Blizzard is retarded again:

Blizzard is retarded again:

>As we get closer to WoW Classic’s release, we thought now would be a good time to talk about our plans for Classic realms here in Europe.

>We’ve prepared several realms, which will include Player vs Player, Player vs Environment, and Role-playing realms

>For Classic, we’re planning on not splitting up realms by language. This has its advantages and disadvantages, but overall, we think that it’s the best starting point for WoW Classic.
>An exception will be made for the Russian language, which will have separate realms due to its reliance on the Cyrillic Alphabet.

>For technical reasons this will also mean Russian is going to have its own separate game client, similar to what happened in The
Burning Crusade.

>We think this approach will give players more freedom to move around to where they want, and find guilds and friends that best match their interests.

>..will give players more freedom to move around...

TL;DR: Ruskies get their own servers because cyka blyat and the rest of the EU is fucked Blizzard is greedy jews and tries to crash classic because: "LOL YOU DON'T WANT IT!"

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Other urls found in this thread:

>whole country is smaller than texas
>thinks this entitles them to their own snowflake server

Non-virgin here. How is this a bad thing? Rest of the Europeans can play the game without Russian niggers shitting up the server. So?

Because the eternal german
>^^ :D :P
and the french don't like speaking english in general won't be contained on their own servers.
This basically gives the english speaking players their own brexit once the french and and germans take over everything brexit the english.

Because rest of europe includes spics, baguettes, and eastern europe.

as a german, I'd prefer being excluded from that failed attempt at a melting pot that the english speaking eu realms are.
oh well, hopefully at least eastern europeans will be contained in the russian servers. but probably not

The one thing every game community with a lot of Russian players wants is a containment server for the Ruskies. So yeah this is exactly what everyone wants and great news.

You have no fucking idea how much euros hate each other in online games. Furthermore, germans and french constitute a large playerbase in wow and did so in 04' when the game launched.
The forums are already in meltdown but I guess Blizzard just does not give a shit about the EU, as always.

Wait a second slavs in reservation again? Isn't they removed Russian severs long ago?

Unlike delusional classicfags blizzard knows that classic won't be popular after first two weeks and supporting 3 dead servers per language is just a waste of money.

anyone have that image of user explaining wow and the expansions till panda? being a noob in vanilla, while wotlk was the sunset or something?

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The Russians get their own servers because Blizzard at least recognizes that mixing the already volataile Eu playerbase with ruskies won't bode well.


oh sorry i think it was up till cataclysm, my bad

I didn't get internet to read non-virgin's opinions

What kind of a retard would oppose putting russian vermin in their own ghettos?
Containment servers for trash are a good idea.

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>wants is a containment server for the Ruskies
You need a containment server for ruskies, chinks and huezilians.

>oh noes, people might have to learn English
Fuck off, retard. I got pretty good at English because I played FF XI on such a shared server.

People are not opposed to the russian ghettos, they sperg out because Blizzard thinks it's a good idea to mix frenchies and germans on the same server.

I'm Russian and i don't even play WoW but i agree that containment is a good idea.
Whenever i play online games i tend to avoid my "comrades" because unless it's a some hardcore autism simulator like ARMA or EVE(those are played by chill adult people) its going to be filled with angry edgy underage retards.

a wonderful opportunity to learn English while playing a game you like
English is valuable in ways that Swahili or German aren't

Oh god. It is going to be Hakkar all over again. Fucking Italians.

>I speak english
Tell that to the french, lol.

The French, Spanish and some of the Germans will not speak English. Mostly everyone else will

The whole Europe can speak English anyway

>Blizzard at least recognizes that mixing the already volataile Eu playerbase with ruskies won't bode well.
Everything was okay in Classic times and BC. We, russians played on EU servers. Biggest one were Warsong, Molten Core, Shadowmoon, Stormscale, Stonemaul. Fun times. This is what makes MMO as MMO. People who speak different languages playing on one server. True vanilla experience. I have no idea why you people support ghettos.

What's the problem with nazis and frogs being on the same server?
In FFXIV it's a normal thing and nobody complains about it. We have sandniggers, frogs, nazis, spaghetti, etc all in same server and they coexist without any issues.
People just stick to their guild. Frogs in frog guild, arabs in arab guild.

Only french fucks and Nazis are mad that they are not worthy of their own servers. Who cares

This is not true at all. Look at XIV as example.

>I have no idea why you people support ghettos.
Because russians are a special kind of subhuman, worse than polacks.

Spot the seething Ivan

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To be honest I'd do it because I want to see the explosion. How bad would it be, doc?

>Nationalities that make up 90% of the EU playerbase.
>Better make all servers english speaking.
You have never been at a Soccermatch between Germany and France, have you?

Thoughts on next gay OW character?

If you're /pol/ - yes sure.

>play eve online
>1 server for china, 1 server for the rest of the world
>getting to meet and blow up people from all over the globe is a wonderful feeling
>once you meet these people and talk with them, you no longer think in stereotypes like the children on Yea Forums

Dota 2 levels of bad.

90% of russians have /pol/tarded beliefs.

I've never played MOBAs aside from a little bit of Tides of Blood on Warcraft3 back in 2008, so the example is lost on me.

From the wording of it it will be exactly like the retail version, as in russians can just choose to play on english client with access to english servers.

Implying they ever stopped

XIV is full of 13 years old anime fags. They can't fucking speak in their own language

Dota 2 has no region lock. This picture should give you some insights.

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French here faggot, where is your god

>XIV is full of 13 years old anime fags.
And wow somehow different?

That's a lot of Ivans.

Well.... yeah?

Sweet I can find some Germans to be bros with

Fuck russian players. Hacking pieces of shit.

No? It is casual theme park MMO like XIV.

Laughing at your country.

Only people with no ability to speak english are mad about this. Mainly french cunts

Slavs who use US region are legit autists.
>300 ms ping

? fuck off euros you're a blight on private servers

What the fuck do you want? Wiping in easy dungeons with people who don't speak a word of English is the true CLASSIC EU experience.


being in an EU guild sound comfy as fuck desu and the potential meet ups could be great

They released the gay solder info to cover the fake girl pro gamer controversy.
Yes I still remember blizzard.

I played on the Burning Legion and never met any Russians/Germans/French/Swedes/whatever


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I have way more problems with mexicans and portugese spouting BRs than I ever do with russians.
At the very least the ruskies don't bother trying to talk to you. The BRs will go out of their way to complain that we aren't speaking their nigger-tier portugese or spanish ON NORTH AMERICAN SERVERS.

Dota 2 desperately needs region lock.

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Why would you party with them to begin with? They didn't introduce group finder in classic right?

To be honest slavs don't tolerate SJW, LGBT, tranny shit in mass.
>modern Blizzard
Makes sense why they don't want us in EU

how fucking retarded are you to be interested in an exhumed, 15 year old version of a dying game? a fucking cashgrab by the same fucking company that ruined and to this day simply cannot fix the game? the desperate cashgrab of a clueless, soulless corporation that simply cannot make good new games anymore so they recycle their classic hits?

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Where are my italianbros at. Remember berlin 2006

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You do realize that eastern europe bros are slavs as well, right?

Dude what. Most frenchies and germans hate pride shit also with a passion, but they're just less vocal about it. Expect a lot of barrens chat wars with "Hidler Nazi" shit from non germs and autistic reeeeing by germs.

>implying itll matter when half the ruskies will just go to regular EU servers because the datacenters are the same
but the real question is, what is worse?

EU servers
>slavs, russians, arabs, bulgarians, frogs
NA servers

Maybe "not a word" was too much since they were able to spam the general chats with LFG/LFM, but there definitely were communication issues during the dungeons.

Besides, you were lucky if you even found a group for some of the dungeons when no one was leveling anymore.

This was never problem before desu

EU man. BRs are a localized problem, in EU when you mix nationalities in such a lowest common denominatior game like wow, the vitriol will fly from day 1 and will be a neverending nightmare for Blizzard EU CS until the end of time.

>My country the size of Pennsylvania demands server exclusivity
Fuck off retard just agree that one realm is the frog realm and one realm is the pretzel realm

It was never a fucking problem in any mmorpg in europe. We almost always have only english speaking servers. People that don't speak english just stick with their own communities.

Russians usually have their own servers.

>EU when you mix nationalities in such a lowest common denominatior game like wow
And this is fun. After all everyone is tsundere to each others. When you gank with boys in Vietnam their nationality doesn't matter

I'm never buying a Blizzard product ever again.

>we’re planning on not splitting up realms by language
Puta mierda, good bye home then

>My country the size of Pennsylvania demands server exclusivity
To this day it still baffles me that the village of codfish-devouring Christiano Ronaldo worshippers in a literal corner of the continent managed to get a server of their own.

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Wow isn't any other mmo. Wow was the genre defining Juggernaught and wow classic could atleast plant one server for frenchies and germans and that's it.

They should just do what funcom did with age of conan in 2009. There was a pvp server, based on conflict between polish players vs russian players(only they could enter that server). That was fucking glorious.

What. Really?

basé et rougepillulé

Yes, unfortunately i can't find english source on that. Only polish ones. But it was real i assure you, i was there. We(polish fags) lost becase we were divided while russians fucked us up. There was also more of them

For what purpose? Community can manage everything at their own. You don't need French servers. You can create "French servers".

Russians are by far the worst of the 3. Atleast chinks typically have their own servers set up

>having to write in a shitty language to play wow
I through they were pro diversity

>Russian-Polish war event

Aggra is a containment server created to alleviate the infestation in Grim Batol, which somehow was home to an absolute fuckton of the portuguese population. A fellow alberto barbosa took the free server transfer back when the server first opened up to play with our kinsman, a few weeks later he logged off for the very last time.
To this day I still don't know what he saw or experienced.

Of course they will. But for what purpose? French and German players are about 80-85% of all Eu players. So everyone else has to bite the bullet because the eternal teuton and le Baguetteman divide the three Eu servers between themselves?
Don't get me wrong, I like playing with international players but in wow I prefer to speak with my own language group.
This decision will just make classic a clusterfuck on top of the launch tide that will surely murder the Blizzard datacentres for the rest of 2019.

>Ruskies get their own servers because cyka blyat

No streamers

Reporting in. I wonder if there will be a new Crushridge. I never played on there, but it might be fun.

>Vanilla had servers full of people speaking your language
>Classic won't
Each announcement, it strays a little further from the original. I don't really care, I did my time in 1.07 and have other games nowadays.

>reliance on the Cyrillic Alphabet.

Bullshit, I remember in Burning crusade it was possible to play on Europe servers with russian clients when the first version of the russian translation was deployed, they've noticed it and blocked access to european servers quickly

Funny what 100 years and two World Wars does for a Germans ideology. Your statement is the polar opposite of the Reich mein freund

I visited the german forum, and holy shit, all of this subhuman eastern germany niggers are going apeshit because they still cant speak english in fucking 2019

its actually a good change for once at blizzard, fuck this creatures

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That's why you need containment servers, my man. There are a lot of germans and frenchies that speak little to no english and should have learned it at school but just don't speak it in their leasuretime.
I also get the impression that Blizzard kinda fired their EU CM staff and just does not have the manpower to provide support for specific langugage servers.

When USA end being a only Spanish speaking country do you plan to learn it?

not him but they still pale compared to the literal Deathmatch that happens normally at any brazillian or south american match, state or continental.

its literally people making makeshift shotguns inside the stadium

no one cares about EU

as long as the 3rd worlders aren't on the American servers I'm happy. they are 99.9999999% of the reason the private servers were so shit to play on

But they don't play on US servers, my little /pol/ friend.

Fucking Russophobes

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Other frenchbros thinking this is a great idea? Can't wait to make more EU friends!

"Phobia" is irrational, being disgusted by ruskie subhumans is more adequately called "being a sane human being".

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We have functioning law enforcement. People bring guns to footballmatches all the time and get caught by the caps every time.

go break my chatlogs with your moon runes elsewhere, cyka

fuck off Macron

Don't worry they hate each other too. In Monhun 3DS times frogs were "subhumans".

Bigotry is an ugly thing to wear, Yea Forums.


It's not bigotry not to tolerate the intolerant :)

>you have no fucking idea how much euros hate each other in online games
What? I'm from EU and been playing WoW since early 2006, I've never noticed any "hate". And I've met plenty of german and french players who want to play with other nationalities.

Wow I can't believe they're making Classic more like Classic, wtf!!!!

You never played on Xboxlive then, have you?
It will be a shitshow on launch day on top of fucked servers.

Brazillians can get better once you trim the smartasses who are literal political left lazyfucks with an inferiority complex, and the people who can speak in english and its a nice and good playerwhich is rare, and most of them raids US top Guilds due to better opportunity and real challenge.
Even Vin Diesel and the Late Paul Walker used to raid with them back in the days of Warsong and (RIP)Gurubashi.

Now Peruvians, Argentinians and Uruguayans... if they don't shit at the entrance, they shit at the exit.

Peruvians are Proto Russians, even on the inbred part.

>Brazillians can get better once you trim the smartasses who are literal political left lazyfucks with an inferiority complex, and the people who can speak in english
>brazilians get better when you kill off all the triple digit IQ ones

>brazilians can get better
No. No they can't.
In over 30 years of vidya I have never once, EVER ran into a br who was worth the oxygen they use up. Not ONCE.

>t. never played Warcraft 3 with meds

Guilty for that, sorry

>everyone is racist
/pol/ and zoomers were mistake

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i think he meant that the only good ones are those who aren't complete retards who can speak and even write in English without any restrain and are friendly to everyone to the point of being good and learn more about the game.

I've spent some time playing with the 4 BR realms(I was from aerie peak until everyone left for sargeras and i pretty much quit in BfA), and they all play in their language because:
>They hate speak in English DUE to pure laziness and bad education, most of it are or were Social HUMANS students, their Che Boner loving teacher spent 99% of their time in college to teach that US is satan while they use Apple garbage.
>Most of them HATE working harder to get results, they want it asap and they would even cheat or use exploits to get it, Brazillian Guilds are mostly a joke because of it because its everyone trying to outsmart the other to get free loot and wiping a lot because of it.
>They and even Blizzard SHILL their voice actors and sub celebrities, and most of the well known and shilled WoW BR cast is a member of the communist party or has ties with them to the point of making a video defending the corrupt and incompetent Dilma Rouseff who was impeached due to corruption and plain 2 digit IQ, some even threatened their fans or outright blocked them from events.
>They all suffer from Peter pan Syndrome.

Enjoy your queues or funservers. At least I know I won't buy now.

>be american
>don't have to deal with any of this shit

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Br br huehue will find their way, mark my words.

>Tl:Dr most of the Hue Hue's problems in gaming are caused by a Bad Educational system that forces everyone to be a toxic person who lives on the others instead of getting better.

Funny that most of this shit also applies to the toxic communities, since russian education is shit since ever, and france's Base educational system is non existent, and most of the baguette educational officers are Trotsky, Gramci and Jacobin Virgins.

i still need to find a Toad who inst a complete asshole and plays for the sake of the team.

You will enjoy the E-celeb cancer and some of mi primos ;)

Do Italians and Barbosas really play wow?

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You mean i don't get to play with any moskals? EPIC!

WoW translated in 14 languages

i dont, because i live in germany
and yeah i learned english so i could shitpost on a singaporean basket weaving forum and i wouldnt need to play on german servers anymore

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suнт eu

But nobody wants Germans on their servers. They aren't only pissing on Germans who wants German servers, they're pissing on everyone else because nobody wants Germans on their servers.

No they fucking don't every XIV thread we have people complaining about how shit frogs are

no surprise

They're basically the same country, californians and texans for example have far bigger cultural differences.

But do they have their own BfA servers?

wish that picture was still on there

the retarded eastern germans are gonna make one of servers the "inofficial" german one before the game launches, im simply just gonna go on a server where all the EU e-celebs are gonna play (i know thats cancer, but with that reason im 100% sure it wont be an inofficial third world language server)

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I'm feeling nostalgic right now.

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im actually not, i just have this picture saved on my "bad reaction images because im a degenereted subhuman that dissapoints his parents on a daily basis" folder

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Why cant UK players just play in American servers?

Check Numa numa guy's date of you want to feel eam old

>californians and texans have far bigger culutral differences
serious question, are you fucking retarded? german and french are the exact opposite of each other, and they dont even speak the same language the only major difference between this 2 states is that one is really conserative and the other one really liberal and thats basically it, they even speak the goddamn same language

imagine being a eurocuck

>Congo and France are the same because they speak the same language!
Europe is already a single country in every aspect, your little feuds are artificial and nothing compared to actual rivalries like Georgia and Florida.

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>didn't read OP post
Wait a seconds. This is good. Everyone will play on the same servers like in vanilla/BC times. You don't even need to play on Russian ghetto. Changing language in settings allow you to play on EU servers. Only zoomers are upset.

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Hans, nous devons nous unir contre mes Americabots

I will be playing NA because of this.
No way I'm going to join the diversity melting pot of balkan subhumans, faggot frenchies, weirdly autistic germans, retarded poles and NORF F.C. UK wankers. I'll take the consistent 56% mutts any day over this.

Based. Russians are to euro servers what BR is to burger servers

yeah pretty much. Everyone here will agree, You need to isolate China, Russia and South America in general (Usually Peru or Brazil will be mentioned.)
Regions corrupted by communism.
He is actually right. Once you cull retards you get good players. There is no such a thing as good person but bad player in Brazil. at least on my experience.

>I will be playing NA because of this.
enjoy your 500ms latency


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na bud, got EU internet, not your comcast scam shit. my NA ping is 80 to east coast, very playable.

You're lying.


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I'm not? This isn't even impressive and pretty common. I bet frenchies might even get it lower. I

Lol, no. That only applies to small countries. There is really no need to speak English if you're in a country that mainly speaks German, French, Sapnish, or Italian since everything gets translated to those eventually. Nobody supports things like Estonian or Bosnian, so they're the ones who pick up English.

I can't wait to get in dungeons with germans and frenchmen who refuse to speak english...

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Playing on european servers on FFXIV and the situation is pretty much like this. Playerbase is divided between three major languages and sometimes comunication in pugs is straight up impossible. Frenchies and germans are usually awful players that don't even bother reading tooltips

I feel you guys

good thing there's no dungeon finder

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They don't speak Swahili in France, retard. They speak Arabic.

Ping with
and with

>Playerbase is divided between three major languages and sometimes comunication in pugs is straight up impossible
Real Classic experience.

better get to learning arabic.
that's all they will be speaking soon enough

True. I just need to find a decent guild and then dungeon with them

It's like you plying MMO. Oh wait..

I get around 120 from Helsinki to Valve's Virginia servers. It's not that bad.

>poser zoomzooms already crying about the classic experience before it even began

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Who the fuck still plays WoW? Anyone who plays WoW is probably over 30 at this point.

My country is less populous than the Philadelphia metropolitan area

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so you're saying blizzard should give them language specific servers?

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this is to cutback on goldsellers, most gold sellers these days are actually russian

who fucking cares?! If you are offended over that, seek for help.

The Germans and Swedes are the ones pushing that shit onto the rest of Europe.

It's crazy looking back to French or English history and now seeing how thoroughly colonised they are by the Middle East.

Oh okay, so not an issue for the country that matters, oh well.

>and the rest of the EU is fucked
Russians get fucking quarantined as they should be.

>The Germans and Swedes are the ones pushing that shit onto the rest of Europe.
lmao no, german politicians that push it are all burger puppets and most german obviously don't want half the world sitting in their welfare state

you people are forgetting germany was conquered by burgerland and is ruled by burgers

Russia is a better ally than yurop.

Only if you're a literal muslim

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go away lefty

What did they mean? That they have some problem with text in their client they can't fix??? Blizzarddrones?

>Not playing in Euro
They will find a way somehow

Go away goatfucker

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*ting* *ting* *ting* *ting*
Well met, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Alliance.
How is it that any sane person could possibly want to play Horde? Pouring hundreds of hours into a faction and character that is the near embodiment of a shitfilled hispanic favela?
These literal mudhut nigger orc cow abominations eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone, while chimping on anything that moves, rolling for pvp racials but never actually using them.
Hearthing into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" Blizzard took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger-feel to the faction LE REDDIT MONSTER RACES BRO check out these NO SHOES so whacky xDD better name myself something fucking retarded like 'boogerbones' to fit in btw get owned kid totally almost lagged out of that 1v1 close one.
Want a sick capital city? take your pick :
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
>unironically playing as fucking cows




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I feel like it's gonna be a massive failure from the start because if I really play this game I want to play it with people who also never played WoW.

I would prefer if they kept chinese out as well.

You're the ones voting in those politicians

He cute

European here
i rather speak English and my native language

if you are Russian or French you need to kill yourself, you are not human


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>Someone made a pic of my post after Soldier 76 announcement


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as bad as russians are with DOTA and fps games, I think we can all agree that the eternal kraut is the true cancer of WoW, and the chinese of course but that goes without saying.

The worst fucking experiences I have had in MMOs are French and BRs. I haven't played WoW in years, but BRs started showing up heavily during MoP.

For anyone wondering, here is the experience of someone who played in the appropriately named Misery group:
As soon as you get people from a country that doesn't bother teaching English you get shit players. They make their own guilds, and never bother to learn how to communicate with others.
Western, Northern, and Baltic Europe should play together, everyone else can fuck off.
Italians(see pic), Spanish, Portuniggers, Russians, and even Gercucks and Frogs. All are shit. Other Western Slavs are tolerable but hardly perfect.

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>Be Ruskie cyka
>Change WoW language to english
>Suddenly I'm allowed to play on EU servers
>Paying a monthly sub to a decade year old game
>Supporting nu-Blizz

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No RP-PVP realms. Dropped.


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>people blatantly lying about there not being german/french servers at EU launch

I don't care for myself as I don't have any issues with speaking English but it's gonna fuck things up for anyone who doesn't speak german/french. You can tell people to "just talk English lmao" all you want, it's never gonna happen.

They were dead for several expansions.

>no mentionings of poland

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It's 50/50, either "kurwa gibe free" or decent player with half-decent english. It used to be worse, you're officially better than Turks/Gercucks now.

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>wow classic

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i think this is gonna be my everyday build at 60 on rogue, good for pvp swords i think, should be fine for questing

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for the alliance

>played vanilla with most public chats turned off
It was the right decision then, it'll be the right decision now.

barrens chat is a core part of vanilla wow experience

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The problem is that the good BRs are the ones you don't even realize they're monkeys. Like me! :)

Any sensible monkey won't speak in their garbage God forsaken language to begin with.