I am ENTITLED to video games, I shouldn't HAVE to pay for them, everything should be FREE!

>I am ENTITLED to video games, I shouldn't HAVE to pay for them, everything should be FREE!

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Other urls found in this thread:


You can have some of my seman if you'd like!


How can I get a lobster bros?

no ones says the should, they just are

Attached: free.png (696x493, 304K)


It's Lobster

its krab you dumb stupid

Island docks. Could you get me some bananas while you're there?

Companies like these avoid taxes.
Fuck them.

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why is Yea Forums the only board that has retards that get upset about piracy?

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never claimed that but you have to be a special kinda faggot to pay for something you can get for free

She's cute. Porn when?

>I am ENTITLED to money, I shouldn't encourage people to fund me without alienating those who do, everyone should just hand me their cash!

I've gotten emails from them through my isp about my torrents

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You are by all means entitled to whatever you can take. To say otherwise is to be a willing bottomfeeder. Take what you can and hold it for as long as you can because if you dont then someone else will.

imagine paying for something that you can get for free LMAO

You DON'T deserve these steam keys!


>working your ass off for 5 years straight = wanting money for doing nothing

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fishing lvl?

what were they?

Thank you, really hope this wasn't some sort of trap

This. Asking the right questions user.

thanks you lobster but i already have this whatever it is

based and egoist pilled

well meme'd, my friend

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Not sure if that cover is real or not.

Also not sure how I'm lazy when I volunteer at a place for 4 years and a job finally opens and they ignore all that free labor I put in and don't even give me an interview, and that's with people I KNOW. Trying to get hired at some totally new place, forget it.

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It's a luxury item. If I can happen to access it online I will because it means money I can put to my house and family. God knows these fucking dev personalities are only using my money to throw crazy parties. Got a probelem with that well too bad because there's nothing you can do to convince me to stop and nothing you can actually do to stop me. Sit on it and Swivel.

I can either play a game for free, or play it and pay 50 bucks. Seems like an easy choice

>making videogames is work
I bet you studied liberal arts.

This but unironically.

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I pay for games.
When I actually like the dev and want to support them.
Hollow Knight, for example.
Oddworld, as another.

It probably is real, boomers are notorious for loathing the younger generations because they like to pretend their life has always been the hardest when it reality it was the easiest

Pepsi for TV game

So... You are saying

I shouldn't be met with microtransactions after paying for a game. If you're going to have microtransactions, make the game f2p.

But I don't want to pay them

It’s not entitlement if you can get it.

Heer u go ilov u swee-t
I too love pirating games

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The thing you eventually must learn with suffering is that every sense of joy in your life is only a construct given by your surroundings and circumstance therefore any point of pleasure of pain is an illusion however, the sense of joy or sadness you feel is a very real sensation caused by how you react to particular aspects so conceptually your happiness is granted so long as you allow it to be rather than allow your worse feelings to take hold when you don't have the things you think you want.

Reddit took over/false flagging retards who thinks it's funny to pretend to be dumb

They don't make themselves

These are the same people who sink incredible amounts of money into only marketing to Millennials.


There’s a difference between feeling entitled to them and using a superior service that also happens to be totally free.

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No one is entitled to anything, but if they obtain it by their own effort, then it is theirs.
If someone pirates a game, then they have earned it by the effort they put in cracking their console and obtaining the file.
If some thot got money/etc from dumb incels, she earned it by the effort she put in deceiving the fat fucks.

I gladly pay for games on GoG. Every other service can suck my balls

nah yeah it's just a nonstop vacation. Coconuts, palm trees, all that shit. No stresses all the way up to the sea's horizons.

make me faggot

So if I broke into your house and raped you in the ass, I earned it?



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I'll be taking that game now, and I won't be paying either

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I can't imagine being butthurt to make this image

Crab people.

Games are art. Art is made not for profit, but for expression.
If you are mad about piracy you didn't deserve the money in the first place.

Come on, Yea Forums, just COME ONE

video games get hit hardest when it comes to anti piracy. Pirates cause actual, real, palpable negative effects for everyone. They're mostly mexicans so none of them are smart enough to see that all the things they hate about draconian anti piracy measure are caused BY THEM.

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If companies could figure out how to make a healthy profit off of that without it happening to themselves they easily would

>it's not rape, it's surprise buttsex

>implying piracy is the cause of this cancer and not the cure

crab died for our sins so don't pirate please ok or

Attached: killcrab.jpg (600x925, 107K)

>still using piracy as a scapegoat in the year of our lord 2019


Yes people are greedy, that's why laws are a thing.

Well yeah. PC parts are really expensive. I deserve free games.

build wall.

Piracy is a service problem.

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Actually piracy is proved to improve sales of media including videogames.

This was clearly made out of desperation.
It's kinda pathetic. Whoever made this is genuinely afraid of Epic making Steam irrelevant


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>antipiratefag is also idpol obsessed moron
why am i not surprised

kill yourself

If it weren't for the crackers, you wouldn't be able to pirate these games to begin with.
This whole Denuvo situation clearly shows that there aren't enough good crackers left to provide cracks for you in timely manner. Of course you pirates don't care as long as you can pirate games eventually, neither you care to learn how to crack to keep piracy alive because if you were capable of learning such a skill you would already possess some marketable ones and would be able to afford video games. You pirates don't appreciate nobody's work, not the devs, not even the crackers who don't get paid at all.
This is how piracy will die, nobody is going to be left to defeat the technical measures, not because they're going to make it impossible. All because leeches don't care to learn and those with the skill can just work in securty these days instead of doing the thankless job providing free shit for a bunch of idiots who think they're smart and fucking over the system because they can use a bittorrent client.

This but unironically.

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I have no stance on the piracy thing I was just wondering if user was okay with me raping him via his logic

also wtf is idpol

>how will my favourite multibillion corporation make infinite profits if you guys just keep pirating

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meant for

>pretending to be an expert on the scene to sthipost about muh pirate leeches
For what purpose?

Game companies get shuttered all the fucking time dude

Nah. I've got a torrent downloading and I'll be buggered if I let it stay up for a second after I finish downloading.

Unlimited greed is good but only if you're a corporation. That's why unending copyright laws are good and laws against lootboxes are bad.

>I'm not stealing anything, I'm just making a copy

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objectively this
piracy only impacts sales if everyone does it, and that's not happening
your lost sale is so minuscule nobody will ever notice.
of course this does mean that it can hurt indie devs more than others, but its clear nobody that pirates is a moralfag in the first place.

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>lootboxes are bad.

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Exactly. Skids wont remember, but back in the days of cassette tapes and vhses thats exactly what it was.

they tend to get shafted for bad business decisions/practices or your favourite publisher meddling

By piracy of course. The same logic that the RIAA used to argue that Napster and Kazaa cost the music industry to lose more money than everyone's wealth on earth combined at the time.

No YOU'RE from Reddit!

I've never pirated an indie game because no indie game has ever interested me.
Not producing anything interesting is what hurts indie devs more than others.

Counterfeiting money, while illegal, won't actually get you in trouble until you try to spend it or otherwise exchange it. Just making a photocopy of a bill and leaving it at your house will never cause any problems.

It's not that everything should be free (although all art should be free), it's the fact that the digital age has caused the proliferation of information to skyrocket. Everything digital is free by default, it's old dinosaurs who don't change to suit this that fight against it.
Adapt or perish.

They are you corporate cocksucker. Do the world a favor and stick your head in an oven.

No I'm not saying that, I'm just saying these things aren't nearly as stable as he was making them out to be

Entertainment is worth fuck all

I want to grab that ass

If Reddit hates it then it should be an automatic tip off to you that it's based

I hate pirates because they are the same as source fags a 1/3 of blood stained is just them asking where to pirate the game

findom is great

That's exactly what we agree on, piracy caused tons of game companies making extremely high quality games to shutter their doors.

That's the most brainless attitude that I've ever heard. Are you going to let resetera do your thinking for you too. Fucking kill yourself.

Learn english tardo.


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Kel'Snippety, the Demon Crab

Reddit loves oxygen so that should tip off to you that asphyxiation is based.

If Resetera does something I do the opposite, fucking kill yourself tranny

Maybe you should too

name three (MCMXCVI) companies

>equating digital to physical
Don't tell me you ACTUALLY do this

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Counterfeiting involves deception of shopkeepers and is a completely different type of crime. Go suck corporate dick somewhere else.

Resetera hasn't killed themselves so you better do the opposite.

That's the thing you misunderstand. You earn nothing and your lucky enough that people agree to the concept of "earnings" Otherwise you'd have been cast away at birth.

>no u
Ok kid.

I resetera doesn't jump off a cliff does that mean you will? Because I highly suggest it.

Is this the rage thread?
OP's pic remind me of this.

Bad troll
Lurk moar

This but unironically.

>to feed her dog
Based roastie

unironically true

Not really my point still stands you just seem to be illiterate.

shut the fuck up nigger

>no u again

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Don't worry ESL, he was being ironic when he made it.

hello rebbit
these fags have been here since the dawn of time

>its a pretending to be retarded episode again

Shit wrong reply sorry
This was meant for

I am ENTITLED to see porn of girl in OP's pic

you think it aint be like it is but it do


you have a dark soul


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Pepsi. Only my choice.

Identity politics.

ispol is what ruined the west and american politics for good and all.

How is "laws prevent human nature from fucking us over" not a basic logical thing

you know how every political discussion is about fags and whether or not they are good? that's IDpol working as intended to stop people realising that the democrats and republicans are fundamentally the same

More like...

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I wasn't aware you niggers were using pirated games to try and trade them for goods.

>getting filtered

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Alright now draw her getting gangbanged and a dude saying "You deserve this", please.

based kazuma putting thots in their okace

Once I buy them for 60 fucking bucks, they best be mine.

It wasn't here last time I posted the C-word.

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You're not pretending.

>he was only pretending to be retarded
Cool story ESL

I'm hungry for lobster...

Attached: Lobster-Tails-with-Garlic-Lemon-Butter-3-500x500.jpg (500x500, 78K)

>purchase digital game
>don't truly own it
>can be taken anytime

>purchase physical game
>you own it
>can't be taken

Piracy doesn't seem so bad if it's done to digital games only

That post was intended for the retard screeching about mexicans and piracy hurting people.

Also the argument was never about laws, but about whether people are entitled to act in self interest as companies are.

Piracy is good because physical games don't last forever and can be lost if they're not backed up.

You can't "reload" a sword

Maybe you can't.

yeah i think she deserve our semen!

Thanks for the free game, Timmy. Based as fuck

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I love Karina Farek's drawstyle.

Me too. I wish I could have it for free.

They're already dead. Their souls are just waiting for their bodies to catch up.

she deserve my "lobster" too he he

Nigga I'm a NEET. I can't afford to give a fuck about morals. Free vidya.
>get a job
I'd rather die. I'd rather do that than a lot of other things, actually.

where's the porn

i want porn of her

You'll never really know entitlement until you try and deal with boomers.

Millenials are the most entitled generation when I was your age son I bought my own house and paid off my mortgage after graduating college by the time I was 23

>back when prices were less than half what they are now life was fucking easy street
No shit.

African of mine

Although I do try to support small devs who make fun stuff