Choices, choices...
FFXIV Shadowbringers
So are they ever going to straight up involve the 12 at any point
actual assassin class when
both suck
fuck guile
WoL: vocals
Minfilia: vocals
Alisaie: guitar
Thancred: guitar
Alphinaud: bass
Urianger: drums
Y'shtola: keyboard
The twelve are the shards.
When you get the garo achievement and can toss it and buy it from the npc, can you choose to buy either the male or female version, because if I fantasia from one to the other I don't want to be screwed
Look at this flag flames. It's taunting you so you better attack it the entire time. Ignore the maelstrom their flag is just a boat it can't do anything
>0 non-meme armors in the game accentuate how viera are all supposed to have a slim and narrow aesthetic
Is pvp dead in this game or what.
>WoL: vocals
The mutest vocalist ever
>WoL: vocals
I play on Chaos DC and I keep getting DF groups with at least 2 RDM. Some solo tank/healer EX trial runs I've done have had 3. I never remember them being so abundant.
Feast and Rival wings are. Frontlines is very alive.
Illberd should have summoned Rhalgr.
>4 face tied with haircuts
>can't even wear helmet
Hrothgars may look better than expected but they're definitely not worth it.
Muh dick
>pvp in an mmo where animations lock you into place
i hope so
> people seriously considering Hrothgar
Yikes, have fun looking bad in every armor piece
then why wont my queue pop
WoL is the sign language one.
Yes. The only thing you can't rebuy is oddly the invisible shield for PLD.
WoL should be the bassist because its the most important role
>"Name my band, Yea Forums"
There are 13 shards and the Source
Wait a second, can’t wear helmets, is this true
I'm going to have to buy the game on PS4 I guess, then buy it again on PC when I build a new one. How's the framerate on PS4 slim?
No. 500 out of the 680 head pieces are usable
Works for me, my queues are less than 2 minutes
"Pray, return to the Waking Sands"
It's like their world's version of Christian music, since they serve a giant crystal that floats in space.
I was under the impression that the devs said somewhere that it would be a launch limitation for Hroth and Viera, but eventually would be ironed out for things like AF hats and helms and some other items.
We already told you to go Hrothgar. They actually look good in armor and have better emotes.
Enjoy your 60 sec loading times.
I fucking hate Amano’s art so much. SE has him do art for every FF game now because it’s “tradition” but jesus fuck is it really worth it if it looks like ass? Look at this. Look at this shit. Looks like a 4 year old drew it at a restaurant. I can’t wait until he dies
>is this true
Yes. But I think they will fix it in the future. They better, I'm changing to rabbit but if I never get to wear a hat/helm again I will have to change to Elezen.
daily reminder you might beat wow but it'll still be remembered way more than trannybringers ever will. We forever changed the industry and you are simply building on our success
Tiaras and glasses yes, but how about closed helmet pieces
They said they weren't spending the resources to do so. They also said that developers are slowly implementing it on their own time due to player feedback. So it may be in the future but it will be limited at the launch of the game.
We don't know.
oh well, better than nothing and you fags posting spoilers everywhere.
We know.
Urianger looks kinda toned, wtf. Admiring that muscle definition. Isn’t he supposed to be a book nerd though, why is he ripped. And wearing a dress.
t. Nomurafag
You can always put a SSD on your ps4.
Definitely not. I can't imagine either Viera or Hrothgar looking good in helmets.
>grandpa lion
Mustache or no?
His watercolors are usually a lot better and have a lot more depth. I don't know what happened with this one.
thanks for beta testing
moustache, always.
He lifts books
how many times are u gonna post this same character bro
Absolutely BTFO.
>WoL: vocals
Worst orbonne run just ended.
Every dps dies at least once per boss, constantly fail mechanics.
Cohealer can't even keep himself alive, let alone anyone else.
Where do those fucks even come from?
Very cute and gay
About a million, why?
Thats like putting a nitro booster on a mobility scooter.
Go with the mustache or just play bearded old highlander
i want a cunny edit for this
Then you must be retarded. There is literally nothing about Hrothgar heads that would make helms look any worse. If Au Ra horns can clip through, then the handful of people who choose to have a horn on Hrothgar will be fine with it clipping through.
go dilate. Where's your movie faggot? We are basically lotr for a new age. Wow might have died but that's because it killed itself. Nothing ever killed it. You only won because it decided to suicide. You would have never beaten us in our prime and when classic comes you are going to lose everyone and your game is going to fucking die.
>Urianger not on vocals
Do you even meme
WoW was building on XI's success in the first place, dipshit.
he carries the weight of knowledge and wisdom
Should I reroll sexy lion man? I'm not sure if I'm ready to lose my lala
I do still have my free fantasia
damn hope she sees this bro
It depends, do you play melee jobs? Is so, then go ahead because having a big lion man on robes casting spells looks ridiculous
Do yourself a favor, never ever get a parser.
The amount of shitters have increased sharply with the comming expanion.
Yikes, wowfags sure are desperate to try to make their puny patch relevant.
Who here harassing sprouts by playing fanfare every time they kill something
>inb4 hrothgar end up just being bros and not furries
I main BRD, MCH, DRG, and SAM
Fuck off to /vg/, shadowniggers. You have basically fucking 90% uptime here and then complain that mods delete your shit.
When is your garbage expansion even coming out, you've been shilling it for like a year already.
How does MCH look in ShB?
best way to gear up from 370? and should I just sit on my poetics cap
The vast majority outside of Crystal will just be tankmain bros.
It's not just the horn that's the problem you moron. Their heads are far wider than any other race.
As for Viera, there is no way of hiding their massive ears.
Jesus that's creepy/ugly
Anybody have an album of the count down pictures?
Smash has a 500% uptime for the last few years.
Buttblasted wowfaggot is mad that this thread replaced one of the dozens of Smash threads.
Has to rework rotations for trick attack window, looks intuitive in solo/4man play.
stupid trannies always post whenever the mods are asleep
>We are basically lotr for a new age.
This is what wowkeks actually believe. Holy shit.
Gonna go from my Male Hyur since ARR to one. Only thing I don't think I can really decide is what's the best voice.
>implying thats not the coolest shit ever
The only combinations that don't make sense is the smaller races, Lalafell, Au ra, and catgirl, being tanks.
Not everything has to be a us vs them. Competition is a good thing.I might spend time on both Classic and Shadowbringers and have fun with both if I can. You coming in here and just starting a flame war is just silly.
Also, I saw the Warcraft movie. It was meh.
where's the khloe album
I see they got rid of the ammo system, how do the three main shots work now? Is it just like a melee combo?
smash is actually a game instead of your tranny erp world
go fuck yourself
>b-but smash
Smash is garbage for retards.
>b-but WoW
Also garbage for retards, possibly even worse than FFXIV.
All the same shit.
.We are basically lotr for a new age.
Should I start looking for a static now for 5.0 or should I wait for when Savage for ShB comes out? Any tips for looking for a static and red flags I should look out for?
Here's your pivotal shad moment bro
go fuck yourself
the parallels between wow are numerous and thrall alone is a more complex and well written character than anything in trannybringers
Bless her tits.
People say that Red Mage is the easiest job to play as. Is it really easier than the Samurai?
Voice 4 is best voice.
>We are basically lotr for a new age
>We are basically lotr for a new age.
I'm genuinely disgusted.
>Their heads are far wider than any other race.
So fucking what? Just stretch the model/texture. They do that for the body armor. Hrothgar have no excuse.
>there is no way of hiding their massive ears.
Wrong. They could have made Viera all have the same ears to make holes for them far easier, but they didn't. Ears can bend, there's no reason why they can't just imply they are folded down under a hood/hat. Helms they can make holes. They can make a new ear model of ears tied/folded down. It would require a lot of work for Viera, and they will have to do it one day because people will never stop bugging them about it. And unlike Hrothgar, more than 3 people per server are going to play a Viera.
nice bait retard
Hrothgar queens when?
Ramuh, Shiva, and Sophia are basically primals of Rhalgr, Halone, and Azeyma. Ramuh is straight up a Sylphic interpretation of Rhalgr, Sophia is an ancient Meracydian version of Azeyma, and Shiva is heavily influenced by Ysayle's ideas of Halone.
This sounds like it won't play in a fight, but sort of a climactic moment in which we saved the day and theres a crowd of npc's cheering or some shit.
1~4 level dragoon
5~9 play god of war
A character constantly being written over and retconned does not make them complex. It makes them a joke.
This is the proper response.
Viera are supposed to have feet like this
Are their any mch weapons that look like a grenade launcher?
get fucked you indecisive twat
>those birthing hips
Dreamwyrm gun?
Anything with 'Handgonne' in the name.
You're probably too late to look for one as ShB is about to drop and most people will be focused on MSQ and gearing up after it drops. But here are some things that'll help. Keep an eye out in PF for people recruiting for statics, but realize they'll want you sufficiently geared for raiding. At ShB launch, two EX fights will be available for gearing. In two weeks, normal raid will drop. Then you have two more weeks until Savage drops. Those are your timeframes for gearing up and being ready for Savage.
Once Savage drops, you'll be able to join pugs and maybe run across statics looking for people or people who want to make a static.
There are also discords where people look for members. I don't know much about that though.
coping already, kek
Shiva is Shiva. As in the ancient ishgardian woman that fucked the dragon. Nothing to do with Halone, in fact the heretics hated her, so why would their primal take shape after her?
The other two are absolutely correct though
>responsible for the attack on Baelsar's wall
>gets a group of mhiggers killed as a sacrifice
>kills himself and becomes part of the ritual
>it all starts a chain of events that lead his homeland being liberated
He's pretty based, ngl
The lorebook literally says that Shiva is influenced by Halone because Ysayle grew up a good Ishgardian girl and could not erase those influences from her mind. That's why despite the real Shiva being a pacifist, she wields a whole slew of weapons and seeks peace through violence.
Yes its like a melee combo but the 3 now gives battery.
Hot shot (now Air Anchor) has decent potency for battery.
You get a new move Drill, which is MCH's highest potency move and you'd want it to be use with Disassmble all the time.
Pets are now tied to battery and the duration they're out for scale with your battery guage, you can 'desummon' them early during phase changes to frontload damage and it much more controllable than before.
Overheat is much better and can be forced with hypercharge, paired with barrel stabilizer which is a straight +50 heat that allows you to go into overheat.
Wildfire combo is now just spamming 1.5s heated blast with weaving of oGCDs (which you 3 charges for)
so since it isn't mommy hydaelyn in this one, who is singing this time?
God of War is boring as FUCK. I'm told it's actually fun at the hardest setting, but the combat isn't my problem. It's everything else you do aside from combat, which is a lot of the game, that's boring as fuck.
He's not late at all, majority still don't know what they want to play and there aren't a lot of statics recruiting at the moment.
Nice fail you got there. It'd be a shame if something happened to it.
You know it bro.
Either (you) or someone else.
Thanks for BTFOing me user, I don't have a lorebook so I didn't know that
>So fucking what? Just stretch the model so they look like bobble heads
>There's no reason why they can't just imply they are folded down under a hood or hat so they look like they have tumors
Thanks for proving that they would look like shit regardless.
You Smashfaggots are cancerous as fuck. It's okay for you retards to shit up the board with "NEW LEAK! HE'S IN!" and "Let's laugh at Stevefags General" but it's not okay for other fanbase to discuss a new expansion that will be released in less than two weeks. No wonder everyone on this board hate you Smashtendies.
Will l be forced to buy crafted gear then, because I don't have the gil to buy the entire set and I don't think 2.4 mil will cut it.
Should I just wait for when savage for ShB comes out then since that will be when statics will be recruiting probably?
I would say user's late because no one is recruiting now and anyone who is is late. Anyone who is into raiding already has a static and is going into ShB with one. The people who don't, and there may be a lot of them, are returnees or newbies, which won't start coalescing into statics weeks after Savage drops. So, yea, user is late because there's a week until EA and they don't got a static and won't have one for a month or more.
>neet cat just wanted us to shut off the lights
fuck him for making us job to notzenos in front of everyone
Here's the first one if you want it bro
That was the point, that's exactly why every single mhigger was dressed up in eorzean alliance outfits. He started the momentum for the alliance to start moving into alamhigo.
After that attack and a primal appearing there the alliance couldn't simply tell the garleans it weren't them behind the attack.
2nd it was a really good chance to strike against the garleans at the wall and take their position.
3rd the WoL needed to be there to fight against the primal so again, we couldn't just say it was ildberd and ignore the attack.
So your main filler is just 1-2-3 over and over again, there are no combo branches or anything?
anyone got the datamine info?
Should I come come back? Last time I played was 2013 I think
If you wanna raid, finish the MSQ in under 2 weeks. Then Farm the EX trials. Farm the Normal Raids. Have all that gear before Savage drops on the 4th week. You'll be ready enough for pugging.
See and kill yourself.
>Should I just wait for when savage for ShB comes out then since that will be when statics will be recruiting probably?
You probably need to join discord for recruitment at least if you from EU and honestly partying with random people is always going to be a gamble.
Can't datamine without a patch dumbass.
Does anyone have the female height comparisons?
Okaeri, user-kun.
Is 5.0 going to end the tankiety epidemic once and for all?
Crystal catboy.
shit thanks user
from the benchmark fag
Not even being a blue DPS would help them grow a pair.
They all look the fucking saaaaaaaaaame
Why are our color options so limited? I can deal with the hair being locked to face, but why the fuck don't cat men even have a full color pallet to pick from for hair and fur?
It was his plan all along. He is a true patriot.
That's a good gif. Im going to take that gif.
>I can deal with the hair being locked to face, but why the fuck don't cat men even have a full color pallet to pick from for hair and fur?
They do though? Hair tied to face is literally the problem
>partying with random people is always going to be a gamble.
The main reason to do this is to run into a static or people who are looking for a static. Don't just farm.
There's nothing in the benchmark you dick fuck
You're taking relativity to the extreme. There are plenty of incomplete groups of friends and likeminded returning players who will form statics as content is released and not weeks before. This isn't some exclusive club you're late for unless you want to be the first clear.
I never claimed they wouldn't you fucking moron. The point is it is possible to do, you claimed it isn't.
You are the one with tumors.
That looks really cool though.
What the fuck are you talking about? It doesn't sound like he's looking for some hardcore static and there are recruitments for statics all throughout the tier, you even had people searching when echo dropped.
He's cool
I'm afraid of healing. I never pay attention to status affects and shit on party members.
okay, you're genuinely retarded then
There's barely any useful info in the benchmark, they always make sure to remove everything.
Most datamining was done for music and for mods on the new gear.
>72 man frontline
>adders and flames melt when we look at them for some reason
>guy on our team marks their healers
>each of them only has 1 healer in their 24 man group
This was the saddest thing I have ever seen
The king is here.
No they don't. Right is their "fur" which is their hair color and left is the pattern color. The pattern pallet is the same one every other race gets for their hair, while hroth have that shitty limited one for theirs. Why?
That sucks, because I started playing this game a month ago and I got to 70 about a week ago.
So I've got to pug until I get geared up enough to join a static?
Will groups be looking for people when I do?
I play on the NA, but yea random people is a gamble and that is why I wish to avoid that.
I like it, but I really don't think it fits the expansion. For the longest time, I thought it was just fan-art that some user put the logo on and not official art.
People, ShB is dropping in a week. People will be busy with the MSQ and expansion for weeks. It's not likely you'll find a static during this period because of the flux, because of the changes and gearing and people coming back. If you are NOT in a static right now you are not hitting the 5.0 savage raiding running and will be late. A week late, a month late, I don't know. But late!
It’s a alright game I just wish it had the camera angle from the other games.
>It's the "Only maelstrom uses conventional tactics" episode again
>It's every episode
>Of every season
>one subrace gets warm skin colours while other gets cold
it's the same for every race in game.
Please ignore everything that try hard faggot is saying. There will be tons of people searching for a group come ShB and especially when Savage actually comes out.
>played through ARR, HW and SB in a month
Either you are unemployed and no lifed it, or skipped shit. Fuck off.
Holy fuck
Varis is destroying the leaders with just a few words
Let's put it this way, people spend MONTHS preparing for raid tiers because it's a regular schedule. It's always the even patches: 5.0, 5.2, 5.4. And it'll always be about 6-8 months between raid tiers.
Just keep your eye out in PF and discord for statics/people recruiting and do what you can on your own to gear up, learn your job, and git gud. No one will turn down someone competent at their job.
I know that. That's not their skin. That's their hair. The game calls it fur.
Are you retarded?
>putting on the worst raid gear
>can't fucking decide if I want to play tank or ranged DPS in Shad
user... its also the summer time
based varis
This is like the complete opposite mentality from the one WoW has. If you don't run dungeons for the small chance of a titanforged gear upgrade or farm AP all the fucking time you're letting your team down by not doing all you can to improve your character. People just give up after a while because there's no end to the treadmill they put you on. There are no BiS items because you can always titanforge higher or get a tertiary stat, it's just so tiresome to keep up with
Don't listen to that retard. We still need 4 members for our static and we haven't started recruitment yet, the same is with other couple of groups I know.
Flames are literal bots, adders is full of casuals.
Only mael queues with premades like fucking spergs. Plus frontlines are rigged towards them.
Play both
You're not forced to create another shit character like in any other fucking MMO
I think I play XIV just for this feature alone, fuck alts
coming soon™
That's my grandson.
I want to join a static for once so I should specialize at some role.
>Not using full dreadwyrm glamour and title
Based Solus can't wait to use him as the second tank Trust
This scene was really good, despite how ridiculous Varis' outfit was.
This game does a surprisingly good job with its characters, I'm surprised at how much I actually care about them. I haven't gotten that same feeling from WoW in a long time.
I understand you'd get mad at someone skipping, but why at someone who no lifed it?
you can't do this to me
How soon!
Good luck at finding raid slot for ranged with DNC coming.
I really enjoy Amano's artwork personally. He does some pretty cool pieces.
>not high allagan
Are you even trying to make emperor xande proud?
Is raiding in this game full of discord trannies? Or do those people just hang out in towns AFKing?
Varis's ridiculous outfit is practical though because he's trying to look like the biggest chad around. He doesn't pull it off as well as Solus did though.
>BRD lost most of its support identity.
>Singing remains part of the class's gimmick,but only as self buffs for the most part.
>but the core rotation is still one of the most fun in the game.
I'd be happy if they just let us battle voice more often, even if they nerfed the percentage increase to compensate.
The board that cries when lala porn is posted? I think not buddy! You first!
sauce my brotha
>This game does a surprisingly good job with its characters
Too bad they keep making Merlwyb act like a retard
fucking depressing such a great design was wasted on a bad game
Tell me how to use TCJ to setup proper second TA. I don't have enough ninki for Bhava in TA window
She's a dumb traitorous pirate whore so it makes sense
Tankbros where you at, you ready to tank your way to 80?
I wish they gave the other factions their own anthems for flavor reasons
All mentally ill people go to /ffxivg/. Yea Forums FFXIV threads are not for circlejerking about some little girl.
He just looks like a dwarf here.
>even the other Alliance leaders knew Merylwyb was full of shit
Tank is a complete different concept if you never played one so it might take a while before you learn how to properly tank without messing up your melees positionals, your cooldowns and the other tank. But they got 10 times easier in Shadowbringers so whatever.
Ranged DPS is probably the easiest of all DPS, but considering the massive afflux of Dancers it might be difficult to find a group.
Play whatever you find fun user, becoming good at it comes later.
Ready to take up GBK and make my people proud
Ready to rip.
What's the point? assassin classes are mainly for pvp which ff14 doesn't care for.
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong I've been a big fan of Jojo's since high school, so I'm all for the crazy ridiculous outfits. Reminds me of real world dictators and other military leaders with ridiculously impractical-but-imposing ceremonial armor.
I honestly feel like Stormblood could’ve never happened and we’d be in the exact same position for Shadowbringers. How is it that I did an entire expansion worth of MSQ and still feel like I achieved nothing and did nothing of import. Beating Stormblood felt hollow
>Yea Forums
>not for circlejerking about some little girl
Don't tell him.
can you change fur color after creating one at the aesthetician? or is that considered skin color
Cry more, dumb faggot.
>garleanfags still praising discount allagan empire
Of course.
>he bought the CE for the stupid mount
Your parents are disappointed in you.
literal filler content. I liked the setting. Compared to HW, I still feels it pales in comparison.
But that's exactly how I feel about Heavensward.
Bless is a hot mess. This was the only saving grace
Is Nophica the only one of the 12 we've seen? I need to know if my Goddess has big milkers or not.
> tfw no horthgar gf to pick you up
il gladdly accept gay bunnies if they add female Hroth
with the difference that FFXIV has the option to nolife it if you want, crafting/gathering, Eureka, BLU, savage/ultimate, sightseeing...
>merlwyb doesn't even appear on ghimlyt dark as a npc afterwards
Even kan-e-senna is there spamming stone I and aero II.
Just remember that he's Varis's height though. He's like 3-4 Hyurs wide. Absolute unit.
We're down to a week left boys, I dunno if I'm gonna make it
I learned tanking in WoW so I know most fundamentals so that isn't an issue. I suppose timing defense CDs would be the main thing to learn.
oh nononono
No one runs for titanforge upgrades. Currently, people run mythic+ 10 for their weekly chest. Running for titanforge upgrades is retarded, because the chance of an upgrade is incredibly slim. The reason why titanforge is bad is because players can run a normal raid and all of a sudden get a titanforge upgrade equivalent to mythic level gear. The dev explanation is that they still want getting gear to somehow be exciting. Like "hey wow titanforge gear! I'm so lucky". It's bad
Downtime. Setup. All good stories have downtime between highest points.
ready to go
You mean, bless WAS a hot mess.
>Dark Passenger removed
>Power Slash removed despite being in the CG trailer and the benchmark
Why is it mandatory that DRK loses its best animations every expansion
The problem is their's stil the beastman dalies and other shit like raid tokens and tombstones that require you to play every single day. There's an end to the gear treadmill but there's still plenty of other shit that needs you to spend most of your time grinding away for minor gains.
>not following Althyk, the Keeper
He chose..... poorly.
though without how much I loved HW, if I ever started a fresh character I would pick Halone
Sucks. Tempting to buy Shadowbringers but I'll just work on my back log.
people waste mp on dark passenger?
>join in frontlines with a premade on mael
>realize there's 2 other premades on mael as well
jesus christ we should be arrested for war crimes after that
at this point i think the devs are deathly afraid of players being too stupid to have a tank with two resources to manage so they made drk's rotation completely braindead instead
I like my bunny girl, even if she looks minty fresh.
We've seen a few others. What's yours?
I think you might be lost, user. Crawl back to a safe space of your choice before you have an aneurysm over some cave paintings on a Mongolian cooking website.
Post more.
Convince me Hrothgar aren't shit for being furry bara, don't deflect with miqote/viera/lala/whatever its about you furry bara shitters ruining everything
>plays an au ra
Well, they have no battle animations to use for her, since she's not any available class.
she looks like she smells of piss
This is halone.
I kinda like the removal of TP. Not too happy about other changes, but we will see how it plays.
that's what you say about all of them user
so whats the equivalent to "skin color" on Hrothgar. I want to know what features i can change after creating one
Also, im assuming you cant change face/hairstyle
Bro, what the fuck are you wearing?
liking short girls is suffering
Dayone fucking dupes and was never patched. Good riddance.
Also Rhalgr
Halone is best god prove me wrong
Why was Kan-ye-Senna even in the Ghimlyt Dark? Why is a backwoods spiritual leader sticking her neck out in a warzone?
Anybody got a screenshot of the DNC move that apparently does ridiculous damage and buffs the party at the same time? I can’t find it anywhere but I need to see this shit with my own eyes
No wonder they pray to her all the time
Curious to see if they rewrite the AST job quests since new cards fuck over the lore.
Because she leads the Twin Adder and she's a white mage so she can blow shit up if she absolutely has to. Seedseers aren't pacifists.
What are you even trying to say
Can anyone post their cute girl and erp discord?
Skin color is literally skin color. It changes the color of the fur on their body.
How? All the cards still have the same names
You could make the same argument with Heavensward when the transition into Stormblood had fuckall to do with Ishgard.
If anything, you could make the argument that Shadowbringers is filler content since the Garlean War is supposed to be the main conflict and yet we're expected to go save another world just because a guy in a tower told us to?
very good, post more.
Sure user, we can also talk about how much we want to fuck Khloe...
Don't have the pic but I can confirm for you.
The high damage skills are supposed to be balanced around the fact that they spend several GCDs by... dancing and doing absolutely nothing.
The problem is that they'll probably have good DPS AND insane utility. 30% fucking CRIT/DIR and DRG gets 5% damage up... Wow... The power of the lance...
Either they do shit damage and it's balanced or they'll get insta nerfed in 5.05 with Savage release, like they fixed some jobs in 4.05
Is it true that Eos and Selene are the exact same now for SCH in ShB? Please, for the love of god, someone tell me that the person who told me that is a liar. If it’s true, I will literally seethe with rage.
She's a padjal and the strongest conjurer on the source right now.
If she wanted she could ask the elementals to cast a holy so big she'd make bahamut calamity look like a joke.
>Cant wear a helmet
Oh good, I can actually see my character all the time in cutscenes instead of standing there like some autistic fuck in a helmet
Yes, it's true. They're essentially just glamours.
Furshit is alwasy homogenous
There's no more Selene. Selene is just a glamour for Eos.
That's the fairy glam you wanted so much.
They are the same. The only move they have is embrace which got nerfed and everything else is your own skills.
It's true. Selene is basically dead.
Dark Passenger is a DPS gain on two targets. If you're regaining MP correctly in a big pull, DA DP is huge and doesn't cost you anything. If you have nobody to give a slashing debuff, it's the same potency as a Dark Arts cast on a single target.
The ONLY TIME that DP was useless was when 4.0 first dropped.
heavensward setups more for shadowbringers than stormblood.
All the key story elements disappeared in stormblood.
It's 100% true. Seethe, dilate, and cope.
That should be the least of your worries for ShB SCH.
It's true.
Just kind of sucks there are lore behind the cards and how they're just 2 different flavours in a 6 pack.
Seethe, SCHfag cause it's true
I absolutely refuse to believe this shit is real. It does more that the fucking lvl 1 magic limit break
Teach me how to play it and I will
>that man face on lady of cards
That's a ma'am right there.
Another abyssal would simply be better than that waste of time, and there are so few times where you're hitting exactly two things the scenario may as well not exist
It has retard high potency because you spend 5 GCDs dancing
>inventory is full
>armoury is full
>chocobo bag is full
>glamour station is 120/200
>retainers are full
>40/40 selling
You spend 2 GCDs doing nothing but casting it, and it's on a 120 second cooldown.
Besides, the rest of DNC's potencies are pathetic.
Those are from the threads prior to stormblood's launch.
What the fuck are you keeping? Glamour?
how much fucking trash do you hold onto? holy shit
Beastman dailies only gives cosmetics though, it's not required to raid. You can cap tomestones by running ex roulette like what, 3-4 times a week? It's capped low so you don't need to put in a lot of effort to get tome gear.
I dropped BFA pretty early but people did a lot of mythic+ runs just to pad raiderio scores and to get some good titanforged trinkets before Uldir opened
The artstyle on that Lord and Lady really doesn't match the other six
2 GCDs actually. Steps are on a 1 second recast and you have to wait 1 second before doing the first one.
Clean your inventory, bucko.
And ShB isn't filler content either since it has nothing to do with Garlean other than Solus?
Isn't that 6 total seconds of doing nothing before your finishing move? So it's like 2.2 GCDs
>wasting all that msq xp on a tank or healer to get to 80.
never know when this hq landtrap leaf will come in handy
Dude, holy shit. What the fuck
>Yea Forums is not for circlejerking about some little girl
How quick are we to forget
What do I do with materias, I have hundreds of them from eureka. Do I just gamble them in hope for doh/dol materias or just discard?
>Another abyssal would simply be better than that waste of time,
Dark Passenger is an OGCD you FUCKING retard.
Yea Forums sing's the Garlemald Anthem when?
It's free to play now right? Might give it a try for this final week before ShB
Classic, I love lalafell
Finish is an oGCD.
Aside from based Aymeric you mean, all he can manage for him is some ad hom about his dad
>exactly two
DP is also OGCD unlike AD. You use both.
>v/ FFXIV threads
Learn to read
>can't slide cast mounting
I know it's not technically a cast, but this bothers me to no end. I always cancel at the last second out of habit
>You can cap tomestones by running ex roulette like what, 3-4 times a week?
You used to, but currently the limit is twice as high so people can catch up.
It's fun because sometimes some obscure glamour/furniture recipes require old level materials, so you're not exactly wrong
Free the space before ShB buddy. There must be something absolutely useless.
When is AST getting corner 8s as a new spell?
It would have been cool if they gave her the upcoming whm wings or at least had her pop a special asylum instead of using an AST skill to shield people.
>The attack with the highest potency in the game is a fucking dance.
It's not 2.0 anymore you tard
based humble YoshiP
Clean your inventories you fucking disgusting hoarder trash.
DP is a 140 potency AOE for the cost of a Dark Arts, it's always worth doing over AD unless you need to heal yourself. You don't need to "save" the MP for AD because you should be popping quietus whenever your MP gets low in AOE anyway. Also when you're opening in AOE you want to go AD spam ->DA blood weapon quietus->DADP->blood weapon quietus so you don't cap and shit out a ton of AOE damage
DNCs have gcds where they deal 0 dmg
Imagine being a DRK and being excited for the Shadowbringers changes when every other tank looks like it has more to do lol
user those last two are LITERALLY the same character
I'm pretty sure you can though?
Varis seemed to have shown some respect when it came to Aymeric.
SAM can literally do 1800 of potency in 2 GCDs because double midare, and that's without adding the kaiten buff
Thanks to thordan.
Probably because Aymeric's city state is the only one that isn't a colossal fuckup, so all he could manage to throw Aymeric off was to bring up his dad
>Calls Aymeric a bastard
>Calls out Ul'dah for being a bunch of of jews
>Absolutely obliterates Merlwyb
>Couldn't come up with anything to call Kan-E-Senna out for and has to use Louisoix summoning the 12 as an example even though he's Sharlayan
Best GC leader here
>blood weapon
Ah, is that why drk's lose threat to my dps in aoe situations? They're not tanking?
Kaiten Midare is base 1250 potency but with trick that's 1360 potency, then a 1518 potency reverse Midare
No user, every race in this game is homogenous
b-b-but MUH FRAY
No he didn't
Scenarios you can use it:
>two targets
>single target without slashing debuff
>single target with contagion on
>squeeze extra damage at the end of buffs like trick attack
>dump excess MP
Dark Passenger has considerable use
Because she does basically nothing but hug trees all day.
>More to do
It's gonna be exactly the same brain dead 'IR and then nothing' as it is now, just with a couple Feller Cleaves thrown in.
Well yeah but gear doesn't matter now unless you're scrambling to get a high enough item level to run Ghimlyt to finish the story before the expansion. It'll be back down to 450 soon enough.
You open with grit ADs to establish aggro then you drop tank stance so you can shit out more burst AOE than any other job that isn't BLM or Monk. AD and DP both have enmity modifiers so you don't need tank stance at all and being out of grit gives you virtually limitless MP which means free benedictions on the GCD whenever you need them
potency values have changed, grandpa, get with the times. lb will probably be changed too
good fucking bait dude, almost got me there.
Best girl, how can other GCs even compete?
Do we have the maintenance schedule for next week yet?
What do other tanks have "more" of exactly? This is such a retarded statement.
hopefully never
SAM chads, when would you use Kaeshi: higanbana? it doesn't stack with normal higanbana, Tsubame-Gaeshi has a CD of 60 sec, so ideally you would only want to spam the kaeshi midare for single target, and kaeshi goken for AOE right?
>If you believe your cause just, I call upon you to defend it with your life!
being able to hold 2 charges of infuriate means there's a lot of potential for inner chaos optimization. warrior at the very least gained something, whereas drk gained nothing and seems to have mostly lost things.
>all the current GCs have shitty leaders or ugly gear
it's not fair bros, let me join Aymeric
When it's a dual-boss fight.
The other tanks occasionally have to think about which button they should press next. DRK presses whichever button is currently lit up.
I never realized Nophica's wells were so vast.
That's because Kanye does literally nothing at all. She can't do anything without running it by the fucking Elementals first, she's so far below notice it's a wonder she's on the international stage at all.
In the very rare situation where you have exactly two targets, both of which are going to be living for the full duration.
Nope. You can move for half a second before your mount appears, but the cast has to fully finish
It's actually even more braindead since you don't get extra crit for not spending your gauge immediately like a retard any more
You never want to use it. Even on two targets it is a waste because it only saves 1 Sen.
Because she doesn't do anything except suck off the Elementals all day
Do people still play this game? Is it too late to start?
Wonder why he never brought up them not even being able to cut a tree without the elementals chimping out.
This scene was fucking amazing. I was laughing so hard, because I throughout the story I would roll my eyes at how the 3 city-states tried to act goody goody and ALWAYS have the moral highground. Seeing Varis come in and BTFO all of them by pointing out how hypocritical they were as leaders was very satisfying to see.
Oh, maybe I was thinking of that.
>Playing SAM
>it's a wonder she's on the international stage at all
It's just because she's the one who pushed to reinstate the Alliance in the first place, because being next door to Ala Mhigo meant that Gridania would be first on the chopping block whenever the Garleans made their move again.
What an asinine question, my man.
when drk's lose threat in those situations it's because they didn't aoe enough (probably spamming their mana combo)
When you're unsyncing O12S
Elementals can see ascians and they'll warn kan-e-senna on their actions. That's why the ascian presence in the twelveswood is minimal compared to ligma lominsa and ul'dah.
It's never too late.
Not a meme by the way.
Merlwyb saying something about respecting the beast tribes unlike the Garleans really deserved the absolute BTFO she got.
I too cheer for the bad guys.
>a lot of potential for inner chaos optimization
Elaborate, i'm curious on what this means and if it's more than 'use them during trick attack.
People no longer play this game. It's too late to start because you missed the DQ memeshit items.
I wish he would stop chatting shit about my waifu
Higanbana has crazy high potency, it's a gain if it can tick fully on two targets
He's not talking shit though, he just stated a fact. Your awful waifu is a murdering oathbreaking whore.
>Elementals can see ascians and they'll warn kan-e-senna on their actions
Elementals don't do SHIT unless the Twelveswood is in danger of being burned down or chopped up.
Oh shit, how can I do this with my trainer?
Double Higanbana has huge potency though.
I really want Merlwyb to take part in the story at some point. She definitely has the potential to be the best GC leader.
>tfw you realize the Fiend lyrics is literally the Shadowbringers plot
>grizzled old warrior lion
>some fucking rabbit
Such a hard choice.
They have their liberty. Penned off in their own little corners where they belong.
Elementals don't need to do shit, they just need to tell "hey this guy is doing this and that with someone with dark aether" and he gets arrested.
Higanbana is your strongest single hit, if both targets are alive for more than 50 seconds you'll want to use Kaeshi Higanbana. That's the literal only situation where it's useful though.
God I want a Hrothgar to breed me.
It'll take a while to catch up. Try the free trial.
>give everyone more aoes
>remove TP
>still no trash in raids
Such a waste.
>Sophia is a goddess of balance
>Zurvan is the slayer of unjust gods
Kino four years in the making.
>unironically siding with the Merlwyb/Kan-E/Raubahn/Sultana on ANY ISSUE
I'll give a pass on Aymeric though.
I long for this card. The day WOTC announced these alt arts, i knew it was going to be $$$$$ though.
Sahagin genocide second best day of my life
Have the elementals even been relevant since ARR? Doesn't really feel like they've done anything to stop her from doing anything.
In HW, Kan-E-Senna was the only GC leader that came to help out with the Dragonsong War when she went all the way to Churning Mists to help you. It also seems she's the propagator for the Eorzean Alliance since it's always Gridania where the meetings were held.
In Stormblood, Gridania is the nearest one that borders Ala Mhigo and the Twin Adders pretty much go full war mode without any difficulties.
Indeed. I want that bunny's cunny
It will always be 2.0 in my heart, user.
No they fucking don't, PLD and WAR are still fucking braindead. Gunbreaker will probably be confusing at first since it's all new from lvl 1-80.
>a furry
>not a furry
Yeah, it sure is hard...
user that's really gay
>the 3 city-states tried to act goody goody and ALWAYS have the moral highground
did you skip cutscenes?
Who knows, we might get an A2S or T4 style gauntlet again now that nobody has an excuse to skimp out on doing aoe.
My character is a female, so it's fine.
He's nihilistic just like the Joker, of course he did.
>Have the elementals even been relevant since ARR?
They've taken a back seat because they wrote that the Calamity heavily weakened them. A lot of things in ARR got toned down to be more 'welcoming' and family friendly, so the psychotic Orwellian tree spirits that mindlessly massacre their own people if an invading force starts dropping bombs had to be pushed aside.
Yeah, she's kind of neglected as far as the leaders go.
Way to out yourself as a brainlet.
This is getting out of hand, this shit should be ban worthy.
I know. ;-;
Aymeric was a huge hypocrite too and Varis called him out on it
>"We settled things peacefully with the Dragons!"
>"Then why the fuck did you murder Nidhogg and his breed?"
shouldn't Zurvan slay Sophia then?
>haha kill ur mom
>now kill urself
Begone roastie
WAR and PLD having easy rotations is no excuse to completely gut DRK since even WAR and PLD are a bit less braindead than they are in Stormblood. Tank rotations are easy in general, but DRK's new rotation is embarrassingly so.
That's just balance man
>not a furry
Ishgard will always be my home bros...
>No they fucking don't
yes, they do
did you watch any of the fucking class videos on the changes?
you could argue about how tanking is collectively easy, but relative to each other tank, DRK is becoming the simplest to play
Yoshi already said that Eden is going to work like Omega.
Yeah, fuck BLU.
>"Dude why did you defend yourself against a foreign invader dead set on eradicating you"
When do the leaders ever act like they don't have the moral highground??
>"We settled things peacefully with the Dragons!"
>"Then why the fuck did you murder Nidhogg and his breed?"
oh please. How much of a cuck are you to think this is "calling him out"?
>a noble lion man
>or a race for self inserting trannies
tough decision really
Literally just the ears. Not furry. They don't even have rabbit noses.
Looks fine. Chaos is full of
Aymeric was actually in the right here, Nidhogg was literally a mad man on a war path and won't listen to reason.
Not in a hundred years, trannies are repulsed by conventionally attractive bombshell types.
latinos are free to have their own linkshell
No because back on 1.0 oha-sok (the king of elementals) told the elementals to shut the fuck up and don't be so enraged about everything.
Whatever helps you cope I suppose.
you mean when they put Brothers as a Eden fight
Amano is great when he tries, but has obviously been phoning it in for anything related to FF for years now
Plus, a lot of artists regress as they get older and lose their ambition / physical faculties or simply get too set into their signature look and find themselves up their own ass with it
Varis wasn't arguing that he should've let the dragons wipe out Ishgard. Just pointing out that the peace Aymeric was boasting about was literally achieved by killing the leader of the opposing force.
The trannies will play minimum height viera. Remember to blacklist any viera below 80% height
Higanbana is only 150 more base potency than Midare. Yes, it's more damage. But instead of blowing Tsubame-Gaeshi on it you can just quickly get another Sen with Yukikaze (which conveniently also gives enough kenki for a Kaiten) and then apply normal Higanbana.
Using Tsubame-Gaeshi means that you are effectively using an iajutsu with no Sen cost. You can get enough Sen to use Higanbana in just 2 GCDs, but it takes EIGHT GCDs to get enough Sen to use Midare. Hence it's a fucking waste to use Tsubame-Gaeshi on Higanbana even with 2 targets.
What is it like when you pull back the curtain,
And realise every wrong is a right?
Your world is rusted like a dirty razor,
The edge is calling tonight!
The edge is calling tonight!
The edge is calling tonight!
The sun is setting, darkness taking over,
A date with chaos and you're dressed to the nines,
Salt of the earth salting your own fields,
Road to destruction that is true and tried,
You walk the path laid before you,
The call of reason, you refuse to abide,
Necessity is an inventive mother,
Promising sanctum that She cannot provide,
She is the hand that rocks the cradle,
The wind that breaks the bough and leaves you to die,
And there She leaves you to die!
And there She leaves you to die!
You'll find slumber when the world comes tumbling down,
Sweet dreams, baby. Sleep tight!
The seventh hell's become your seventh heaven,
Rose of redemption but a thorn in your pride,
Waste no more time fighting your demons,
Lay down your arms and let the evil inside.
And then you let it inside,
And then you let it inside,
You let it eat you till there's nothing left at all,
So you can feel that you are truly alive.
Better to serve in a waking nightmare,
Than rule in their paradise,
What is gold, always glitters,
But it still comes with an unpayable price.
Treading out upon the stagnant waters,
Our saviour waiting for a turn in the tide,
You are the night at the end of the tunnel,
The empty void where the serpent lies!
Where the serpent lies!
Where the serpent lies!
The angels graze in the meadows of excess,
They must needs go that the devils drive!
Cut out the SAY MY NAMES because of dumb character limit.