Where were you when epic games saved pc gaming?

where were you when epic games saved pc gaming?

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Right here, supporting them against valve drones narrative.

Valve drones are subhuman neets, Tim is literally saving pc gaming with pumping money and forcing publisher to publish their unreal engine games for pcq

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>people actually paid for a post by "notte_m_portent" that boiled down to "epic games uses a windows .dll that controls the registry to add game paths to the registry, spyware?"
>there are people here that will actually link to that reddit post

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Nobody actually supports Epic or likes the storefront or launcher. It's literally just mentally ill anti-Valve lunatics that want to see Valve and Steam die. They'll support anyone who challenges Valve, even if it's a terrible product.

>anybody that doesnt suck corporate cock like i do is mentally ill

Epic bros are here to defend pc gaming from greedy fat fuck gaben. As long as he takes 30% we will not back down.


the launcher was literally stealing your steam configuration files so that Epic could see what games you own, what you were playing, etc.

Tell me your favorite aspects of the Epic Games launcher, as a platform.

Tell me your favorite things about the Epic Games store and what advantages you benefit from as a consumer over Steam.

You mean reading the plain text files? So what?

I can buy games,the best feature of a store :)

yes, it was taking those files, without your permission, and phoning them home to the server to construct a database on you. It is literally the definition of spyware

It's not bloated with unnecessary shitt. Besides, it's not about features which no one use. It's about the fact that steam is forcing 30% upon devs with their market power. They do not deserve such a cut, as simple as that.

>They don't deserve

How can you be rich and that fucking fat, that's a true mystery

>the launcher was literally stealing your steam configuration files so that Epic could see what games you own, what you were playing, etc.
When you manually select "Add my Steam friends" in the EGS, it uses a completely unprotected text file in your Steam install in that process. That file is literally a list of the Steam ID's of your friends and their Steam Profile Names and thats about it.
If this was important information, why didnt Valve adequately encrypt it?
Cheaper games? I can also buy a Ubisoft game on a discount from Epic and have the game transferred to my Uplay account and not have to deal with having two launchers open for one game unlike players of Rainbow Six Siege have to deal with because they brought the game on Steam.
Before you start your autistic rant about the features its missing, not only does that shit not matter to me because half the shit you're going to list has nothing to do with playing Video Games, but im also not claiming that EGS is better.
Difference between me and you is that im not mentally challenged enough to pledge allegiance to a fucking corporation, ill use whatever i want. I have issues with Steam, but i still use it and ive been using it for longer than you've been fucking alive but im not fucking stupid enough to fall for shitposts and parrot them as facts for why a launcher is "shady".
>it was taking those files, without your permission
You had to give EGS permission to do it, and again, if this was crucial information the blame is on Valve not not encrypting it as they do with the rest of your data.
>phoning them home to the server to construct a database on you
Got any proof they sent that data anywhere without your permission? Should be easy to show that with Wireshark and Process Manager.

>Cheaper games?
They aren't, though.

I brought Wildlands for $10, cheaper than its ever been on Steam.

>buying wildlands

10 minutes and thats the best you could come up with.

I miss gabenposting


infinitely better than any epic posting

keep sucking that corporate cock, shill nigger

>if you arent x you must be y
cry more stinky chinky

>if you arent x you must be y
cry more stinky chinky

It's pretty impressive how Epic managed to secure all these exclusivity deals, yet not a single game I actually want.

epic exclusives sell like garbage anyways
they take exclusive deals because they know their game is shit so there is no reason buying them anyways

>epic exclusives sell like garbage anyways
Thats been proven false twice though.

whatever helps you sleep at night

*dodges talking about epic sales*

>epic exclusives sell like garbage anyways
Steamcucks are still repeating this?

Whats there to talk about? Metro and Satisfactory sold well even before the sale?

Don't trust anyone peddling the "no shopping cart" meme. The reason they don't have one is symbolism. A shopping cart is something you throw things into, devaluing them individually. The lack of a shopping cart makes every purchase significant and meaningful.


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Even after its explained to me I still don't get his retarded Linux/Canada analogy.
By that logic why use Epic games just because you don't like the way Steam operates?

i think hes talking about when some of the people behind one of the epic games exclusives dodged a bunch of questions about how the sales on epic went compared to what they expected

I shed a tear
Truly beautiful

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Context, they even deliberately remove half of his tweet to make him look like a retard.

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>By that logic why use Epic games just because you don't like the way Steam operates?
Because you cant change what % Valve gives developers thats always up to them, you can however change your own Windows install/setup to cut out the bullshit you dont want or add shit that you do.

it still says the same thing but with more words

>By that logic why use Epic games just because you don't like the way Steam operates?
That's an excellent contrapoint. But I guess that fighting for an operative system it's more important for him than a store.

No you can't if they erect a paywall like he implies
Unless you use the argument to complain and demand against it
Which users could also do for Steam like they did with paid mods.

Thank you based Tim for saving the gaming industry.

Remind me again: What REAL reasons do we have to dislike Epic Games other than the "Fortnite is for Zoomers" meme?

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>erect a paywall
What is a crack
>Which users could also do for Steam like they did with paid mods.
Why didnt Valve take back Early Access, despite the backlash?
Why didnt Valve take back their review bomb filtering, despite the backlash?
Paid Skins in CSGO? Paid Sprays in CSGO?
Valve doesnt have to listen to shit.

You say that as if it was untrue.

Nice meme

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Post more

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I have zero trust or inclination to support any company that not only threw a hissyfit once to leave for consoles, but now actively seems ashamed of every previous project they have ever done and despite touting their very own marketplace, sell NONE of them and actively kill otherwise well-received games.

Imagine hating a platform just because people complain your chink funded platform

I assume you were not around in 2008? PC gaming was a disaster back then, every sign in heaven show that consoles are going to kill it. I can hardly blame them myself for that decision. times changes

I wouldn't have thrown a tirade though, just buckle up and weather the storm, good or bad.

Cliff Bleszinski throw a tantrum, it wasn't offical epic statment. In fact from what i remember they didn't abandon pc gaming entirely, their focus was simply on consoles.

>I have zero trust or inclination to support any company that not only threw a hissyfit once to leave for consoles
Do you honestly think the company threw a hissy fit? Id like to see any proof of that happening that isnt the retarded ramblings of Cliffy B.


Yup, and most of them are also consolecucks, go figure

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