I get why adolescents would latch onto aeris or tifa but why does yuffie have a fanbase? She does nothing at all

I get why adolescents would latch onto aeris or tifa but why does yuffie have a fanbase? She does nothing at all
No character development or anything. Just a one note joke

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I want to fill her with my seed

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Yuffie doesn't have a fanbase.


Because Yuffie makes my peepee the hardest out of them all.

16 isnt pedo in japland amerimutt

She's the sexiest one out of the three.

Aren't shurikens supposed to be small? Plus what's with the squash gauntlet?

>No character development
doesnt she have a full arch in her home town where you find out her back story and why she steals

then you can even come back in disc three to challenge the wutai tower and beat her father t the top

She has short hair.

I didn't play ff7 so I don't even know who Tifa is

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Bubbly ninjas are cute

You can challenge right away, there's just no point since All Creation sucks.

She's appealing to the "LOL IM SOO RANDUMB XDDD ^o^" crowd for some god forsaken reason.

do it for the sweet lore user

Aeris fills that role

She's sexy fit and energetic and has short hair

The voice actors they used for the first kingdom hearts was beyond fucking retarded, but at least it wasnt Jennifer Fucking Hale

Why does vincent get a far more engrossing story

Or pretty much anywhere else either

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Because he's more important to the actual plot of FF7.

>No character development or anything.
she goes from dickass thief to good teammate that helps save the world

He has actual plot relevance.

16 is actually legal in most states, the problem is California makes most of the movies and their legal age is 18


Hot teenager with long legs.

This isn't even true, she's still in it for the Materia. If you fight her dad he instructs her specifically to try to get it once the world is saved, and at one point she tries to make Cloud sign a contract to sign it all away after Meteor is stopped (that neither of them can read since they'll get motion sickness)

Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's acceptable

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>wanting to fuck a 16 or 17 year old is the same as wanting to fuck a 10 year old

You're delusional if you think that anyone in FF7 beyond Cloud and Sephroth are anything more than one note jokes.

It's not the same but you're still taking advantage of someone younger with a less developed frontal lobe so you're very likely to have pedophile urges as well.

This and this is why I opened the thread.

The whole game is just one ridiculous situation after another, but Yuffie is so memorable because of the materia stealing. It really effects you in these game, you grinded that stuff and it's gone! You're going to remember that.

Cause her shorts dont fit

Cause he's unironically a cuck

Why are you posting the old hag version of Yuffie?

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her tummy

Attached: 's-stop it! thahahat tickles!'.jpg (1046x780, 160K)

I want to impregnate that stupid ninja

wtf she have the infinity stones?!

>that part where she's shaking in fear inside the sub
Instantly melted my heart.

yes it is, except for a few prefectures where they still don't molest 16 year olds because everyone knows that's fucked up.

Anyone remember that one doujin where she grows a dick and fucks aerith?

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Actually Barret had an interesting backstory and Red XIII could go places if not for cut content.

The rest are all pretty shallow though yeah, even Vincent (though you could argue that supplement material that comes after in other titles makes him even less worthy of respect).

Yes, but that doesn't fit into the shitposting narrative faggots like OP want you to believe.

Uh huh sure. Incredible writing with the muh home and materia
Fuck off cunts. We’re just given some piss poor reasons for her materia gathering and she doesn’t develop at all in her own little story quest.

I love Yuffies cunning ways to steal materia!

too old

She's the cutest one.
>short hair
>cute face
>blessed tummy
>cute navel
god even her fucking name is cute.
"Yuffie" haha

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short hair make me go unga bunga pee rub

Yuffie is the Rebecca Chambers of FF7.

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What do you mean "that one doujin"? It happened in the game, man.

A friend of mine was born in Massachusetts, where aoc is 16, and he moved to California when he was like 11, and even he was mindblown to find out most of America's aoc is not 18.

Oh yeah? What if I'm retarded? Ever think about that, smart guy?

You're right, many acceptable things are illegal.

Aerith sounded better in KH1, I fucking hated her VA for 2 and AC

The average American is a blithering idiot who cannot be assed to look into the laws of their state (or anything else for that matter) - and mindlessly regurgitate unverified second hand information that is blindly accepted by the zeitgeist. In this case, the American magic number 18 being the AoC universally all over the damn country.

Yes of course, because frontal lobe development is clearly what people's dicks get hard to. That's why no one is attracted to you

The pre-frontal cortex is not fully developed until roughly age 25. By your (mentally retarded) rhetoric, a man my age having sex with 18 year olds is tantamount to "pedophiliac urges."


>Age-based policies are not exceptional; policies are frequently enacted in the face of contradictory or nonexistent empirical support [10]. Although neuroscience has been called upon to determine adulthood, there is little empirical evidence to support age 18, the current legal age of majority, as an accurate marker of adult capacities. Less clear is whether neuroimaging, at present, helps to inform age-based determinations of maturity. If so, can generic guidelines be established, or is individual variation so great as to preclude establishing a biological benchmark for adult-like maturity of judgment?

Fuck you and your retarded American "m-muh 18 yeeahs!" Not a single shred of empirical evidence to stand on. Literally no fucking difference between a 16 and an 18 year old. Females are done at puberty by 16 anyway.

i wanna fill her with my sneed