ITT series where only the first one is good

ITT series where only the first one is good

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Off The Record is good.

Serious Sam if you count both TFE and TSE as 1.

2 is good, can't speak for 3. 4 is an abomination and the devs outright lied multiple times in interviews and prerelease videos on gaming outlets.

why would you count TFE and TSE as one game?
thats stupid

2 is okay, the over reliance on combo weapons plus the lackluster story really didnt help it

3 is okay. Good for exactly 1 playthrough if you've got nothing else to play.

>4 is bad

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>4 is good

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liking 4 is the reddit opinion faggot

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3 is ok but it's mindless and you can tell by the style and tone that it was made entirely on american soil with no japanese supervision.

>watch reviews on game so I don't waste $60
>see that the game is shit so I don't buy it
Sounds like someone's trying to justify their purchase

>top post of all time on the Dead Rising subreddit


shut the fuck up nigger

>the lackluster story really didnt help it
I never understood this implication that Dead Rising 1's story was anything other than serviceable. It certainly touched on more concepts than "dude zombies lmao" but it's still not like it said anything particularly new or interesting about them either.

>im so contrarian i like shit games because reddit hates them
congrats user
heres another game reddit hates, hope you enjoy

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Based chad

DR1 knew what it was, a hard love letter to Dawn Of The Dead
DR2 introduced this emotional side story that nobody really cared about

The setting for 4 would've been fucking perfect if they didn't fuck it up completely.

It made Faggot Joe seethe so it's a 10/10 in my book, played through all of it

>tfw only game these days to have the balls to make your protag a Chad who goes around fucking 10/10 bombshells

I made my daughter a zombie as soon as possible so I could fullfil my dream of being a cross dressing zombie murderer

Mass Effect


more proof that 4 was the only good game in the series and fans of 1-3 are retarded trannies

>i ignore the fact that the game barely works because i play as a pastiche biker stereotype
wow user you have such amazing taste

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Well slit my stomach and filet my scales but boy do I feel like a fish right now

Hi Joe

>played through all of it
Why would you actively subject yourself to such torture?

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fuck off you retarded weeb nigger it was fun

fucking kill yourself

>both were xbox exclusive

How did they manage to fuck it all up?

I’d rather be a weeb than play this.
Plus the girls in TWEWY are cuter.

Do you you think DMC2 is the best DMC as well, you contrarian sub-human?

The reboot is literally the only game not full of ugly retarded faggots acting like women

Explain to me what's wrong with showing a man acting like a fucking man, you low testosterone weeb faggot

Madagascar 1, the subsequent games were lacking in quality

But all the Dead Rising games sucked.

>he’s a rebootfag as well
Of course. Also, the problem is that the sex scenes look like shit.

2 is better than 1 and you can't prove me wrong.

1 was great.
2 and OTR were good to acceptable, a tad misled but still a fun game to play.

Then the leaves started listening to the casuals from focus groups and things went to shit.

Only if you have zero testosterone in your sad shell of a body

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3 is okay but forgettable and the city isn't as cool as the mall or fake Las Vegas, and the vehicle stuff was meh

It also lost the Japanese charm of 1 and to a lesser extent 2

DR was a fluke made by the japanese Capcom team
Mass Effect was made by Bioware ripe off KOTOR and Jade Empire, it was only after being bought by EA that the studio started leaking talent

Dead Rising 1 is pure kino. The rest suck ass.

>not liking shitty animated sex means you have low testosterone
Why not just watch porn at that point?

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I only played 3. I liked it very much.

Because the atmosphere and story of Ride To Hell are top-notch and the sex scenes simply add to it

I wouldn't trust a tranny to understand tho

resident evil

Worse graphics, worse writing, worse level design.

The devs of 2 were mostly Canucks whose only experience was sports games. It’s still a fine game, but it is a noticeable step down in most technical areas and game design.


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DR4 has one of the worst characters I've ever seen in a videogame.

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>worse graphics
What? 2 is leagues ahead in graphics than 1, and with a lot less motion blur.

>but it is a noticeable step down in most technical areas and game design
Bet you were filtered by the first psycho.

Also 2 had the best girl.

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Holy fuck kill yourself basedcucked fag