How do you justify spending $60 (Sixty United States Dollars) on this game?

How do you justify spending $60 (Sixty United States Dollars) on this game?

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I won't. I'll probably pirate it years from now when the switch has an easy permanent hack and freeshop.

By not buying it

The Switch has an easy permanent hack but it will never, ever have a freeshop

I got this for the €79, it seems worth it

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A movie costs $10 and lasts two hours. That's $5/hour of fun. Since this game costs $60, I should have about 12 hours of fun with it going by the same $/hour of fun rate. Link's Awakening takes a little bit over 12 hours to complete 100%, and there's a new dungeon creator too, so I think it all works out.

Well it's one of my favorite games and I must have played it about 50 times so I'd say it was money well spent. No interest in the remake though

it will fill this hole in me for a brief moment by taking me back to my youth

Same bro. Except 130 Aus Dollars

Because I have a job so $60 is an insignificant amount of money for me to pander to my sense of nostalgia and I have a life beyond games so I don't have an autistic mental spreadsheet that I use to decide if one game is worth a given amount of money.

It's hilarious that handheld games like Link's Awakening are the same price as console games like Breath of the Wild.

These handheld Switch games need to be $40 top.

What's the name of the hack? Can I put the cartridge and rip the files I need to my sd card easy?

I loved every Zelda I played, I'll buy because I didn't play the original.


Actually considering buying a Switch to play this, Mario Kart 8 and both Zeldas and maybe Smash Bros. I can get it for £225 right now but I'll probably wait until November/December. Are you happy with it?

Meanwhile, Tree Hunnit Dorras for one third of a PSX game.

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By being a mindless Nintendie sóylet chugging drone that thrives off fruitless hedonism while he lets his wife get pounded by Jamal in the background.

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I would if it looked like cadence of hyrule

by refusing to move on from your childhood

My only problem is Link's fucking face. Literally just give him a regular face holy shit

I'm not. I'm getting it for free.

From this gen I own a PS4, a Wii U, and a XBoxOneX. And my Switch is my most played gaming system by a huge margin.

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I'm not poor

is this an actual youtube thumbnail? jesus christ, i hate the masses

I'm pretty sure it's shopped from the /vp/ KAANTTOOO meme

Holy shit, what fucking year are you living in?

That's a nice steelbook actually

Because I plan to have fun with it


I really hope they also do the oracle games like this.

Because it's a good 20 hour game, I never played the original and I'm not poor.


>I never played the original
Not buying it anyways since I still have no interest in zelda

I never played the original and the new artsyle is cute

Because I'm not poor

>Link's Awakening
>20 hours

>middle right
*game slows to 12 fps*

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I was planning on buying it until I found out it was an exact, frame for frame remake with an even worse art style.

same, except €105

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That's because you're a moron who has never been important in any business in their life.

The first glaring and obvious difference between the 2 is that the theater provides all the hardware necessary to enjoy the movie.

2019 right?

It looks like Play-Doh. I never thought Nintendo could make such bad decisions.

I can't wait for 5 years later when everyone starts praising LA remake's graphics.

Attached: windwaker.jpg (1276x929, 182K)

I'm not poor.

The best part about WW is that people got the game that they wanted with Twilight Princess and now nearly everyone thinks the art style of that game is ugly as fuck and aged poorly.

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You are just a tragic Yea Forums cliché. Spouting jibberish you read on your edgy Internet forums. I hope you end up paraplegic.

Could someone explain to me what the fuck is going on with literally everything coming to the Switch? Animal Crossing looks like shit, Prime 4 had to be completly shitcanned, Pokemon SS is a fucking joke, ect. And now this bullshit. Is there ever going to be a reason to buy one?

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1. Link's Awakening is a remake of a game with an already defined sense of visuals. Completely different from Nintendo building something from the ground up, which was what Wind Waker was.
2. People readily accepted Twilight Princess. It vastly outsold Wind Waker.
3. Wind Waker is arguably one of the weakest 3D Zeldas in general. It's full of cut content, and the sailing adds very little to the game. Its visuals are actually the standout point.

what exactly is the issue?

it looks amazing
the artstyle is unique
definitely dropping 60 american taxpayer dollars on this

Iwata's ghost haunting Nintendo

Then again those games should be on hardware like the 3DS.

That's literally everything though. Everything is so soulless these days.

>we could have had artistic and realistic remakes of these handheld treasures
>each level hand-crafted to express the way you felt as a kid playing this game on a tiny screen
>all gone
>nothing but plastic gamefreak levels of bad design
I swear nintendo could have remade link's awakening and the oracle series as a 3d world instead of this top-down faggotry. It's a fucking IP game, nintendo, it's a flagship platform. Not some cashgrab you assholes. No one will hate you for finally just making something like that for fucking once. I want to see the god damn oracle commercial be the real god damn graphics, fuck you nintendo you fucking sell outs

I don't i just play it on my hacked switch and enjoy it very much.

>implying I'm doing that
The entire Crash trilogy was 40 burgers, why would anyone be fooled by Link's Awakening's price tag?

why do people want stupid, soulless "HIRE THIS MAN"-style graphics?

Meh, this would have been worth the $60 if it included the Oracle games.
Watch them sell those for $60 each too.

already has freeshop.


To make the remake you wanted Nintendo would have to develop it themselves which would delay new games like the next Mario so you can have a somewhat better remake of a gameboy game. Nintendo can't make every game themselves. They work on about 4-5 games at a time.

>Watch them sell those for $60 each too.

Watch me buy them both.

you know some people pay $60 and more for static pieces of art which never move, cannot be interacted with and simply hang in your home?


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Why is Yea Forums concerned about what I spend my money on?
I don't come into dragon dildo threads to tell you that you spent too much.

So it's easy to hack, hard to hack, has freeshop, doesn't have freeshop, every switch released so far is hackable no matter the firmware, not hackable at certain firmware. So many lies.

I spent 40 minutes playing that. I'm legitimately mad my GF came home and I had to be an adult again

Yeah, ps4 is the best selling console this gen, what's your point?

but there is a 2P mode

go back to call of doody

Fuck off, Bobby

It's a quantum switch

Damn it bobby

a lot of people in this thread apparently

counterpoint: You are only able to watch the movie once. If you wish to see it again, you must pay another $10. You are able to play the game as many times as you wish once you have purchased it with no additional charge for subsequent plays. If you missed something in the movie, tough shit. You're going to need to pay again to go back and see that one detail you missed because you couldn't hold your bladder.

This, hopefully Yuzu gets better so that I'll use my saved "switch money" for an actual hardware upgrade like an 8-16 cores instead of a paperweight.

I know many people who have hacked switches, sincerely if a company is as incompetent as Nintendo which doesn't protect their consoles from hacking then they deserve it, they know that if their games do not sell they will lose money and no third party company will like to waste money into putting their games on the switch just for them to get hacked and have shit sales.

Nintendo is an incompetent company, if they were third party they would be much much better because they would have to release only 1 or 2 AAA games per year.

I'm not poor and $60 is literally nothing to me. I've spent $60 on plenty of games that I've never even played. At least I know I'll spend some time on this one.

Nah man I'm spending my 60$ on Astral Chain.


i don't understand why anyone would want a girlfriend

Ironically enough, this is the only game I might get for a while. The rest of the Switch library has disappointed me greatly.

>hated Cadence of Hyrule
>hate Astral Chain for being more anime trash
>hate mario maker for being a 60 dollar "DUDE MAKE YOUR OWN FUN LMAO" pos
>hate luigi's mansion for being yet another casual game with zero difficulty
>hate Daemon X machina for being horribly optimized and still not having a stable framerate
>hate animal crossing for being furry shit with no gameplay designed for MUH COMFY crowd, aka tumblr kids

I was looking forward to Metroid Prime 4, but Nintendo spat in my face.

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Because the last time I bought it was in 1997?

There's no justification
Link's awakening is genuinely one of the best games ever made but it's still just a fucking gameboy game. The remake is nearly 1:1. You're literally just playing a gameboy with prettier (disregard the fact the artstyle is shit) graphics

There's NO excuse to not include the two oracle games as well at that price since they share a shitloads of assets

what's it like being incapable of enjoying things?

While more experienced tech nerds can vet my claims, let me summarize my rough understanding

>Easy/Hard to hack

It's fairly easy to hack if your switch is old enough, though older firmware is easier and more useful.

>Has Freeshop/Doesn't have freeshop
Pirating games is easy but requires download, the one stop shop days of downloading from Nintendo with a hacked console are dead because of unique identifiers. Online with pirated games is dead for the same reason.

TL;DR if your switch is old enough and the game is single player it's simple if you're more technically literate.

I wouldn't know. I enjoy many games, but not on the Switch. I'm a multiplat and indie fan.

>>hate mario maker for being a 60 dollar "DUDE MAKE YOUR OWN FUN LMAO" pos
bruh they already have new super mario bros u deluxe just buy that

Okay, im completely hacked so you can take it from me:

There really is no "hack" you put files on your switch sd card, you boot the switch with the rcm jig in the right joycon slot. done.

as far firmware goes, I'm hacked and on the latest firmware.

the free shop is now the /HBG/shop. it has access to almost the the entire switch library. even games from other regions. (JP)

however, if you care for online play (I refuse to pay for online, no matter how cheap) you can be banned for using those things (as i have). but im not stupid, I've bought every nintendo handheld, and im sure they will have a hardware revision i might buy later that isn't hackable. then i'll just have hack one and a legit one.

Nice falseflag faggot.

With my 9.3 inch cock. Get bent poorfag.

Then sell your Switch. Who gives a fuck?

I'm heavily considering it if Metroid Prime 4 isn't amazing, if it even comes out.

No poor

Do it and rebuy it if it's good. By the time it comes out. Just get the cheaper revision or whatever.

Why is Amazon so overpriced?

>Pirating games is easy but requires download, the one stop shop days of downloading from Nintendo with a hacked console are dead because of unique identifiers.

False, The /HBG/Shop makes it so that you can get all the games and all their updates all on the switch, straight to your switch with no taking out of the SD card, or FTP transfer.

>Online with pirated games is dead for the same reason.

Not entirely, you can use simulated lan in games that have local network play. me and my buddy both have banned and hacked switches but can simulate local to play monster hunter double cross.

Braindead Shills will justify anything, just look at FF7 threads

That's true.

because other retailers are garbage that will lie about availability or even cancel your pre-order because they suddenly decide they don't want to ship to your country, making amazon the safest option by far

Movies ate not video games.

> but they're still entertainment.

Yes, but I don't go to to six flags and spend 100 dollars there and expect them to let me stay in the park for two fucking days either. Wish you retards would stop thinking this is a valid argument.

Im with this guy though. As a switch owner, i feel completely honey dicked into buying their console. I wanted to play these 3 games: SMT V, Bayonetta 3 and Metroid prime 4. i thought there'd be enough games to tide me over, but it's pretty much just been octopath and FFX (for the 5th time)

why don't you play the pc remake then?

But what did movies ate?

>buying single player switch games now that emunand cfw is free and not locked to chink hardware

Suck my peepee, I'm phone posting.

Movies btfo

>The first glaring and obvious difference between the 2 is that the theater provides all the hardware necessary to enjoy the movie.
Huh? How does that impact me, the consumer? We were asked to justify the purchase and I did. What does the hardware have to do with it? For that matter, you can only see a movie once for the $10 charge, it's an ephemeral experience, whereas I would own Link's Awakening and can play it again if I want to.

From my perspective, I can spend $10 to have fun for two hours, or I can spend $60 and have fun for more than twelve hours. Either choice seems reasonable, and I don't understand why hardware would somehow make the latter option a poor purchase.

I spent 65 Leaf monopoly dollars on this game (which is cheaper than the usual 80$). I bought it for an excuse to dust off my switch

No, they aren't. I spend significantly more money on going to theatrical plays or concerts. To me though, those are more of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, compared to seeing a movie or playing a video game. Ultimately though, $60 isn't much to me, I make it in less than an hour's work and I get a dozen hours out of fun out of it. I understand if for other people it's not worth it and they want more bang for their buck.

It only costs me ~40 bongs. Might be worth it at that price although I'm still not sure.

I don't need to buy it a second time todd i mean shigeru

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Tell a lie, it's 50 bongs. Seem to have gotten it mixed up with MM2. Probably not worth it at that price.

>crying about costs instead of just smashing the case at walmart and stealing the game
you're all niggers anyways