Screw all you fags that say otherwise. This shit right here is one of the biggest things that ruined the franchise. Lore raping gay pieces of shit they all are.
Screw all you fags that say otherwise. This shit right here is one of the biggest things that ruined the franchise...
I don't get it. How does it even work?
the best weapon in ME3 is an injoke rifle that doesn't use thermal clips
It should have been a thermal gauge like in 1, that you could override by ejecting the thermal clip. So you have a limited amount of clips, can ignore the thermal gauge by ejecting them, but can always keep firing if you manage your gauge.
Best of both worlds desu.
There's not a single good overheat based weapon in vidya.
It's an ejectable heatsink, you shoot until it's "full" and then you replace it instead of waiting for it to cool down
Didn't ruin anything overheating was annoying
That would imply that it's reusable, and it's not. I've never seen soldiers stockpiling "full" clips.
Why did bioware get so heated about people who brought this up?
Basically nothing can justify the stupidity of the universe going from superior infinite ammo to "oh its still infinite ammo though but these clips help it so that the gun can cool off better!" Pure absolute faggotry. If Bioware doesn't care about their own universe they created neither should anyone playing their garbage games.
>when shepard is waken up at the cerberus base after 2 years of being dead.... "this weapon doesn't have a thermal clip".
It implies nothing of the sort. They could be disposable. It would be incredibly stupid for them to be disposable but that doesn't prevent it being a possibility.
Keep crying ME1 fags.
ME2 is the best ME game, this is fact.
>find Jacobs father who has been missing since ling before thermal clips were introduced
>all weapons on the planet use thermal clips
Because they knew it was one of the hugest retcons you could ever do for not just the series but pretty much any form of entertainment period. Imagine for a second if Star Wars blasters started to take real bullets we see today instead of the lasers just because it makes the guns "feel" more like actual guns. It is dumb as hell and would completely ruin Star Wars. Then again most Mass Effect fans loved the sequels to the trilogy except for the ending of 3.
If it's a heatsink, then it would automatically start cooling itself down when heated and not used, unless the inside of the clip is a closed environment, but I don't see why it would be one.
Remember when Solo did something like this and mentioned how starships basically run on jet fuel instead of antimatter reactions.
I believe I read somewhere that they had intended to do this, but playtesters found it confusing.
It could be filled with a chemical compound that absorbs heat faster and in greater quantities than a solid heatsink but, once it's heated up, it becomes useless. Like how you can't un-fry an egg.
The whole thing works on some asinine concept of "we made guns do too much damage so they need the thermal clips to fire at all"
Are you talking about that Solo origin movie? I didn't watch that crap. Disney does not deserve to own Star Wars.
>Legion was supposed to be introduced much earlier on a revisit to Eden Prime
>Instead he's at the tail end of the game and recruiting him puts you on a railroad to finish it as fast as possible
Seriously, fuck ME2.
Pretty much the entirety of Mechwarrior would disagree with you
The idea is it's faster to replace the heat sink with a cool one rather than waiting for the hot one to cool down on its own.
Whenever I hear a mechanic being taken away because "playtesters", it seems that they just made their grandma and her friends play the game
>people actually defend the terrible combat of ME1
>wake up from a 2 year long coma
>somehow all of the guns in the galaxy were converted in the span of 2 years to only be able to shoot when a thermal clip is present
>somehow you know what a thermal clip is
>somehow you instantly know how to use them
What a shit show.
>but playtesters found it confusing
Ahh so retards then
Yes, because 100% focus on characters with zero actual plot progression is great.
>shitting on Gears of Effect 2 is defending ME1's combat
You can dislike one thing without liking another
What if an army is under siege and has no acces to ammo supply? If they were reusable they could just pile up the used ones in a corner and make a fan blow on them, or just throw them into the water to cool them down or something.
they were clearly feeding him information while in the coma
>Shoot gun
>Can't shoot gun for a little while
>Now you can shoot gun once more
Aren't they literally the same fucking thing?
Even if they were(I don't remember), it doesn't explain why suddenly every gun in the galaxy requires a thermal clip to shoot at all and how a conversion like that was achieved in just 2 years.
Only pseudo-ints who want to look smart complain about thermal clips. In reality its such a minor change its a non-issue
>can't solo with the pistol anymore
oh shit now I have to actually play the game
See, the mistake you're making is assuming that Bioware thought about this for more than five minutes and that they were thinking anything other than "how can we retcon these infinite ammo guns into not having infinite ammo"
The explanation for thermal clips falls apart instantly once you realize that it is literally just an ammo counter and and works the exact same way as an ammo counter even though it shouldn't by the description we're given of it.
It's a AAA game, it's aimed at the lowest common denominator. It's the same reason why they have a mechanic that allows you to start at the second or third game in the series with no real consequences. It's to maximise the amount of people who will buy your game, the experience people have with it after they've bought it is secondary.
Gears at least plays well for what it is, can't say that about me2
so you would rather use your modded out weapon of choice for 100% of the game in ME1 vs your full loadout of weapons to manage ammo?
>caring about combat in RPGs and pseudo-RPGs
Yes I would rather have a sense of progression and customization in my weapon than playing Bullet Manager
Plot is only a medium to a good time. If you had a good time, that's what matters. Something that Bioware forgot with ME3.
but you could progress and modify weps in me2 what you couldn't do is break the game with an auto rifle that didn't run out of energy.
Eh, it's fairly inoffensive. Bioware is adamant in sticking with them, though. Even in Andromeda they stuck with them.
Reloading is tacticool.
Supposedly it lets guns fire stronger bullets to counteract the stronger shields but nothing in the game really supports that besides the one dlc gun in 3 being weak as shit.
>be shepard
>finish literally all missions incl. DLC
>get reaper iff + legion
>finish geth base mission
>no missions left
>entire squad leaves on an unarmed shuttle to do asspool mission
>collectors let themselves in
>crew is literal cannon fodder
>joker's face when
Because you fags act like it had no redeeming qualities at all. I actually liked the idea of infinite ammo. Many powers looked and functioned much better in ME1. Each power had its own cooldown rather than a universal one. The mako was also very fun to use. Combat areas were much wider open on average than anything in the sequels. Didn't become open again until Andromeda but that is a shitty game.
>The mako was also very fun to use.
>ME1 combat
>enter copy pasted cargo hold/base
>enemies start running everywhere like headless chicken while screaming "ENEMIES EVERYWHERE!" or two other repeated phrases while having shields and shooting
it was shit
You're a fucking idiot. That literally improved the gameplay.
I don't know if it's the same sperg but ME1 fags get more insufferable with each passing day.
>strap one of those AMD gpu watercoolers onto your gun with the heatsink on your back
>infinite ammo