>"This game is a downgrade! SA was better!"
>"GTA 5 sucks! GTA 4 was god tier! What happened Rockstar?"
Gee I wonder what will happen when 6 comes out

Attached: grand-theft-auto-4.jpg (1600x1200, 188K)

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Same with Bethesda, they could try not making each game far worse than the previous one

go back to buying shark cards zoomer

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GTA6 will have a female and/or minority protag and Yea Forums will flip it's shit yet again while it sells 50 million copies

Pretty sure most people still think SA is better than GTA 4.

Can Rockstar really make anything worse than the half assed GTAV?

Faggots here will hail GTA 5 as a masterpiece when 6 is out. The problem is that 6 will probably be goat as well, but muh NEW GAME BAD

>inb4 muh story
I dont give a shit about the story all the missions in 5 were more fun than 4

>team deathmatch? Nah, I usually play free roam (killing on) or cops n robbers

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the more the graphics get closer to being realistic the more older ones will be liked.
I personally never hated 4 but I couldn't play 5 for more than 30mins.
for me the closer it is to reality the more it loses its appeal and it becomes hard to be immersed, gta 5's story wasn't even appealing

san andreas was most fun game of the series
gta 4 had the best story
gta 5 tried to mix both and it was good for one walkthrough but if you try to play it again then you see how boring it was

That's kinda unfair. We boomers had the GTA trilogy on PS2, which was way better than GTA 4. I mean GTA 4 is good, but the PS2 games are timeless.

But it's true, GTA 4 is boring as fuck.

4 was garbage but at least the online was just fucking around in a pointless sand box like it should be. 5 is literally pay to not even win but fuck around with shit that has no reason to cost money.

In GTA5 you literally have a mission where you mop the fucking floor. The game is garbage. GTA is a terrible series and has been since like 2005.

You mop a floor for a mission. Any defense of GTA5 is made meritless by the simple fact that you MOP A FUCKING FLOOR.

4 was the best gta followed vy san andreas. The rest is all shit. Plebs will defend muh vice city but it was shit too

This guy gets it

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I liked all of them. I remember playing San Andreas and spawning gets and fast cars and helicopters and shit but then I played GTA4 and it was really lacking in that extra stuff but I really enjoyed the story. I also enjoyed GTA5 as well I thought the 3 selectable characters and the heists were really fun and in general the map was great (especially when you play it on old ass consoles like 360 it was like a miracle) and the vehicle and weapon diversity was also great. I don't have a problem with either and I thought they all were really good. What GTA4 lacked in the vehicle and weapon diversity (fun shit to mess around with) it made up with a really good main story and 2 exceptional DLCs (TBoGT was better than TLAD tho).

i've replayed V 3 times

You're given 2 options and you chose the non-canon one to mop the floor, janny fag

VI will actually be good and finally cement the opinion that gtav is shit as being objectively correct.

5 is actual dogshit though user so it wont happen.

what mission do you mop the floor?

>ADHD zoomers can't handle mission variety

I was gonna say I never remember mopping the floor in V but I also haven't played SP in years.

Absolutely agree
You deserve more (you)s than you got, my nigga

I've replayed it 4 times on 3 different platforms but also played through some of it on another 2 platforms

Setting up for the Skyscraper Bank Heist. I think it's.... Micheal, who does the mopping? I don't remember. I think it's the same mission where you actually dive out of the skyscraper and escape on the helicopter.

>tfw want to go back to GTA 4 but I sold the 360 version long ago and the PC version sucks ass

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>>"This game is a downgrade! SA was better!"
I’ve always liked IV more than SA but then again I don’t need jetpacks or wacky character clothes to hold my attention

I miss fucking around in GTA4 online. Going around and playing with glitches around the map was great.

>I'm a cocksucking retard
You sure are.

God, I love the cars in GTA IV. My favorite one was the Blista Compact.

Attached: Blista_Compact_GTA_IV.png (655x418, 253K)

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All i wanted from V was more and improved gta races and they some how even managed to mess that up

Sentinel.. now that was a soulful car.

Attached: Sentinel.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

>Gee I wonder what will happen when 6 comes out
LMAO good one user

IV is the series at it's grimiest and I love it.


360 version hasn’t aged well, there’s really no good way to play the game.

The only good thing about V is that it runs on toasters and Trevor.

Did anyone ever make fan a patch that unfucks this and the older games

Best protag, fuck tommyfags.

Attached: niko.png (262x480, 148K)

hilarious. the majority of people don't play this because the pay for completion is less.

> the PC version sucks ass

>you now remember the dock mission with Treavor's cuck cousin
V was fucking shit.

Games for Windows Live

>You now remember that hidden spot on the map where the Sultan RS was hidden on

Attached: SultanRS-GTAIV-front.png (1920x1080, 2.75M)

it's a horrible port. newer hardware forces it to run somewhat decent nowadays

Behind the derelict building in the very north-west

>'s cousin
First off, it was Wade's cousin.
