What happened to the rest of the DK Crew? Did they have a falling out?
What happened to the rest of the DK Crew? Did they have a falling out?
Chunky and Tiny only existed cause they redesigned Kiddy and Dixie too much.
Same shit happened with Diddy, who was originally DK Jr.
Lore spoilers:
Tiny Kong ended up as a child pop star and died in an OD at 5 (13 in Ape years)
Chunky did a lot of stereoids which made him emotionally unstable and impotent which ended up with him killing Cranky kong in a fit of rage when he was mocked for "not getting it up"
Lanky was publically executed in Kong prison after he turned out to be a child molester
Chunky is dead
There was trouble during Chunky's lobotomy which left him severely handicapped. He was checked into a care facility where Lanky now works at to be closer to Chunky.
Tiny Kong has made a name for herself after becoming a fan favorite during the 30th annual Kong Racing Tournament and has recently been signed up in the Kong baseball team.
Tiny and Chunky are just expies of Dixie and Baby, they’re not even real characters. Lanky never making another true appearance is a damn shame though he was quite the character
I still don't get why Tiny and Chunky were even created. They could have easily been Dixie and Kiddy.
>but the shrinking
Literally thanks to one of Cranky's potions. It's not an actual ability Tiny possessed.
what if Chunky is Kiddy grown-up?
Deepest lore
Jungle beated.
Hi Autism!
I agree. At least for Dixie because fuck Kiddy
Tiny Kong still makes some appearences in spin-offs
>Love the atmosphere in DK64
>The crew is great
>The humour is on point
>The graphics are great for N64 standards
>The OST is sweet if not as great as the SNES games
>There's a shitton of shit to do
>The Kongs, enemies, bosses and locales all ooze personality at every seam
>The game itself is a fucking dogshit chore to play with laughable "gameplay" that usually consists of going through stupid mazes, unchallenging platforming, some lame random mini-game, or straight up nothing; You just go to a place with a character, use their designated ability, and move on
How could one game do so much right and yet fail so fucking bad?
>unchallenging platforming, some lame random mini-game
This is what I hate the most. There's fuck all platforming until like Creepy Castle and even then it's super barebones. Meanwhile a massive chunk of bananas are locked behind Mario Party shit constantly recycled. Oh, but DK64 doesn't DESERVE the hate. It's a BASED, le comfy game that I grew up on with ZERO flaws.
Deforestation. You could have prevented this by eating at Rainforest Cafe.
that monkey can peel my banana if you know what i mean... bananas are actually difficult to peel without mushing it.
>The OST is sweet if not as great as the SNES games
That's where you're wrong user. Kirkhopes cartoony bullshit worked for Banjo but he comes nowhere as close as the perfection that is David Wise's soundtracks. His work in Tropical Freeze alone is better than anything Kirkhope has ever made and DKC1 and 2 (especially 2) have god tier soundtracks
Protip: peel from this side
Do you think Diddy fucks her when Dixie's not around?
because it was a game for children.
I fucked up when phrasing it - What I meant was that while I think the OST in DK64 is good, it isn't as good as the SNES games. I'm with you on the David Wise thing, his shit is on point.
Lanky was sent away due to his lack of style and grace, and the fact that he had a funny face.
what the fuck kind of weak defense is that
donkey kong '94 was for children
donkey kong country 1-3 were for children
mario 64 was for children
>up until Returns, the titular character Donkey Kong was only playable in one of the Donkey Kong Country games
Why though
the game was rated pegi 7 or E
What were you expecting?
>3 had the perfect opportunity to have Dixie and DK
>lol what if new baby Kong
>b-b-but the rating
>I'm going to completely ignore that list of other well-made titles with the same rating
fuck off with this weak excuse fag
Describe what this makes you feel?
>the game was rated pegi 7 or E
So were DKC 1-3 and Mario 64. What point were you even trying to make?
it did poorly due the fact that premise of the game was nothing but fucking collectathons done badly. It flop soley of that. What made it worse was collecting things became limited based on who you were playing.
Getting to the last boss was actually pretty abysmal.You needed to collect certain things in order to fight Kkrool.
>characters from a series known for platforming
>okay so we make them walk around and anything involving really high jumps or barrels will involve a context-sensitive pad that does the work for you or sends you to a completely isolated area that has nothing to do with the world it was in
Beat the shit out of Kiddie making Dixie wet.
I think it was a case of being a bit too ambitious
>Banjo does really well
>Let's make Banjo but even bigger!
>Tooie does really well
>Let's make Tooie BUT EVEN BIGGER!
And at that point the whole collectathon aspect just kinda falls apart cause it's too fucking big
Tooie came out a whole year after DK64. I can only assume that's why they toned back the collectibles so much, why all the eggs and notes and shit come in clumps of 5 and there are so many levels with big stretches that are just barren.
Oh wait fuck you're right
For some reason I thought it was the other way around