H-he-hey user..w-wanna.. maybe.. p-p-play Anno 1800 with m-m-me..? Or s-some other g-g-g-g-game?

>H-he-hey user..w-wanna.. maybe.. p-p-play Anno 1800 with m-m-me..? Or s-some other g-g-g-g-game?

>I'll even b-buy it f-f-for you!

Your response?

Attached: 0142.jpg (640x480, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Dilate you stuttering piece of crap.

>it's a tranny
How could you be any more wrong?

Attached: ass to ass.jpg (904x800, 152K)


Attached: lonely goose.png (970x542, 257K)

Post more

Still seeing no proof it's a biological woman

He says while proving me right.

Cute boy.

now she's just doing an autistic content in every 6 months or even per year, thanks to you 4channel freaking prick pickle rick!!


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Attached: fren deserves a hug.png (746x512, 99K)

Her channel is randytaylor69 so judge for yourself.

bros, it's a cute girl.

Attached: rose again.jpg (960x720, 104K)

I already have Anno 1800

Attached: Vice-Admiral_Romanov.png (128x128, 27K)

>That time when she put a fleshlight webpage in the background of her video after everyone thought she was a dude
God I miss Roseposting

He is stepping on her shoe

Eh sure dog, tho I have no idea what that is, so if you get angry for my newfagness in that game you only have your self to blame

Attached: Hungarians.jpg (480x360, 39K)

Why are her gaming videos so comfy bros?


She only did Youtube out of her own amusement and self-entertainment. Just goes to show she particularly doesn't care and only makes videos once a year now mostly for herself and as an in-joke to her friends.

Attached: russians.png (235x30, 18K)

Attached: 1560454196466.png (771x366, 63K)

Free games?

It's harder for her to escape that way

>>That time when she put a fleshlight webpage in the background of her video after everyone thought she was a dude
you mean this video?

Attached: 1407182873072.jpg (644x619, 101K)

No thanks, "bro."

She puts fleshlight webpages in the background of a lot of videos

be grateful we have loved and lost, rather than have never loved at all...

Attached: green.jpg (3072x2304, 1.36M)

>Everything is from 5 years ago
She's gone bro... It's time to let go.

Attached: 1559828564336.png (183x320, 49K)


that's the most prominent one of all her videos, I can't recall any other "fleshlight website" nudges or instances in her videos. she always pretty racy with her humor.

she privated the following video (even though she said it was one of her videos) partly because she included a lesbian porn scene and she was afraid youtube would flag her account:


Attached: livegivers on the right.jpg (715x960, 141K)

I thought we had dealt with this years ago.

>mfw she looked like this when she was 19

I guess you need to adopt some lifestyle to stand out when you're a bored teenager living in rural England with only farms and aging boomers around.

Attached: hippie.jpg (374x413, 178K)

too bad she retired before the ASMR meme

God I wish Rose would use me as her fleshlight

Her dads face, is that a corpse?


who is this man?