How can the switch even compete??
How can the switch even compete??
by having games
>having games
>Switch having games
Looks fine to me
Vita was too good for its fate. Sony shouldn't have abandoned it.
>sony fags so mad they actually buy a switch to compare it to their little weeb machine
they shouldn't have used memory sticks
>he actually believes this
you would have to be retarded to think the switch doesn't have games
This is actually just a contrast comparison. The Switch's IPS panels can produce good contrast as far as LCDs go, but the Vita's OLED can do much better, resulting in much clearer distinction between white text on dark backgrounds.
If you were comparing color accuracy (specifically over time) or brightness, the IPS would likely come in the lead.
but i don't like them so they don't count
no Nintendo sucks and Sony always wins baby!
>by having games
Vita is OLED.
By having multiplayer on a single console.
oh, sure, it HAS games
too bad about 90% of them are either ports or indies (with most of these indies also being on other platforms)
wrong, it was plasma
Nope, it's OLED.
that's true for any console though
pick one
pretty sure it's a projection screen.
LMAO /g/ here you don't know what you're talking about
It should be noted that only the 1000 model opted for OLED, while the 2000 model would be a better comparison to the Switch.
Sony almost had a good idea running, it was so close but so far.
I fucking hate lcd so much. the only reason it was adopted is because its shit easy to mass produce in china. we'd have so much better looking shit if crt tech was developed further instead.
i sure do wonder why the switch was dubbed a port machine and not other consoles in that case
>/g/ here
People who write like this are always massive faggots. We can also browse /g/. You're not special. kys
The switch screen is brighter, you can see from the font. Try taking a picture with the lights on, dummy.
probably because of fanboy retards like yourself
>the only reason it was adopted is because its shit easy to mass produce in china
Don't be such a stupid nigger, it was adopted because it's not retardedly heavy and space consuming.
2012 mobile OLEDs were pretty bad anyway.
Had it been 2015 it would've been a much better screen.
/lgbt/ here. I actually am that special.
Which is why Cheaptendo should've opted for one for fucks sake. OLED technology is amazing now.
Nah costs too much, pentile is shit and will get burn in.
>why is the switch called a port machine
>b-because you're retarded!!!!
and then you call me a fanboy
i own both a switch and a ps4 and i let them sit and collect dust because they're both shit
yeah, i really need a cutting edge screen to see my bing bing wahoo games on the train.
Osvita stipped doing oled ages ago. This is simply a matter of op focusing contrast on vita instead of switch making it look washed out
>Also, Yea Forums is filled with too many posts about these Switch games. Make a Nintendo containment board already!
>Yea Forums is filled with too many posts about these Switch games
Which are ports
>that red 1000 model
Jelly as fuck, I have the blue and it’s nice as fuck
How about the fact the switch is still getting support?
Pic related
What game OP?
Better image
>ports and multiplats
Thanks for proving him right
Switch is pretty much the Nintendo's Vita, but with better marketing and worse ergonomics
>bad PS4 / XONE ports
>lots of indies
>enhanced rehashes from old systems (mostly the Wii U)
>weebshit tendies used to consider trash when they were Vita exclusives. you know, Idea Factory and D3 stuff like Omega Labyrinth and Gun Gun Pixies
>bad PS3 / PS4 ports
>lots of indies
>enhanced rehashes from old systems
CRT development had no future. Being locked to analog input meant that resolution scaling was poor, and the sheer size and power usage made them very limited in usage.
OLED is less bright, and power savings are not very significant within general usage. It might be smarter to play the waiting game for mLED, and potentially resolve those issues along with subpixel decay.
That's the OLED model, which was the point of the (reddit) comparison
never said that
and you can say a thousand words about absolutely nothing
sure, i'm not saying it won't have any games, but for now most of these aren't out yet
still kind of funny how about 15 of these are ports / multiplats
>Luigi's Manson
>Link's awakening
>Fire Emblem
>No more heroes 3
>Astral Chain
Yea, good luck with that
Why is the vita so sexy. God I wish I could get one that is immaculate.
Hey! Don't talk shit about the Vita!
Plus are you forgetting that Vitafags hate Sony too for how badly they handled it in the west?
>No more heroes 3
Didnt you learn your lesson with Travis Strikes Again?
Does it have (decent) joycon controls?
Since NoA were too much fucking jews to bring over the drums for some god damn reason
That game was a cash grab to fund nmh3, snd I'm pretty sure Nintendo is publishing this one.
The more you say this the quicker it gets ported after you're done beta testing it
>Didnt you learn your lesson with Travis Strikes Again?
What’s there to learn from a fun game?
*Also on WiiU and PC
*Also lower than GTA4
The controls are just like what you'd expect with controllers.
>nothing but ports, multiplats, remasters of old ass games that nobody gives a shit about in 2019
holy fuck, I had no idea things were this bad
the shitch really was doa
Ok user. But get ready to get BTFO. ;3
What's the best version of the Vita to own?
No motion controls of any sort?
These games are only worth it if you have the drums imo, but joycons had potential what with motion control and hd rumble. DK jungle beat worked well enough on wii, for example.
NMH 3 is timed exclusive!
>The game will be a Switch exclusive, though I'm told candidly that this is for the time being.
>peripheral controller that is useless for everything but one niche game that was barely shipped to any stores, meaning retailers would not likely buy any copies to sell meaning they'd sit in a warehouse somewhere unpurchased
>for some god damn reason
It does but I never tried it.
>Sony @ E3: we literally have NO GAMES so we will not be attending E3 this year
>Nintendo: saves E3 multiple times
What, and have a switch that weighs 20 pounds and has a 15 minute battery life?
CRT display quality only bests LCD in contrast, and completely loses to OLED and mLED. It also would be very hard impossible to integrate the displayport standard into analog, so external mobile displays, daisychaining, actively powered adapters, and variable refresh would probably never exist.
Salt on the wound wouldn't matter if your arm wasn't cut off; the Vita was a fundamental failure before corporate could screw anything up
>TSA published by Grasshoper and not Nintendo
>game gets ported
>NMH3 is published by Marvelous and not Nintendo
>revealing some DLC for smash and a trailer reusing BoTW assets is "saving" E3
nincels are absolutely delusional
Ah, alright. Cheers anyway user.
death mark
What the fuck, why is switch nothing but timed exclusives?
Only game even remotely worth playing on Vita is Persona 4 Golden
tendies btfo
>deleted out of embarrassment
What was it?
>NMH3 will get ported like TSA did
>lol no it wont ;)
>other user posts an article about Suda himself saying that Switch exclusivity its for the time being
I just tried it and it's kinda hit and miss. It's hard to get a kat.
Right now the switch doesn't have much that is exclusive to it
there's xenoblade, odyssey and smash i guess
Future's very different though, games like no more heroes 3, smt5, rf5, new fire emblem, animal crossing, metroid prime and bayonetta 3 and maybe astral chain are games that I can't skip, so I bought a (hackable) Switch this week.
Couldn't care less about mario maker, pokemon or luigi's mansion, but I guess I'll give Hollow Knight a try, should be comfy in bed
If you think about it, Daemon X Machina is probably going to be ported some time down the line because it has a deal similar to Nioh
>published by the developers only in Japan, everywhere else on the world by a big company
>KT ports the game themselves to PC some time later for the rest of the world
Um, sweetie...
never understood why switch owners feel the need to put in shitty indie games like "my friend pedro" as serious titles in a list of upcoming games, or even multiplats that already exist elsewhere (like last remnant or wolfenstein)
some of these games that are already out are horrible and it wouldn't strenghten their argument that the switch has games, it'd just make it weaker if you honestly are excited for trash like re6 which came out years ago
now, I own a Switch too (just bought it) but I did it mostly for the upcoming games that i'm going to pirate
The track list on the switch one was really disappointing.
The joycon motion control is spotty as hell.
Very unreliable.
hey i wouldn't mind if it wasn't honestly
i'd love to get the first two games on PC, now with that switch game out it's somewhat likely, but who knows
I think it's likelier that NMH1-2 would come to Switch only since it can do the wagglan shit which the entire game is built on
At least it had fuckloads of DLC as usual
I'm gay btw if that matters
I don't get the defensiveness around exclusivity. It's generally inconsequential if games aren't exclusive, since games on the Switch have the selling point of being on more versatile hardware.
That's what they did at E3 have games can't say the same for others though.
I'm just tired of almost everything the switch gets being shit I've already played.
i would've probably pirated some switch games as well just to not let it collect so much dust, the problem is that the left joycon keeps having issues with the joystick and the switch won't detect it when i pull it down
it already happened twice and the 2nd time i tried taking of the little cap on the stick, blowing some air and putting it back on, but now it just won't fit properly and there's bumps all over the stick, so i just don't touch it anymore
also i might as well do something with it since i actually paid for sxos
microsoft had more games though
user, think about a second before posting
Plasma displays need a stupid high power output to be able to just power the display, its why Plasma TVs are so warm to touch, why the fuck ANY ONE would put a plasma display on a fucking portable device when LCD and OLED are much MUCH more power efficient?
Yeah but people talk about botw as if it wasn't reworked with the switch primarily in mind
Ideally we would get more new games, but I guess that takes a while.
I think your autism is causing you to miss out on the joke
I was going to get sxos but emunand just released for Atmosphere and my console's not here yet anyway, so I guess I got lucky and saved some money.
I've heard about the joy con drift issue, apparently it's not present in (newer) revisions, especially the splatoon 2 and pikachu(?) yellow ones, not sure if that's true though. Seems to be a big complaint among Switch owners.
dat red
The problem with exclusivity is that it serves little purpose outside of first-party development. In the past exclusivity was more an issue of programming within the limitations of a chosen console whereas hardware is more streamlined nowadays and it is generally easier to provide a product to multiple platforms with fewer programmer resources.
i suppose it's a good thing i'm mainly on pc anyway, i only really bought a switch for mario and botw and i've been regretting it ever since
These are objectively the BEST Joy Cons out there that you can get, at least in terms of color.
I don't understand why anyone sane would choose red/blue or something else over these. These are so perfect.
I guess I could see why the vita would want exclusives, considering its failure was because there was never enough collective interest to move units
But the switch has never had that issue, so I think we should care more about usability than which games other consoles aren't allowed to have
Shit user, why are you regretting it? I guess the games out right now aren't that great but the upcoming ones are so damn promising and bound to be good.
I personally also am mostly on PC with a really strong PC build too, but I also really enjoy my 3DS for certain games. When SMTV was announced for the Switch (back then at its reveal event) I knew I was going to get one.
I hope I don't regret it like you do, but I know that right now there is really only XC2 that I want to play and nothing else, except for maybe Odyssey.
4d bait
Death Mark was so weird. How was I supposed to know to use the broken crowbar on the plant to get a root to kill the fat ghost?
>ignoring all the games revealed for this year and 2020
How hard is the switch to hack and get every game on it? Also someone flip a coin should I get a PS4 or switch?
Are we posting our portables?
by not being dead
>mario series
>astral chain
>bayonetta 2
>donkey kong
>"timed exclusives"
>All nongames revealed are nongames
Yes, and? What about absolutely everything else?
Easy yet only possible with the right model
>weebshit tendies used to consider good when SNOY had them as Vita exclusives
Backpedaling so much.
Like every console?
Like FFVII censored and Medievil?
>old ass games that nobody gives a shit about in 2019
Like Secret of Mana everybody expected to be localized like 20 years ago? Cry harder, and cope about the rest of the game you ignore for being SEETHING.
switch mini when?
>The track list on the switch one was really disappointing.
Nah, it's amazing.
What's the right model? I work at gamestop I'll just put the right model off to the side and buy it next paycheck.
>switch owners feel the need to put
That list wasn't made by fans.
Can you imagine how maximum comfy would a switch mini just a bit bigger than the vita be?
>no more joycon fuckery
>actual battery life
>true handheld
>an actual fucking D-pad
>ignoring the rest
Not 97.
>and PC
Not on PC
>b-b-b-ut emulation
So, every PS4 and XBOX game.
It would be fantastic for like a $250 price point. Unless the Switch+ is significantly more powerful and still usable outside the dock for like $350 or less, I'd definitely get a SwitchMini on launch.
>What, and have a switch that weighs 20 pounds
Wow, what a pussy.
>and has a 15 minute battery life?
2 hours at full bright and internet use.
All vitas and firmware versions are hackable now right? Been thinking of getting one for ps1 classics and emulators but I don't which one is the best version, care to help me out vitabros?
question is whether the joycons would be permanently attached to it or not
doing that might alienate mini owners from certain wagglan focused games
>a 2011 portable console looks much better than a 2018 console, but it's ok for the 2018 console to look like shit because Nintendo does it
i'm just not really excited for any upcoming games i guess
i was really hyped for mario maker 2 up until they revealed you have to pay for the online bullshit to play fucking user levels
luigi's mansion 3 could be interesting, but i tried the first one last year and didn't really like it
not interested in pokemon, shitty graphics or not
animal crossing could be nice if the online was free, would feel kind of empty otherwise i think
the rest is either indies i can play somewhere else, ports and games that belong to franchises i'm not familiar with
odyssey was neat, but botw was a big disappointment
and on top of that i'm experiencing these joycon issues and can't even use it anymore because the cap won't fit
so i'd say i have my fair share of reasons to feel regret
>ignoring the GTA4 part
they could make mini joycons
FFVII censored? I'm playing it right now and Tifa still calls Barrett a retard.
can you trust dumbasses to not buy mini joycons for their regular switch? i guess it would make some sense though
Animal crossing won't feel empty without the online, online is a meme. All you can do is run around the town of other players in online, it's like some guest mode.
Main game is singleplayer and the villagers make it feel lively.
You seem to have somewhat the same taste as I do where both of us didn't like BotW. I played that through CEMU with all these graphics mods, linkle mod (after some time) and a stable 60fps at 4k, but I can't help but feel bored from it.
You should really try Rune Factory 4 Special when it comes out, maybe you'll like it. Definitely one of the best 3DS games.