Why is no one playing this game lol
Why is no one playing this game lol
Other urls found in this thread:
Most people don't like playing bad video games.
Plenty of people online, full matches at 40v40 get made literally in less than 10 seconds. Game is (surprisngly) going strong. Im talking about PC, consoles are even better probably
Origin uninstalled itself again somehow. It seems like if I don't touch it daily it thinks it's useless.
we're all in the revived vg star war general
Fuck off shill
Because no Clone Wars selector.
Clone Wars selector is just Capital Supremacy
Fuck off retard
Capital supremacy got old. And plus Galactic Assault Geonosis has AT's
Been playing it all week
Bring Ahsoka and Aayla Secura into the game and I'd consider it.
I was a dumb fuck with nostalgia for the originals and bought this shit on release. It's fucking awful compared to them.
Dave Filoni will shit himself if they touch Ahsoka
>no squad system
>no medics
>only 40 player matches
It's already pretty chaotic with 40 players. Anymore and you would need much wider maps because just turning a corner is deadly.
>no squad system
Game has squads
>no medics
Officers with Officers Presence ability
>only 40 players
Honestly dont see the issue
SOON we shall get the Waifu wars
of which Ahsoka is trash and Ventress is WAY better
We aren’t getting them.
>liking bald BLACKED whore
>Officers with Officers Presence ability
not a medic, retard
won't be playing it until Droidekas update
>No squad system
There's been a squad system for over a year you nigger
>No medics
You don't need them, Assault can heal themselves and Officers give you buffed health
>Only 40 players
What's the problem with that? There's also NPCs so it's more like 30 on 30
Core gameplay is shit.
>I'm ok with less
The average EA consumer everybody
>he doesnt know
The main gamemodes are, the less popular side modes seem to be pretty much dead though.
they already data minded her, there going heavy with "clone wars" content, there is a series revival coming soon. and they made the heroes vs villains mode better removing that hunter mechanic, it's now death match style.
It takes 5 hours to start the game and I don’t like how the vehicles control.
>Trying to drive a STAP with mouse and keyboard
Know,what? That Ventress got shitted by nigwen voss?
Cause you can play and mod the Pandemic Battlefronts.
>skin colour
>clearly designed around polynesians/native americans
>basically Jason Mamoa
>hurr he black
*also DD doesnt state they fucked
someone explain without buzzword how the game in its current state is bad ?
It is litterally 5$ for multiple game mods, maps and three trilogy units. All that with peak graphic regular updates. Unless you are one of those reddit gamer who swear to not buy from certain companies out of "principe", you will get more than your money worth and big extra fun if you are a star wars fan even an old one.
Because it literally has less content than battlefront 1, 2, and even the fucking PSP games. Its campaign is abysmal too.
I'll consume a good game for $5 poorfag, eat shit
Stop treating it as battlefront 3. Dice will never totally surpass the old battlefront not at least not before 5 more years thanks to ea greed. On the other hand you can enjoy the more polished sides of nu battlefront like better hero controls/abilities, mini heros(special units),neat graphics and capital supremacy.
have sex
In its current state it's fantastic. But man it sucked early on, and was p2w so most people didn't buy it.
That's why it's dead. Nobody bought it and nobody gave it a second chance.
You say that, but as far as i can tell its far from dead
And that is bullshit. As consumers we should enjoy whatever good occasion we find.
Nowadays , it is just all about release day,hype and company/brands loyality. No one hate ea more than me after how they killed all my favorite studios like westwood but lets get real they doing a good job now with battlefront 2 even if involuntarily. Whenever i want to discuss the game people enter the circlejerk mode about p2w. Yeah big new flash ea want to milk your money by all means , if you didnt realise this by 2011 you are an idiot
>I'm smart because I know I'm getting fucked in the ass and I like it
>paying 5$ to get like 50-100 hours of quality fun is getting fucked in the ass
Let me guess you think that CDPR and rockstars are your best friends because reddit says so.
Giving money to people you know are going to use to exploit people is willingly getting fucked in the ass, yes.
I genuinely loved the beta, but I didn't want to give ea any money
Lmao just accept your bald whore got BLACKED by a Star Wars nigger and your a cuck for trying to deny it.
I got this on sale for about $5, played a little until I realized that I had to play against people who already have all the upgrades and good guns to choose from, and uninstalled because that's lame and boring as fuck.
>"unless you are one of those LE REDDIT SUX gamer"
fuck off shill. you assholes made a game with so many microtransactions you got sued by a fucking country. the sooner Disney takes the sw licensing rights away from you the better.
I'm taking a break before Felucia update
>Playing any game from Electronic "Six Million isn't enough" Arts
It's not fun to play though. I was burned too hard from playing it within the first year to ever touch it again.
Who up for GA on Fest?
there is always farther to fall
Because I found something better in planetside 2.
I've played it for 60 hours or so. TPS multiplayer game are shit, the grind to unlock the good weapons is retarded. Other than that it looks good, it has plenty of game modes and it definitely feels star wars except for the lightsaber gameplay which is absolute console-tier.
I love playing Strike on Chandrila. One of my top maps!
They're very mediocre games. People who say they're good are just nostalgia consolefags who played against bots when they were 9.
Who's your favorite reinforcement? I like the Melbu since they can lurk in the swamps.
Lad what fucking parallel universe did you come from
Heroes vs. Villains on Ahch-To never gets old. Who's up?
IG-88 is coming to Orto Plutonia guys! Get ready!
This game has a p2w switch.
If this game gets any remotely popular, EA will flip the switch and start selling p2w lootbox.
By not playing, we're doing you a favor.
Imagine if the devs added more content other than MUH BASED CLONE WARS to please Redditors.
is this shit worth $4.50?
Starfighter Assault on Belsavis anyone?
Manhunt mode on Myrkr is intense as all hell guys.
On New Plympto, waiting for the match to start...
Reclaim those kyber crystals before the destroyer leaves Jedha City!
What time of the day do people play it? I cant find any matches aside from Heroes vs Villain. 11 hours in played exclusively hvv but still fun. God I hate Lando so much, get anywhere near him and you get tasered
what platform
Can you people go 5 fucking minutes without mentioning reddit?
Fuck off EA.
you're like 1 year too late for that
>durhurhur shut up and take my money daddy EA!
Chandar's Folly is great for Heroes vs. Villains! Thanks DICE for making this map come true!
The game has improved a lot. It's still a crappy game with big flaws, but if you are desperate for some star wars, you can't go wrong with $4.50. They have a new gamemode that's just droids and clones now too.
Would be nice if DICE added any content other than Clone Wars. Even the occasional fucking skin for one of the Heroes/Villains.
This is truly some next level shilling. Its like having actual ads in threads now.
Who's down for CS on Pandem Nai?
>but if you are desperate for some star wars
Just play the original Battlefronts on PC. Still active, still better and with plenty of great mods.
Pc, I heard ps4 is more alive but no way Im playing shooter with controller and pay a second time to use the internet I already pay monthly for
Who let the EA employee in here?
Can't wait to defend those transports on Taloraan and Kril'Dor to get those sweet credits!
These people have never ever touched Battlefront 2, yet are still posting in a Battlefront 2 thread. Funny that.
Disney won't take the rights away. Those retards are worse than EA This
We here at DICE want to make sure you feel immersed! So you can explore Nar Shaddaa before a match starts!
you know he was based on a background character in TPM and was created for the comics years before Momoa was relevant right
>please redditors
Fuck off retard it was redditors, Redditlertermedia and fat autists on Yea Forums that fucking hated Clone Wars. And because of those autists Star Wars is in stinking shit because nothing nee can be made anymore.
I unironically played it a few days ago on xbox. Matchmaking was almost instant. Does never happen in Overwatch or BFV.
Too bad the game has no depth and thus gets boring in no time
Build up your HQ on Hosian Prime! Only $49.99!
Would be cool to have playable Kreia, Nihlus, and Sion
hes right the game is kinda fun once EA removed the timed micro transactions and a new map plus droidekas are coming on the 26th
go play an MMO if you want to be a healslut tranny.
Dont forget to dilate.
>special units
Yeah call me when they put bothans, darktroopers, and droidekas in. giving jetpack heroes to every side and reusing wookiees for clones, rebels, AND nu-rebels was lazy as fuck.
>Yea Forums
Forgot to put the t in there. My post still stands that that triforce of autists is what killed Star Wars.
Only $29.99 for the Occupier tank DLC! Keep the peace in Tythoni Square!
You'd only know that if you went on Reddit. You just outed yourself as a Redditor. Fuck Clone Wars, every update for over a year has been Clone Wars based, give us some real star wars content for ones instead of MUH BING BING WAHOO DROIDS!!! WOAH THEY SAID ROGER ROGER AND MADE A FUNNY QUIP HOLY SHIT GEORGE I LOVE YOU! PLEASE ADD JAR JAR AND PADME TO MY GAME, PLEASE ADD ASHOKA PLEASE PLEASE DONT NERF ANAKIN HE'S MEANT TO BE THE CHOSEN ONE. FUCK LUKE THOUGH, HE CAN STAY SHIT, BECAUSE HE WASNT ALIVE DURING THE
Hey I worked on that. It was a nightmare factory production.
>It's a good game once community exodus forced them to remove all the bullshit
Killer flora and fauna on Lokud 7 and Ithor? You asked, DICE listened!
Could literally reverse this post with GIB ME MUH X WINGZ MUH ZOOM ZOOM TIE FIGHTERS AND DA AT-ST AT-ST AT-ST AT-ST!!!!!!!!
Starfighter Assault on Ord Biniir is coming in August!
Lamaredd map for $29.99? Thanks EA and DICE!
>this post
That's a huge yikes from me. OT is shit without EU support.
>no Tantive IV map
>no Jedha City map
>no Scarif map
>no Cloud City map
>no Dune Sea
>no Acho-To
>no inside the dreadnought
>no Death Star Starfighter Assault map
and yet
>TWO(2) Kashyyk maps, (appears for 5 minutes in one film)
>Newest upcoming map has a total of 3 seconds of screentime
>When people want more heroes instead of weapons or fucking maps
>And they're literally who heroes like Ashoka and Ventress
It boggles the mind. It's been probably over 600 days since the game launched and infantry still only have the same 4 weapons to use. And what's the point of adding more Heroes when we're barely getting any new maps to play them on?
Liberate Lamaredd.....or plunder its resources! You now have the option to play as a Quarren pirate for the Zann Consortium!
Just go back to Yea Forums if you want your 1973 OT circlejerk fat autistic faggot. Yea Forums is a Clone Wars board.
Adding speeder bikes to GA on Abafar for $19.99!
That image is as small as the amount of content that the BF2 devs have to work with while they keep boxing themself in with Shill Wars content.
What is this? A picture for midichlorians?
Need more weapons and upgrades? Search Palpatines vault on Wayland for new toys and gadgets!
The hidden moon of Hubin is under attack! Rally your favorite (and recognizable!) heroes for counterattack! Coming in October!
this is like the 4th thread today with what either is botposting or some lv99 shitposter devoted to his job
this, also heroes are fucking stupid
A diplomacy system? That's right! Make your peace with the people of Jelucan....or be their worst nightmare!
>imperial story
>you immediately defect to the rebels
Control Brentaal IV for new reinforcements like the Herglic Siegebreaker!
what were the other two?
>Is cool with a battlestation that is built to literally destroy entire planets and is cool with Alderaan and its entire peaceful population being blown apart
>Sees one Imperial Homeworld getting a bit of rain
They couldn't even bother trying to make them splinter off as their own Imperial cell to oppose Cinder. Just nope, straight to the rebels.
That's hilarious considering nu-trilogy is exact carbon copy rehash of OT except with niggers and stormtroopers with kevlar ammo pouches. Clone Wars actually has way more content to play around with beside REBEL GOOD EMBIRE BAD
In a new campaign...play as the Imperial Remnant vs the First Order!
IG-88 cleaning up on Ord Mantell! New mode coming in October! Thanks DICE!
Why post all these EU shit? They arent in og BF1 and 2 either
Name 5 clone wars maps that are more relevant in the films than any of the maps I mentioned before. Planets that appear for 0.5 seconds during Order 66 do not count and are not important at all.
>heroes in a star wars game are stupid
In the dark jungles of Hissrich...the Republic faces more than clankers! Coming soon!
That looks like Naboo
Bring extremist rebel cells together! In a new Entralla map, join up with the Red Moons to take on the Imperial Remnant!
It's a year and a half old gramps, get with the times.
Here's CS on Naboo!
We already have speeder bikes in GA, confirmed for never played SWBF2
Abafar didn't though! But they're coming!
Whats the best CS map and why is it Kamino?
Hanger maintenance DLC coming! Tidy up your hanger on Yinchorr and gas up those fighters!
Relevant locations in OT:
>Death Star
Relevant planets in PT
pretty even desu
>why yes, I do buy every single Star Wars related videogame that comes out due to the lack of control over my emotions for Star Wars
>even though I know the games were/are/will be bad
>even though I know the extended universe lore and aesthetics were flushed down the drain
>even though I know it is the most mismanaged franchise a corporation has ever acquired and will never produce any good lore/singleplayer content
>even though I know I am keeping a degenerating cash cow alive
Personally when I think about Star Wars I think unlimited number of dramatic settings across galaxies, awe-inspiring technology, fantastical characters and endless lore stemming from the imagination of countless people.
I don't think corporations, I don't think lootboxes, I don't think DLCs, I don't think dissapointment, promising projects being cancelled (1313, ragtag), shutdown studios, uninspired storytelling, complete lack of installments in the universe due to retarded unnecessary reboot, and I don't think "ooh lets give EA a last chance for the 3rd time I SWEAR LAST CHANCE".
Face it, you don't like Star Wars, you like unwaranted hype for mediocre shooters and an excuse of single player jedi game that everyone knows deep down wont be good enough(jedi fallen order).
Preparing to strike on Berchest? Buy a T-85 X-wing, the latest New Republic model!
>Honestly dont see the issue
you have to find players in the field because 40 it's pathetic
Ok - I meant maps that aren't already in the game.
Please refer to my earlier post.
Also add Canto Bight.
Whoa! That list didn't include Thyferra!
Cancelling the EU was the first and biggest error Disney made, they didn't have any idea what they did
In Canto Bight, unlock arms dealers like Flestic Crupp and Korfe Bennux-Ai for new weapons and fighters!
Sorry should have clarified I'm not the guy you were arguing with
I linked you my earlier post, I wanted you to add 5 new clone wars maps that were as relevant as the maps I posted earlier in the post I linked.
The nefarious First Order is attacking Grail City! In a new GA map, keep the shield up and get the defenses online or lose valuables ores and precious metals!
Orange waifu is best waifu.
user I'm not that guy I was just listing the important places from the movies
Pure arrogance on their part. THe EU had a lot of shit parts (fucking Suncrusher, I swear to god) but I was the bread and butter for Star Wars, dat Merchandise machine.
Now it's taking the leftovers and reheating the bits they think will work. Last Gen Lucasarts shit the bed, I mean, Force Unleashed 1 & 2 along with that Kinect nonsense after the previous gen having 2 Battlefronts, 2 KotoR, Republic Commando, Jedi Knight games and tons of other spin offs. Now we have EA...
Clean up the streets of Denon and Lexrul in a new Manhunt mode coming in August! Thanks DICE! Fuck!
Nice goalpost moving you fucking faggot.
Guarantee it has more players than BFV right now
the maps are next level bad and the gamemodes are trash
theres STILL no normal conquest even though its technically programmed into the game
fucking garbage
Look at this fucking Sullustan resort town. You're defending it! Build up your base and fire up those pipelines!
what are you trying to accomplish
Nomad City is humming along on Nkllon collecting dolovite for your forces! But the Empire can strike anytime! Keep a close eye on worlds you control!
Thank you DICE for this new Conquest mode!
ayy lmao
Imagine if they were able to completely ignore the sequel trilogy all together, they might be able to make a decent game since they would have more free time to focus on the shit that people actually care about,
For $49.99.....clear the skies of Iskalon in a new Starfighter Assault map!
>THe EU had a lot of shit parts
yep the OT and post OT stuff mostly
the fighter squadron mode is pretty fun in these games
They keep making only Prequel updates, hopefully next up is a similar long string of OT updates - but with Star Wars 9 coming out in December I just know Disney is gonna force them to make related ST updates for the game to add SW9 content, when the majority of the community that plays the game is only interested in PT and OT
And if all the badly needed OT updates get sidelined for Disney mandated ST updates, well shit its gonna be a shitshow
In a new sequel trilogy map...are you a bad enough dude to infiltrate an FO base on Vodran and rescue Luke's star pupil?
Why is there some mega autist spamming completely unrelated concept art and fan art in this thread pretending it is content for the game? What the hell is the point?
>badly needed OT updates
What? the entire fucking game is another OT wankfest
It's normalfag shit.
Are you fucking retarded, have you been living under a rock, do you not know about CS - the Clone Wars only mode, Anakin, Obi-Wan, ARC troopers and Commando droids
And now next week
>ARF/Scout trooper
It's a fucking PT wankfest if anything, still better than what it was. But OT is neglected as fuck, and no one cares about ST shit
Fan-favorite worlds like Oslumpex V are coming soon! Add suggestions to the forums now!
hot damn look at that tall glass of water
Race your buddies on Er'Kit! Or blow them up! Only $49.99!
>B-BF2015 was the OT game!
Sounds like a great idea, directing all the people who want to play OT stuff to the game whose playerbase barely breaks the hundreds at peak times, and doesn't have all the upgrades that BF2017 brought.
Why can't we ever have a Battlefront thread without the usual suspects coming in and shitting it up? The game doesn't affect you if you don't play it.
its a watery water world
based and baldpilled
every new DLC/update has been free
The lore is bad I agree. But it's the smallest issue they have when making a game. In fact I wouldn't mind the sequel stuff if the games weren't fundamentally bad. Tie fighters, destroyers, clones and droids look different? Fine, new characters? Sure it's just development of a franchise.
But my god does it stink of uninspiring corporate bullshit. Every single time Disney or EA try to force something new into the universe they barely develop it, it does not evoke that same interest that the extended universe did when I could read an entire book on the smallest component of lore. Because it was actual people and fans working on these books, they were familiar with the aesthetic and they developed it true. Not like this profit machine where a hired team of cold blooded mathematicians band together to create the best selling version of Star Wars.
Stop that contraband from leaving Fort Ypso! Empire vs Zann Consortium coming soon!
based thread bumper
It really affects people that like Star Wars but dislike bad games
In a new Extraction map....Play as the Rebels or Partisans and stop the kyber crystals from falling into Imperial hands! Blow up civilians as the Partisans!
But Star Wars is bad
Star Wars is literally so fucking boring. Most of the good heroes are boring as shit.
Wow. Fucking Leia with a blaster is so much fun. She can throw a flash grenade and throw up a shield too!! How exciting!! Oh and don’t forget about your token nigger Finn with no personality whatsoever or interesting abilities. And don’t forget about Lando who’s also boring as shit.
All the interesting characters are the bad guys. But seriously, the game is just boring as fuck overall.
No single player content
Star Wars(at present) is very bad yes. It's a mismanaged franchise.
On paper it is the full extent of human imagination and there is no way to go wrong.
In practice it is merely proof that big companies can and will ruin anything.
In a new single-player mode, wander the streets of Coronet City, take on jobs for Crev Bombaasa, fuck outlaw chicks!
its a good game though (now at least, not at launch)
Wrong, theres AI battles, which devs keep updating and improving
Go play the first game if you want an OT circlejerk you fucking autistic Yea Forums faggot.
Just make a SW dating sim already
I am sure it would be more popular than BF2
yeah sure let me just buy a game that has less than 80 players on PC worldwide right now swbstats.com
also I'm not saying I hate all the PT stuff you autistic fuck, learn to reading comprehension
Drop Zone on Daxam IV? You guessed right! Can you brave this unforgiving world?
It is fundamentally a bad game no matter how many maps and modes are shoved in it because of a lack of story (essential for star wars) and because there is nothing to discern it from any other generic shooter. It is just a cookie cutter game made for kids that will get excited, ask their parents to buy it and won't be allowed to buy anymore games for a year after that(like you).
What’s up with all the clone wars pandering?
They could add other characters from the other two eras, too. Snoke, IG-88, Poe Dameron, Admiral Ackbar..,.
There is no hope for it to be good the golden age of the extended universe is over. Rome has fallen.
>the game is bad
>doesn't comment on the gameplay
Wow this is pretty cool and exciting, what else can we do?!
Wanted to pilot a fuck-ugly Resistance transport? You can now on the Pheryon map!
>lack of story
Do you know what Battlefront is even about? It's not about a fucking story
been confirmed a while back, going take a little while longer
nu-wars designs are so uninspired
>generic shooter
Star Wars was always about immersion, not epic fortnite moments.
Unearth ancient artifacts for mad credits! Watch your influence grow on the Conquest map! With friends! Thanks DICE!
I'd play it if I could play it against bots.
Do you not fucking remember the game launching with literally only 2 prequel heroes and had less maps than the sequel era with 2 movies under its belt, and how it took nearly a year for them to add a single new map? and despite all the new heroes the OT still has 2 more heroes than the PT, and still has one more GA map than the PT and 2 OT only modes
why did they think lying about the campaign would be a good idea? dumb fucking queers.
fucking zoomers
you can just not CS, yet
>Heroes vs Villains
>Starfighter Assault
Harvest scarce resources on the boring world of Savareen! Dominate the map and gain access to deadlier units and heroes!
Wow still no droidekas wtf dude how did that happen
Then what's the point
Introducing the fathier jockey! He trades armor for speed! He can't attack!
Yet you keep autistically bitching about more Clone Wars content after a whole fucking game with OT content was made. Kill yourself.
that game is still alive? last i played it it was dead as fuck. i wish it was still alive
Ah yes projectiles and melee combat have totally nothing to do with your average shooter because it's through heroe's blasters and vehicle turrets instead of assault rifles.
WOW, so inovative and not rehashed garbage from the first Battlefront reboot.
PT maps in game-
>Felucia (soon)
>Geonosis CS map
>Republic and CIS Capital ship interiors in CS
OT maps in game-
>Yavin IV
>Death Star
Med droids and bacta stations coming to all GA and CS maps in October!
I was just pointing out how dead wrong that user was for saying SWBF2 is an OT wankfest
I'll start playing again during the mid-semester break
I was enjoying it, though missing droidekas
Whoa, looks like you forgot Fondor and Vandor!
not in multiplayer - doesn't count
No zoomer. Literally all that shit is availiable in battlefield just without individual modes.
Why is the soldier combat so bad in the game?
Why would anyone play some shitty EA game after everything they’ve done?
Wanna place a bet in Abregado-Rae? You can now with the Sabacc DLC!
just admit you don't have an argument and don't like the games. it's better than trying to come up with a reason these games are bad
Coruscant is not in the fucking game
you forgot Bespin, Jabba's palace and kessel
I think it's just a bored troll. None of that stuff is even in the game. Pretty sure most of it wasn't even made for Battlefront.
/thread and dare I say /board
>everyone hype for droidekas
me I'm just glad I'm never gonna have to touch the piece of shit that is the AT-RT anymore, based TX-130 coming in
we can finally go toe to toe with the AAT
Having a lot of PT maps is nice, but my god they need to have more OT. Just throw Rogue One maps in for OT and it'll help. No idea why they haven't made a Bespin map that isn't HvV or Blast/Strike whatever
ST needs LESS maps
Heroes vs Bodyguards! Duels between unbalanced units! Coming soon!
Bald can never be a good waifu.
Yes I don't like the games
because they are bad,
Despite enjoying Star Wars as a franchise(including original battlefront games), and other good shooters
do you actually believe this or are you just desperate to look right on an anonymous image board?
Battlefront 2015 is a underrated gem, the tokens were ass but the Infantry gameplay, maps and modes were so much better
Droidekas are coming, they have multiple versions of a darktrooper.
BF2015 at least had a wide roster of weapons to pick from.
As the Empire, leech the precious doonium of Lothal and expand your war machine!
Coping with the game being bad?
When I first played the beta, endor was so immersive, taking down the AT-ATs really hit the spot. I bought the game in a heartbeat thinking there would be substantially more content.
Then I realised endor full pvp was the only fun mode. Then they fucked with all the weapons settings and the kinetic sniper became useless which was a big factor in endor. Eventually everyone was just jumping around which broke the immersion and I got bored of the game so quickly.
>Coruscant is not in the fucking game
Yet I want it to be so badly I don't even realize I wrote it down lol
>Bespin, Jabba's palace and kessel
That's not GA, I only play GA/CS, fuck I forgot those maps even existed.
AT-RT's were fucking perfect in the beta, speed accuracy and damage and they made them fucking garbage since, why?
Learn to pronounce
an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.
nuBF2 heroes are way too overpowered and far too easy to get. In the new game mode, you can earn a hero in 5 minutes. It all becomes a game of which hero controls which chokepoint the longest rather than the team pulling one out.