Fire Emblem Heroes

Ummm so... any plans for summer Yea Forums bros?

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Failing to get Kjelle and Nah.

I want to jerk off to fire Emblem characters

I wanna fuck Laegjarn so bad

What's stopping you?

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get in line

I want to cum inside of Legyarn

I'm glad i quit this game.


Uninstalling it 3 months ago was so fucking liberating.

im installing right now, they know how to lure us back

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pretty much same timing as me.

idunn didn't come home

Trying to get one more Nah first and see what IVs I get.

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>more powercreep and min max stats

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I got one that's -Atk and she's still insanely strong.
I love the dapper dressed dragon loli

>got Leggy with good IVs
>also want to give Memesparrow to someone who could really use it like Alm

I have a -hp +def one, which I know isn't really bad but I'm a manakete fag and I'll likely use her a good amount and at the very least would like to iron out her flaw.

That's great
I filled my whole resort with them but I don't have enough orbs to try and go for a dupe of a unit I already have

>playign Heroes


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There's nothing good

What was that Fire Emblem game that everyone creamed on and is it on Switch? The one with Tharja girl. Also, could anyone summarize Switch FE games? Which one is best (turn-bases only)?

Wait for the next summer banner and hope it's shit so I can go back and get Gunnthra and a Camilla merge

Waiting for Brave Camilla in August. Just hit over 1200 orbs in my stockpile today.

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Fire Emblem gets shockingly little porn.