Post in the thread "I'm sorry I doubted you IGA-san" in the comments right now.
Your game looks like utter garbage and the Hollow Knight dudes made a far nicer looking game for a 100th of the budget. Seppuku is your only way out out of this shameful display.
good gameplay but the models/animation are janky as fuck. should have gone 2D instead
Gameplay is fantastic but the game is still ugly to look at.
I'm sorry I doubted you IGA-san
And the music is really... meh, in most places.
IMO the game is a solid 7/10. Should be a good frame work for a more refined squeal.
I'm sorry I went to the chain grocery store IGA-san.
stupid question: why do they sell ice in stores? don't people have freezers?
'm sorry I doubted you IGA-san
What if you need ice to go for a cooler or you're having a party and want a ton of crushed ice.
I buy ice when there's a power outage and I need to keep things cold.
But I never doubted him.
if there's a power outage, wouldn't the power be out at the store and their ice melt?
Not every power outage is a nuke from Russia that blows out the state.
It wasn't even on my radar until I bought it on a whim yesterday. It's good. Not sure if it's SotN good since I haven't had time to beat it yet.
I'm glad he realized how utter shit Inti-Creates is and was able to salvage his game.
Power grids exist user. A few blocks can be out but not effect the rest of the grid.
I'm sorry I doubted you IGA-san
Truth be told, I'm amazed it was able to be salvaged. Wayforward is a great dev, but Inti-Creates is a known train wreck that I'm sure left one hell of a mess for Wayforward to clean up. From the info thats out there it seems like Inti-Creates easily burned 2 of those 5 years of dev time in to nothing.
Refrigerators can be big and eat up electricity, might not need one depending on what you're trying to chill
Why should I? I predicted that it would be inferior to Hollow Knight and it was.
Apologize for what? Game looks like ass.
>Inti-Creates makes tons of great 2D games
>let's cheap out and ask them to make a 2.5D game, 2D is to expensive
>wow Inti Creates, what went wrong
Iga and Inafune share half the blame.
There are stories about Inti Creates with MN9 that are kinda nuts. Word is that they didn't know how to set up a team environment in either Unreal Engine or Unity, so none of their work was synced to a central source at all. They would share the source and assets with thumb drives. This lead to assets not being created correctly to matching other ones, incompatible code, etc, etc. They do know how to do 2d games, but they were WAY out of their league beyond that.
Game unironically looks like a PSP game. A fairly big part of the appeal of Castlevania were the great visuals and this failed to even get close to that benchmark.
The game looks fine on a technical scale. The REAL problem is a boring art style for much of the enemies+assets.