How the hell is this game allowed on Steam? It's hardly consumer friendly

How the hell is this game allowed on Steam? It's hardly consumer friendly.

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It's not anime and pro-lgbt, how progressive

Letting me fuck cute boys is friendly to me and I am a consumer.

>Fags forces themselves into your favorite game
>"Fuck off why don't you make your own games?!"
>Fags make their own game

The same way your waifushit is available.

when will they make a good gay anime vn with cute boys i don't want to look at men who look real

Fuck off. We already had this thread, most of Yea Forums is gay and it turns out that game is pretty good.

I think you're thinking of shota user

>no titties is censorship
>but gay stuff shouldn't be allowed
shit thread and OP is a faggot

>most of Yea Forums is femcels


no i hate that shit



based gaben allowing problematic content

>Gabe sells gay shit
>Gabe sells weeb shit
>Gabe sells old shit
>Gabe sells new shit
>He sells red shit
>and he sells blue shit
>1 shit 2 shit
>red shit blue shift
>Half Life 3 never ever

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>turn off sexual content filter
>get mad when you see sexual content
Why are you guys like this?

>titties >>>> gay shit

based Steam

stop being a prude
i'd rather complain about them randomly removing anime (sometimes not even h-)games for "supporting loli" when there aren't even any loli characters in them

>consumer friendly
words have lost all meaning

all sex games are cringe.

Why is this fucking pedoshit allowed on steam? i agree with ya, OP.

At least gay shit isn't censored.
Eat shit, dumb hetero.

>all the men look 50

>dumb hetero
The word is "hetard

based and red pilled

>It's hardly consumer friendly.
>positive reviews
>lots of sold copies
I guess consumers disagree with you, homophobe


It's a VN.

That old man kissing the young teen looks really predatory and creepy, that man is a pedophile.

>young teen

That dude looks like he's 20. What do the young teens where you're from look like?

Fuck off pedo, you're gross.

Stop defending your disgusting fetish and get help.

Why are straight people so dumb?
Here, just take this last reply and leave the thread, please.

I jacked off so much. I fucking love steam now

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He's an actual pedo trying to false flag people who are against pedophilia.
Don't expect logic from him.

> that dude looks like he's 20.

Lmao, he looks 13-14.

>tfw when a game that allows you to rape a man with a dog and then leave him for dead is allowed
>but shitty generic waifushit is banned

Steam truly is based.

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I'm actually the opposite of a pedo. I'm a mesophile.

Because homosexuality is dumb, why bother fucking some dude when you can get a 10/10 girl´easily?

Is there cute twinks in the game?

Bi here
Flat is justice

what's the problem?

I can download Koikatsu on Steam, homos can download this. All good?

>Dealing with w*man in the first place
Already dumb


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I like guys,thats why

Can you stop with the pedophilia already? you guys are creeping me out.

>Laying the groundwork for the argument that anti censorship grandstanders don't care about censorship but care about "Muh pp hard"

Disgusting, have you considered suicide?

Yeah, why aren't there any naked girls on Steam???????????

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It's like asking why someone with a BBW fetish would chase after morbidly obese fat chicks who can barely do anything in bed when they could easily have a normal sized woman who can do all sorts of shit. Or why a white dude would prefer to fuck an ugly sheboon nigger instead of a cute white girl.

Because sexual attraction is illogical and not something people choose.

Slow Damage will be out next year. Excited to watch this depressed loser get the sadness fucked out/into him? (depending on where the routes head)

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Steam lost to the cock ages ago.

Been proven already that literally everyone on Earth that isn't an actual, broken asshole having niggerfaggot - straight men, straight women, lesbian women - have the same response neurological reaction to faggotry as they do to seeing rotting food covered in maggots.

The very existence of faggotry disgusts the entire rest of humanity.

>It's hardly consumer friendly.
How so? There are a lot of fags on steam and on Yea Forums for that matter

There is no escape.

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wtf i love epic now

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You can filter it now thanks to the new gay alphabet tag.
Thanks based Gaben.

You know why.

>14 with this build and body hair
maybe if he was some chris hansen bait

>arguing against the status quo inherently makes you a reactionary.
And this is from the "progressive" people.

There’s facial/body hair toggles for all the guys in the game

>there are tons of straight/woman VNs on Steam
>literally one gay/male VN, unless you count Dream Daddy which has zero nudity or sex in it, then there's two

Yes clearly Steam is cock central now.

More like

>Fags forces themselves into your game.
>Gets your game removed or ruined.
>Gets other games removed.
>Make their own game after all other games have been taken off.

>all that shitty weeb bait
I have a soft spot for quality hentai but this looks like shit

i dont get why people can like guys, they're like a worse version of women.

>people are revolted by shit they're not attracted to


Why would you want to live the rest of your life with a walking, nagging tumor called your wife?
There's a reason a lot of men prefer hanging out with their bros than their own wives lmao

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Except that shit never happened.

When did Yea Forums became so antigay? Are you fags forgetting the weekly otome threads?

Muse Dash looks cute.

>women are horrible to interact with
>women are selfish and two faced
>women will never be your friend or have the same interests
>tits are boring and do nothing
>vaginas are disgusting

laughing at your life straighty

>implying Steam having sex games at all isn't Steam losing to the cock

Steam is a slut that whored herself out for your entertainment.

>no titties allowed, that's inappropriate
>now heres a fat dude fucking a twink in the ass

the biggest sin is that it's not even good gay porn, they could do so much better

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That's actually bullshit, though.
The "study" the subhuman is talking about was pure propaganda, not science.

otome thread this friday, brother

I like guys (in general, not sexually) because they're not women. I just find them easier to be around. They don't instigate shit or start whining and ruin everyone's good time when one little thing isn't just the way they think it should be. The likelihood of someone getting offended over words is a lot lower when there are no women around.

Literally the only thing women are good for is being a cumdumpster.


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because women are sexy, men are gross.


Women that arent attracted to women don't respond that way to lesbians. Faggots don't respond that way to straight couples or lesbians. Literally everyone that isn't a faggot responds to faggots that way.

Dont let "tolerance and inclusion" fool you, bugchaser. Every single person you know, from your parents to your fat faghag "friend" at work to your pharmacist is as disgusted by your existence as they are by a corpse boiling with maggots.

Even literal pedophilia just triggers a fight or flight stress response in non pedoniggers. You trigger a primal subconscious disgust. An instinctive loathing.

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Subjective. Most women look average and hide behind 10 layers of makeup.

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Men are annoying as fuck through, they're childish, gassy, inmmature, noisy and impatient.

Women are easier to hang out and talk with and they're funnier too.

i wish more Women were gassy. god what a better world we'd live in.

>Women are easier to hang out and talk with and they're funnier too.
>t. "woman"

Just because you have to interact with them to get a boner, doesn't mean you have to lie to yourself.

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>Can you stop with the pedophilia already?

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IDK why fags say women are annoying/evil it makes me so confused, all the women i know are outgoing and funny, you never get bored of them.

Meanwhile most guys i know get on my nerves really quick.

since when is being sexually attracted to young adults in their 20's considered pedophilia?

When you have your waifushit allowed on Steam, but not gay ones? you are fucking hypocritical.
cope harder, bigot.

>outgroup gets forced into ingroup
>outgroup still gets to have their own shit anyways
>ingroup doesn't get to have their own shit ever again

Playan what

yeah, it is weird that pedos are not attractive to manly, muscle gays.

Only a tranny or a roastie would make this post.

Except rapelay.

Stop resetera, nobody ever said that

Its being said right now, r/thedonald

Lurk more you filthy newfag

Too far

Where can I get a hairy friend

Sodomites are the perfect atomised individuals.

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>the quarterpounder with cheese
Is this guy still making low effort bait?

Hello EA shill.

They said stop changing already existing games they never told you to make your own. So long gayzoomer

The zoo

Guys are so fucking autistic in general that is really hard to talk to them.
They're usually fixated on something and talk about it non-stop (gym,videogames, anime, sports).
They usually smell bad, most guys dont know what hiyene is?
They get angry too fast, like calm down bro it's just a joke/ a game.
All of your male friends don't care about you, men only form bonds with sex.

Women are much better friends honestly.

I wish

A woman wrote this pasta, didn't it

Muse Dash isnt even hentai. It's just some rythm anime game.

now, you know why weebs/straights are obsessive with waifu appearing young girl. They are the fucking pedos

based and redpilled

t. Whore with a gay husband

Have sex with an adult.

Most gays always have good hygiene unlike straights, who are the smelly slobs.

t. fag with many gay friends and burly fuckbuddies

>Men are better than women and they even have titties
How can heteros even compete

Why do gymfags post pics of their chest usually sweaty in instagram?

Women can't love, and so can't be friend. Why anything and anyone.
Even the meme suppposed love mother feel for their children is more like a mix of narcissistic self-love and hard-wired instinct.

Dude you're sick if you think that 25yr old looks like a child

Under the sanctity of marriage for the purpose of procreation.

so they get karma points of virgin gay guys.

Scrap that last part, procreation is subhuman, the worst deed a being can commit.