How do I get into fighting games?

How do I get into fighting games?

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Literally just play them until you're competent

By playing them instead of posting this thread again.

You don't

You have to watch tournaments, fundamental videos, and practice those with other aspects of fighting games.


by having fun, regardless. Remember, you either win or you learn.

This a good stick for someone who's fine with square gates?

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You need a friend who is already into them who is willing to put up with playing 10,000 matches with you as you learn how to play.

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I play video games as a form of escapism, mainly to feel powerful and like I'm the greatest person in the world. I can't enjoy a multiplayer game (especially a fighting game) because I know no matter how hard I try and no matter how much I practice there will always be someone better at the game than me. At least when I play a singleplayer game I feel like I'm the greatest player ever because there is no competition.

Like with anything, practice.


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Why are they so fucking stupid?
Some stuff they do and say is gold and I don't dislike them personally or anything but jesus christ it's torture to watch any of them play yet I see a lot of comments on their podcasts talking about how much they actually trust Pat and Woolie's opinions on anything.

>trying to get friend into fighting games
>claims he wants to learn
>plays once a week
>runs away when he loses
I fucking hate fat people they have no discipline

Watch Core-A Gaming on youtube.

Spend a bunch of time and money to constantly lose and have no fun until you develop Stockholm Syndrome for autism

Just play, ADAPT, and don't get frustrated and you'll be decent

take me back

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>Woolie "YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *cough cough* OOOOOO *spits out a pound of phlegm* T-T-THAT WAS UGH SHIT W-W-W-W-W-WAS THAT A JOJO REFERENCE" Madden is still allowed to host a podcast
Why is this allowed

>Matt's shitty weekly Netflix with the missus segment was load bearing and kept Pat and Woolie from degenerating.

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If you're legit not trolling and you really want to learn how to get into fighting games, this is what I think you should do.

1.Pick a game (No shit)
2.Find a character that appeals to you (Design wise, gameplay wise, etc.)
3. Be prepared to spend a lot of time in training mode.
4. Learn a couple of simple combos. 2 or 3 bnb's (Basic combo), and a punish combo. Drill them into muscle memory
5. Just in general, prepare to lose. A lot. I mean, a lot.
6. Don't get discouraged about losing. Take it as a learning experience.
7. Watch replays and learn from your mistakes.
8. Watch other videos of people playing your character to get a grasp of some sort of gameplan.
9.Have fun and keep on practicing on getting better.

Hope this will help any anons who want to delve into fightan. It's a difficult genre but a rewarding one

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I have it. It's fine, but if I were buying one today i'd probably go with the fighting edge or Qanba obsidian instead.

The hayabusa stick is kinda loose. I ended up putting in an octo-gate with a stronger spring and oversized actuator. Also the hayabusa buttons are pretty sensitive which could be good or bad depending on your preference.

Are bags of milk actually good? That sounded like a load of mental gymnastics for what a plastic bottle already does better.

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Your friend is smart and realizes fighting game skills are autism-fueled

Autism and masochism.

Have fun playing them.

I’m serious. Fuck all these losers talking about endless practice and losing and commitment and all that shit. Remember that you’re playing the game because it’s fun, and know that the way to enjoy them is by tracking your progress. Learn all the special moves on your main. Beat the arcade mode. Watch pros who play your char. With familiarity comes ease, so you should focus solely on getting as familiar with the game as possible

No they're not and I honestly think they were being fucking retarded, It's like they literally don't understand how milk jugs work

Play a fighting game.

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Two retarded canucks, one of which is a mentally deranged midget, don't know how something incredibly simple works?
Naaaaahhhhh couldn't be.

Wait for Granblue Fantasy Versus.

You should see his Wonderful 101 playthrough. Seemingly every single thing is a Gurren Lagann reference to him, like standing with crossed arms.



This one is helpful too, though it’s mostly about SVIV

Most people don't derive fun from being endlessly mauled so you need a special kind of dedication or some sort of masochism. To get better and actually stand a chance you need to practice which often requires autistic amounts of effort depending on the game. And there's still always someone better that will shit on you.

t. someone who has played since 2008

>Woolie solo channel
I'm still wondering why he only does LP's with barely comprehensible ESL "people"
Maybe he only knows ESL people and Pat?

that's dumb but i can understand why woolie would think that.

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DO IT AND have fun :D

Shut the fuck up you faggot

His over the top salt playthrough with eyepatch wolf is great. It helps that wolf actually speaks english.


Even I fucking know that's called the Gunbuster pose and I haven't even seen the anime. Isn't he supposed to be a weeaboo?

i know it's sfv but.

>eyepatch wolf
Criiiinge. Bet he spends the whole playthrough speaking in that faggy whisper-y voice he does on all his videos too.
Woolie and Pat literally don't know a single person that isn't annoying.

be black

He's a fake weeb, unironically. Claims to like cool looking things because they're "hype" but literally can't speak about -anything- without being wrong. Pat too. Glad that piece of shit Woolie got ran out of /m/ for his bad opinions.


I can't think of a single e-celeb who knows what they're fucking talking about, so I guess this isn't surprising.

Yeah it's okay.

you fgctards always manage to turn 'fun playing a genre of vidya' into the most unappealing faggot shit in existence
ffs your dead last "oh btw" bulletpoint was the one that said "have fun", you cretinous megasped
here try this, if you can shit out all this 'muh hart wok" crap, I better hope you have a fucking sixpack, 'cus if going autismo on a menial passtime activity is the only fucking thing you put dedication into, then you are a person that isn't too late to be aborted

the Wolf/Wolie LP is actually top tier
Wolf goes full JAYSUS CHRIST MOTHER OF MARIE while he and Woolie turn a co-op game into kicking each other in the shins

>sucks off E3 for years
>Sony isnt there for 2019
>suddenly keeps saying that E3 sucks and everything is bad
Man, his droneness is so blatant sometimes.

you have to cope with the fact that you'll never be "good"

After that you can adjust to playing only for self improvement. then maybe, With enough dedication, you might actually become good.

After 2 years I reached gold in SFV and A- in DOA 6.
My first 12 months were a hell, i literally practice combos for an hour, almost everyday. When my combos started to be solid (but no great) I could focus on strategy and learn the game.
Was worth it? I doubt it.

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>two years wasted on a terrible SF game
My condolences

Did you just hold up your hands to your face and seriously type the equivalent of "LALALALALA CANT HEAR YOU"? Fuck off faggot. You linked to exactly what I said in my post, except I didn't have to spoonfeed this motherfucker and samefag like you have.

could've learned a language
would've been about as fun, and far more useful

Don't worry user I appreciated it

All of those posts make fighting games sound like ‘s description. They’re all awful advice or overbloated.

Have someone show you what zoning is, have someone show you what hitboxes and bad habits are. That’s it. Start playing.


>really like fighting games for their presentation and ability to play as unique, stylish characters
>but playing 1v1 games makes me feel lonely and I don't have friends... that like playing fighting games so no one close will play with me
I always buy them and then stop after a few days. I just get tired and go play some multiplayer shooter because it has big teams

Why are you sperging out? Everything he said is correct if you want to get good at fighting games.

Develop anal cancer you insufferable little shit.

Get skullgirls and go through the tutorials to learn the basics of the genre.

It’s an incredibly fun game so you can fuck around and bring the fundamentals into other games.

This is the best advice in the thread If you enjoy something you’ll naturally get good at it in time. If you dont enjoy it then dont force yourself to, these are videogames they’re supposed to be fun not fucking work.

This, I've been playing fightan for years now but I still don't like how it's purely 1v1. It's still fun to launch arcade mode or vs AI on max difficulty but I don't have the urge to fight random people.
Best if you have a friend who wants to try them too so you can mess around learning and competing, it's much less frustrating knowing both of you are shit at the game.
And yeah, the mechanics and freedom are great, the only thing that comes close for me are DMC-like action games or beat'em'ups.

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How do I get good at Smash Ultimate? Everyone at my college plays but I suck at it.

>the mentality that made you type this shit is pure socially maladjusted autism
>"buh muh autistic bulletpoints though"
go back to eating your crayons

There is nothing autistic about what he said dumbass. He listed some very basic shit, like learning a combo and picking a character. Why don't you get your head out of your ass and think rationally for a second.

get good at movement with your character. know how to get to the places you want to be, like some spots offstage you see people go to while recovering, or on platforms.
know your character's good moves to throw out in neutral, usually your faster ones
figure out how to secure kills

Play them, understand them, and experiment with them. That's the best way. I guess video tutorials can be nice, but most if not all the people that recommend them have not used them themselves. The players that stick to fighting games usually figure out things themselves.
Just don't be afraid of failing and keep learning.

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How was that intro like scientifically crafted in a lab to invoke that feeling sitting on a couch with your friends playing video games.

I generally preferred Saturday Morning Scrublords better, but I was always bummed that I wouldn't get to see that intro

>time and money
>and money
wtf fighting games aren't more expensive than any other video game, and when you compare cost to time invested they come out way ahead.

smash is weird and can change a lot depending on the characters being played and the basic skill level of players
learn what your character excels at and what ways you can play up those better moves
learn how to punish the enemy's unsafe moves or punish stupid bullshit they think they can get away with
and don't just play online, online is "I picked a guy with a gud f-smash and one because lag and flat stages"

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It's weird to me that I'm getting actual responses when it's an obviously thinly veiled Bestfriends thread

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Little of column A and B. Milk in bags exactly the same as in a carton, but it's fun to fuck around with Americans because of it. Now Ketchup chips, that's something I will defend til the day I die.

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How is what I said going full autismo? This is very basic shit if you want to get into the genre. If you play fighting games and mash all day and have fun with that more power to you I don't give a fuck. The thing is if you want to go any deeper than that well then there's shit that you need to know. I don't understand how it's hard work when you can take a couple of hours within a week to practice a bit and face other people to become at the very least semi-competent. Not only that but skillsets do transfer to some extent so if you learn one fighting game, it'll take less amount of time to pick up another. But you wouldn't know that you tremendous faggot.

>Hurr Durr if u dont hav a 6 pac den ur just a loser who is wasting their life who only plays bideogames!!!

Do you know how much of a twat you sound by saying that?

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Asian user here with Canadian relatives, I wanted to kill myself after using those damn milk bags, they were such a nuisance.

Where you from? And where is your family in Canada?

Hell, he's still trying to shill Monster Hunter World to his friends that dropped it. He claims to be a Monster Hunter fan but has never ever once praised any of the games outside of World which he calls perfection, and he loves shitting on 3 and 4 especially. He's not even hiding it.

I'm pretty sure he watched Gunbuster though.
Maybe Reggie only knows GL and is doing it for him?

I live in Southeast Asia with my parents, my mother's siblings live in Canada. They live in Toronto.

You severely underestimate his obsession with Gurren Lagann.

1) be a kid in the 90s
2) hang around arcades
3) play with other people in person

People keep asking why fighting games are dying or why they're not accessible or how they can do more to get noobs in. It all comes down to the above points. You simply don't have the motivation to git gud when it's just a game you play at home on your console and you're just playing against other faceless randos over the internet.

Woolie literally got chased off of /m/ for being a huge secondary that pretended to watch lots of shows.

>Glad that piece of shit Woolie got ran out of /m/ for his bad opinions
What exactly was it that caused him to stop posting there?

Why do you hurt me like this. I feel a nostalgia for something I never experienced

>acts like a huge Kamen Rider fan
>barely watched any Kamen Rider
>acts like a huge Gundam fan
>at the time had barely watched any Gundam, he did watch most of it eventually

honestly blew me away with that last line

Woolie Forced Reggie to watch TTGL about halfway through the LP

To be fair the game does reference the show quite a lot, but I swear some people, people like Woolie, act like W101 is TTGL: The Game

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I mean I knew about the Gundam shit when all he could talk about was early UC and was a full on SIEG ZEON faggot that thinks 0083 is good but I don't think I have ever heard him once talk about Kamen Rider in anything more than passing.

It never actually references it, Imaishifags just think everything is a reference to it because their shows reference everything due to a lack of originality.

To be fair a lot of people overhype Gurren Lagann because it's the only super robot show they have watched, and it was so impactful to those people that they STILL defend Trigger despite all the evidence showing them to be a bunch of incompetent hacks.

He can't really talk about Kamen Rider, Matt and Pat treat it as "ew japanese's children's shows" but then gush over Viewtiful Joe. All of them are normies that won't let themselves enjoy weebstuff too much.

I thought all of them watched Gaim? Or at least Pat and Woolie did.

Not sure if they ever finished it, Woolie did and Liam watched a bit but none of them are familiar with the franchise.


Trigger fans are the worst. Easily the most disappointing studio of all time.

Anuslickers detected, stay in your containment threads.

I know everyone else but who are the two guys in the bottom


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I just want anime that's actually good, not anime that's I'm told to like because the most overrated studio of all time made it.

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>not anime that's I'm told to like because the most overrated studio of all time made it
Yeah I hate Violet Evergarden too.

came to post this

just start playing one you think is looks cool. pick a character that appeals to you and just start playing. work out some combos on your own, then you can go online and see some ways to improve on what you taught yourself, and a few tricks/setups that catch people off guard.
also, remember that anyone that uses the term FGC is a complete faggot. "yeah bro im in the mfsgc (microsoft flight simulator game club) -- it's like this super cool thing that you say to people to let them know you're in the cool kids club." wankers.
it isn't bloody rocket surgery. just play the game you like and have fun and try to learn and do your best. that's it. this is coming from someone that used to play tekken and 3rd strike in tournaments years ago, before eSports became a thing. all that fgc and esports shit is turbo cancer. avoid like the plague.

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lordgenome and best coach.

You fucking said it
I like skullgirls, smash,slap city and fighterZ and I dont give a shit if you think they're "casual shit". I like them and I will play them as much as I want because they're fun

People that do things for social validation instead of their own desires are stupid fucking retards

What are you talking about. Pat wouldn't shut the fuck up about the 3ds games when they came out during the original podcast. He had major problems with them but still put a ton of time in them

>buh 1ce agiun muh bulletpoints
you still cannot comprehend your autism, either that or you are illiterate
and now the original fag is here, also reading deficient, nobody gives a shit about your turbosped tips fucko, your mentality that made you put 'having fun' as a dead last afterthought while autistically bashing out another version of obliviousfgcsterotype.txt
fuckface, that's the issue, that you are an obsessive exceptional that can't relate your love of a worthless passtime activity without going full srsbsns, embarrassing yourself and alienating any halfway not retarded people interacting with you, ffs 'having fun' being no.1 with a bullet is a concept you cannot find common ground on with normal people you spastic
and then you trotted out even more shit from the tard.txt, like a dumbfuck, Jesus Christ
>wah I'm fat
hey you shitbag, read what written, the fact that you can screech about "effort" while 98% likely being a hambeast that smells horribly means all you obsessive rhetoric is just another point of incosistency and embarrassment, because guess what, being a lazy piece of shit in every meaningful aspect, eg being fit, while nolifing a videogame makes you a lolcow for invoking the concept of hard work and dedication, you mentalist

> being this mad about a guy giving tips on how to git gud

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the backdown is real

>everyone that thinks trigger is a shitty studio must LOVE kyoani
this is why people don't take retarded triggerfaggots seriously

You get MAME with a shit ton of capcom and snk roms


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Triggers best show is still Space Patrol Luluco with Gridman as a runner-up.

You get the price point of a 4L jug with the ease and expiry date worries of a 1L cartoon. I can buy all 3 options and science decided I buy bags.
>mfw all these barbarians

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>Pat's streams just aren't as enjoyable since he has total control over them and there is never the immense desperation and anger to be forced to play shit he hates
>He will most likely only do these from now on because it makes ten times the amount of money as Let's Plays and he's comfortable doing it

>implying paige isn't enough to trigger is autisim
>implying his autisim isnt enough to trigger paige.
Nah bro they're the only streamers I watch. I fucking hate streamers but they're just cool people bro. Their life is like an IRL sitcom.

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First off stop typing like a fag .It is assumed that when someone wants to get into fighting games they want to get good at them. He posted some tips on how to get good. You obviously have some issues.

>guy literally just says try the games and characters.
>All of this advice is valid as fuck because it is what I taught myself and how I got good and saving you time by cutting out that learning curve process
>wishes you luck
holy shit user you're retarded.

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I got Dbfz last week and I'm having fun but online I get absolutely bodied with long ass combos that somehow start from the ground and go up in the air and last for a gorillion years, I tried to emulate them but nothing, best I can do is chaining a special into a guaranteed lvl3 move, also my brain just shuts down whenever I try to do those long combos the game tries to teach me with each character, I swear my hand-eye coordination goes to fuck
Game's fun though, having a blast with friends after all

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How long until Brennan is shoot cucking Woolie?

Liam please go back to making videos with woolie.

gitgut autists never not seethe

Liam is a faggot

He's a faggot but a neccessary faggot.

How the fuck is a drill a reference to Gurren Lagann?

jesus christ pat got so fucking obese.

the backdown is real

honestly just keep playing and watch tournaments to see how good players play the game
I only ever really played Fighterz and most of my combos are stolen directly from pros, and my team is unoptimized as shit (cooler/frieza and a third that changes). really most of the time you just wanna do vanish into dragon rush at the end of your combos if you don't have any other way to do a hard knockdown. Maybe play characters with simpler yet buttons like Cooler, Jiren or Broly. Hell I still do that

angry cause you're bad at videogames, aren't you

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Perhaps you should try a fighting game that focuses more on footsies than big combo. I love Tekken 3, Tekken Tag 2 (though this one is big combo), SF2, and Third Strike.

Tekken also is just porn to look at because the animations for simple shit like reversals and grab breaks are smooth as satin.

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Too soon

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5'2 and wearing a GIGAXL shirt tends to make people look skinnier than they are user, but yeah he's become big chungus but he also netted a fun bitch that streams with him so does he really need to lose his chunk?

Imagine having met and interacted with the man who embodies everything about you except is better. To realize that in truth it is you who are the doppleganger the failed clone.

>so does he really need to lose his chunk?
yes he does. being obese and tiny is the worst scenario next to being obese and tall. i like him, and unironically don't want him to kick the bucket young. early 30s is exceptionally easy to kick the weight off.

but paige actually finds it hot tho


Nice try Liam.

Yeah I watch some high level play with which I discovered some neat chain combos I'm able to do consinstently although at this point I'm not really seeking to improve, also because I can't into timely and precise command inputs, brain just shuts down at that if I go too complicated. I choose my squad based on which lvl3 I like to look at and hear the most, my go-to team is Nappa, Cell and Tien. I also like to make meme teams like 3 vegetas or 3 gokus, bald team, I haven't even considered assist potential, I should probably get around to that.
I like to go on periods, for now I'm playing fighterz but I'll consider Tekken at some point, haven't played it since Tekken tag tournament back on on the ps2

>you should be unhealthy because some butterface likes it
Wanna know how I know you're a virgin?

I mean I agree but he found a literal female version of himself that loves him fat fuckery and all. I am sure if he got /fit/ she's like him a bit more and he'd live to 60 instead of 40.

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that's a fucking dumb reason to stay fat as fuck. he doesn't have to turn into a midget saiyan, he just needs to get the fat off.

Pat is such a disgusting fat piece of shit holy fuck. The front on his gut is divided into halves spilling our to the left and right causing his t-short to stretch out over the void created in the middle.

Remember that period when he talked about how he started going to the gym and after a couple of weeks started talking about fitness and motivation as if he were an expert on the matter with an iron will. Pretty sure he never ever mentioned it again after those two weeks.

I legitimately hope he develops serious health issues due to his poor lifestyle decisions. His streams also suck shit and are unwatchable. At least I can respect Woolie for trying.

Don't wish harm on Pat, simple pain/death is too good for that midget fuck. Gotta hope Paige moves her neck too fast and dies on him. He deserves that at the least before he becomes an hero

okay matt

Do play do.

>Tekken tag tournament back on on the ps2
I reccomend tekken 3 and tekken tag 2. Tekken 7 aint bad its just supers and rage arts kinda change the game also most normies cant do inputs. Even when I put macros for them...

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not saying it's good for him, just that him being the way he is he isn't very prone to improve himself, even less so if someone as hot as Paige finds him being a dirty old fat man attractive

seethe harder matt. pat is based BECAUSE hes a fucking goblin. He knows what he is and he owns it.

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that gif is more like jin's f+4~4 than anything hwo has. also, that is bad advice. if youre gonna play any tekken, just play the new one. no one plays the old games so you'll have no competition. i've played tekken for 15 years and i dont think supers and rage drives change the game very much. tekken is tekken is tekken. throwing a super out of nowehere is gonna get you blocked and full combo'd, and using them mid combo scales them quite a lot. rage drives are a great addition to the game and just add more fun/potential. theres nothing cheap about them.

That's some grade A tism but I also don't care to take away his fun

I don't even really hate energy drinks but how people like Pat can down multiple cans a day is fucking disgusting. Just have a damn coffee or something if you need a boost that bad.

you have to be fundamentally autistic and then learn a character's moveset inside and out, then learn how that character matches against every other character in the game, and then learn what to do in certain situations that can arise during matches against certain characters.

there's actually about the same amount of caffeine in coffee as in a redbull

people guzzling cola are the true subhumans

bah, i meant f+3~3.
the way he chugs down those fucking red bulls is absolutely disgusting. it is SO bad for you. just sitting around not burning off the energy they give you while drinking like 5 energy drinks in a row is so bad for your heart. i shudder every time i hear/see him crack a can.

Holy FUCK I just got G checked. You are not wrong I was just trying to reccomend something not as big combo. Like I said tekken 7 aint bad. I quite like it actually.

Learn your special moves and watch a 10 minute video on basic gameplan concepts, then jump into online and have fun. Fighting games are still fun at a lower level since your opponent sucks too, and you'll learn through experience. It's a huge misconception that you need to learn fighting games offline.

Paige is literally going to die in a few years and Pat has been overeating and chugging caffeine so that he can join her

>bah, i meant f+3~3.
fuck you're right. I should just rename this gif to "question mark kick" because thats what that is actually called

>It's a huge misconception that you need to learn fighting games offline.
yes, if you don't want to be a retard taking advantage of online lag abuse

play, research and ask questions.

If we could just get Plague as a mainstay on the podcast and make a rule that he can't talk about Dragon Ball for more than 15 minutes per episode, that would be the best form of the show.

It's not just the caffeine, it's the sugar too. Granted you can add shittons of sugar to your coffee too if you want but at least you can ween yourself off to smaller amounts.

Is lupus really that fatal? I literally know nothing about that sickness.

>dude stop consuming soo much sugar and caffeine
>instead drink sugar and caffeine

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>Pat 2.0 "Even Less Funny" Edition would save the podcast
Uhhhhh lol?

People think combos win you games. Control of neutral and knowing your options at any moment while conditioning your opponent to doubt theirs is what wins games. That shit needs to be learned in real matches. Combos just allow bigger rewards for each successful attack. If you can't land anything it's irrelevant if you can pull off a TOD.

The ultimate truth is that they're all now gross troglodytes aside from Woolie who's just pitiful, and that Plague was the true best friend.

>the way he chugs down those fucking red bulls is absolutely disgusting. it is SO bad for you. just sitting around not burning off the energy they give you while drinking like 5 energy drinks in a row is so bad for your heart. i shudder every time i hear/see him crack a can.
Hey bro I never disagreed with you that pat it literally a subhuman goblin that drinks literal poison multiple times a day, but I cant do anything nor do I care too and he doesn't either so fuck it my man. I dont drink that shit lol.

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Have you considered that it was derailed because a sizable portion of the best friends audience actually cares about fighting games?

I drink coffee with milk/cream or black or if I do.

What state is wooly in? I think I saw him at a flea market once.

>woolie is the most in shape, has a happy relationship and is generally the least upset and most happy of all of the boys
>pat is a goblin but incredibly happy and has a loving girl to live with
>liam is a sad cuck with no social status and no life
>matt is so whipped by his wife that he abandoned his friends to make clickbait videos

>plague is a fucking furry


>the worst members of best friends fizzled out while the best two are still shining

it's poetic.

>plague is a fucking furry
>not wanting a bama' ass furry to bring much needed fuckery to the podcasts and videos

Look plague is a fucking specimen and it goes way deeper than just wanting to fuck a star-trek cat.

>Woolie had been using Better Woolie as his twitter name ever since he had to deal with SBFP ending
>he took the name off when Brennan posted this

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>Plague was the true best friend
the guy draws furry art for money and regularly talks to germanspy, who is gayer than liberace double fisting elton john.

This can't be true...

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>wanting a furry to be allowed to breathe

I'd honestly not mind him over some of the other boys but the podcast is real comfy now, not like matt leaving actually changed the amount of time that wasn't just woolie and pat anyways

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He doesn't have to be permanent. Just a guest here and there.

I've heard high functioning autism helps.
>Welcome to Maddintown

Unless you're a nigger or a beaner: You don't.

I hope Pat and Paige die soon and Elmo gets orphaned.

give up

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you dont

Depends. I got it but it's not too horrible (only my kidneys, liver and joints are messed up). The 5 year survival rate is like 90%. So not too bad. Paige seems to have a really bad case of it seeing as her blood vessels are fucked up too.

They're great and easy to store in a vegetable crisper!

He even used Maddentown WHAT THE FUCK

What game and WHY

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I love games that allow 3v3 individual fighters. Obviously not a competitive format but it's a ton of fun to tag in and out with your bros.

I want to tell you not to because it's grinding and it's miserable, but I can't deter people from joining and continuing the FGC.

Jump in, find a community, read the textbook, and play!

I wish this was real. I would listen to it.

>the Wii U
Every god damn time it gets me.

Is...that a pretzel or a pentagram?

You don't
>yo dude just spend 95% of your waking hours getting shit stomped over and over until you get marginally better at the game, that's totally enjoyable!

You just play, get good, and win. I still don't know how I got good though since here's a list of my Mains
>Cyrax and Smoke for Mortal Kombat
>Sagat for Street Fighter
>Nappa, Android 16, and Android 17 for DBFZ
>Geese for Tekken 7
>King and 2 others for any King of Fighters Game
>Big Band for Skullgirls

The truth is fighting games are super enjoyable if you can find people on the same level as you or one tier above you and train together while meeting new stronger people and just becoming a better player. That's a pipe dream scenario that would be perfect but 99% of the time won't happen. You will either have a good time button mashing with some retards and have some reasonable fun with it or you will get your shit stomped because everyone has already been playing the game for 10 years or has already been playing another game that exactly the same except with one less mechanic so they can easily translate their skill into this one. Not that it's going to stop me from playing fighting game, shit's fun even on arcade mode.

>want to git gud at fighting games but have boomer reaction speed
What do?

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buy a hitbox or main a dude who is 90% super armor

Pick one. The caffeine content isn't even that high, the light roasts (highest amount) are less than 150mg which is still under the 350mg tolerance.

It was my first (and only so far) I just swapped the joystick out and put a tighter spring in there. I had an octo-gate, but I prefer square.

Why is most of the videos on woolie's channel awful? Why does he keep inviting his friends who speak in broken english on?

Play a grappler. Doesn't matter what game, you won't have to react to anything or respect your opponent. Just get 3 grabs off and you win the round

Soulcalibur (Ivy).

>It's a Liam has a breakdown due to Pat living in his head rent free episode

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It's least coast retards coping for their lack of culture


Oh it's from a memegame. Who cares then

>Woolie talking about Attack on Titan
>"Man I sure do appreciate a good story."
Who do these old men think they're impressing with their ultra pleb as fuck tastes?

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He thinks Gurren Lagann is the height of mecha anime fucking lmao. You should know by now that they're all actually retarded and only normalfags who don't know what Woolie/Pat is talking about think they're cool.

This is Woolie, who still months later doesn't understand Annihilation while also acting like Devil May Cry 5's plot was extremely deep and layered. He's kinda retarded

Are you one of the
>These guys didn't delve deep enough into anime to know what a good anime story is like
fags, or one of those
>There are no good anime stories
fags. I need to know before I know if I should give a shit about your opinion.

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You really gotta know the mechanics how to actually play fighting games.

If you go in mashing buttons you are doing it wrong. You should be able to determine what you did wrong and what to improve on next time for every loss (and even win)

I have given up completely on trying to watch the podcast live, those segments as well as the jojo segments make me want to die on the inside and I hate every second of it. Thank god for the skip button.

shoutout to the Korean Dating Sim for predicting that Pat would be a RWBY character

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Even if his hate for Pat is actually making him this mentally unstable, how can he not be happy for his (supposed) friend Woolie? Or is he just 100% salty cause only 7 people tune into his streams?
What a little bitch either way.

>Actually do get around to watching Gurren Lagann because of them
>They talk about it like it's the best thing ever created by man
>Find it be incredibly mediocre
>End up feeling like I watched it wrong or that I just didn't get it, or that I was too late to the party
>Legitimately feel that a game like Wonderful 101 did the huge giant robot battles way fucking better

My friend and I have been playing fighting games since their resurgence in 2008 while still once in a while playing old classics like Marvel 2 or MK 2. He is much more about tier lists and frame data and will spend hours practicing and has a fight stick. I just play characters that I like, learn moves as I play arcade mode, and just immediately go into ranked online matches. He's better than me at Street Fighter but he could not beat me at Marvel 3 for literally years until I stopped playing and same with Tekken Tag 2 and 7. I also have a pretty high online rank in both so yeah it's all about passion not statistics

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>not braindead-tier
Stopped reading this meme image there

Remember in the God of War playthrough where Woolie legitimately though Egyptians are black people. He literally went WE WUZ KANGZ

>posting on Yea Forums
You shouldn't give a shit about his opinion.

S3 is pretty alright.

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Things like this that expose just how shit their taste is piss me off to no end, but then stuff like the FF7 and Chrono Trigger discussion remind me that they have can still have really nice listening content.
I'm glad they forgot about the basement talk it would have just been Pat regurgitating what his discord dick suckers told him and what he read of off wikifandom and Woolie pretending he knows anything about narrative.

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Who do you main so I can laugh at you?

Post 30 seconds of you playing MK

alright nubi, I'm bored so I might as well help you make this thread more entertaining
reminder to all you faggots that tekken 7 is the best modern fighting game

Watching Gurren Lagann without hype is the way to go. You have no idea that you're about to watch a team of people pushing mecha to the limits of stupidity and that's what makes it great. When you hear all the hype and you imagine shit you're bound to be disappointed since it reaches a truly galactic scale but you will always expect something bigger in your imagination. If you expected deep characters tho, then woo boy, the twist halfway through where the main characters grow up after winning and have to deal with being actual adults with responisibilities instead of just hot-blooded rebels was way cool, but this ultimately just isn't a brainy kind of show to really delve deep into it.

wow what a fag

I heard Liam had to get a job again, any truth to this?

No you need the opposite. A friend who also has no experience, so you learn the game together at the same pace

Pick one, brainlet

Liam's one of those classic examples of someone that takes the internet way too fucking seriously.
>Sit in front of a camera and record yourself playing fun video games
>But proceed to cry about "muh anxiety" every 10 minutes while being passive aggressive as fuck towards your chat constantly

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>two retards flailing their limbs at each other
>one retard with a tardwrangler friend to teach him
Gee I wonder which one is better

>someone i used to work with is reasonably successful
>oh fuck guys i feel nauseous and i think im having a breakdown i cant talk to anyone today i just need to be alone under the blankets and stare at the wall im so sorry oh god oh god i cant stop crying
liam is such a fucking faggot. he apologises to his stream for walking past an item and shit.
>oh dayum i missed that money bag? sorry guys *nervous dr hibbert laugh* huh huh huh i'll try to do better, i promise

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>Pat claims to love bitchy red-heads
>But he hates Banjo-Kazooie for (literally) no reason

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Yeah except Paige is in total denial. People called it out on Twitter and supposedly their subreddit saying that Pat has become a fat piece of shit and is literally going to die of a heart attack on stream because he drinks 6 red bulls in the span of 2 hours. She then attacked people saying that he hasn't gained any weight and that we should believe her because she see's him every day (even though we see him every day too) Though one based man had the greatest response ever which was "Just because you aren't going to live to see 50 doesn't mean Pat can't either"

letting ya niggas know that Tekken 3 was the best Friday Night Fisticuffs and there nothing you can tell me otherwise.

This. Gurren Lagan is great, especially when it first came out, that shit was legendary.
However it has really gotten a bit over hyped, which seemed impossible back in the day, but is the case thanks to sheep like Woolie that gush about it every second they get, same like Jojo (ha ha Astral Chain is totally Jojo LOL).
It really is something you would have benefited from experiencing during it's peak.
It was a great combination of pre-established mecha tropes and cranked them up to 11.

it cant be that bad, he's going to the gym.

He at least has to be sucking some serious dick to get sponsored streams with his audience of 15 people.

I think what's more infuriating is that their idea of "hyping" something up is to spoil the ever-living fuck out of it. I don't care how old it is, but when you're trying to convince someone else to watch or play something, why would you spoil huge moments that happens at the ass-end of the series? Also, I seriously think that they must always refer to the movies when talking about Gurren Lagann, because most of the 26-something episodes are boring as fuck with barely anything that happens in them. Reminds me of how Matt would always spoil the fuck out of whatever movie he watched on the podcast, although not that I watch movies or anything, but still.

Woolie's entire personality has devolved into pic related and it's seriously annoying as fuck.

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He has shilled the older games but he also fucking hates the 3ds and is a massive pleb so mhw is kinda made for people like him and other casuals.

ahhhhhahahaha yeah sure he is bud.

>When Pat and Woolie are into the normie as fuck pleb tier Shonen-shit anime and claim that everything else is just little girl anime and won't even give anything else a chance, much less a glance

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its gotten that bad for him?
I havent seen anything from liam since he fucked off.
then again he could probably be leeching off his girlfirend/sister/cousin... or was that too stressful for him too?

>when neither one will ever listen to anyone else's recommendations about anything ever
Yeah it was pretty sick to hear Woolie gush about LotGH like a million years after everyone was done telling him how good it was. Maybe if they actually checked out what people are into currently they wouldn't be so damn irrelevant

I think that hit its apex when he was talking about Astral Chain on the podcast this week. He could not go a single sentence without saying jojo at least three times.

Woolie's bad about it but Pat is infinity worse.
Especially since most of his knowledge of it comes from wiki reading.
Like fuck if you are going to go out of your to call SHADOW CLONES that DRK is getting in ff14 STANDS at least read the fucking manga.

Just further cements that they are parrots. They can repeat popular opinions without end but can't form their own.

I'm surprised Pat likes Konosuba since I would assume he would just avoid anything isekai even if it was parody. But it is pretty mainstream.

Even if he goes to the gym 3 times a week it wouldn't be enough to help him with his diet of only candy and energy drinks. I mean Paige eats mcdonalds almost daily but I guess the lupus is just stopping her from getting fat. But yeah chances are Pat goes to the gym maybe once a month. Just like that faggot Matt who posted a selfie of himself after only going there for 2 weeks acting like he changed at all.

Adachi is the killer. Boo hoo.

his discord dicksuckers wouldn't stop talking about it so he read the plot synopsis on the wiki. Don't believe that little ball of shit actually watches anything he says he does

They are friends with fucking mothers basement. You really expect them to have great anime taste? I'm shocked that Pat actually finished goblin slayer.

Pat actually limited his red bull shit to 2 sugar free cans a day which while not better is not 6 in 2hours.

>pat is mad at GRRM because he didn't finish a series he has no interest in reading or watching

What is his problem?

Just wants to be mad for the views

GRMM owes him money.

was the whole "McMuscles" bullshit from the last time he tried doing the gym but he stopped because someone smiled at him?

>ask question
>know the answer

He was more or less angry at the prospect GRRM for the past 3 years has been
>Tee heee writing is hard, I'm a billionare off this unfinished book series, I'll never finish my shitty book. Hoo ho

Pat's in the right here though.

I watched SBFP's Yakuza 0 playthrough, and holy shit Matt is such a fucking crybaby.

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But he ain't.

>3 years
uh...yeah..."3" years.
How can he be right when he doesn't actually have any interest in the books or the show?

Im just glad he's out of the picture. It's too bad he sunk the franchise with him.

If you aren't into them now, it's impossible since the opponents will always be better than you. Impossible to git gud if you're being eternally super curbstomped.

Good post; im gonna play some Under Night.

Damn why the fuck did I say 3? Where did the time go? Sorry, I meant to say within the past 5-7 years he was in front of microphones and cameras basically saying "It'll be out when I'm done, don't rush me tee hee I'm a billionaire with no responsibilities or any drive"

I've only seen ketchup chips one time and they were delicious. Never found them again, though.

I know Tekken 7's difficult. Quit mocking me, asian man