It's time to settle this once and for all

It's time to settle this once and for all.

Attached: fifthgen.png (1029x581, 68K)

Other urls found in this thread:

PS1 > saturn > N64

PS1 > Saturn (import library) > N64

easy as fuck

N64 had games so I guess that one.

Now THIS is bait

Am I the only one who feels the N64 only has like 5 genres in its entire library.

Saturn has Panzer Dragoon Zwei, the best game of the 32 bit era. Playstation had Silent Hill. N64 had

Attached: zwei.webm (720x540, 3M)

Might as well include 3DO and Jaguar.

>mario 64
>banjo kazooie
>mario kart 64
>mario party
>mario tennis
>smash bros
>ocarina of time
>majora's mask
>golden eye
>pokemon stadium
>diddy kong racing
>paper mario

basically that

Attached: 2992558611_564b30c4e1_b.jpg (780x1024, 149K)

Catridges scared away third party developers. N64 had less than 300 games in NA while PS1 had nearly 3000. Please.

That's really not a whole lot of diversity. My point is, you could only get a very particular type of game from the N64, and that it lacked the far more robust and varied libraries of the Saturn and PSX.

Saturn definitely trumps both of them in that it was actually properly released in the fifth gen as opposed to in-between gens and had hardware that could actually compete with the competition. Still, due to the number of ports you might say Saturn represents 3DO and Jaguar in a way.

PS1 > Saturn (w/ imports) > N64 > Saturn (w/o imports)

>w/ imports
This basically translates to "RPGs" which are shit.

PS1 > import saturn > n64 > western saturn

The 5th console gen was so lopsided it was ridiculous:
>PS1 - 100+ million
>N64 - 33 million
>SAT - 9 million
>3DO - 2 million
>JAG - 250,000
Sure it trounced the guys below it, but it was absolutely thrashed itself.

Still due to its backing by Sega, tons of quality exclusives, and (most importantly) ability to play PSX developed games as ports even with compromises, it deserves to be included. Try porting SOTN or Wipeout to 3DO or Jag... lol.

Actual late 90's kid here

4th generation >>>>>>>>>>>>> N64 = Saturn with inports > PS1> Saturn without imports.

PS1 > N64 > Saturn

Attached: Tekken-3-Screenshot.jpg (620x465, 112K)


saturn > 64 > ps1
the saturn is a fuckin great console if you like to play arcade shit like shmups or fighting games on a crt without leaving your bed.


This: What does the PS have? Tomb Raider, Gran Turismo - I wasn't interested in that shit as a kid. But I played a fuckton of GoldenEye multiplayer. And Zelda Ocarina of Time. And Smash Bros. And Mario Kart. And Rogue Squadron. All great games.

Maybe the PS was for older gamers. I was only 5 when the N64 came out so I guess its games appealed to me a lot.

N64: Quality
PS1: Shovelware

Cartridges were also superior. No load times.

PS1>Saturn>still using 16 bit consoles in the 32 bit era>N64

'91 here, personally I'd say N64 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The rest

The Saturn aged the best, since it's primarily a 2D console and isn't readily emulatable. PS1 comes in second as when you start cutting out the jank full-3D games, it has a robust library.

N64 aged the absolute worst. I loved it as a kid but I can't stand playing a lot of its library today.

>I wasnt interested in those games so the system had nothing
Well outside Rare games I had zero interest in the N64 while PS1 had tons of games I enjoyed, therefore it was a superior system

The fifth generation of consoles was amazing because each one felt drastically different from the others. We’ll never have a generation that diverse ever again.

>The Saturn aged the best, since it's primarily a 2D console
It isn't though.

Playstation>N64>Japanese Saturn>owning no console>Western Saturn

Attached: 4134c595aa1d1926e6653714fc7577185f581bbdv2_hq.jpg (1024x573, 39K)

PS1 had shit Bomberman games, so that's the worst.

Saturn had Saturn Bomberman, which is regarded as the best of the series

N64 had 64, 64 2 and Hero, all of which are great games. Better than Saturn is debatable, but with 3 great Bomberman games, N64 is the better console.

>not saturd
I was born in 85 and had psx and n64 when they were fresh. The n64 had maybe 10 truly must play games. The Playstation had that many every year. There are entire genres that didn't even make it over to n64. The saturn is great but mostly as an arcade or vn machine so it doesn't really compete in the same league as the other two.

As a kid owning both a 64 and a PS1 later in its lifespan, I can say I would go back to 64 because of its library. I was actually replaying Bomberman 64 yesterday because I wanted to see if it still holds up.

[spoilers]It does, but that's just me[/spoilers]


Attached: Atari-Jaguar-Console-Set.jpg (3860x1660, 1.78M)

3d ruined gaming fuck off zoomers

ctrl+s you quad

honestly the PSX and Saturn spoiled me too much when i got a N64
i tried to find any got Fighting games on it but KI Gold and Smash are the only ones worth playing
aside from Quest 64 there isnt much in the way of RPG's
only racing games where still readily available, i really enjoyed Rush 2049, Top Gear and Diddy Kong but even there both the Saturn and PS1 demolished it
i understand why people like it but if you have no interest in Mario, Zelda or Banjo Kazoei you are basicly left with almost nothing

N64 was good at a time your parents only bought you 8-10 games for every console lifespan. You could have a good selection of Nintendo and Rare games and not feel at all that the library was lacking. Then, the era of emulation and collectorfags starts, and people realize about the hundreds of PSX and Saturn (especially imports) great games they have missed, while the N64 couldn't really do the same.

Attached: n64games.png (725x87, 4K)

Seriously asking: Do you think the PlayStation brand would even exist today if the Nintendo 64 was released in 1995 and used CDs instead of cartridges?

Fair enough, that's wasn't the case for me though. I had zero interest in the PS whatsoever. But the N64 had a ton of amazing games which are still critically acclaimed today - e.g. Ocarina of Time which is the best video game of all time on Metacritic.

Maybe you're a bit older than me? I can understand older gamers seeing more of an appeal with the PlayStation than with the N64. I was born in '91, I was only 5 when the N64 came out, and I was probably 6 or 7 or 8 when me and my brother got one.

>not renting games from blockbuster and pirating them for your Playstation
The Playstation was when I started pirating games and I haven't bought more than maybe 10 games since then.

Yes, but it would be called the Nintendo Playstation.

Maybe, PS1 got the attention of many devs because they offered a better deal of royalties than Nintendo also their dev kits wasnt something you they were given to a few people so anyone could make a game

This isn’t & has never been a debate, the N64 is head & shoulders above any PlayStation console

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Literally the only people who owned the ps1 were sad poor kids. They were always seething and trying to join sleepovers to play Smash and Goldeneye because no one wanted to play dumb shit like Vagrant Story with them.
lmao n64babbies

Attached: 5352.png (974x155, 30K)

Western Saturn is still better than N64

Had Nights, Virtua Cop, Panzer Dragoon or Sega Rally etc been N64 games Yea Forumstendo would be still creaming themselves over them

>Mario 64
>Zelda OoT
Two of the greatest, most influential games ever created, so
N64 > PS1 > Saturn (lol)

N64 for local multiplayer games
PS1 for singleplayer games

MGS started development on the 3DO, it could probably handle SOTN just fine.

Scaring away the shovelware is not neccessary a bad thing. N64 had a wider range of 9/10 and 10/10 titles.

t. had no friends to play vidya with as a kid

Kill yourself

PS1 > Saturn > N64

Saturn was the king of fighting games during the 32-bit era, some other great arcade stuff like Die Hard and Dungeons & Dragons too

Attached: 1559865380703.jpg (1934x768, 218K)

3DO was not good at 2d scrolling though. Just look at how choppy SamSho was on it.

>one great game that was fellated by journos
>dozens of good ones that didnt get critically acclaimed because their checks didnt came in the mail
I take the latter, enjoy your one game

So basically the best consoles are these
> 1. SNES
> 2. N64
> 3. PlayStation 2
> 4. GameCube
> 5. PlayStation

PS3 didn't win anything, stop posting this image.

yeah, these

> Bbut paid reviews
Seething, Sony is a bigger corporation then Nintendo, they are the ones who would have the most inflated review scores

Fuck off, retard

seething jrpglet

So you're admitting all reviews are paid, guess OoT praise is nothing but shills

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how did Sonia get so smol here?

holy shit, this takes me back

Sega Saturn was my first console
I had a lot of games, more than very other console I had
I had so much fun, it was crazy
then I got the PS1, with Spyro, Metal Gear, etc
but those games on the Saturn were my favorite games

years later I got a N64 because on some video game channel I saw an AMV with the son

holy shit, this is it




Remove Saturn it wasn't even competitive at all.

N64 for multiplayer games, racing games, FPS, wrestling games and Nintendo IP.

Sony for virtually everything else.

> Bbut non existent bonus that somehow hypnotizes billions of people & forces them to claim to like a faceless corporations game
Cope more

Nobody anywhere likes the Jaguar.

>They were always seething and trying to join sleepovers to play Smash
>to play Smash
And now those kids are succesful people with careers and practice proper hygienealso remain the same gender they were born with

Controller for literal autists

N64 > Saturn >>>>>>> FF7 machine

All 3 had pros and cons.

I grew up with the N64, and while I concede that the PSX has a larger, better, and more varied library, what the N64 did for 3D console gaming can't be overstated, and in terms of multiplayer gaming there's no comparison.

It wasn't until later in life(2010ish) that I went back and checked out the Saturn and what it had to offer, and started picking up some of the great but lesser known titles as well as picking up imports. Now it's one of my favorites and I tell everyone willing to listen to go back and check out the Saturn's library, if just because so few people in the US got to experience them at all

Attached: saturn (2).jpg (3046x1840, 635K)

the only reality where that could have happened is if Yamauchi choked on a piece of Sushi the year before

seethe and cope


Cringing hard. Have sex

>Remove Saturn it wasn't even competitive at all.

This is why it outsold the N64 in Japan I guess, kek.

We really needed this thread for the 454589353525th time

PS1 always wins

Have shower

honestly arguing about wich console innovated more is pretty useless considering how both systems libraries influenced games to this very day

N64>>>>>> Saturn >= PS1

This is the only correct answer. Unless you’re a proud owner of a gaystation or a saturd

>multiplayer games
Saturn for multiplayer games: 90s fighting games + Saturn Bomberman > Mario Party games and mutiplayer FPS running at 8fps
>racing games
PS1 for racing games
>N64 for FPS
yes, barely
>wrestling games
not without a Fire Pro Wrestling game

People do & say whatever the fuck they want, regardless of what people tell them. There is no such thing as bias & getting everyone to agree on something is impossible, the more people like something the larger contrarianism will be against it. Nintendo simply makes the best & most acessible games which is why they resonate most with gamers. Sony has always been horrible at making games & relied on SquareSoft, Konami & Rockstar to sell their consoles for them. SoTC was the first real Sony developed game that people started to give a shit about.

Keep seething, incel

So Saturn is basically just a weak PS1?

this is among one of the first games I've ever played

Attached: die-hard-arcade-europe.jpg (640x893, 100K)

t. Someone who literally had no friends

The only ones seething are Sonyfags, because despite their sales there is only 3 games from the PS1 that anyone gives a shit about today (SOTN, MGS, FF7) and they are now universally seen as inferior to their sequels or counterparts

>somehow hypnotizes billions of people

Attached: 1560997854310.webm (1280x720, 1.48M)

>PS1 for racing games
Saturn had Daytona USA, Sega Rally, Virtua Racing, Manx TT, and tons of log scaling racers and ports. I'd say it's at least equal with PSX.

N64 for 7 and under nintoddIers
PSX for everyone else

Counter-point, GOW4 despite being a "TLOU clone" sold millions and won tons of awards, so you can shove your wrong opinion in some deep place

>The only ones seething are Sonyfags
>proceeds to seethe to an unhealthy degree

I'll concede that, but it's really hard to explain to someone that didn't experience it just how big a deal games like Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time were. I remember in the fourth grade that, along with Pokemon, was all we were ever talking about outside of school hours. On top of being innovative, they were fantastic games in their own right. I'd argue that the top 10 N64 games are better than the top 10 PSX games, even though the PSX has a much deeper library. When I got my PS2 I went back and played some of the PSX games I missed out on, though, and they're now some of my favorites as well(Silent Hill, Einhander, Tactics, SotN).

>saturn winning anything

Attached: daytona2.webm (1000x563, 2.87M)

All the best games are 2D and the hardware is geared towards it with the heavy focus on background layers.

I love and own all 3 but it's hard to say. I'd say N64 has the greatest games of that generation, but the worst overall library. PS1 has the most consistent library with some really good titles. Saturn is an absolute batshit console with some really good games with extremely unique gameplay mechanics, like panzer dragoon saga's combat system, world interactions and Nights into Dreams' un-replicated mechanics, not to mention the crazy Japanese catalog. These days I have the most fun experimenting with Saturn's crazy library.

>literally listed much better multiplayer games and unlike Rare's FPS they don't run in a slideshow in multiplayer (and in Perfect Dark's case, also in single player)
>n-no friends!

literally only worth it for tempest 2000 and you can play decent (but inferior) ports on other consoles too

Saturn is good for faithful arcade ports

Enjoy having no games, long loading times, half the bits of the N64, and having to PAY for an additional accessory for 4-player multiplayer, sonytard.

Essentially, yeah, due to last minute changes to the Saturn's hardware design to keep it competitive with Sony, the Saturn renders 3D models really inefficiently through two processors, making most of it's 3D games look blocky and stiff in comparison to the other consoles. In terms of 2D though it's unmatched for it's time, having near arcade-perfect ports of fighters and shmups where the PSX struggled with them.

>Castlevania SOTN
>Gran turismo
>Wild arms
>Tomb raider
>Syphon filter
>Silent hill
>Resident evil
>Parasite eve
>Suikoden 2
>Ape escape
>Vib ribbon
>Legacy of kain
N64 had some cool games but the PS1 just had way more good games. Saturn was pretty cool too.

More like butchered ports.

Attached: daytona1.webm (1000x750, 2.94M)

He says when replying to fucking daytona. The initial port performed like donkey shit and the later ports were butchered.

Now remove the multiplats. This is and always has been my problem with the PSX, all of its games are either non-exclusive multiplats or better played elsewhere.

Based, redpilled, and couldn't be more true.

Snoyfags must be fucking SEETHING.

Attached: my companion of african descent.jpg (500x500, 47K)

>mug graphics
It's better than ps1 at least

>Now remove the multiplats.
Tomb Raider, Oddworld, RE1, FF7(if you want the awful MIDI soundtrack) and MGS?

No one had a N64 outside of burgerland

Many of those games were best played on the Playstation, at least within the lifespan of the gen (some got enhanced rereleases during later gens)

This was already decided, Normalfags had a contest back in 2015

Attached: 7FA34F23-8B26-4710-8688-47573C5A8774.jpg (1242x1080, 216K)

The PS1 sharing a shit ton of its library with the saturn like SOTN and tomb raider is a pretty big hit against it but most discussion about the 5th gen is just N64 vs PS1 so most PS1 games become de facto “exclusives” for people as they aren’t on the N64.

cringe, bluepilled, and couldn't be more wrong.

Nincels are fucking retarded.

Attached: 1322336120079.jpg (418x384, 69K)

Fucking based.

Daily reminder that Snoy is only for weebs and idiotic casuals. Disgusting.

Attached: master chief dab.jpg (400x453, 25K)


Have you tried playing SotN or Tomb Raider on the Saturn? Hell even Doom was a piece of shit on the Saturn.

>There are entire genres that didn't even make it over to n64

Reminded me to this at 7:14. You could replace all the times this man says "Dreamcast" for "PSX" or "Saturn" and it would work just as fine.

Intellivision, Colecovision, and Master System are worthwhile systems too.

All of them have pros and cons:

>best 3D rendering of the generation
>best exclusives
>excelent multiplayer support
>worst 2D sprite graphics of the generation
>shitty audio
>few 3rd party games
>cartridges provided no load times, but very limited storage

>ok hardware for both 3D and 2D games
>massive and diverse library
>great exclusives
>HQ music
>3D games suffered from aliasing and texture warping
>loading time

Saturn (including extended RAM)
>best 2D graphics of the generation
>good library, sharing many of the PS1 titles
>HQ music
>worst 3D in my opinion
>Sega's IP games were kind of underwhelming (except for Panzer Dragoon)
>many games had terrible loading time

Game Boy > Genesis

lmao, tendies are funny

>360 beating PS2
That is some shit taste, my god.

How the fuck did the NES beat the SNES?

>>best 2D graphics of the generation
until you need any form of transparency
or even just need to put a lot of sprites on the screen lol

>phone filename
>anything better than SNES or PS2
So not only you got told hard hereYou decided to use another argument ad populum because you cant form your own opinion

Seething, Pokemon alone had more of a impact worldwide than Sega has as a company in their entire existence

Developers fault, and doom is only like that because apparently it's ok for the ps1 version to have texture warping but not the Saturn version

>Saturncucks lost to the DS

Attached: 1557199644836.jpg (475x462, 260K)


> Bbut popularity doesn’t matter
> Also Sonyfags: Bbut we sold more which means we have the best console
Fucking cope more


Get N or get OUT

Attached: Game-Boy-FL.png (1200x1455, 1013K)

PS1 is a giant ocean of 7-8/10s
N64 is a shallow puddle of 9-10/10s
Saturn is a medium-sized lake of curry sauce

>Developers fault,
Nah, Tomb Raider sucks because the saturn just isn't any good at crunching polys and sotn sucks because of the saturn's split memory architecture


Except VDP-1 can do proper transparencies against VDP-2 layers AND the CPUs can draw directly. It's only an issue when VDP-1 objects try to be transparent against other VDP-1 objects
>lots of sprites on screen
See Dragon Force, also Saturn can do more than PS1

cute strawman, goes to show your brain hasnt developed enough to neither resort to popular opinion or use hyperbole

PSX reigned supreme and was the ultimate breeding ground for long-lasting franchises and great experiements.. N64 had some absolute gems but lost out bad. Saturn is utterly irrelevant.

> still seething this badly
Go back to R/eddit

Attached: B62612BD-435F-4CC6-9A80-76C6BBEC9D2F.jpg (938x1024, 137K)

OP why no strawpoll?

Attached: CjcQBE6_d (1).jpg (362x346, 13K)

Blast Corps
Mischief Makers
Perfect Dark
Rogue Squadron
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter

Saturn has higher theoretical poly performance than PS1

to be fair PS1 DOOM while its the same game, it managed to have its own quirks to not make it seem like another cheap port


to sum up:
PS1 is the average player choice, overall balanced library
Saturn is the choice of people with a strong preference for shmups and fighting games
N64 is the gift you give to your 4yo child or nephew / niece

Indeed, I totally forgot about transparency. I was thinking of the Marvel/Capcom crossovers that couldn't run properly on de PS1, but worked on the Saturn.

Xbox 360 outsold PS3 for its entire existence.

Then Snoy kept the PS3 on the market for a few years longer (until 2016 or something?) purely because they were OBSESSED with the Xbox's supremacy and were so butthurt that they had been beaten by it.

So some figures show PS3 as having more lifetime sales, only because Sony were so butthurt by Microsoft's supremacy and dominance that they kept their ailing shitbox on life support in order to try and beat it. Pathetic.

Software rendering is so impractical as to be basically irrelevant. Hardware accelerated transparency on the Saturn is only viable in the circumstance where it takes place between different VDP2 layers (with the whole VDP1 framebuffer being considered a single VDP2 layer). Anything else destroys the already poor VDP1 fillrate.
>also Saturn can do more than PS1
Is that why dodonpachi sucks on saturn? Just another example of the poor fillrate biting it in the ass.

Only if you go by the erroneous metrics presented on fansites like segaretro. Those figures are obtained either by misunderstanding or misrepresenting the docs.

everyone report in to vote

this but where its opposite day

Less than 300? Then why does my project 64 rom folder have well over 300 without any Japan only releases?
Also, PS1 has some of my favorite games ever (mgs, tenchu) but quality trumps quantity and the n64 had way more games make it into most people's top 50 games of all time. Yeah yeah, Nintendo bonus. Whatever schizoid.

>posting this in a thread full of snoycucks

>another phone filename
>using reddit as an insult when they are the site where they would agree with "popular = good"
Also your pic comes from a list that has Naughty Dog as the 2nd place, so according to you they are better game developers than 99% of them, also the pic says Nintendo but not which developer out of all of them

That was usually about RAM more than anything.


>N64 is the best this is an universal truth!
>ok lets make a strawpoll then
>n-no please dont, we were suddenly invaded by sonyfags

N64 really didn't have games

Attached: chart.png (683x490, 19K)

Legend of Mana
Brave Fencer Musashi
Final Fantasy Origins
Vagrant Story
Breath of Fire IV
Star Ocean
Threads of Fate
Chrono Cross
Final Fantasy Tactics
Heart of Darkness
the list can actually go on

Playstation so obviously wins. N64 and especially the Saturn didn't have a fraction of amazing games the PS1 had. N64 has some classics but only about a handful, while most of the Saturn's quality library weren't even released outside of Japan.

Attached: 1421253718995.jpg (500x310, 30K)

Exactly. I was in high school when the N64 came out and everyone viewed it as kiddyshit.

Based. Just bought a 64 on eBay plus Perfect Dark, Banjo Kazooie and Hybrid Heaven. I'm gonna get Winback too.

More soi points.

>the PSX has a larger, better, and more varied library
If you consider shit games like Tomb Raider and MGS and Gran Turismo to be "good" - but most people don't. Those games were boring shit.

You're obviously a Snoyfag in disguise. Seethe more.

Attached: link groyper.jpg (600x600, 53K)



>symphony of the night exists
I know it was a shit port, just goes to show hardware isnt everything like with the ps3

Its curious how this is a word that only exists in the mouth of 64 owners, PSP owners and the like.
I wonder what causes this!

Attached: e-fox-grapes-nw.jpg (496x640, 377K)

He's probably referring to the fighting games, which played very well.

Nintendo cultists everyone

Attached: 1487426872978.png (596x617, 431K)

>le epic "baby games" meme
PS1 has way more games but believe it or not the 64 had more mature rated games per capita (I think 10-11% of the library?).

can someone list out the "must play" games of each console????

Most of those aren't as good or influential as the best N64 games, though.

The port sucked because it was built around the Playstation's specs. It wasn't just a case of poor programming, though there were some elements about that. Characterising the Saturn as just a weaker Playstation is wrong, they're built in completely different ways.
it's pretty even. better get in here

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-20 at 3.03.44 PM.png (619x182, 17K)

>2687 games
And how many of those made it into anyone's top 50 games of all time? Pathetic. The definition of shovel ware.

>The Xbox 360 winning against the PS2
>The Gameboy winning against the genesis
>Intellovision winning against Neogeo
what fucking special eds school was this list made?

t. got rekt at goldeneye by a junior

>n-no that fully cited website doesn't count!
Magazines from back in the day said 200k textured polys per second too

Who cares as long as they are fun, which they were

N64 had like 3 rpgs and only 2 of them were ok, that kinda disqualifies that comparison. It was the better console if you like 3d platformers I suppose

>I need validation from strangers to enjoy things
zoom zoom zooooooooom!

were trying to decide which is best, don't you get it?

It's very hard to change the mind of third world people about playsation 1. The absolute birth of sony niggers and cheap games. I mean that console has some soul but it fucking sucks compared to the best games of the N64, which were the peak and shape of 5th gen.

Playstation felt like a chore from the 16-bit era with steroids, full of turn based rpg's and some limited 3d games, and the ones that pushed the hardware to extemes ook like shit.

When you play the best games from the N64 it feels like a zeitgeist of the 90's that still resonates with the current era. Ocarina, Mario 64, Majoras Mask, Perfect Dark, The New Tetris, Conker, Banjo Kazooie/Tooie, Mario Kart and Tennis, Jet Force Gemini, Goldeneye, Turok 2, Smash Bros. Goemon, Mario Party.
Those games are like a punch in the chin and a window of the future of games, concepts that set the base.

Saturn is pure weeaboo shit, it didn't push shit, full of mediocre arcade ports, lots of sega franchises were never represented, no Sonic and just shmups to please the technical gaymers and autists. It half killed sega. I hate it.

>most people don't consider Tomb Raider and Gran Turismo being good games
in what fucking reality?

I haven't played much of Winback, but I like it so far.

I also need to start up Hybrid Heaven, but I'm waiting for pic related to arrive after mass buying N64 titles

Attached: s-l640 (1).jpg (640x480, 64K)

This just makes me sad that I missed out on the Saturn.

>Legend of Mana
>Chrono Cross
>Threads of Fate
Yeah, no.


in his delusional sad little world

Check your citations retard. I've explained why they're inaccurate in the past, check the archives.

Based and N-pilled. This triggers the trannies.

wow, we're totally split guys.


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-20 at 3.07.27 PM.png (960x301, 41K)

>Sega Rally
>Die Hard
>Soviet Strike
>Panzer Dragon Zwei
>Virtua Cop
>Daytona USA
>Fighting Vipers (totally not the Netflix ripoff)
>Virtua Fighter
>Crusader: No Remorse
>Ray Man
>Puzzle Bobble 3
>Kings of Fighters 97'
>Metal Slug
>Marvel Vs Street Fighter
>Duke Nukem 3D
>Tomb Raider
>Street Fighter Alpha 3

maybe it didn't won the console wars, but in a time when aracade games were the shit, playing these games in your bedroom was literally a child's wet dream

I loved it, even if some years later my parents got me a Playstation and everything changed

Horrific taste, brother. Nobody shits on Xenogears here. and if you don't find Threads of Fate fun then I can't imagine what kind of games you do like

Attached: 1381378128440.png (331x352, 211K)

Cringe and N-pilled, I bet all trannies will agree with this though

N64 was the only one with decent 3D games sooo...

Attached: 1560783740811.jpg (500x864, 133K)

god just shut the fuck up

is that a dick

Having 100 good games and 1000 shovelware is still better than having 10 good games and 50 shovelware.
I like consoles that I can explore, that I can discover new things in them. There is no such thing in the Nintendo 64, the worst of all Nintendo home consoles. I have had more fun emulating GBC games than 64 games, because you always known what you will get, you never known where to start with the DS, the SNES or even the Game Cube, but the 64? Everyone likes the same games, its terribly boring, and it leads to hivemind and circlejerk mentality, every 6/10 game on the 64 gets treated as the next coming of christ as it was the only game a million kids had to play in that year.
Its a terrible console, and you only like it because you grew up in its bubble and don't know what a real console feels like.

I said in a later post that I think the top 10 N64 games are better than the top 10 PSX games, no need to be so hyperbolic

Those numbers stand until you can provide better numbers with a better source
>but it's a biased site!
that's why they have the N64 crushing Saturn, right?

The best is obviously the console that had the most games that were good, in that case PS1 would be first, followed by N64, cant speak of the Saturn but i bet its has some good stuff

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Remember to vote user! sony is down 1. BTFO

Here's some for the Saturn

Attached: 1559993437805.webm (2048x1102, 2.7M)

Every 64 kid is the exact same lol

Attached: gray-blobs.jpg (624x431, 31K)

This and also the metacritic top 50 games of all time has like 13 Nintendo published games, I think 7 Sony and 1 Microcuck lol.
Fuck, even that Yea Forums top 50 was mostly filled with Nintendo exclusives. Why are there like 12 dedicated retards on this board that just psychotically refuse to accept reality? And you know they're not playing their ps4s. They waste away precious hours of their lives making and collecting homoerotic whirr memes lol.


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-20 at 3.13.15 PM.png (620x174, 16K)

Xenogears is an overwritten plot dump with shitty gameplay and an awful second disc. Threads of Fate is a painfully short and shallow action RPG with poor level design and a half-baked shapeshifting system. I dunno how people still pretend those games are good.

Attached: Threads of Fate (USA)-181210-202342.png (1329x997, 721K)

Using Daytona to judge the Saturn is unfair. Not only is it a very early Saturn game but it had its development time cut significantly to meet the NA launch window.

Attached: segarally.webm (1000x753, 2.95M)

64 fags can only survive by appealing to muh brad loyality while most Saturn fags and PS1 fags are extremely critical of Sega and Sony, especially nu-"Sony".

Best game in that image my dude.

Compare to the source material.

Attached: 1555652749707.webm (1080x608, 2.7M)

Looks like shit compared to any Playstation game but god damn if it isn't better than them all.

Yeah we know you are obsessed with Sony you dont need to reminds us samefag

Threads of Fate is a below mediocre game without the Square Bonus, 2nd only to the Nintendo Bonus capable of turning 7/10 games into 97/100

Microsoft also made 360s until 2016, retard.

>Looks like shit compared to any Playstation game
Honestly a big part of it is the abysmal emulation the Saturn has. That shimmering is not present in real hardware.


Is it perhaps an artifact of being rendered at non-native resolution? Both the Playstation and Saturn have issues with imprecise vertices when you do that.

sorry faggots looks like the N64 won.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-20 at 3.18.28 PM.png (951x288, 39K)

Hardly. Running through it's piss-poor, blocky levels was a chore. There were plenty of better actions games out at the time and before it.

Attached: Threads of Fate (USA)-181211-001759.png (1329x997, 1.26M)

Do people really think the 64's 300 game library is the peak of gaming with no shovelware while anything with more games (which includes 90% of Sega, all of Nintendo, all of Microsoft, all of Sony) is just nothing but shovelware?

Attached: Kanna_measuring_1.jpg (1440x810, 119K)

If you couldn't "explore" a console as a kid with over 300 games, christ. I got my 64 in 98 and played it until the GameCube came out. I couldn't have played more than 25 games? Maybe nintenchads just didn't have to constantly search for something good to play because my time was pretty much filled up with missions plus couch multiplayer Goldeneye/Perfect Dark, then Mario Kart, Banjo Kazooie, Pokemon Stadium, F1, Star Wars Pod Racer (criminally underrated and 1 million x better than the movie), fighters destiny, Madden 99, Star Craft 64, Majoras Mask and a few others I had in my library.
I never even got to play Mario 64, OoT, Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo Tooie, Conkers Bad Fur Day, Star fox 64, Pokemon Stadium 2 etc.
The only 2 games on my little brothers ps1 that kept me going back were mgs and tenchu (I still emulate them in fact). Face it, PS1 was more miss than hit.

based sixty-four

Attached: n64 psx.jpg (467x217, 36K)

Nobody fucking cares. Get out of this thread.

Attached: n64.gif (463x346, 3.92M)

i feel sorry for drones, the SNES was so fucking good while the N64 was so fucking terrible

PS1 was the real successor of the SNES

Attached: N64-and-SNES-consoles.png (600x250, 82K)

12 people care more than you apparently kekekek

PS1>everything else
But these were quality consoles and their legacy will forever be unmatched.

Attached: IMG_1304.jpg (1024x708, 93K)

it's not even a contest really, the number of good jarpigs on the PS1 is bigger than the number of good N64 games as a whole, it was a massacre

the Saturn is also decent if you can speak japanese and like arcade games

Whatever, i own the three.

I have had plenty of Nintendo consoles, you keep thinking of me as some vile console warrior out there to harm Nintendo, but in general Nintendo is the one with the consoles I like the most, but it just so happens that the 64 felt like the pit between the SNES and the GC.
I have played hundreds of games in every console, when the 64 was out I was mostly busy playing emulated NES and SNES games, real consoles with countless games to explore. The 64 always felt incomplete, and most games, as you said, can only be liked as anything beyond okay if you play them for hundreds of hours non-stop, repeating the same levels over and over, talking with you friends over and over, until the mind washing is done and you legit think Banjo didn't move like a brick and that its potty humor was the peak of video game dialogue.
Just face it, the 64 was not as great as you remember it being, and you only like it over other consoles because you have muscle memory from those games, so anything that doesn't do exactly what those games did is bad. Just accept it was trash and pray to Iwata for having said the company with the DS.

>saturn """transparency"""
what a joke of a console

Attached: resident_svideo.webm (800x533, 2.95M)

Of the 6 friends in my high school friend group I was the only one with an N64. They'd give me shit about bit having cut scenes in my games lol.
But when I'd go to their houses they'd have a huge stack of ps1 cases but when we'd look for something to play they'd be flicking through their pile silently looking for something that wasn't shit.
But at my place it didn't matter which of my 15-20 games I picked, we always had a blast. This is why all the indie shit in the switch eshop annoys me. Nintendo used to be a lot more discerning.

n64 didn't honestly have much games but ones it did have were very good

Having a medal in the leat amount of games wasn't a viable market strategy, neither did it lead to true quality, the SNES was full of great games, but unlike the 64, it wasn't lacking in any way.
Of course at the time Nintendo tried to sell it as having the right games and all that, but even they went back on it and got as much 3rd party support as they could later. In this point of time only 64 kids defend the 64 library.

>Face it, PS1 was more miss than hit.
He wasnt the one who had to resort to fucking Madden
Also even if you couldnt explore in-depth what the system had to offer, PS1 already had more games to choose from whether they were well known like GT or obscure ones like Incredible Crisis

Has there ever been a more damaging launch game?

Attached: daytonacomparison.webm (1080x608, 2.99M)

>when the 64 was out I was mostly busy playing emulated NES and SNES games
Ah, I see the problem. You didn't play it. Also, I love your acausal assessment of how gaming works. Games are only good because we spent hundreds of hours playing them? Kids don't put up with shit they don't like. It's the other way round. As for "muscle memory", the same could be said of any console and it's fan base. "You just got brainwashed into liking it!" Lol, what is this cope?
And banjo handled perfectly thanks to the analog stick. But my 2 facilities ps1 games? Mgs and tenchu? I still love and emulate them but Christ, using a dpad to move in a 3d environment? Those controls and their cameras were fucking horrendous. Doesn't mean they weren't great games.

N64 had 2 or 3 truly great games, a dozen 7/10 games with inflated scores thanks to the Nintendo Bonus (pretty much anything developed by Rareware) and a dozen of very underrated games because they actually lacked the "published by Nintendo" Bonus, games like Goemon's Great Adventure.

>only 64 kids defend the 64 library
Considering how many of its games are known to be among the best ever made, I'd say you're seething. Hard.

Of the 6 friends in my high school friend group I was the only one with a PS1. They'd give me shit about not having three handles in my controller
But when I'd go to their houses they'd have a huge stack of cartridge cases but when we'd look for something to play they'd be flicking through their boxes silently looking for something that we hadn't already overplayed and were tired of.
But at my place I always had some cool new game to show to them every month. This is why Sony's talk about "fewer, bigger games" annoys me. Sony used to be all about variety but now they just release the same third person games over and over.

>games like Goemon's Great Adventure.
Based, people deepthroat OoT when GGA was ten times more fun and with less shitty dungeons

Most game journalists are 20 something kids who had a 64, same thing with youtubers. Its a hivemind console after all, where everyone has the same favorites, so its easy to gather crowds of 64 kids by repeating their mantras.

I put Madden in there because I was being honest about my library and what consumed my time, you putz. Should I have lied and said "oh yeah, totally bought OoT and beat it 12 times, last playthrough was in under 40 minutes egike while blindfolded"?
That just tells me you'd lie to exaggerate your gaming catalogue/experience for internet points.

>Considering how many of its games are known to be among the best ever made
4? Meanwhile PS2 has like 6 and it doesnt need to be defended like the holy grail because people acknowledged its faults yet at the same time can admit it is the best system of its era

>4 N64 games
>6 Ps1 games
Interesting. Can you link me to that list please?

Im not even the guy you replied to you goof
It's But your idea of the PS1 being more misses than hits is wrong

Compare the swimming in Spyro 2 to the one in Banjo and then tell me about the greatness of 64 movements and control.
And yes, I grew with the late NES and the SNES, the fact I have an objective view of the 5th gen shouldn't be used as a detractor.
Furthermore, if you are a kid who got a 64 from your mum, and then you are stuck all year with a few cartridges, you will play whatever you can. I saw countless kids losing hours and hours playing very barebones versions of snake and the like, why? They were bored and it was the only thing they had to play. Add a bucket of pride to that experience and you have a 64 kid, the most obnoxious and delusional fanbase of any console ever made and a blight to Nintendo ever since.

>Holy fuck dude I collected another item of arbitrary importance! This one was hidden under a rock that moves when you collect 8 other items of arbitrary importance! I'm going into fun overdrive
>Wait, this isn't fun
And like that 50% of the N64 library disintegrates. Why did people think this was clever or good game design? The most powerful hardware on the market, and THAT's what they came up with?

Attached: yooka laylee.jpg (460x215, 66K)

No retard, you're the one that said I "resorted" to Madden. My reply was for (you).

everyone who still has access to these games is who wins

I haven't played spyro so maybe the swimming is good. Huzzah? Doesn't change the fact that banjo had fine controls even if 1 3D ps1 game was, according to you, better.
As for "if your mum bought it then you just played what you had to": yeah again, this could be applied to any console ever.
You're saying nothing relevant to the specific discussion.
In my case I earned pocket money at home and had side jobs to buy games. My library was handpicked based on reading n64 magazine reviews. My buddies had a much harder time. There were so many ps1 games and more coming all the time that they often took risks that didn't pay off (shit games with little info available before purchase).

The N64 was the first console that established Nintendo's reputation for living in the past.
This game has a 98 for the Ps1 on Metacritic, and the lack of CD technology meant the N64 port was positively butchered.
Every single N64 game positively strains against a retarded and arbitrary storage limit that absolutely nobody needed to be dealing with in two-fucking-thousand

Attached: thps2.png (220x218, 96K)

>I hate video games, they're an arbitrary waste of time!
This is why movie "games" are a thing. So thought provoking. So progressive. So... soi.

You talk as if demo disks and renting didn't exist.

but muh piracy

I know they did. My friends also had stacks of ps1 magazines trying to do what I was easily able to do with a smaller, higher quality library, make informed consumer decisions. To me it looked like owning a ps1 was fucking expensive. Luckily for my younger brother I could tell him what to get and what to avoid on the ps1 based on my friends mistakes. Literally the only n64 game we rented then regretted was superman. We thought we had a right to go into that one blind.

Good video, thanks. The guy is right when he says not to overlook the n64s great collection of games. "Nintendo games" aren't something to stick your nose up at. But the fact is that some of the games on psx defined entire genres either by introducing them or perfecting them.


PS1 rpgs alone are better than N64 + Saturn


Never had a Saturn.

The Saturn was $400 and only had a couple of games even worth mentioning.
This made it the most expensive with the worst library.
The 64 was the poverty system at $200 and had a couple 10/10 games.
The Playstation was $300 and had a plethora of what I'd call 10/10 4th gen quality games.
The Playstation was objectively the better system, but their one problem is they were not really embracing 3D graphics the way Nintendo was.
Nintendo was taking risks because that is what they do.
SOTN was a better Castlevania.
MGS was a better Metal Gear.
FF7 was a better Final Fantasy.
But OoT and SM64 were drastically different from their previous incarnations as they actually had the Z-axis become a substantial part of the game.
If they were Sony titles they would have looked and played like A Link Between Worlds and New Super Mario Bros.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san - 06 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_03.48_[2019.05.22_16.27.50].j (1920x1080, 318K)

>less levels
>less characters
>music sounded like
i cant believe N64 kids dealt with this while PS1 and Dreamcastchads where enjoying the full game

oops wrong link

>The SNES defeats the Genesis automatically becuase JRPGs
>I couldn't imagine having a Ps1 over an N64, I choose quality over quantity
pick one tendies

Based retarded ape

>Console winners

>Maybe the PS was for older gamers
probably. ps1 had tons of jrpgs too, like star ocean 2, BoF III/IV, chrono cross, Xenogears, FFVII-IX, vagrant story, legend of dragoon etc so if you don't like those kinds of games it has a significantly smaller library

>gb beats genesis
>intellivision beats neo geo
>nes beats snes
>n64 beats gamecube
>n64 beats psx
>360 beats ps2
I sometimes forget what kind of dumb scum populates this board.

Attached: bulb.jpg (527x609, 38K)


N64 only has like five good games but those are some really fucking good games
Saturn had a lot of absolute bangers too but 95% of the good games were Japan onry because Bernie Stolar is a fucking retarded dipshit asshole that almost makes me respect Peter Moore by comparison
PS1 kinda wins by sheer numbers. Only one or two of its games really reach the echelons that the best N64 or Saturn games do but it has so many 7's and 8's by comparison that you're never really left wanting

unless all you play is Mario and Zelda then Sony by far always the best not because of the games they make but because they always have the absolute strongest 3rd party support.

Attached: 454555.jpg (600x450, 29K)

With friends over
N64 > PSX > Saturn
PSX > N64 = Saturn

Half those games were basically generic shovelware with the Mario license slapped on it and the veneer of legitimacy that provided.

Actual good N64 games:
>Perfect Dark
>Mario 64
>Rogue Squadron
>Episode 1 Racer
>Shadows of the Empire
>Doom 64

>Maybe the PS was for older gamers.
Pretty much this. The PSX was middle and early high school for me and I played the fuck out of it, way more than my N64. Looking back on it it's probably most notable for having dozens of good JRPGs, back in an era when JRPGs were actually doing new and interesting things on a regular basis. FF7, FF9, the best versions of FF5 and 6, FFT, Wild Arms, Xenogears, various Shin Megami Tensei games including the first Personas, and tons more that I'm not remembering right now. Plenty of other genres had real classics too, various Ace Combats, MGS, Syphone Filter, Twisted Metal, Crash, Spyro, Tony Hawk, Driver, and the list just goes on and on. It also introduced the dual analog stick control scheme that's still the standard today.

Attached: play vs nit vs sat.webm (800x320, 233K)

> Waaah everyone who doesn't like Sony is the same person
Stay obsessed, Yea Forums is literally a Nintendo & PC Master Race board, we have always hated Sony

>Yea Forums is
Yea Forums is Yea Forums with videogames and less porn, or at least it was, now its /pol/ and twitter with less videogames

How come the Saturn looks the best? Are they sprites or something?

Yea Forums is actually capable of discussing games without being attacked by contrarians, console war fags, Trannies, /polfags/ and hipsters. People openly admit to liking shit like TLOU & Horizon Zero Dawn on Yea Forums

Speak for yourself. Current Sony sucks but so do all of the other console manufacturers, Nintendo included, and nothing Nintendo has ever done will come close to what Sony was during the PSX and PS2 eras.

depends on what you wanna play. i prefer the saturn because of the sega exclusives and shmups, but all of them had great exclusives in different genres.

Attached: 1551219005093.jpg (3264x2448, 707K)

Literally a list of the most overrated games of all time.
Wrong. PS1 has the best rated library of 5th gen consoles on metacritic, by both critic and user scores.

This. Nintendo died with SNES.

>PS1 was the real successor of the SNES
based and redpilled

swap the ps3 with wii and this list is 1000% accurate

>If you consider shit games like Tomb Raider and MGS and Gran Turismo to be "good" - but most people don't.

Attached: Denis.gif (250x233, 1.5M)

>but their one problem is they were not really embracing 3D graphics the way Nintendo was.
I take it you didn't own a ps1 and only emulated some popular ps1 games, I guess mostly jrpgs. I had well over hundred ps1 games and virtually all of them were 3D. Strategy games, fighting games, sports games, shooters, action-adventure games, platformers, puzzle games, point and click adventure games, jrpgs, crpgs, hack and slash, you name it. PS1 didn't just embrace 3d, they went above and beyond.

N64 > Saturn > PS1 (Only good for Metal Gear and FF)

Attached: 1560901951769.gif (448x230, 1.92M)

N64 has aged the best by far. While games like Mario 64 or Starfox 64 may not be be cutting edge, they're still pleasant to look at or at least inoffensive. PS1 3D games on the other hand generally aged like milk. Trying to play them today will give you a headache.

Megaman Legends and the spin-off

What did Wii win besides console sales? At least with other consoles you've got a clear winner in both game library and console sales, but Wii was completely forgettable in terms of games. PS3 and XBOX360 had a far superior library.

>the console with 3D games averaging 20fps and devoid of 2D games aged the best

I expect the "Ps1 retro" aesthetic will take off soon.
This sounds biased but it is unironically a cool look.
Shimmering walls and all.

5th gen 3d games all look like shit, no matter the console. Platformers aged more gracefully due to their art style but they still look like trash. It was the ugliest gen by far.

Replace with the Switch, retard.

In your dreams

Isn't the switch Nintendo's 9th gen console?

>Tfw no good game that uses the 5th generation of consoles aesthetic

I was going to make my own thread but seeing this is up I'll just post here. I only actually had an n64 as a kid and am only now getting into playing older stuff. What games are "must-plays" here? I really enjoy strategy type stuff.

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Hat in Time

SotN Saturn couldn't render at the same resolution as the PS1 version for starters, so the whole game was awkwardly upscaled to compensate. There's also the general lack of utilizing the VDP layers for the port which impacted performance. Its a bad port like you said, but its really not the Saturn's fault in this case. Same thing with Saturn DOOM and Carmack straight-up telling the devs not to use the engine they built for the Saturn and instead making a more straight-forward port that ran like shit.

They literally are. Saturn's 3D is composed entirely out of distorted sprites. It's fucking stupid, impractical, and brilliant all at the same time.

Unless you have already play Starcraft 64, FFT and Tactics Ogre are right up your alley

I still need to get around to playing this game.

PS1 > N64 > saturn
N64 > PS1 > Saturn
Nothing beats N64 multiplayer on this gen.
And fuck zoomer revisionism

Attached: gyL9iRi.jpg (1524x836, 217K)

Please, their were plenty of games that aged fine from them because they understood the techs limits. F-Zero X may be a bunch of simple triangles but they built the art style around it so it still works. Tomb Raider or MGS on the other hand tried to push the envelope and today are borderline unplayable.

Attached: quads.png (878x667, 259K)


t. retard that played it on ROMS and not the actual console

Sony desperately tried to make Toshinden a mainline franchise lol.

The fifth gen was a mistake.

Attached: tomb3.webm (584x476, 2.94M)

You’re either a fucking zoomer or a /vr/gin that played SATURN EMULATORS, not consoles, so fuck off with your revisionism

I have two saturns a foot away from me

Saturn: 9 Million worldwide
N64: 32 Million worldwide
Stay mad, segautist

Ocarina of Time is the most boring game I've ever played

It beat the N64 in its home country. That's embarassing.

Now post the PS1 version.

Nobody is arguing against N64 for multiplayer, but hands down PS1 was the best console for single-player which was more the focus that gen.

The PS1 captured the creative spirit of the 90s, pop a disc in and be transported 1998.

Ps1 could play my Nine Inch Nails CDs, it was pretty based