bread half the fucking time

Well at least I have some hope because of the FFVII remake. It's somehow about ecology, and it's one of these things that are still important, sadly because of sjw, using it the wrong way. What a sad thing to admit.

I thought about things that were way more retro (Snes era) but it's better than nothing. At least she'll know than our culture hasn't grown to be be FULL of shit nowadays, and I thank you for that, user. From someone that lost his grandparents way too early.

If SH is still her favorite game, I can assume that she, at least, has good taste and isn't retarded. It's always good to see old people see that "current"' culture isn't just about justin bieber and this kind of stuff.

It's pretty bad that she missed a lot of early games that were probably closer to what she was probably "used to" when it comes to life lessons (this is not meant as a criticism towards you, of course). Too bad.

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All jokes aside, they actually are. Every girl I've ever dated has admitted to me that they're jealous of 2D women, and one of them used to get into arguments with me when she sensed I might be into a 2D woman. I used to know a guy whose girlfriend got SUPER upset when he watched any kind of anime. She was really insecure about it.

Though I've also had a couple other girlfriends who were bi weebs and also enjoyed 2D women. We mutually masturbated to a lot of stuff and did a lot of roleplay. They used their acceptance of 2D superiority to their advantage and it was great. More women just need to accept it. It leads to a happier life for all parties involved.

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>that pic

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can someone explain that pic? i don't understand



the pic is stating that Tifa's breast used to be bigger but Square made them smaller because of "ethic department" problem is though they didn't change the model so parts of it are kinda fucked up due to her having smaller breasts.


cringe faggot
absolutely based

Based schizo


Women would loose their collective shit ofc

based, but delusional. I have waifu(s), but I know they aren't real. 2D is nice, but 3D is better.

I'm probably going to get lots of (You)s for this

fucking rolling

seriously OP? SERIOUSLY? only now you came to that conclusion, something people have been saying to the point of it becoming a joke for fucking decades.
To answer your question: yes


are you fucking retarded or just a social """"science"""" major?

>300 replies for a bait thread

>mfw i remember those childless hags trying to stop cyber/artificial waifus

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alright alright

>humanity perfects AI waifus, android sexbots, artificial wombs, and genetic engineering
>mfw women go extinct in a single generation
honestly cannot wait, the future will be bright for our sons and grandsons

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for the love of god gimme 3

user, I hate to rain on your parade, but....

>this is not pasta
based waifu user

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Cause us nerds are about to rule the world baby

Roasties btfo

>Say Yea Forums I've been thinking. Could it be that women in the real world are jealous of fictional women?

No simply put it is just like right wing loser faggots who whine about how shit is not made to cater for them. So it is just not that they are jealous but them just being vocal about what they want. Simple as that really.

We re gonna get even more single mothers. Great

Welcome to Yea Forums.

Aha, still don't see any christian activists going out to censor those games. There are maybe some worrid soccer moms. But they are also influenced by feminist ideology not christian values. They maybe abuse "christian values" to justify what they are doing but its feminism at its core bringing that stuff to their attention in the first place and its hardcore feminists who start those campaigns in the first place.
I mean I don't see christians going around trying to forbid Dead or Alive. They of course don't recommend it but they are not flat out censoring it. If you consume it, its your business.

Any will do.

Yea Forums was a mistake.

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>this thread has not been deleted yet
That's odd. I thought Yea Forums mods disliked the patriarchy.

Women in the real world have all they want. They just want ALL the attention, and wih that feminist bullshit they think they can get even the attention that fictional woman have

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Society is just getting worse and worse in general thanks to feminism

why not post the webm

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Pls muscle girl

Love is beautiful.



Based and waifupilled.

Women are like useless smelly hairy bleedy manlets that require constant grooming/washing/shaving to look passable. There's a reason you usually feel like kicking a woman out of your bed after you've blown your load in them. Natures cruelest trick was to give men a sex drive that blinds us to the reality of women's flaws when we're horny. You should always masturbate before having to spend time in womens' company to lessen their artificial allure and see their true ugly forms.

yes, I totally believe you wrote this spontaneously, within 2 minutes of OP posting the tread.
Your opinion is genuine, and not at all OP's joke script.

My GF legit gets upset when my character fucks a romance option in games.

>uggggh incels and their fetish for 2D women are disgusting, they need to have sex!
>we no I wouldn't date them, I want a chad

>women get exhausted of media mostly marketed toward men telling them what to look like.
If you actually think hot characters in fiction is men trying to dictate what woman should look like irl that really says alot about how fucked up woman minds are.

Generally speaking 2D has only looks going for it.
If it's considered a competition by women, that speaks quite a lot.

The current political landscape shifted from marriage being a necessity to a)single lifestyle being a viable choice and b)kids are put in schools and not raised by parents (since both are working)
There is just no incentive.

Rolling for sombra

>Could it be that women in the real world are jealous of fictional women?

Fucking really?
You think women are looking at this guy and going "Oh, I'd have him! He'd be mine! But that fucking purple sniper woman is between us!"


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I always wondered why they are so mad at incels for getting sexdolls since they clearly said they will never have sex with them.

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>single mothers
>implying women won't get dykes to replace the father role and replace """"men'''''''' with artificial sperm

Its gender war now. If you claim men don't need women, they'll say women don't need men. Are you ready for this rabbit hole?

Gif waifu

It's always a small number of people that like to dictate what you can and can't consume.
Its coming

I don't want to play with oversexualized women characters, but I don't want to play with blue/green haired manatees either.

I just want my vidya to be fun.!eVZXnChQ!Zv9A3o_HiVVg4CG8RmoalQ

Fuck fun.

This whole thread:
>"why can't I masturbate in peace".

Also this whole thread
>"all women think the same way"

Women are tired of their whole gender being reduced to eye candy, like their whole purpose in life is to be aesthetically pleasing to men while they themselves aren't necessarilly trying. At the same time, they're pressured to keep the effort because otherwise they'll be judged, by men AND other women, because that would make them deviate from the norm and make those that are conforming to it have to question their life choices, which these people can't stand and would rather criticize based on their own perception of how things should be.

So yeah, basically, they find it annoying that the ideal of beauty for some is some impossible standard they can never achieve because it's literally impossible (big eyes, perfect skin, thin waist but big boobs and wide hips...) or requires lots of sacrifices and suffering. All to please guys and women they aren't the slightest bit interrested in but will demand they do everything it takes in life to be "pleasing".

It's also why it pisses them off when higher ups ask them to "smile more" and stuff. Or why they don't want every single female character to be sexualized. It perpetuates the notion than they're supposed to be pleasing first, and only after that a person.

Who the fuck is mad at incels for getting sex dolls?

>They didn't shrink her boobs though

They did, confirmed from Square Enix themselves.

Attached: Square Enix has an ethics department and it told the Final Fantasy 7 remake developers to restrict T (852x940, 191K)

It's not a good videogame if it's not fun, user.

A toast to this man and fresh pasta

because it's not about having something for everyone to like. It's about not giving your "antagonist" what they want

Why would they want to have sex with them if they specifically find them disgusting ? Don't be retarded.

Also many of them find "Chads" gross.

Jealous of the ideal beauty portrayed in fictional women, not jealous that some weeb is drooling over his waifu.
You're kinda dumb, aren't you?

Feminist groups protest sex dolls because they believe they objectify women

They said restrict, not shrink. We've done the math, her tits match her old battle model and their pixel width and depth, accounting for bra compression, means she has a 32E bra size - in line with her canon measurements

They're not mad, they're just creeped out by it.
And annoyed that to these guys the "perfect woman" (making them flawed) is a litteral sex object with no other purpose.
People strangely seem to be more attracted to people who don't belittle them.

Usually, when people (outside of Yea Forums) say you should "Just have sex", what they mean is "You should square yourself away and become an actually decent human being with some modicum of perspective, because that's literally all it takes to have sex with someone"


The difference being what, exactly?

The thing is, this is fantasy, it's objectively the wrong place to be fighting for equality.

No guy realistically expects woman to look like a videogame character, guys aren't going to stop designing their dream females because woman don't like it sorry it doesn't matter if its unrealistic beauty standard its fantasy you should stop being insecure or stop wearing make-up or some shit if you really don't want to conform to the beauty standards of society you already admitted woman also perpetuate this beauty standard on each other so maybe start with your own camp instead of getting angry at men for liking what we like.

Not jealous, mad that the ideal beauty IS how these fictional women are portrayed. These standards are impossible to achieve for a real person without tons of suffering and/or surgery, depending on a person's genetic background.

Really? Like who?

No, they mean "have sex because you're less of a person for not having sex". It's an easy way to belittle the socially awkward and maladjusted

Obviously, but it's not just fictional women. It's literally any woman that looks better than them.
>Watch some movie with my aunt
>Main heroine starts undressing
>Aunt starts bitching about her how she looks ugly, how her big breasts must be uncomfortable, etc.
>Be in uni
>Every girl talking shit behind each others' back just because someone looks better than them or dates some good looking guy

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>They said restrict, not shrink

Yeah and EA said loot boxes are surprises not gambling. Still the same thing you delusional cunt.


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You're delusional, but the idea is in the right place.

I don't need a real woman because I go on dates with cuties every fucking day. Even if I was a 10/10 adonis, I wouldn't be able to experience the same kinds of relationships, because actual women are just a million times worse than fictional one.

I hope we live long enough to see the AI waifu age, rendering all human contact utterly obsolete.

>No guy realistically expects woman to look like a videogame character,

I need you to stop for a second. Take a very brief census around /s/, Yea Forums, /egl/, and even here on Yea Forums, and take a very special note of how many people on here talk about real life women with perfectly adequate looks, and call them ugly, fat, and old. And then come back and try that post again.

>So yeah, basically, they find it annoying that the ideal of beauty for some is some impossible standard they can never achieve
This concept in of itself is a fallacy. Fictional women aren't able to create a "beauty standard" in the first place. Because they're not real.

Plus, there is no rational reason why a woman would feel the need to "achieve" a beauty standard. This is an internal flaw. Which many claim that media creates. When in reality, it only exists in the perception of women. Not in the media. Women with a strong sense of self, don't suffer this problem.

No, I agree with you to a point. Not all women fit this and some are based. But they don't make up for even 0.1 percent of the bullshit most have caused. Especially in vidya

The only reasonable argument of the thread.

Literally a handful of people in the whole Internet publishing clickbait articles once in a while.
Then it get posted here with REEEE FEMINISTS ARE TRYING TO STEAL YOUR ROBOT WAIFUS 500 replies guaranteed.

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>A 2D girl will never cook you a meal
Girls can't cook for shit.
t. a head chef
Girls are only associated with cooking because they aren't ambitious enough to leave the kitchen.
Once a girl gains ambition, she is a woman.

>I need you to stop for a second. Take a very brief census around /s/, Yea Forums, /egl/, and even here on Yea Forums, and take a very special note of how many people on here talk about real life women with perfectly adequate looks, and call them ugly, fat, and old. And then come back and try that post again.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.

Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

They say those things about people they don't know, and will likely never meet. But ask these men to judge women face to face, and watch how their standards morph into something more realistic.

And I can't look like Arnie, I'm not fucking upset about that. Being a woman should be classified as a mental illness.

You have it exactly backwards.
You are less of a person, therefore, you're not having sex.

Pull your shit together. That's all it takes.
You don't have sex, and then magically know the mysteries of the universe. You don't stick your dick in a vagina, and then fucking Methuselah appears on his golden throne, and bestows upon you the gift of Personhood. Doesn't fucking work that way.

Self-improvement. Get out in the world. Learn things. Become someone. THEN someone, somewhere won't mind (and might actually enjoy) having sex with you. It's not the beginning, it's the end. It's someone else saying "I found you interesting and/or not terrible enough to allow you access to my genitals"

It would be okay if these characters were in porn, where the whole point is to arouse, and if there was more variety in other media. But when it's the majority, it specifically perpetuates the standards of beauty and leaks over real life.

Also I didn't "admit" that women perpetuate this beauty standard, it's a fact. But it's based on how they're raised and societal expectations, they've been told all their life to base their value on their looks, so at some point if they conform to it it becomes their truth, and others who deviate are seen as just that, deviants.

Not to mention that if a woman doesn't wear makeup you'd criticize her as looking like a guy or being ugly, so don't act all pissed.

Also this isn't about "stopping" these designs, I'm just trying to explain WHY people are annoyed by them. It's not "dem nags be jealous".

A bodybuilder isn't the standard of beauty in men.
Also there's way more variety in how men are portrayed in games and other media compared to women, of course it's doesn't affect you as much. You're not being fucking bombarded like they are.

Absolutely based. Glad to see that Yea Forums has not been turned into normalfag central just yet.

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I refuse to be judged by the standards of others. I'm a perfectly acceptable human being. I'm courteous, I'm polite to people I meet, I'm hard working. But I prefer to keep to myself. And I will never have sex, because I am fat and ugly and my penis is 3 inches erect. I will never have sex, and no one will ever love me. I have accepted that and I do not bear society or women ill will for it.

Now go eat a dick

>It's not "dem nags be jealous".
That's exactly what it is, though. You're mad about the "standards of beauty" because you're afraid you don't measure up, and so you're insanely jealous.

Pretty much every man in video games is conventionally attractive. The same can't be said for women in western games recently, they're all hideous because harpies are on the design teams whining about them being too "over-sexualised" because they have a bit of lipstick on.

2DPD are just as disgusting as 3DPD. Their only purpose is to provide you with some fap material to release sexual tension and get back to work.

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Everyone talks like that on the internet though, people scrutinize looks online to a way higher degree than they would in reality including woman because we're bombarded with pictures of attractive people all the time we can be as vapid and shallow as we like.

Women can't resist their own gender, refusing to make yourself pretty is outright admitting that you don't give a shit about the attention you could get and the free passes on things if you are elegant and attractive enough.

Being a slob helps nobody. Being attractive and working hard on your own appearance opens many doors.

Men are not autistic enough to lose themselves over the self-aware crap, there are a lot of beauty, fashion ect. standards for men, they are also told how to behave and how to function.

Stop putting women on a pedestal.

>You are less of a person, therefore, you're not having sex.
Meanwhile poor homeless ghetto black people on drugs are having sex and even reproducing.

Go fuck yourself.

No censorship though. The guy turned christian and decided to do something else.

>You're not being fucking bombarded like they are
Like fuck men aren't. Males in any media are attractive, or played for comedy. If they aren't fuckable they're a joke.

2D is a fictional ideal written by men who know what men want. You can't possibly compare it to 3D, the difference is orders of magnitude.

>I refuse to be judged by the standards of others.
>no one will ever love me.

You uh, you got yourself a complex there, user. You are your own worst enemy.
You should really get that looked at.

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Fun has been dead ever since gaming became mainstream. I've long given up trying to seek "fun" from future games.

Real time strategy is dead.
Classic depth in RPGs like Daggerfall, Fallout, Arcanum and Baldur's Gate are dead
Gabe forsake us, and we'll never get a Half-Life 3.
The modding community that once made great mods like Counterstrike is no more.
Maps on Starcraft 1 used to be free and unmorderated. Starcraft 2 maps are now paid and moderated.

And I haven't even gone into how Lara Croft lost her tits and personality. Or how nu-Deus Ex is nothing like the original with Warren Spector

The SJWings and the removal of sexiness is the final nail in the coffin of what I consider to be the death of "fun" in videogames. Yes I'm pissed. Yes I'm bitter. And I admit some games are looking better - but those are mostly the indies that some Yea Forums like to accuse of being SJW or leftist.

There's no pleasing anyone. So fuck fun, I'm going back to /vr/

>refusing to make yourself pretty is outright admitting that you don't give a shit about the attention you could get and the free passes on things if you are elegant and attractive enough.
>Being a slob helps nobody. Being attractive and working hard on your own appearance opens many doors.

Heard it here first folks, unattractive people have bad character. You're a lazy fucking slob who makes the world worse for being ugly

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Fiction affects real life, what the fuck are you even thinking ?
How many times do you think fiction has affected fashion trends, visual art styles, and yes, beauty standards ?
And why do you even think these fictionnal women are drawn that way ?

It's a big mess of influence from everything to everything, and it slips its way into society's perception of beauty.

And yes, there's a reason. Upbringing. Women are expected by society to be pleasing to the eye, because that's been considered what their worth was, for marriage for example, for centuries.

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Well, you have a point. Wait for me.

It's just simple facts. A little self loathing is good for you. Maybe people wouldn't be such little bitches if they learned it.

>fictional ideal
So, 2DPD are basically Star Citizen of women.

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Yeah! You know why? Because they're out there in the world! They've got stories! They're interesting!
And those that aren't? They've been around actual women long enough to know and act upon the signs of attraction (Or they just rape. That's also a thing. Beside the point, but I wanted to cut that off at the pass before someone else gets to it)

Point is, they're not stuck in some room arguing with faceless nobodies on the internet. They're getting experience, which is the one thing you don't have.

>black people can't be racist
>women can't be sexist
>fags can't be wrong
All women are incel by default, as it's just an adopted term for "women hater".
I've never seen a fit person and hope they get hit by a car for it. Women are very open on the way they socialize, see's an attractive woman, wants to cut their face.
When I seen a dude that I envy, I don't want any harm to come to him, I want to be like him.
This is why REAL tomboys(not edgy "I don't shower because it's symbolic of oppression" feminist, but Women who see above what's expected of them, and go for what really makes them happy.) are superior to normal woman.

>Point is, they're not stuck in some room arguing with faceless nobodies on the internet. They're getting experience, which is the one thing you don't have.
I think you're in the wrong place, friend. You should go.

>Women are expected by society to be pleasing to the eye, because that's been considered what their worth was,
That's what their worth is, though. I get it, you've been brainwashed by globalism to think that wasting most of your life on a fucking job is somehow the highest aspiration of womanhood, meanwhile some lucky cunt a few thousand years ago only had to chill out in the tribe and wait for her man to come home with the bacon.

You have literally traded away true freedom, freedom of time, for a meaningless one, freedom of vocation.

It's because in their eyes, beautiful girls who exploit themselves are slaves of the devil and are forever imbued with lust and sluttery and thus must be suppressed at all cost "for the sake of the children and other women out there" or some other bullshit.

It's ironic that feminists and sjws discriminate beautiful women, real or not, even more than the ones who exploit them.

I wanna marry mercy

>A little self loathing is good for you.
Nope. It's not. NO self loathing is good for you. All self loathing is bad for you.
Self-actualization is good. Self-critique is good. Self-awareness is good.
Self-LOATHING is bad and will destroy you.
If you're fat, eat better and buy good fitting clothes. If you're ugly, get a sense of humor. If you have a small dick, it'll probably go away with the fat, and if it doesn't, just get good with your mouth and fingers. There's always a way, user.
Find solutions, don't make excuses.

But why do they think the ultimate goal of life is to have sex

I've known far too many people who were stupid pieces of shit and felt good about themselves. Nah

NORMIES get out

>A bodybuilder isn't the standard of beauty in men
No shit! It's the standard for fuckable.
The standard of beauty in men is called being a woman.

>They're interesting!
Let me get this straight : You're arguing that a homeless black guy on drug is more interesting and thus has more value than a socially awkward guy who never got girls because of this.

Are you actually serious? And no, that's a legit question, because I think that your statement here proves exactly why "incels" are treating women like shit.

cringe but still based

That's false equivalence user. Trying to be happy doesn't automatically mean that you're stupid.

Fiction can't change reality.
If in fiction, every character has perky DD tits. Then that will never change the reality that most women don't have those tits. So the beauty standard of reality, is based on the realistic dimension of real life.

No man is going to decide that a girl he likes isn't worth his effort, because she doesn't look like the characters on TV. Expectations always level out when it comes to real human interaction. People find out quickly what they can get, and what they can't, and work within those boundaries.

>Women are expected by society to be pleasing to the eye
This is basic mating stuff, so what?

>because that's been considered what their worth was
In totality? No. But partially, yes. Beauty is an indicator of good genes, health, and wealth. All things desirable in a mate.

>for marriage for example
Marriage is largely perpetuated by women themselves. The vast majority of men would never marry, if not for women's insistence. This is actually one of the ways women enforce societal standards on men.

But guys, what if I have found a waifu in real life?

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Sweetie not everyone, in fact I would say the majority don't feel the need to project themselves onto a fictional character to feel good about themselves. That just speaks volumes about you being unbelievably fucking insecure.

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>It would be okay if these characters were in porn, where the whole point is to arouse, and if there was more variety in other media. But when it's the majority, it specifically perpetuates the standards of beauty and leaks over real life.
Lol thats actually even way more sexist because it implies attractive woman are only good for sex and nothing more they can't be hot and be doing other non-sexual stuff or shown being a capable character apparently.
>But it's based on how they're raised and societal expectations, they've been told all their life to base their value on their looks, so at some point if they conform to it it
Well thats true of all society you have to rise above it or tell people to fuck off and grow a backbone, there's plenty of "manly" things I am expected to conform to and just don''t because I don't care and people generally respect me for being myself so you have to not bee a doormat and stand up for your beliefs and people will eventually come around.
>Not to mention that if a woman doesn't wear makeup you'd criticize her as looking like a guy or being ugly, so don't act all pissed.
Do you know me? I would not and am not a fan of woman slathering themselves in make-up, in fact I'd much prefer woman stop wearing make-up completely so i could actually tell the truly attractive ones from the dogs.

>Pretty much every man in video games is conventionally attractive.

No, because you get ugly characters, old men, fat guys, bald guys. They're not necessarilly the main character, though they can be, but the men in media aren't necessarilly designed to be attractive to some extent, they're designed as characters first and foremost.

Most women, on the other hand, were designed to be love interests, or even if they weren't they were either attractive or sweet old women, and they weren't attractive there was usually something wrong with them.

And honestly if you think all modern western games have "hideous harpies", you're just blind. Yeah, there are more unconventionnal looks, but it just seems to me like you suffer from basic "I remember stuff I dislike more" syndrome.

And why do you even think they're affraid they don't measure up, anyway ? Because their worth is measured based on their looks by too many. That's exactly what you're doing here, calling anyone who doesn't fit your views hideous and harpies.


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>Could it be that women in the real world are jealous of fictional women?
Feminists are omega women who try to achieve a sexual marketplace monopoly by eliminating all rivals by any means necessary. Rivals also include video game characters. These omega women can't "compete" otherwise.

Fem here, those underfucked women can screw themselves, pls just let me have my big tiddies skyrim mods so i can disappoint Godd Howard

There's kind of a hierarchy of happiness that a lot of people don't understand. There's ignorant bliss, which is what self-loathing "intelligentsia" think the masses are experiencing, and they hate it because they believe themselves too "smart" to fall for it. And then there's the enlightened, true elite who are beyond the self-loathers in terms of intellect who have discovered the purpose of life and are happy constantly.

Both of the brainlet classes can't understand the people above them, because they're too stupid. If they were smarter, they'd be in those classes, looking down on the peons below.

When did I ever say men didn't have the same problems to a degree ?
I'm just saying it's more universal for women.

Also "working hard on your appearance" is good, obviously, but the standards are high and unrealistic, especially if the basis for that exact standard is fictionnal.

yep, all the talk of "objectifying women" is the excuse they give
but really they dont like anything that draws attention away from them or makes them look bad. Its just their genetic behaviour

>Hurr durr I suffer too

Why do women care what incels want, when women aren't interested in incels?
Do they want incels to be attracted to them just so they can tell them to fuck off?

Uh, I mean, yeah?

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Are we being fucking raided? Holy shit. First of all:
This isn't videogames
Secondly, Reddit fuck off. I see you in this thread with your talking points you cunts. You probably OPd so you could post this garbage.

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women feel creeped out by incels because they get angry and lash out at them

>Women are tired of their whole gender being reduced to eye candy
too bad sweety. If you don't want to accept being eye candy, you'll always be a leftover woman.

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women are attention vampires

>They're not necessarilly the main character, though they can be, but the men in media aren't necessarilly designed to be attractive to some extent,
I would completely disagree with this. They're almost always attractive, the only examples when they aren't is when they're very old and playing the role of a sage or something, which is something that's represented across both sexes.

>And honestly if you think all modern western games have "hideous harpies", you're just blind.
No, I just have taste. I get it, you like the new "style" of characters, they're more "realistic" because you think you look better than them. It's just so fucking tiresome.

>And why do you even think they're affraid they don't measure up, anyway ? Because their worth is measured based on their looks by too many.
You're afraid because you know your worth is based on your looks. So is mine, although I can alleviate that with money and fame. How lucky I am, to be able to waste my life to pursue social acclaim just to win the hand of a fair lady.

Yes. Nothing infuriates women more than men not paying attention to them

Yes and no. No because there are those that can compete but yes they are about monopolizing the sexual market place by trying to devalue visually sexually desirable women.

It's the worth they've been given. As a whole.
But it shouldn't apply to all of them, different aspirations exist, human beings are individuals, shithead.

Fuck off Reddit, get out. We don't shit in your backyard.

Based and not even pasta.
2D > Smelly 3D

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>You're arguing that a homeless black guy on drug is more interesting
>and thus has more value

Here's a secret: Sex is easy. Sex is STUPID easy to get. Sex is so easy, literally nobody EXCEPT the people who don't have sex ascribe any kind of value to it. I guarantee you, you, yourself, are doing far, far more to hinder your chances of catching some sweet poon than anyone else on the planet.

I think that's the crux of this whole thing;
Sex, in and of itself, has no intrinsic value.
That's why people laugh at incels;
Not because they don't have sex, but because they ascribe this insane value to the idea of sex. They think sex is some kind of achievement that they've been denied, when that's never actually been the case.
And not just a value, but the kind of high value that lends itself to insane conspiracy theories about why they're not having sex.

When people say "Have sex", what they mean is "Gain some perspective". They're saying "Get to a point in your life, where you're having some kind of sex with someone, so you can realize, like 99% of the world before you, that sex feels nice and can be rewarding and satisfying under the right circumstances, but it's a big fucking nothing by itself, and matters nothing to an average individual.

kek so true

Oh no! Is the bad man with the good advice invading your safe space?

Fuck off Reddit

Say that to all the dudebros with "no fat chicks" shirts. Also even if they did get fucked, what value does it have if you're treated like shit before, during and after it ?
Don't idealize sex.

If sex is so unimportant why can't girls fuck incels to help them?
Notmslfags put a lot of importance on sex. That's why being a virgin is so frowned upon. You can be the perfect person but if you're >18 and virgin you're a loser.

>But it shouldn't apply to all of them
I mean, it should. That's how this fucking game works, you put a bit of effort in, you land a decent man.

Women are literal children. You exist to be cared for, all you have to do is pump out a couple of kids, and your brain will make you happier than any amount of vocational success ever would. You are literally a machine designed to have children.

Men are a little different. Men also exist to have kids, but more importantly, men exist to compete to have children. Women don't have to compete, not really. They're the limiting factor.

Not him, but it does, in a sense. Just reading your posts, you've reduced everything to simple thoughts like "pull your shit together." You have a "just do it" kind of attitude that ignores the complexity of the user's situation. Happiness is reductive.

That doesn't mean happy people are stupid per se. But smart or dumb, happy people experience moments where they ignore the bad traits of themselves or their situation. The best way I can think to describe it, is auto-escapism. Where you don't need a video game to distract your mind for example. You can just do it in the moment.

Fact: there are more virgin men than women. What does this mean?

>When women get educated they're already too old
Unless they met their partners before or even at college, retard. Better than men which basically lose the game of life if they haven't had a partner by the age of 16-21.

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>If sex is so unimportant why can't girls fuck incels to help them?
Because it's nobody's job but your own to get you out of your rut.
Also those women do exist. They're called prostitutes.

>You can be the perfect person but if you're >18 and virgin you're a loser.
Nobody over the age of 21 believes this.
And if they do? They're assholes and you don't need them in your life.

>Better than men which basically lose the game of life if they haven't had a partner by the age of 16-21.
Hardly. Men become more attractive with age, because they accumulate wealth.

gimme gimme

Fiction can influence how we perceive reality should be. Also there's such a thing as plastic surgery, why do you think some people go as far as trying to look like dolls ?

As for your other points, that's exactly the problem. A person's worth shouldn't be based on how much of a desirable mate they are. They can be other things, be acomplished in other fields, have other goals.

Also I wasn't talking about current times when I mentionned marriage. But if you're going to talk about them enforcing it, it's mostly for security. To not be left with a kid to raise alone, to have ground when splitting up, and also probably out tradition and a fantasy perpetuated by fiction.

It means that women are taught that their body is their primary source of value to give the world, so they give it more often than men do, whether they want to or not.

Men can just learn to be an electrician or some shit.

Insecurity is not innate. It's created, perpetuated, by how you've been perceived and judged.

Holy fucking BASED

Attached: eve.png (274x296, 64K)

Let's roll

Nope, bullshit, I've been fed that shit before.
After 21, the man is considered disposable, all you can do is give your life away and go to the military, because we live in a shit world where all we are seen as is disposable cannon fodder.

Attached: Johnny confused.png (249x275, 157K)

>A person's worth shouldn't be based on how much of a desirable mate they are.
So go out and fuck a leper, then. Who knows, maybe he's really funny.

Why is it that women always want standards to change when it comes to how others view them, yet they won't change their own standards?

Maybe, how many attractive female doctors/scientists do you know that get jealous over this?

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Incels are toxic because they like 2D perfect women ugh
They should like real women like me
Oh but they also need to change themselves to fit the kind of man I like


None lol. Attractive women don't give a shit, let alone attractive women with high human capitol other than their looks.

Never date a girl you're working in a lab with though, it doesn't end well.

>they can't be hot and be doing other non-sexual stuff or shown being a capable character apparently.
To a degree, of course they can. But not if they're specifically designed like a porn icon. The clothes they wear, for example, are often counterproductive to what they're supposed to do.
>fuck off and grow a backbone
> I don't care and people generally respect me for being myself
Well good for you champ, but you're not really the issue here, are you ?
>I'd much prefer woman stop wearing make-up completely so i could actually tell the truly attractive ones from the dogs
And here we are, judging their worth and degrading those who don't fit your tastes.

Thread theme

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Fucking based and waifupilled.

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What's wrong with keeping things clean?

>And here we are, judging their worth and degrading those who don't fit your tastes.
Like women do, you mean?

>They're almost always attractive, the only examples when they aren't is when they're very old and playing the role of a sage or something, which is something that's represented across both sexes.
Sure, every fucking NPC in any game is hot, you sure know a lot about video games.

>I get it, you like the new "style" of characters, they're more "realistic" because you think you look better than them. It's just so fucking tiresome.
What characters are you even talking about ? Also I'm a guy, you moron. And yeah, "tiresome", that's exactly the point I'm trying to make. I never said attractive characters can't exist, but yeah, it's tiresome that every fucking time a character or a real person isn't seen as fuckable it's just considered garbage around here.

>So is mine, although I can alleviate that with money and fame.
Wage gap.

Because sex isn't something anyone is owed.

Enjoy dying alone.

i wanna have sex

Enjoy dying alone.

Those aren't all the same person though


They're cute tho, would hug.

>Fiction can influence how we perceive reality should be
But it can't change reality. Look at pic related. All of these women are influenced by the comic character poison ivy. They can dress like her, but it doesn't alter the reality of their appearance. Now let's say as a hypothetical, that these women were the last living women on the planet. Are men going to refuse to fuck them, because they don't have the same bodies as the woman in the comic? Of course not. That's absurd.

But WOMEN keep pushing this idea that they need to achieve the standard of this fictional character. What sense is there in it? Why must they do this?

>A person's worth shouldn't be based on how much of a desirable mate they are.
That is not the entirety of women's worth, and I didn't say it was. And society doesn't think this either.

>Also I wasn't talking about current times when I mentionned marriage.
So was I. Why did you think I was talking about a different time? Most men TODAY, do not want to get married. Because they have everything to lose, and nothing to gain. You see, marriage is a real law. It's enforced by police who will put you in a cell, if you don't comply. It forces men into upholding a standard, in order to avoid divorce.

On the flip side, women are crying about their self-imposed insecurities, that they are not forced to uphold. They create the beauty standard, and then cry to men that they can't achieve it.

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Like humans in a shit society that should be fixed do, yeah.
Stop trying to reduce this whole discussion to "but I feel bad too sometimes", that's exactly the problem.

gimme some braps

I will protect you and your waifus smiles

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>yeah, it's tiresome that every fucking time a character or a real person isn't seen as fuckable it's just considered garbage around here.
Characters and real people are pretty distinct groups, buddy.

When I watch an action movie, and the attractive male lead fights an attractive British villain to save an attractive female love interest, I feel no sense of unease, unlike you. Because I am able to separate fiction from reality, I understand that in a fictional world, people are, and should be, very attractive. The only reason to hire ugly people is for the sake of "realism", which is an absurd concept in entertainment.

>Wage gap.
You need to go back. Although you are technically right, women do make more than men given the same work.

When will it be time for sapient AI waifu?

Why are you telling me this because it's utterly irrelevant to the discussion at hand. Pay attention, I'm calling user insecure because they're getting into a tizzy over particular types of fictional images of females.

This makes me feel things.

Attached: Nerf these.jpg (225x225, 15K)

>To a degree, of course they can. But not if they're specifically designed like a porn icon. The clothes they wear, for example, are often counterproductive to what they're supposed to do.
So what? Hot characters with sexy bodies can't overlap with non-sexual occupations, its being unrealistic isn't an argument videogames aren't concerned with realism and since its fantasy its not exactly surprising just make characters attractive and sexy because they can.
>Well good for you champ, but you're not really the issue here, are you ?
I dunno maybe you should just try to be more like me?
>And here we are, judging their worth and degrading those who don't fit your tastes.
Everyone judge people on their looks how is that unique to men? Not wearing make-up just lets me see the real truth of how woman look if you're concerned that people won't be attracted to you anymore because you don't wear make-up then you just aren't a good looking person sorry, men never wear make-up and don't even have this luxury of boosting their appearance period so why is it bad woman get judged in the same way?

"being fucked" isn't the end goal for them, when will that stick with you ? Being judged on how fuckable they are, how much people would fuck them rather than some other woman, or how less of a good fuck they'd be than some other, or hell how much you'd fuck them but would do it just because you want to fuck is exactly the problem.

>So was I.
Reread my post. I wasN'T.

Wow that vagina is really puffy, imagine shoving your face into it.

Attached: Meow.gif (500x307, 564K)

>Also there's such a thing as plastic surgery, why do you think some people go as far as trying to look like dolls ?
This is mainly a women thing, once again. Sure, some men have body issues and get plastic surgery. But the vast, VAST amount of cosmetic surgery, is for women. And why? Because WOMEN prop up figures such as Kim Kardashian as the most famous celebrity in the world. Do you think men give a FLYING FUCK about Kim Kardashian. I mean, of course a lot of men want to fuck her. But what makes her above just some random pornstar? It's the admiration and respect that women have afforded her.

Women set this ridiculous standard. It's an internal problem, not an external one. The external is merely reflective of the broken internal.

> Because I am able to separate fiction from reality, I understand that in a fictional world, people are, and should be, very attractive.
That's because fiction is meant for projection, and you're meant to fit into this power fantasy of the handsome guy getting the hot girl.

>Could it be that women in the real world are jealous

>is exactly the problem.
And it'll be a "problem" until all humans are surgically modified into lobotomised grey blobs from birth.

You are literally whining about nature. How fucking stupid can you get? Oh, right, you're a woman, so pretty fucking stupid.

I was that user, retard.
And I'm saying that because you're acting as if it's easy not to be insecure, when the whole thing goes deeper than that, and at its core is based on perceived worth by a general audience.

Middle ground would be nice. Get hugs for being nice and cooking for her and give her hugs for being nice and cooking for you. Hug each other after finishing cooking together.

Attached: Cat (133).gif (333x281, 1.67M)

sorry I can't hear you over the meowing of your 2 cats lol

It's bad because appearance and how fuckable anyone is shouldn't be the main factor in their worth to society, and when did I say that was unique to men ?

>Why is it that women always want standards to change when it comes to how others view them, yet they won't change their own standards?

You mean like how all incels want to fuck a pornstar, but get mad when those kinds of women only want to fuck "chads"?

Fuck it

>you're acting as if it's easy not to be insecure

Assumptions is the mother of all fuck ups. I'm not doing that I'm just telling that user a hard truth, it's up to them what they do with that now.

The internal problem is caused by the associated worth. Young girls want to feel pretty because they associate their own worth with boys liking them, because they're told that it's what matters most. And then they confuse sexual attention for worth.
It's a societal problem. Why do you feel the need to just distance yourself completely from it ?

I don't owe sex to women so let me fap to my 2D waifus

I'm a guy you dipshit. And we've separated ourselves as a specie from basic nature millenias ago.

I hope they can develop artificial child support then :^)

Sure, but don't expect people to catter to that specific activity in every fucking media as if that has any worth.

I think this discounts feminist indoctrination. Many believe this is demeaning to women, because they've been taught it's demeaning to women. I've personally deprogrammed a few feminists using Senran Kagura to show them that there's nothing threatening about bouncing anime tiddies.

I think you'll find that waifu-bait is a very lucrative industry.

I'm not a woman.
And what does fucking a leper have to do with anything ?

I'm talking about worth as a person, not fuckability. Why do you guys always confuse the two ?

Jack off to that industry then. But don't bitch and moan every time a different industry prospers.

Of course it's not only about "being fucked". But we are talking about a beauty standard. What do you think the beauty standard is used to judge? Fuckability. You're claiming that women need to achieve an unrealistic level of fuckablity, in order to be taken seriously. And I'm saying no they don't. They can be their real selves, and still achieve the standard. The bar is actually set way lower than they perceive it to be. In fact, it's pretty much non existent, because a man would fuck pretty much anything.

>Reread my post. I wasN'T.
My mistake. Well in anycase, women are way more into marriage than men, during any period of time. Men simply don't want to marry.

oversexualized is a word without meaning

If you are defined by what other see in you from the outside that's just you being immature, so it's all your fault.
grow up and just be the person you want to be.

Even though she got a shitty design the robot girl can't come soon enough.

desexualization remove the fun from design, that is supposed to be striking (grotesque and/or sexy)
you are just a prude

Women shouldn't vote

Reminder that (((they))) are already shutting down sex doll brothels.

>And annoyed that to these guys the "perfect woman" (making them flawed) is a litteral sex object with no other purpose.
so they are immature and define themselves through the kind of attention they get. THis means they are the source of the problem and the solutione is simply growing a spine.

>In fact, it's pretty much non existent, because a man would fuck pretty much anything.
A man would fuck pretty much anything but that has no value to a woman, specifically for that reason.

>The internal problem is caused by the associated worth.
No, it's born from the inside. Women are far more sensitive to society standards than men. Most boys grow up blind to these kinds of things. Boys figure out what they can or can't do by pushing boundaries, and seeing what gives and what holds. If they can do it, then they do it. If they can't then they can't.

Girls instinctively seek approval. They have an inborn sense capable of detecting consensus. And they either conform to consensus, or rebel against it. But consensus always plays a huge factor into decisions girls make.

The whole beauty standard concept, comes from the unique perception of women. That's why it won't go away.

Upon facing unrealistic beauty standards in media I immediately started dieting, exercising, consistently showering and shaving and got a hobby so I could meet them. Get fucked anime boys I will be her husbando.

why do you feel the need to achieve it?

No, the source of the problem is how rewarded those who get attention are.

Girls seek approval because they're raised from a young age with images of them being less physical, supposed to be more nurturing, and less likely to succeed than men.

It's all about gender roles.

The point is, you don't need to achieve a beauty standard, since men don't have any real standards.

>we've separated ourselves as a specie from basic nature millenias ago.