>game lets you quick save whenever you want
>ruins any sense of challenge
Game lets you quick save whenever you want
i have never completed a game of m&b without savescumming.
The earlier Hitman games did it right, you get a limited amount of saves per mission and the amount gets lower on higher difficulties.
As far as open world games go, they should unironically just copy Dark Souls's bonfires.
>Game autosaves for you at final boss room.
>Final Boss requires MP but I used up all my MP restore items.
>Have to load up 2nd save from beginning of final dungeon and go through it again.
>Never make 2nd save files so I'm screwed and have to start over from the beginning.
This happened to DSP on Secret of Mana remake. Right at the Mana Beast.
>cant make fun and challenging level design
>games only way of challenging you is by forcing you to do everything over again
who is that bug?
>I keep doing this thing that I don't like
>game gives you options
>somehow it removes challenge
>game designed an element into a game
>not at fault that player abuses it
Kingdom Come Deliverance lets you use a potion to save whenever, but still encourages you to be careful with your decisions. Liked that.
>game is so challenging that you NEED to quick save whenever you can to have any hopes of progressing
If you're savescumming and it removes challenge, then you don't actually want challenge.
cheng xiao
>game autosaves at the exact moment that fucks you over
>falling to your death
>mid air auto save
The problem is it puts a crucial aspect of balancing the game in the player's hands. It shouldn't be my job to determine when it's "fair" to save.
Based. Quicksaving in games with action or realtime gameplay of any kind is a poor design decision.
ReadPutting quicksaving into games forces the devs to balance around the assumption that the player will use it. Stealth games are especially bad for this. In many of them getting seen by the guards is a death sentence and there's little chance of escaping once you're seen, so the objective most effective way of playing is to save every time you get near enemies and reload your save if you're seen. Which ruins all sense of risk and tension, and just turn it into a boring game of trial and error. Quicksaving and balance around quicksaving is why 90% of stealth games are shit. Stealth games in particular should absolutely NEVER have quicksaving. It literally instantly ruins stealth games.
> It shouldn't be my job to determine when it's "fair" to save.
THIS. Thinking about when to save completely destroys immersion and takes away from gameplay. You either incorporate saves as part of the game like Kingdom Come Or dark souls, or you make quick save not an option at all.
Whenever it doesn't reduce your enjoyment of the game. Balancing isn't relative to the player because what is challenging for you may be easy for somebody else.
name 3 good stealth games that came out in last 3 years.
I honestly don't know. I'm not a huge stealth guy. But I've played enough stealth games with quicksaving like Dishonored and Styx to know that they're ruined by quicksaving. Even tacked on stealth sections in non-stealth games like the gerudo fortress in Ocarina of Time are better than most actual stealth games because of the lack of quicksaving
That's bad game design.
They could have something that restores hp/mp after the last autosave.
I don't play many stealth games but when I do play them I really enjoy getting good enough to do a mission in one take. If I save I just feel like a loser that can't do it right.
>he thinks doing all challenges at once consecutively is the same difficulty as doing them one at a time
>Just got past some real shit
>Accidentaly quickload instead
Or perhaps worse
>Just started death animation
>Press Quicksave instead of Quickload
You're right. It was clearly a mistake on the devs end. You see the Sprite could use MP absorb but the Girl does not have such a skill. And you need both casting Mana Weapon otherwise you do no damage to the boss. So once the Girl runs out of MP you're screwed. Bad Design.
It's a dead genre, that what I was implying.
Quicksaving existed in PC games for ages. Consoles had only autosaves because of limited drive space.
I don't think game design has to do with anything here
I love asian women as much as the next guy, but GOD these kpop clones, man. They're so bland looking and all literally look the same.
It takes some self control just make encounter checkpoints. Span them out further for increased difficulty. Never quicksave mid fight that's the cheap shit.
this literally happened to me in paper mario the thousand year door
saved before going against the final boss and then i realized i was underleveled as fuck and wasn't as gud to parry every attack and didn't have enough health restoring items. But i couldn't go back, or at least i didn't found a way so i had to fucking restart the damn story.
Flippy is the only one some meat on her body and have actual talent besides dancing and singing
Fuck it, I'm completely and utterly done with "challenging" and "thoughtful" save systems and above anything else it's all this franchise's fault. Completely loses any novelty value after your first playthrough, and it just becomes annoying when you're just in the mood to screw around with the world. If the game is not designed with specific save points or rest spots in mind and instead has a free save and load system, it should place no limitations whatsoever on it.
It may have originally been a result of technical limitations, but not having quicksaving is still a better design choice for stealth/action games. And some studios like FromSoft have stuck with it even now that it's no longer necessary for technical reasons. More studios should follow FromSoft's lead and use checkpoints instead of quicksaves
They all have powdery white skin, almond-shaped heads, little mouths, and all the same body type. What's worse is when they all dye their hair blonde, then it's an army of white women wannabe clones.
fine ONE kpop idol with thighs like these
>modern game
choose one
who's this girl
Lord of the Rings. I sold the game after that
She is a bit thicker, yes. Everything else I mentioned here still applies though.
to br fair, a certain amount of it is up to you. Literally every time you do something as simple as collecting a powerup, you're making the game easier for yourself.
I do agree that we shouldn't have to go through the trouble of creating too many self-imposed challeges, but it is never completely up to the developer. That's by design. If it was, then you'd just be following a certain set of directions, which then turns it into rigid taks rather than a game. You need some semblance of choice.
The 7th generation called, they want their meme back. Hard games are back in full force, if you can't find them you must literally be living under a rock.
Based and non-seething take. I agree
>game lets you change your face but you'll always look like an insectoid
>kirby is hard bro trust me, you judt have to play blindfolded
The foreign ones look pretty good
>game added a new creature into a game
>incels and virgins obsess over it
Why do chinks look like literal subhumans. Not even niggers can beat asians in ugliness.
generic insectoid with surgeries, makeup and cgi #4735
I would date the left do I have terminal yellow fever help
>game remove some its of its characters
>it gets better and successful
What did knetzien mean by this